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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
43 tt I tItl
Vol. XC VII -No. 48 Cop'
No etup
ol at Purdue;
yright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 10, 1986
Ten Pages
m criticizes
big, 31-
Special to the Daily
wake of Purdue coach Leon
Burtnett's resignation last Thurs-
day, Michigan's 31-7 victory over
the Boilermakers Saturday was anti-
The win, coach Bo Schem-
bechler's 165th, tied him with
Fielding "Hurry Up" Yost for most
career victories at Michigan, but as
usual Schembechler downplayed his
"I'VE been around a long time
and that's all (the record) means,"
'Schembechier said after the
Wolverines (6-0 in the Big Ten, 9-0
overall) dominated the Boiler-
makers. "Since the turn of the
century, there's been only six
coaches (actually nine) at Michigan
and that's got to speak well for the
school more than my breaking the
While Schembechler blushed the
Boilermakers (1-5, 2-7) managed
only 184 yards in total offense, and
most of that came on a 17-play, 94-
yard touchdown drive late in the
second half against Michigan's
second-team defense. The 61,323
fans at Ross-Ade Stadium saw the
Boilermakers offense for only 24
minutes. Purdue was forced to punt
six times while converting just five
of 12 third down opportunities.
The first-string Wolverines
simply outmatched Purdue in all
phases. "Michigan's offense is
explosive and they always play
great defense," said Burtnett.
See MODEST, Page 10
Sihultz may resign
over Iran blunder'
gressional leaders accused the
Reagan administration yesterday of
keeping them in the dark about
reported White House deals to send
arms to Iran, and some suggested
its power to conduct such
Ayatollah Khomeini says his
death would not end Iran's: rev-
olution. See In Brief, Page 2
operations should be curbed.
The criticism came amid
speculation that Secretary of State
George Shultz, who also apparently
knew little about the contacts that
reportedly produced arms deliveries
in return for hostage releases, could
resign over the matter.
Shultz called an unusual meeting
of State Department experts
yesterday at his suburban
Washington home, but officials
said the session on Syrian-
sponsored terrorism was unrelated
to questions about Iran.
A New York Times report
quoting Shultz aides raising the
possibility of a Shultz resignation
"is pure speculation, as the story
itself says," spokeswoman Sondra
McCarty said. "I am not going to
have further comment."
(R-Ind.), chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, said
he had spoken to Shultz on
Saturday. "In my judgment, he will
not resign," Lugar told interviews
on ABC's "This Week with David
News reports last week said
former National Security Advisor
Robert McFarlane traveled to
Tehran earlier this year and arranged
to ship arms to Iran in exchange for
the release of U.S. hostage
kidnapped in Beirut.
An embargo on arms shipments
to Iran, which is at war with Iraq,
has been in effect since 1979. The
official U.S. position on the war is
If the press reports are true, said
Senate Democratic Leader Robert
Byrd, the arms trade was "a major
blunder" that guarantees hostage-
taking will continue and could tip
the balance of power in the Middle
See SCHULTZ, Page 5
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Michigan quarterback Jim Harbaugh scrambles away from Purdue's Bill Gildea in the first quarter of Satur-
day's game. Harbaugh passed Steve Smith in the 31-7 win to become the Wolverines' all-time completions
leader with 332.
1 1-
Havig it their wax
Fast food workers are in demand
Gone are the days when
replacing fast food workers was as
easy as flipping a hamburger. Since
Michigan's recession eased, fast
food restaurants have resorted to
printing job applications on tray
liners and offering higher salaries to
attract new employees.
According to Dorothy Bleich,
assistant manager of the Michigan
Pmployment Security Com-
mission's (MESC) Job Service in
Traverse City, Mich., restaurants
all over the state are having a hard
time recruiting employees because
they offer low pay and few benefits.
Michigan's improving economy
makes it easier for people to find
jobs above the minimum wage, she
In a radio ad last spring, McDonald's encouraged
housewives and senior citizens to apply. "We hired
one senior citizen and he was great,' said Rosie
Fellhauer, owner of the McDonald's on Maynard
The Michigan Union Grill in the
basement of the Union is no
exception. Two months ago, the
MUG was forced to pay Kelly
Services $6.50 an hour per
employee while it continued to pay
its student employees $3.35 an
hour, said Nick Sheath, general
manager of the MUG.
IN RESPONSE to the dearth
of student applications, the MUG
raised its starting wage from $3.35
to $4.00 an hour, arnd the number
of student applications increased. In
addi * in to their pay, students who
work at the MUG receive a 10
percent discount- at Barnes and
Noble bookstore, a 50 percent
discount on their food, and free
passes to the U-Club.
See HIGH, Page 5
Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO
Israeli author speaks
Renowned Israeli author Amos Oz speaks to a crowd of
several hundred at Rackham Auditorium last night.
See story, Page 3.
Arabs, Jews
create Middle
East dialogue
While diplomats search desperately for peace in the
Middle East, a Palestinian and a Jew are traveling
across the country promoting dialogue between Arabs
and Jews living in the United States.
Walid Mula, a Palestinian living in Israel, and
Ronny Brawer, a member of the Progressive Zionist
Caucus (PZC), will visit about 70 universities and 25
cities during their two-year national speaking tour,
which began in September.
At the University, Jews and Arabs have already
formed an informal discussion group, which met over
the weekend. It offers Jews and Arabs a chance to get to
know each other as people - not as members of an
ethnic group.
Mula and Brawer, who spoke at the Law School last
week, urged Jews and Arabs interested in the Middle
East conflict to take part in the workshop, which was
directed by Len Suransky, a former University faculty
member, and Mula.
WORKSHOP participants discussed Jewish and
Arab culture, group stereotypes, and how their identity
as a Jew or Arab affects their lives.
Miriam Roth, a PZC member, has been
participating in an Arab-Israeli dialogue group since
November. She said the new dialogue group is being
established because so many people seemed interested
in joining it.
The groups begin with introduction exercises in
which people are placed in smaller groups so they can
get to know each other. "The small groups allow
people to get to know each other as individuals instead
of knowing each other as an Arab or a Jew," Roth said.
The dialogue group's main purpose is to emphasize
the importance of personal relationships between Jews
and Arabs, Roth said. Political issues are discussed,
but only after the participants have gained a better
understanding of each other, she added.
See STUDENTS, Page 5
CULT GROUPS: Opinion criticizes the looney
Moonies. See Page 4.
Center trains women to teach self-defense
The sexual assault center is training
female students to lead self-defense
workshops for other women to provide
them with physical and psychological
skills for defense against sexual assault.
"We are not training black belts in
karate. We want to give women a sense
of their own power," said Julie Steiner,
head of the Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center.
The trainers will complete their
training after Thanksgiving and begin
offering one and one-half hour self-defense
workshops to women next semester.
THE workshops are not designed to
teach self-defense in every situation
because that would take years of training.
Instead, the emphasis is on developing
confrontation skills, assertiveness, self-
confidence, and the ability to deal with
date rape situations, Steiner said.
The workshop focuses on four topics:
prevention,, such as locking doors and
checking the back seat of the car for an
attacker; avoidance, such as staying away
from situations or people which
intuitively seem dangerous; assertiveness;
and physical techniques.
Self-defense is believed to be an
effective rape deterrent. According to a
study called "Prevention of Rape," 85
percent of the women who yelled and
physically resisted an assailant escaped
unharmed. The study appears in Stanley
Brodsky's book Sexual Assault.
CONVENTIONAL self-defense
classes often focus only on fighting back
physically, but in date rape situations
assertiveness and avoidance can prevent
the need for physical defense, said
workshop trainer Pam Shore, a black belt
in karate.
Steiner said self-defense classes are
generally taught by men, but it is more
helpful if the class is led by a woman.
"Confrontation and assertiveness are
difficult for women because of their
socialization," she said, but these skills
are easier to learn by modeling after other
women. Men are already socialized to be
aggressive, she added.
Jessica Dickstein, a facilitator for
workshops on date rape, said it is easier
to relate to a woman teaching self-
defense. It is important for women to
become empowered by other women and
not to need a man to protect them from
sexual assauls, she said.
See WOMEN, Page 5
Voting incentive
the councilman said, citing a 59 percent voter
turnout in California Tuesday and only 37 percent
nationwide. Alatorre asked the council to have the
city sponsor state and federal legislation for a voter
holiday. But his colleagures balked at the idea,
referring it instead to the council's Charter and
Elections Committee, which Alatorre heads. Caren
A Los Angeles city councilman's "bold and
innovative" proposal to get voters to the polls is
didn't finish that book and they wouldn't give me
my diploma. That was the driest junk I ever saw,"
she said. "I think I've read every one of
Shakespeare's, though." Bolling, 85, who lives in
Tulsa, Okla., attended Centennial from 1917 to
1920 and had racked up more than enough credits to
graduate when she left to marry an Oklahoma oil