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November 05, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-11-05

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom

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RVol. XCVII - No. 45

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 5, 1986

Eight Pages







Blanchard wins landslide victory

says loss
is still a
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Only one
hour after polls closed,
Republican challenger William
Lucas conceded the
Governor' s race to
Democratic incumbent James
Blanchard. The concession
came after exit polls indicated
Blanchard beat Lucas, 70
percent to 30 percent.
Blanchard made his
acceptance speech to a crowd
of supporters at Detroit's
Westin Hotel with the
Michigan State University
fight song playing in the
"We've received a strong vote of
confidence to lead the state on into
the 1990s," he said, with his son
and wife Paula at his side.
"It is also a vote of challenge. .
See LUCAS, Page 2

may have
slight edge
With 17 percent of the precincts in the Second
Congressional district reporting, incumbent
Republican Carl Pursell was leading Democratic
challenger Dean Baker.
At 12:40 a.m., Pursell led 9,304 votes to
7,296, or 56 percent to 44 percent. In Washtenaw
County, Baker led 18,369 to 15,409.
University graduate student Baker was leading in the city
of Ann Arbor, with 60 percent of the vote at press time.
Sources at the Baker campaign headquarters said the
challenger was losing in the rural areas of the district,
typically a stronghold for Pursell, but that turnout in those
areas was low.
Baker said his campaign was important, even if he
doesn't win. "It was important to raise a lot of issues," he
He said even if he loses, the campaign educated and made
people aware of the issues.
"You don't need a powerful media campaign and you
don't need to treat people like morons" to be politically
successful, Baker said.
Despite Baker's lead in Ann Arbor, Pursell was
confident the high campus-area turnout would help him. "I
hoto by PETE ROSS think I'll do very well on campus," he said.
See HIGH, Page 3

Democratic challenger Dean Baker looks over early election predictions last night at Dominick's. Baker is a
graduate economics student opposing fourth-term congressional incumbent Carl Pursell.

Democrats gain control
of Senate and House

By The Associated Press
The Democrats have gained
control of the Senate, said Senate
Majority leader Robert Dole (R-
Knasas) late last night.
" f there was a Reagan
revolution, it's over," said retiring
House speaker Thomas O'Neill,
who led the opposition to President
Senate Democratic Leader Robert
Byrd said he'd predicted a 52-48
victory to reestablish Democratic
control, but as midnight approached
he "expected better." His party
needed to swing four seats to regain
control and got early momentum in
Poor cafeteria food quality,
inconvenient meal hours, the new
residence hall party policy, delays
in maintenance calls, and overheated
dormitories were some of the
concerns voiced by students at last
night's Residence Hall Association
The forum, attended by eight
housing administrators and 35
students, was relaxed overall, but
debate heated up when participants
discussed such issues as food
quality and searches for alcohol
possession in rooms.
President Peter Samet said this was
the first forum in which students
could address administrators with

Florida where Sen. Paula Hawkins'
was unseated.
Sen. Paul Laxalt said, simply, "It's
too early to tell." The GOP held a
53-47 majority in the 99th Senate
with the 100th Senate to start next
Democrats also hoped to pad
their 73-seat majority in the 435-
member House.
One early winner was Rep. Jim
Wright of Texas, in line to replace
O'Neill as Speaker when the new
Congress convenes.
Joseph Kennedy II, son of the
late Robert Kennedy and nephew of

the late president, won O'Neill's
Massachusetts seat in the. House.
His sister Kathleen Kennedy
Townsend conceded defeat in her
House race in Maryland.
THE GOP was faring better in
gubernatorial elections. But among
the incumbent governors, two
Democrats mentioned as possible
1988 presidential candidates-Mario
Cuomo of New York and Michael
Dukakis of Massachusetts-won
Gov. Bob Graham claimed
Florida's Senate seat for the
Democrats by defeating Hawkins,
See DOLE, Page 3

*Midnight results indicated that
ic.umbent Sate Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbr) trounced challenger
Vic Holtz, while State Sen. Lana
Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) beat
challenger Dale Apley.
*As of midnight last night, it
seemed that Democratic incumbents
James Waters and Paul Brown
would squeak by their, Republican
challengers, Cynthia Hudgins and.
Gary Frink, to retain their seats on
the University's Board of Regents.
See Page 31

MSA will study

officials do
concerns and complaints.
About three students complained
that residence hall staff members in
Couzens Hall are entering their
rooms under false pretenses to
search for alcohol or drugs.
John Heidke, associate director
of housing education, expressed
great concern over this charge
andasked for names of accused
staffers. "Any complaints of
entering rooms under false pretenses
will be heard promptly" by an
administrator, he said.
THE MOST common gripe
was the cafeteria food quality. One
student said he lost 30 pounds last
year because he disliked the cafeteria
food. He complained that he was
not allowed to cancel his meal plan

ebate at RHA forum

The Michigan Student Assembly
resolved last night to establish a
committee to study ways to fund
the Public Interest Research Group
in Michigan (PIRGIM).
PIRGIM members attended the
weekly meeting to request the as-
sembly to consider administering a
funding program for the environ-
mental advocacy group.
PIRGIM chairman Andrew
Swenson, an LSA senior, said it
was not PIRGIM's idea to ask
MSA for help. Swenson said the
suggestion was made "by MSA,
members and by the regents them-
selves.' He said, however, that
PIRGIM cannot continue without
additional funding.
PIRGIM- which has worked on'
the campus escort service Safewalk
and produced a survey on banking
services- has struggled without
student funding since 1985, when
the regents removed a checkoff box
for PIRGIM funding from the
Student Verification Form.
MSA passed a resolution to
establish an ad hoc committee con-
sisting of five to seven Assembly
members who will study possible
funding mechanisms. The commit-
tee must reach a decision in two
LSA SENIOR Judy Hyslop,
PIRGIM vice chairman, said the as -
sembly's decision to form a
committee "is a starting block."
Hyslop said she is unsure whether
PIRGIM will wait for the ad hoc
committee's decision before taking

the funding issue to the Board of
Regents again.
MSA President Kurt Muenchow
said he is opposed to the PIRGIM
resolution because it could harm
MSA's credibility with students.
"What if MSA supports PIRGIM
and PIRGIM then protests Dow
Chemical?" Muenchow said.
"Engineers will then say why am I
supporting MSA."
The assembly's other
discussions were particularly heated
last night. Members narrowly
passed a resolution to "petition the
Congress, the Senate, and the
President of the United States of
America to end training, funding,
and suporting the contra rebels in
MSA passed another resolution
that called for peace in El Salvador
and requested "the United States'
Congress and the Reagan
administration to cease the
intervention in El Salvador by
cutting all military and economic
aid and supporting a peaceful
solution to the conflict among
Salvadorans." The resolution
received 20 yes votes, 11 no votes,
and two abstentions,
Some assembly members voiced
vehement opposition to the
resolutions, saying that MSA
should focus on campus issues
rather than national ones.
MSA "has to avoid political
issues that erode our credibility,"
said Law School representative
Nick Stasevich.

because administrators said he did
not have a medical problem.
Lynn Tubbs, food service
director, responded to the charge,
saying, "breaking a meal contract
changes the revenue picture."
Another student suggested
lengthening or shifting meal hours
because the current hours are
inconvenient. Tubbs said the
althering the dining schedule was
possible but unlikely because the
same professional kitchen staff
works through lunch and dinner
and, if their hours are increased,
costs will rise.
SOME students and Resident
Fellows expressed confusion about
the new residence hall party policy,
which was introduced in September.

The policy requires residents to sign
a "party form" to inform their
building director the day before they
want to throw a party. A party is
defined as the gathering of 10 or
more guests.
Marvin Parnes, housing program
director, said the "painless and
friendly" policy has two intentions:
to act as a "tool to educate residents
about responsibility" when they
hold parties in their rooms, and to
aid on-duty security and residence
hall staff to monitor -damages,
complaints, and rowdy behavior.
Parnes said the policy does not
violate student's First Amendment
rights, and the administration
encourages "free speech, forums,
and assemblies."

'Simple truth'

millions I've met across the country, they found
they can no longer follow the leadership of the
Republican party, which has taken them down the
road that leads to disaster."

How do you say pizza in Russian?
Comrades will soon have American pizza to go
with their Pepsi, after PepsiCo Inc. opens as many
as 100 Pizza Hut restaurants in the Soviet Union.
The chain -which wnuld he the first foreion

BOROWSKY: Sports column on Mets enrages
readers. See Page 4.




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