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October 31, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-31

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'The Name of the Rose' " Mike Fisch " The List
Wee kend11 a azin10 New student attitudes " Prof. Gerald Linderman


Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom


- - - -------

Vol. XCVII - No. 42

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 31, 1986


Fourteen Pages




Rep. goes for
fifth landslide Er
Carl Pursell's career as Republican CongressmanY
from Michigan's Second District began with a razor-
thin 300 vote victory out of nearly 200,000 votesĀ±
cast. Pursell slid by current Ann Arbor Mayor Ed
Pierce in1976.2
Since that inauspicious beginning, however, ...N..
Pursell has shown dominance over Democratic rivals VsAt
in all of his campaigns. Before running for Congress, , a-p
Pursell, a native of Plymouth, Mich., was a State d .V
Senator.t y
Pursell has developed a reputation as a centrist in Uy
his 10 years in the House of Representatives. He has # , ;.
taken liberal positions on some social issues, such as......UM, 'D5
drug testing and U.S. sanctions against South Africa,
but he has strongly supported budget cuts in social. ..vs,.Jm e
services and increased military expenditures.
Pursell has moved somewhat to the right in recent
years, a move he says is in response to a redistricting
See PURSELL, Page 6t

1 juggernaut
Volunteers rally
around student
Many political observers were shocked when Dean
Baker defeated Don Grimes in the Democratic primary
to challenge incumbent U.S. Congressman Carl
Pursell (R-Mich.). One newspaper even suggested
that voters might have confused Baker with
University Regent Deane Baker, a conservative
But the "other Baker's" success seems more likely
to have been the result of a large corps of grass roots
volunteers. Baker's wide margin of victory in Ann
Arbor more than made up for the fact that he lost to
Grimes in the rest of the district.
Baker, a University Ph.D. candidate in economics,
has not held a political office outside of being
president of the Rackham Graduate School student
government, and being involved in other University
organizations, but he has been active in political Baker
protests, most recently against Pursell's votes for aid ... enjoys grass root
See BAKER, Page 6

... dominates rivals

s support

& t
lok for
Bo Schembechler will be
;seeking his 100th victory at
Michigan Stadium tomorrow v hen
his Wolverines take the Meld
against Illinois.
But more important to the
Michigan head coach is defeating
the last opponent to mar his team's
"THE 3-3 TIE certainly cost
us a share of the championship a
year ago," Schembechler said.
"There's always a lot of emotion in
the Michigan-Illinois game. It's
been a hotly contested game for the
last few years. I'm sure this one
will be, too."
Since the tie in Champaign, the
D Wolverines have won 11 straight,
the longest current victory streak in
the NCAA. Should Michigan
defeat the Fighting Illini tomorrow,,
Schembechler will surpass his own
consecutive-win record set in 1971.
According to Illinois head coach
Mike White, that shouldn't be a
difficult task. "We're licking our
wounds," said White, whose team
is 2-5, 1-3 in the Big Ten. "I'm
disappointed because I don't see the
burning desire to win."
HIS TEAM'S hopes of a
winning record have been
extinguished by the lack of a solid
running game. The Illini have
gained 91 yards a game on the
ground. The Wolverines counter
with 196 yards.
Illinois will combat the problem
D by shaking up its backfield lineup.
Keith Jones, listed as a fullback,
will move to the tailback spot,
White said, and second-string
fullback Jeff Markland will start.
But the Illini head man doesn't
expect the -personnel changes to
take the Wolverines by storm. After
witnessing losses to Nebraska,
USC, and Ohio State, White said

Blind students want
more computer access

Some of the University's
facilities for visually impaired
students are inadequate, especially
in the area of computers, according
to students who use them.
Visually impaired students pay
the same annual $200 computer fee
that all students are required to pay,
but they say their access to
computer equipment is limited. The
one computer room on campus for
blind and visually impaired students
is located at the North University
Building Station (NUBS).
The special equipment located in
the Low Vision Work Station
includes a talking terminal and a
27-inch color monitor with
But Charles Geyer, a visually
impaired graduate student in
computer science, said, "The
equipment isn't what the students
need. They (the University) should
have a Braille printer and a better
talking terminal. There's a lot
better stuff out now."'
JAMES KNOX, a member of
the User Relations Group at the
computing center, added, "We're
notably lacking Braille terminals.
In terms of large print stuff, there's

"Go to NUBS and try to find.it. Be blind and try to

find it."

-Douglas Thompson, LSA senior.

not much better" than what is
offered at the Low Vision Work
The University's equipment is
"about average" when compared to
other universities in Michigan and
is "not really outdated," according
to Gordon Bresden, Handicapped
User Coordinator. "To say it's
inadequate is not quite right," he
said. Equipment that performs the
same functions can be purchased for
a lower price today, but this is true
of all computer equipment, he
Bresden is currently working on
a grant to buy a Braille printer, and
tentative plans have been made to
move the Low Vision Work station
to the basement of the
Undergraduate Library.

Many students complain that the
work station is hard to find because
it is not near the main work station
and that it is often locked. "Go to
NUBS and try to find it. Be blind
and try to find it," said Douglas
Thompson, an LSA senior.
"NUBS is a hard place to get
to. The equipment is in a locked
room," said Goyer, who has his
own key because he uses the room
frequently. To gain access to the
room, students must ask a NUBS
employee for a key, but sometimes
they "may not know what you're
talking about because the room is
not used that often," added Goyer.
Although not: all visually
impaired students rely on the
See VISUALLY, Page 5

Members of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and Chi Omega sorority, from
left, LSA senior Troy Farah, LSA soph. Paul Seltman and on right, LSA
soph. Lisa Donoghue and LSA freshman Dawn Emling, sell a pumpkin to
LSA junior Judy Rubenstein (center). The proceeds from the groups' sale
goes to the National Institute for Burn Medicine.
beg of/-campus

Saudi minister removed;
petroleum prices rise

Halloween, though not an
official holiday yet, is thought by
some to be the best celebration
around today. It's the one night of
the year when children can walk up
to strangers' doorsteps and demand
candy-and then vandalize their
Tonight, parents can go to
costume parties and drink to their
hearts' content, and college students
have a good excuse to party twice
as hard as they normally would. But

beware, you merry revelers: The
law enforcement officers of Ann
Arbor will be on the lookout as
According to Sgt. Jan Suomala
of the Ann Arbor Police
Department, there will be the usual
number of police officers on the
streets this weekend, but he declined
to say whether extra officers will be
on duty to control any excessive
See POLICE, Page 5

NEW YORK(AP)-The removal
of Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani as
Saudi Arabia's oil minister sent
prices of crude oil and refined
products soaring yesterday.
Analysts attributed the reaction
to a combination of technical
factors and uncertainty over the
effect his departure would have on
future efforts by the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries to
limit production to boost world
Prices also were boosted by
reports that Yamani's replacement,
Hisham Nazer, had called for an
emergency meeting of OPEC's
pricing committee, indicating the
possibility of a renewal of
determination by the cartel to boost

Some analysts speculated
Yamani's departure would remove a
long-respected voice of moderation
within the fractious cartel, making
future agreements to limit
production and higher oil prices less
But others said that King Fahd's
move had smoothed the way to
better cooperation within the 13-
nation cartel and that this would
boost chances for higher prices in
the future.
In Paris yesterday, Saudi
Arabia's interior minister, Prince
Naif ibn Abdul Aziz, said the
decision to remove Yamani did not
mean the kingdom was changing its
oil policy.

... OPEC leader fired


Give to UNICEF
R emember when you were little and your

10- million children die from peventible diseases.
John Pantowich, the campus ambassador to UNI -
CEF, said, "people should realize that every cent
LSA elections

Nature can wait
Answering nature's call was a little more
difficult Wednesday night for students studying in
the gradutate and undergraduate libraries. An

MORE ENDORSEMENTS: Opinion endorses
James Blanchard and Lana Pollack. See
Page 4.



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