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October 28, 1986 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-28

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 28, 1986 1

Shapiro holds open house

Cookies, cider, and strains from
a jazz quartet made people feel right
at home in University President
Harold Shapiro's house yesterday.
Hundreds of visitors, mostly stu-
dents, turned out for the annual
open house held by Shapiro and his
wife, Vivian.
The 90-minute open house at
815 South University was, com-
pared to last year, a calm event.
Last year, students voiced op-
position to the proposed Code of
Non-academic conduct and to CIA
recruitment on campus at a forum
on the president's lawn. Con-
troversy was virtually absent from

yesterday's festivities.
After shaking hands with
President and Mrs. Shapiro, most
students proceeded almost im-
mediately to the dining room for
donuts, cookies, pretzels, and apple
cider. Many visitors scanned the
bookshelves in the library and in
Shapiro's private study, walked in
the spacious backyard, or shot some
pool in the presidential recreation
Shapiro said the open house
progressed without a hitch. Al-
though people were crammed into
rooms and roamed through much of
the house, they caused no damage,
he said. Shapiro said he opens up

his house to meet students, let
them see his house, and let them
have a good time.
According to LSA senior George
Hall, who came to the open house
because he had never seen the
interior before, the presidential resi-
dence "is gorgeous. It's a palace."
Judging from the bookshelves,
the Shapiros have a wide range of
interests. Their collection contained
books about such topics as organic
chemistry, J.R.R. Tolkien, and
economics-the president's spec-
ialty. A folded up Burger King
crown was found tucked among the
many volumes in the library.
Vice President for Student

Services Henry Johnson and James
Duderstadt, vice president for
academic affairs and provost were
also on hand to talk to students.
Most of the conversation focused
on mundane rather than con-
troversial topics, such as students'
majors, their hometowns, dorms.
LSA sophomore Joe Sola,
however, hoped to talk to Shapiro
about the stability of the economics
department, because he is con-
sidering an economics major. Sola
feels that, owing primarily to class
size, the quality of education in the
economics department is "not to the
fullest potential compared to other
departments of the University."

Disabled students criticize



(Continued from Page 1)
Corby was aided by a work study
student until last May, but a work
study student has not been hired
since then because of financial
constraints, according to Roselle
Wilson, assistant to the vice
president for student services.
When a year passed and no
director was hired, Corby returned
to her position of secretary and lost
her raise- but she continued to run

the Office of Disabled Student
Services. University policy forbids
temporary title changes and salary
hikes to last longer than one year.
Disabled student services will
operate out of the Office of Student
Services when Corby leaves.
WILSON SAID it has taken
so long to fill the position because
the pay is low. "There are quite a
number of qualified applicants. The
job classification does not allow us

to offer enough salary to people of
the level of experience that we
would like to have," said Wilson.
An applicant was offered the
position last summer, but he
rejected the offer because the salary
was insufficient, Corby said.
Wilson said the quality of
disabled student services has not
suffered since the director left.
"I don't think it has damaged the
program, but you don't run a
business in terms of how little
damage is done," said Wilson. She
said the quality of the service has
been maintained as a result of
"Debra's diligence and deter-
"BUT WE were not able to
take new initiatives, design new

provide advocacy for students and
the office itself," Campbell said.
LSA senior who is blind, said the
University did not treat Corby fairly
by paying her a secretary's salary
and charging her with a director's
responsibilities. "She's not been
paid for the load put on her and I
think we've lost her because of it,"
he said.
Thompson accused Wilson of
shirking her responsibilities to
disabled students. "When Dr.
Wilson is asked about the lack of
services she points to the empty
chair of the director and says, 'It's
not my responsibility."'
Lisa Yauch, a second year
graduate student in speech path-

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'Here's an organization that hasn't found a director in over
a year. It means they don't put much importance on the
organization. This is the impression I have. This is very
-Lisa Yauch, a second year graduate student
in speech pathology

Gorbachev speaks out against
U.S. misrepresentation
MOSCOW-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev yesterday criticized
what he called "gross misrepresentation" by Washington of the
Reykjavik summit and repeated that weapons in space must be linked
with other nuclear arms issues.
However, Gorbachev said there was room for negotiation on arms
control, despite the breakdown of his talks in Iceland with President
Ronald Reagan.
His comments came in a statement issued through the Tass news
agency that was addressed to the organizers of a writers' meeting in Sofia,
Bulgaria. Tass said the writers asked Gorbachev for his vision of the
future of mankind.
The Communist Party general secretary said arms control was the
main priority of Kremlin foreign policy, citing his government's 14 1/2-
month-old moratorium on nuclear weapons tests.
"At the recent meeting with the U.S. president in Reykjavik, the
Soviet side put on the table the text of inter-linked proposals" on arms
control, Gorbachev said.
FBI nabs ex-Air Force man
for selling secrets to Soviets
SAN FRANCISCO-A disgruntled former Air Force man was
arrested yesterday and charged with trying to deliver secrets about an Air
Force reconnaissance program to the Soviet Union, authorities said.
Allen John Davies of San Jose, a naturalized American citizen who
works for Ford Aerospace & Communications Corp., was arrested by
FBI agents in Palo Alto, south of San Francisco, said U.S. Attorney
Joseph Russoniello.
The charge is punishable by up to life in prison.
On Sept. 22, Davies met with an undercover agent who posed as a
representative of the Soviet consulate in San Francisco and offered
information about the Air Force program, according to a sworn statement.
by an FBI agent filed in federal court.
Davies said he was providing the information "out of revenge because
of the unfair way he was treated while in the Air Force," the agent said.
Reagan signs anti-drug law
WASHINGTON-President Reagan, declaring a "major victory" in the
battle against drugs, signed a $1.7 billion anti-drug law yesterday to
bolster local and federal law enforcement efforts, stiffen criminal penalties
for drug traffickers and launch an educational and medical campaign aimed
at reducing user demand.
The comprehensive measure contains $200 million for information
programs and $241 million for treatment, as well as $230 million in'
grants to local law enforcement agencies.
The bill was passed in the waning hours of Congress Oct. 17 after
some proponents gave in on a demand for a death penalty in murder
cases related to drugs. That provision threatened to scuttle the bill in
the Senate, where opponents of the death penalty were prepared to wage'
a filibuster.
Religious leaders meet in Italy%
ASSISI, Italy-Bearing olive branches and offering prayers, Pope
John Paul II and other leaders of great world religions, from Moslems
and Jews to fire-worshipping Zoroastrians, solemnly pledged yesterday
to work for peace.
The pope, summing up the resolve of his religious colleagues, urged
world leaders to fashion "strategies of pe, t courage and vision."
The Dalai Lama, exiled Buddhist god-king of Tibet, called the
historic gathering in Assisi, hill-town birthplace of St. Francis, a
recognition of the "indispensable spiritual dimension" in efforts to end
And the efforts had an immediate, if temporary, impact in far corners
of a war-torn globe.
Warring parties in a dozen countries, including Nicaragua, El
Salvador and Cambodia, acceded to the pope's appel that combatants
lay down their arms for 24 hours Monday.
Personal incomes rise 1.4 %
WASHINGTON-Americans' personal incomes rose a modest 1.4
percent in the spring as overall income growth was held back by hard in
energy states and layoffs in the auto industry, the government reported
The Commerce Department said residents of six states actually
suffered declines in incomes during the April-June quarter.
The hardest hit region of the country was the Southwest, where
incomes grew by just 0.8 percent in the second quarter. Analysts
blamed the weakness on widespread layoffs in the oil and gas industry

caused by slumping petroleum prices.
The Plains states enjoyed the biggest income gain; a 5.2 percent
increase paced by double-digit advances in North Dakota, South Dakota
and Nebraska. These gains came from big rises in government subsidy
payments to farmers. Without the boost in government aid, farm
income would have fallen during the spring quarter, analysts said.
The 1.4 percent nationwide gain nearly matched a 1.5 percent rise in
the first three months of the year.
Vol. XCVII - No. 39
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times



programs, or formalize external
linkages," she added.
No official deadline exists to find
a new director, but Wilson would
like to see the position filled as
soon as possible. "I would have
liked to have had someone in here
six months ago, but things didn't
work as I thought they would," she
Melinda Campbell, a second year
graduate student in the School of
Social Work who is visually
impaired, said, "I think there's a
lot of things that should be done
that are a director's responsibility.
Debbie was maintaining a lot of
basic day to day services. However,
there was no director evaluating the
success-failure service delivery, to
assess disabled students' needs,
develop new programs that may
have been appropriate, and to

ology who has cerebral palsy agreed
that there has not been a decline in
disabled student services, but
stressed the importance of finding a
director. "Here's an organization
that hasn't found a director in over a
year. It means they don't put much
importance on the organization.
This is the impression I have. This
is very sad, " she said.
Corby will be leaving her
secretarial position to work for a
computer software and hardware
firm based in Plymouth because it
is a "better opportunity," she said.
She said she was satisfied with
the compensation she received as
student service administrator and
was treated fairly by the University,
but added, "It would have been nice
to have someone in here right


h 4 tw.I



Polls can Mislead
voters, Lousma says
don't think it will"

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(Continued from Page 1)
Republicans are defecting to the
Democratic ticket."
According to Deborah Town-
send, a spokeswoman for Lucas, the
campaign is attempting to reverse
this trend by mobilizing state
Republican leaders drum up support
for Lucas in the party.
"A lot of Republicans at this
point look like they're going over
to Blanchard and we hope it won't
come true," Townsend said. "We

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Turning to his own unsuccessful
bid in 1984 for the U.S. Senate,
Lousma said the three Detroit News
polls had a negative effect on his
effort to defeat Democratic incum-
bent Sen. Carl Levin. Lousma said
the polls were "very misleading" in
reporting that he lagged 20 per-
centage points behind Levin in
public support. Levin won by a
margin of only 4 percent.
"THESE KINDS of pro-
nouncements early in the campaign
damaged our campaign," Lousma
said. After the polls had been
published, he said, private financial
support as well as public support
began to drop. "Nobody wants to
support somebody they think is
going to lose," he said.
Townsend agreed that the polls
may have caused Lousma's popular
support to wane. "Everybody relied
on the polls. Lousma tended to get
abandoned there towards the end,"
she said.
'"We fear the same danger might
be happening with the Lucas
To illustrate that polls can be
misleading, Lousma cited a recent
canvass of Washtenaw county
conducted by the Ann Arbor Re-
publican headquarters. The results
show 30 percent of 3,000 registered
voters back Lucas, 37 percent
oppose him, and 33 percent remain
Jane Talcott, the Washtenaw
County Republican Committee

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Editor in Chief...... .......ERIC MATTSON
Managing Editor....................RACHEL GOTTLIEB
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SPORTS STAFF: Adam Benson, Jim Downey, Liam
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Retail: Mon-Wed: 9:30am-5:30 pm, Thurs-Fri: 9:30am-9pm,

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