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October 23, 1986 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-23

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 23, 1986
By ScottLituchy

Question: "Did President Reagan fail at the
summit meeting in Iceland?"

Soviets report spy execution
MOSCOW-The official Soviet news agency Tass announced
yesterday the execution of a Soviet man who was accused of working.
for the CIA and reportedly was turned in to the KGB by American,
defector Edward Lee Howard, a former CIA employee from 1981 to
Tass did not say when the Soviet, Adolf Tolkachev, was executed.-
A U.S. newspaper reported earlier this year that Tolkachev had been put
to death.
Spy trials and executions are not always reported by the Soviet
press, and when they are, the reports sometimes come long after the
trials take place.
Tass described Tolkachev as "a staff worker of a Moscow research
"It was established in the course of the investigation that Tolkachev,
in pursuit of selfish ends and on account of his hostile attitude toward
the Soviet state, had maintained espionage contacts with U.S.
intelligence agents who had been in Moscow under the guise of U.S.,
Embassy personnel," Tass said.
State allows ex-nuclear plant

Gary Lorden, LSA
junior: Yes. "Star Wars"
is just a bunch of garbage
and it's not feasible right
now. There are too many
"ifs" in "Star Wars" and
it's too major a roadblock.

Andy Walker, engin. Diane Jones, busi- Jonathan Brostoff,
eering graduate stu- ness graduate student: LSA senior: No. He did
dent: I don't think he Yes. I don't think that he what he had to do. He
failed. He went in not went there with the right knows in his mind what
willing to deal on SDI and attitude. It's difficult to get his goals are and he did
walked out not giving in any kind of concession what he felt was right for
to Gorbachev. I don't from anyone when you go the country.
think it was a failure, but in with a superior attitude.
it wasn't a success.

Katy Keleher, School
of Education junior:
Our media blew it out of
proportion because he
didn't reach an agreement.
So he failed, but it wasn't
his fault because we
expected too much.

Bill Gladstone, Resi-
dential ' College jun-
ior: I don't pay attention
to these summits. I feel
like they're not talking
about human lives, they're
just talking about missiles
and bombs.

Dennis Kim, LSA Jennifer Wolf, LSA- Kelle Jacobs, busi-
sophomore: No, because RC junior: I feel like he ness school senior:
the media just hyped it up. should have walked away No. Just by having it he
They were just looking for with a little more accomplished something
a media event. negotiations and not because there was a lot of
nothing. It was kind of a doubt if the meeting would
letdown. occur at all.

David Vargas, Med-
ical School student:
He failed because he
wasn't prepared for what
was going on. He was set
up by Gorbachev, who
knew what he was after.
Propaganda-wise, Gorba-
chev got what he wanted.


Student assaulted in dorm

John F.

an informal discussion with
representatives of both the
. Kennedy School of Gover
Public Policy Program


Woodrow Wilson School
of Public and International Affairs
DATE: Friday, October 24
TIME: 9:00 & 10:00 a.m. groups
LOCATION: Please contact your Career
Placement Office for this information.
All years, all majors welcome.
For additional information, please contact
your school's Career Development/Placement Office.

A University student was
assaulted early Saturday morning in
her Helen Newberry dormitory
room, according to Bob Pifer,
assistant director of public safety.
The woman told University
security officers that she was
preparing to do her laundry, with
the door to her room slightly ajar,
when an assailant grabbed her from
behind. The suspect, a man in his
late 20s or early 30s, started to
choke her, but students walking
past the room intervened and
escorted the suspect out of the
From All Of Us At

One witness told security
officers that the suspect entered the
building in the front door while,
other students were coming in.
Police investigate shooting
Ann Arbor police are holding
four men in custody in connection
with the attempted murder yesterday
morning of a 51-year-old Ann
Arbor resident, according to Sgt.
Jan Suomala.
According to Suomala, the
victim was sleeping in his home on
the 400 block of Felch Street and
awoke to find suspect standing over
him. The suspect shot him twice
after saying, "I'm going to kill.
During the ensuing struggle the
victim grabbed the assailant's
handgun and shot him. The suspect'
then called for his partner, who
entered the home and - shot the
victim again, Suomala said. The
victim was later admitted to the
University Hospital.
Both assailants fled, but officers
stopped the car on Main Street.
They arrested four people for
attempted murder; one suspect, who
had been shot once in his leg, was
taken to the University Hospital.
Suomala said a handgun was
found at the scene, and a shotgun
was removed from the suspects' car.
Soviets oust

to switch to natural gas
LANSING - Consumers Power Co. got a green light from the
state yesterday to convert its shelved Midland nuclear plant to burn
natural gas as long as the utility doesn't spend ratepayer money on the
A Consumers spokesman called the 3-0 decision by the Michigan
Public Service Commission "excellent news" and predicted the plant
will produce electricity by 1989.
"It will allow us to move ahead," said Paul Knopick of the Jackson-
based utility. "We have already said we won't spend ratepayer funds."
"The major regulatory hurdles for this plant are over," he declared.
The Public Service Commission's decision came little more than a
month after Consumers and Dow Chemical Co. announced they would
agreed on a joint effort to convert and complete the $4 billion plant.
Consumers is expected to keep 49 percent of the plant, with Dow and
other investors owing the remainder.
Honeywell leaves S. Africa
MINNEAPOLIS - Honeywell Inc. has become the third major
U.S. corporation this week to decide to sell its operations in South
Africa, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune reported yesterday.
The decision was made Tuesday at a Honeywell board meeting in
Scotland, the newspaper reported. Negotiations for the sale are in their
final stages, but a definitive agreement has not been reached, it said.
The decision was confirmed by Elizabeth Bailey, a board member and
a dean at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, the newspaper said.
Bailey said the board decided to sell the subsidiary to a South African
company, but she could not recall its name.
Other Honeywell officials, including Chairman Edson Spencer,
declined to discuss the matter.
Honeywell's South Africa subsidiary employs about 159, 49 of
whom are black.
General Motors Corp. announced Monday and IBM Corp. Tuesday
that they planned to sell their South African subsidiaries.
Surgeon general advocates
AIDS prevention measures
WASHINGTON-Offering prescription for avoidance of AIDS, the
surgeon general counseled Americans yesterday to disdain "freewheeling
casual sex" and begin sex education for children as early as the third
Dr. C. Everett Koop, releasing a report on the increasing problem of
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, said the disease already has killed
almost 15,000 people. He said the figure will increase 12-fold in
another five years.
Because an estimated 1.5 million people are infected with the virus,
and because these people are able to spread the virus to others, each
individual must take steps to avoid the disease, Koop told a news
"Clearly this disease, which strikes men and women, children and'
adults, people of all races, must be stopped," he said.
New U.S. gold coin sells out
NEW YORK-The new U.S. gold coin, the American Eagle, has
proved so popular since it went on sale three days ago that the United
States Mint has temporarily run out of them.
The 800,000 coins offered by the Mint have been snapped up and the
West Point Depository, where they are minted, is working seven days a
week, three shifts a day, to catch up with the demand, The New York
Times reported in yesterday's editions.
The Eagles, the first investment-grade bullion coins minted by the
United States in more than 50 years, are selling out, one analyst said,
because of the strong flag-waving spirit associated with them.
"When people buy an American Eagle, they believe they are
supporting the United States," said Andrew Jarecki, director of coin
marketing at Maccotta Metals, a large bullion dealer that is an
authorized purchaser of coins.
RJe £irigan Datig
Vol. XCVi -No.36
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times






Special Seminar on
Mr. Terumasa Akio, Founder and Director of the Hokkiado
International Foundation, will offer a unique opportunity
for students interested in studying in Japan.
Mr. Aiko will describe the programs offered through the
Hokkaido Foundation, which include summer language
study, as well as opportunities for personalized study in
extended stay programs, while living with a Japanese family.
There will be a question and answer session


(Continued from Page 1)

set limits on Soviet diplomats in
the United States, which he said are
225 at the embassy and 26 at the
Soviet employees may be
replaced by Americans but the
overall personnel limit placed on
the embassy and the U.S. consulate
in Leningrad may mean, for
instance, that a choice must be
made between having a cook or a
The five U.S. diplomats ordered
expelled yesterday include four from
Moscow and one from Leningrad,
Gerasimov said.
Memorial service planned
A memril service forCalvin

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