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October 20, 1986 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-20

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 20, 1986
Police break up rowdy parties

(Continued from Page 1)
fraternity parties, destruction of
property, and fighting prompted
Corbett's letter warning houses that
police will "enforce the letter of the
The violations cited this
weekend included under-age drink-
ing, noise complaints, fighting, and
urinating in public. King said the
police department has assigned a
special squad of eight additional
officers to patrol in the late-
night/early morning hours each
According to King, police did
not specifically focus on fraternity
activities over the weekend,
although he said, "I think there's a
given that much of the problem
comes from the University sorority
and fraternity organizations."
Capt. Robert Conn said the
department probably issued more
violations than usual because of the
additional officers on staff during

the weekend.
"WE HAD the personnel
assigned to help minimize the
complaints," he said.
According to Conn, the officers
were assigned to respond to parties
anywhere in the city-not just
fraternity houses. He added that a
large number of parties were
concentrated on Central Campus.
Interfraternity Council President
Denny Kavanagh, an LSA senior,
said police have been lenient in
dealing with fraternity parties in the
past and that "it's about time" they
were more strict in enforcing the
"OF COURSE they're target-
ing frats--the majority of com-
plaints are fraternity complaints.
That's what prompted the letter
from Corbett," Kavanagh said. "I
don't think they're picking on us."
Corbett's letter said, "We have a
solemn obligation under the law to
preserve the tranquility of the

community, the safety of persons,
and the protection of property."
But members of fraternity
houses said they didn't notice the
increased enforcement and several
large parties continued during the
weekend uninterrupted by police.
SIGMA CHI member Scott
Mitchell, an LSA sophomore, said
his house had a large party a few
weeks ago that "got out of hand,"
but police did not issue any
citations. And a member of Delta
Tau Delta, who asked not to be
identified, said parties thrown by
his house haven't been affected by
the crackdown.
Phi Delta Theta "had a rather
large party Friday night and we had
no trouble," said LSA senior Rick
Norden, the fraternity's president.

"I've heard they have been out; I
guess we've just been lucky," he
Members of Sigma Phi Epsilon
weren't as lucky. Saturday night,
police broke up a party at their
house after issuing a violation for a
noise complaint. "They said
everyone not (living) in the house,
they wanted out," said member
Chris Walsh, an LSA junior.
"We've had parties four times
that size and had no problem,"
Walsh said. He added that he doesn't
think it is common for police to
enter houses and disband parties.
"Last night was kind of like a
dangerous precedent. If they break
up any party with over 50
people-what the hell?" Walsh

Faculty report reflects

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sala ydisc
(Continued from Page 1)
since 1980, also received a salary
raise from $117,000 to
$127,000-an increase of 8.5
percent. As an added benefit,
Shapiro also receives free use of the
president's traditional residence at
815 South University Avenue.
While these measures may help
to keep Shapiro at this University,
a faculty report presented to the
Board of Regents on Friday
concluded that senior professors
may be tempted to move to the
country's peer private and public
institutions in search of higher pay.
THE GAP is widening
between professors' salaries and
compensation at the University and
private peer institutions, and there
is an "obvious potential" for the
University to lose some key faculty
members, said Eugene Feingold,
professor of public health. Fein-
gold chairs the Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty,
the group responsible for issuing


the bi-annual faculty report.
"There is a great deal of variation
between the different schools, and
just because there is an average
salary increase doesn't mean that
each school receives the same," said
James Duderstadt, vice president
of academic affairs, determines
resource allocations by evaluating
schools' performances. The deans of
each school are responsible for'
deciding faculty salares.
"Since increases are decided on
the basis of merit, no professor is
guaranteed an increase," said
Salaries for associate and assis-
tant professors are keeping pace or
are higher than those at other top
universities, both public and

Faculty salaryi
surpassed the rate
five consecutive

increases have
of inflation for
years at the

Filipino official predicts
Cabinet collapse if he resigns
CEBU CITY, Philippines-Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile said
yesterday the Cabinet will break up if President Corazon Aquino asks
him to resign over his opposition to her peace policy toward
communist rebels.
The 62-year-old minister, who held the same post under ousted
President Ferdinand Marcos, gave the warning during a radio talk snow.
He said other Cabinet members have asked him to step down or stop
publicly criticizing the peace policy.
. Asked if he would resign, Enrile said he would "think about it when
the time comes."
"The government is a coalition government," Enrile said. "And I
think if they ask for the resignation of any member of the coalition,
well, that means the Cabinet will have to be dissolved."
It was not clear if Enrile envisioned Mrs. Aquino as havingtto step
down in event of a Cabinet break-up. He recently said that by
dissolving Marcos' constitution, she revoked her legal basis for
authority. Enrile apparently sees Mrs. Aquino as holding power solely
because of an alliance between him and other leaders of the revolt that
forced Marcos into exile in February.
Reagan will enforce sanctions
WASHINGTON-President Reagan will issue an executive order soon
to enforce the sanctions that Congress overriding his veto, ordered
against South Africa's apartheid government, an administration official
said yesterday.
The official, speaking on condition that he not be identified, said he
was told Thursday that the order might be issued in a matter of days but
had been delayed by prepartaions for the summit meeting in Iceland.
Rep. Mickey Leland (D-Tex.) chairman of the Congressional Black
Caucaus, told the House on Friday that South African Airways was still
flying in and out of U.S. airports in violation of the anti-apartheid
sanctions enacted Oct. 2.
Leland said a flight left New York for Johannesburg on Friday
although the law called for an end to. such flights within 10 days.
"What I believe we in Congress and the American people deserve is
for the administration to carry out the laws of our country," Leland
An executive order is needed to enforce the sanctions, including an
end to the commercial flights, said the administration official.
Australians protest U.S. bases
SYDNEY, Australia-Thousands of Australians demonstrated
nationwide yestersday to protest the presence of U.S. military bases and
to mark British nuclear tests conducted on Australian soil three decades
Large demonstrations took place in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne,
and Canberra. -
Police reported 11 arrests. Those arrested were released pending court
Eight demonstrators were charged with trespass after trying to cut
through an inner fence at Pine Gap, a U.S. base in central Australia,
police said.
After the arrests, about 300 people peacefully demonstrated at the
base, about 20 miles from Alice.Springs. Three people were charged
with trespass during a protest at the Richmond Royal Australian Air
Force base outside Sydney, police said.
Psychiatric patients seek
black-market Canadian drug
NEW YORK-The first drug proved effective for a common psychiatric
ailment called obsessive-compulsive disorder is being obtained illegally
in Canada by hundreds of Americans because it is not available here, a
government researcher says.
"There's a tremendous black market in this drug, " Dr. Thomas Insel
of the National Insitiute of Mental Health said Saturday at the annual
meeting of the Phobia Society of America.
"This is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in the United
.States," Insel said. "There's been no medical treatment for it until
The drug, clomipramine, also called chlorimipramine, is in a
category of drugs called tricyclic anti-depresants. It is the second most
cmmonly used anti-depressant in Europe, Insel said.
But it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration
because its manufacturer has not yet supplied adequate evidence for its
safety and effectivenes, Insel said.
GM scraps plastic car project
DETROIT-General Motors Corp. has scrapped a billion-dollar
plastic car project because the venture proved too costly, a newspaper
reported yesterday.
The project could have revolutionized design of GM cars, and GM
officials predicted early this year that by 1990 they would annually build
more than 1 million plastic-body cars with sleek, hi-tech images.
The Detroit News said GM Chairman Roger Smith confirmed in an

interview cancellation of the plastic front-wheel drive, high-performance
replacements for the Chevrolet Camaro-Pontiac Firebird line.
The project, called GM-80, would have represented a great leap forward
in plastic technology pioneered by GM's tiny, two-seated Pontiac Fiero
sports car.
"I think they reached, in my opinion, 'maybe a little too far on
technolgy and got beyond the cost barrier," Smith told The News. "They
made an enormous stretch on technology. The costs didn't quite come out
where we wanted them to be."
&I i ~Iirhjgan BIl I
Vol. XCVII - No. 33
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times





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11 A.M. to 3 P.M.


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