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October 20, 1986 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-20

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Vol. XCVII - No. 3 Copyright 1986, The Mic
M' kick
boots Iowa,
The rivalry is quickly becoming a classic, but for
Iowa, Saturday's clash with Michigan read like a
Mike Gillette's last-second field goal gave the
Wolverines (6-0, 3-0 in the Big Ten) a 20-17 victory
Saturday at Michigan Stadium. Many of the 105,879
fans stormed the field as soon as the 34-yard kick sailed
through the goalposts.
"I SAW the game winner and that's the last thing I
saw," Gillette said. "When they mobbed the field I
thought I wouldn't live to enjoy it."
The game's plot was eerily similar to last year's
contest. Iowa place-kicker Rob Houghtlin hit a 29-
yarder in 1985 with no time left to defeat Michigan,
12-10, in Iowa City.
"We were denied last year and that's the worst
feeling in the world," said Michigan quarterback Jim
Harbaugh, who passed for 225 yards Saturday. "You've
got to watch those game films for a year and not go to
IOWA HEAD coach Hayden Fry saw parallels to
1983, the year Michigan beat the Hawkeyes 16-13 with
another last-second field goal -- Bob Bergeron's 45-
yarder. "It was very similar to that, (and) similar to


LI tgaU
Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom

? Iati1

chigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 20, 1986

Ten Pages


what we did to Michigan in our place. It's what Bo
said, 'We're even now.' My congratulations to
Wolverine head coach Bo Schembechler was happy
to take the kudos.
"Iowa's got such a great program that it's becoming
a big game, and it always means so much," he said.
"This is the second straight time we've played them
when we're both 5-0."
THE WOLVERINES almost put a notch in their
loss column themselves instead due to a poor first half
Saturday. Harbaugh committed three of the game's
seven turnovers in the second quarter, fumbling twice
and tossing an interception, one of two he threw on the
Michigan head coach Bo Schembechler was
obviously displeased with his team's first half
"I thought we played very poorly in the first half
and we very were fortunate to go in 10-3 at the half,"
the 18-year head ,coach said. "It was almost like we
didn't practice last week."
See FINAL, page 10

tie crash
to CIA
WASHINGTON (AP)-Documents found on an
American-manned cargo plane shot down over
Nicaragua two weeks ago suggest an extensive supply
network for the Contra rebels that involved a variety
of planes, a pilot who also flew in U.S. military
bases, and possibly even combat support operations.
The documents tie the supply network closely to
Southern Air Transport of Miami, a company once
owned by the Central Intelligence Agency. Wallace
Blaine Sawyer, a pilot killed on the flight, had
worked for Southern Air but quit in 1985.
Sawyer's flight crew logs, however, show him
flying two Southern Air planes last February. One
flight went to El Salvador's Ilopongo military
airport, which has been identified as the center of the
Contra supply network.
Southern Air spokesman William Kress refused to
comment on why Sawyer flew Southern Air planes if
he no longer worked for the company.
According to the Defense Department, Southern
Air became a major private contractor for flying U.S.
military supplies beginning in 1983, with contracts
in the new fiscal year expected to reach $42 million.
The CIA sold Southern Air in the early 1970s.
After Congress cut off covert CIA aid to the
Contras in 1984, a private aid network of Americans,
many with longstanding ties to the U.S. government,
emerged to raise funds and provide other assistance to
the rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's
Sandinista government.
Reagan administration officials, American Contra
backers, and rebel leaders have said the White House,
using outside intermediaries, managed the network
that kept the rebels supplied while President Reagan
pushed Congress to renew military aid.
The sources, who insisted on anonymity, said Lt.
Col. Oliver North, a deputy director for political
military affairs on the National Security Council
staff, had overall responsibility for the operations.
His chief intermediaries were identified as retired Maj.
Gen. John Singlwaub and conservative activist
Robert Owen.
The White House has denied that North's actions
violated the congressional ban on U.S. government
military assistance to the Contras. That ban existed
from October 1984 until Saturday, when Reagan
signed a catchall spending bill including $100 million
in military and other assistance for the Contras.
Law library
Before an addition to the University's Law School
library was completed in 1981, law students seeking
law books often found themselves searching through
nooks and crannies.
But the $9.5 million addition, which was officially
dedicated by the Board of Regents last Friday,
provided shelving for more than 200,000 law
books-50,000-80,000 of which had been "shelved in
places where it was not a good idea to put them, such
as stairways," according to library Director Margaret
THE ADDITION was officially named the

Allan and Alene Smith Law Library. University
President Harold Shapiro called it "an essential
addition for the educational program of the law
Law School Dean Terrance Sandalow said, "We at
the law school have learned that it is important to
bring distinction whenever possible. With the name,
we are attempting to bring distinction to the
The Smith Law Library is a 77,000 square-foot,
three-story underground structure, featuring two light
wells sheathed in a bronze curtain wall with tinted
See REGENTS, Page 5
PURSELL: Opinion interviews the Second Dis-
trict's congressman. See Page 4.
. A77. is.... e..4 m s.maaa.at the Power

aiy rnoto by JOHNf' MUI
Business student Dean Glossop takes a ride on a friend's shoulders as he celebrates Michigan's 20-17 win over
Iowa Saturday.

Retirement bill excludes

A bill that eliminates mandatory
retirement ages for most professions
will not affect the University due to a
seven-year exemption for tenured
faculty members.
"With the transition rule which
gives us seven years to adjust to this
new retirement, I think we will have
the opportunity to plan well enough
that it won't be a serious problem for
us," said Richard Kennedy, vice
president for government relations.
The bill passed the Senate on Friday
and needs President Reagan's signature

- to become law.
ALTHOUGH he did not specify
what steps the University would take,
Kennedy indicated that officials would
conduct studies to determine the
possible effects of the legislation.
. During the seven-year exemption
period, the current mandatory
retirement age of 70 will remain in
effect for University professors.
According to Thomas Butts, the
University's Washington lobbyist, a
study will be conducted by the
National Academy of Sciences to
determine whether to actually lift the

cap on tenured faculty retirement after
the seyen-year period.
Charles Allmand, assistant to the
provost in charge of personnel
relations, said an elimination of the
retirement age would not affect the
University. The average retirement age
of the faculty is 67, so most faculty
members retire voluntarily before they
reach the mandatory age. "They're
retiring earlier rather than later," he
IN ADDITION, the University
asks retired professors to return as
emeritus professors on a yearly basis.

The American Council on
Education, which pushed for a 12-year
exemption for tenured faculty, said
'lack of a mandatory retirement age
could negatively impact colleges and
universities. The council argued that
they must require retirement to make it
possible to hire young teachers.
Kennedy agreed, saying, "I think it
would create a problem in the kind of
turnover you need to have positions
for young faculty members, especially
in this period when we have so many

U' President gets
$10, 000 pay raise

Although University President
Harold Shapiro is not planning to
leave his position, the "golden-
handcuffs" and $10,000 pay raise he
received on Friday are intended to
keep him at the University if he
decides to pursue a career in
The handcuffs give Shapiro, an
economics professor, incentive to
remain at the University as
president-the longer he stays in
his position from this point on, the

larger his salary will be if he
decides to return to his former
FOR EXAMPLE, if Shapiro
decides to remain University
president for five more years, the
University will continue to pay
him the presidential salary for five
years if he decides to go back to
teaching economics. After five
years, his salary would be reduced
to that of other senior economic
Shapiro, who has been president
See FACULTY, Page 2

Police crack
down on parties
Ann Arbor police issued approximately 26 code
violations to partiers Saturday evening in an effort to
curb uncontrolled weekend activities, according to
Sgt. John King.
In addition, officers wrote about 20 code violations
on Friday evening and the Streets and Traffic
Department towed more than 20 vehicles Friday and
Saturday night, King said.
But he said police did not target fraternity houses,
which were sent a letter by Ann Arbor Police Chief
William Corbett last week asking for their
cooperation in keeping parties under control.
AN INCREASING number of neighborhood
complaints about the high noise level during
See POLICE, Page 2

... gets a raise

S outh Quad residents showed their generosity
recently when they contributed more than $1000 so a

about today's college students: how selfish they are,
and how they don't care about anyone but themselves....
you certainly proved them wrong... and Myrtle, who has
no other living family, feels loved."
Red hot
On their first day in the United States, some

got to play with these real black American jazz
mucisians," said David Lapeza, a Slavic lecturer
who saw the performance. The Soviet swingers
played four tunes with the trio, including
"Summertime," from George Gershwin's opera
"Porgy and Bess." Lapeza, who translated for the
Soviets during their stay in Ann Arbor, said the
twm Soiet whn nived belono toia 1 zz oron

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