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October 17, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-17

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 17, 1986
Class continues despite Iospitalizedprof.

An introductory course in American politics
is running smoothly despite the absence of the
professor, according to students in the class.
The professor of the course, George
Grassmuck, was listed in fair condition
yesterday at St. Joseph Hospital. Grassmuck's
wife said her husband is in the hospital for
observation, but it is not clear whether he will
return before the end of the term.
Department Chairman John Kingdon has
pappointed a graduate student to take over the
course starting next Thursday, but a series of
guest lecturers have covered the material for the
past two and a half weeks.
"(The department) really made the best of a

bad situation," said Joel Kavi, a teaching
assistant for the class, which has about 450
students. "These people are specialists in their
field so there has been no real loss in quality or
STUDENTS SAY the change is working
well. LSA freshman David DiGitisseppi said
the pattern of lectures has changed little and
few students have complained about the
content. "They clapped after a lecture. No one is
really dissatisfied," he said.
LSA freshman Jacqueline Horn said she was
satisfied with the guest lecturers. "They know
what they're talking about, and most
importantly, they are interested in what they're
talking about,"

Kevin Legel, an LSA freshman, said that
although the continuity may be not as smooth,
the variety of different lecturers "keep it lively."
Matt Kerbel, a doctoral candidate in political
science who will start teaching the class on
Thursday, said he doesn't foresee any problems
taking over the course because he has already
taught it five times. "What I'm hoping to do is
establish a sense of consistency," he said.
Kerbel said that while there are advantages to
the ad-hoc quality of guest lecturers, it weakens
the course because the parts of the political
system are not always linked together
coherently in class presentations. "The most
important things to learn are how the different
parts of the system work together," said Kerbel.

Support for women's movement steadily growing

(Continued from Page 1)
reported that in 1977, 59 percent of
the women said the man's career

was more important then their own,
as opposed to 36 percent in 1985.
The percentage of men who said
their careers took priority also

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dropped from 50 percent to 35
Mason credits the change to the
high national divorce rate. "Women
can no longer count on staying.
with their husbands for a lifetime,
relying on them for financial.
security," she said. "They are
beginning to wonder why they
should be subordinate to men and
dependent on them."
The number of women who
thought that a working mother can
have as warm a relationship with
her children as a non-working
mother rose from 54 percent in
1977 to 67 percent in 1985. The
percentage of men who agreed went
from 41 to 53 in the same period.
Men were much more concerned
than women, however, about how
preschool children are affected when
their mothers have jobs outside the
home. That concern, the researchers
noted, appears to be widespread and

deep. Only 46 percent of the
women interviewed in 1985 said
they thought preschoolers were
likely to suffer when their mothers
have jobs, but 61 percent of the
men felt that way.
Martha Vicinus, co-director of
the University's Women's Studies
Program, welcomed the study's
findings, but said there is no
evidence that these atttitudes
translate into new job or leadership
opportunities for women.
"At the University there's only a
small tenure of women faculty
members," Vicinus said. In
addition, she said, there appears to
be a "lag in government support for
women achievers."
"If so many women are going
back to work, you would think that
there would be an increase in child-
care facilities, but this doesn't seem
to be the case," she said.

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Zakharov admits to spying
WASHINGTON-Administration officials said yesterday that
Gennadiy Zakharov admitted after his arrest that he was a spy and
fingered three leaders of the Soviet intelligence operations in the
United States.
One of the officials said of Zakharov' interrogation, "he sang like
a tweetie bird."
The officials said that Zakharov made the admissions and supplied
the information following his arrest on Aug. 23 on a New York
subway platform as he allegedly tried to pay an FBI informat $1,000.
for classified documents on military jet engines.
According to ABC-TV News, which reported the story yesterday
night, the 39-year-old Zakharov, who until his arrest was a scientific'w
affairs officer for the Soviet Union at the United Nations, made the
admissions during a four-hour interrogation.
The officials, who spoke on condition they not be identified, said
the three Soviet intelligence operatives were among the 25 Soviets.
ordered by the Reagan administration to leave their jobs at the United:
Nations headquaters in New York.
Congress pushes for recess
WASHINGTON-Congress pushed hard yesterday to adjourn for the
year, as legislators worked to clear away measures needed to keep
money flowing to the government and take care of other major items,
including a sweeping revision of the nation's immigration laws.
"People have decided now it's about time to leave," said Senate
Majority Leader Dole (R-Kan.) reflecting the restlessness and
impatience of many re-election-minded lawmakers over the long-
delayed end of the 99th. During the day, white buttons with red
letters, "Free the 99th Congress" began appearing throughout the
But before the end of the legislative business-now expected today,
at the earliest-Congress had to finish with an unp ecedented, $576
billion catchall spending bill.
The Senate passed the body of the measure by a voice vote and then
proceeded to consider several remaining disagreements with the House.
Soviets will talk at Geneva
but deal must include SDI
MOSCOW-The Kremlin is willing to discuss medium-range
missles separately at the Geneva arms talks, but will not sign an
accord that doesn't settle the space weapons dispute, a Soviet
spokesman said yesterday.
The Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gennady Gerasimov, discussed
the Soviet Union's arms control policy after a Soviet emissary in
London appeared to contradict Mikhail Gorbachev's assessment of the
Reyjavik summit and the future of U.S.-Soviet arms talks.
There have been some conflicting signals from the Soviets about
whether they would insist on a link between any arms agreement and
"Star Wars," the american plan for a spaced-based defense shield.
In Bonn, Max Kampelman, senior U.S. arms negotiator, said the
Soviets were sending mixed signals and need to "get their act together"-
on arms control.
The Politburo's No. two secretary, meanwhile, heated up the post
summit campaign against President Reagan's Strategic Defense
Initiative at a gatherng yesterday of top Soviet scientists.
Soviets free ailing ref usnikn
WASHINGTON-David Goldfarb, an ailing Soviet "refusnik" and
friend of American reporter Nicholas Daniloff, left Moscow yesterday
with American inustrialist Armand Hammer and headed for freedom in
the United States.
The geneticist's wife, Cecilia, also was suddenly liberated after a
two-year unsuccessful effort to emigrate to Israel. Their son,
Alexander, had gone to the superpower summit last weekend in Iceland
to appeal for their release.
Goldfarb, 67, reportedly rejected a KGB overture in 1984 to frame
Daniloff. His son said Goldfarb was suffering from diabetes and:
virtually blind.
A spokesman for Hammer, the board chairman of Occidental.
Petroleum Corp., said a plane carrying Goldfarb and the industrialist.
had left Moscow, cleared Soviet air space, refueled in Iceland and was
due to land in Newark, N.J., airport early last evening. The plane
belonged to Hammer.
In Moscow, Goldfarb's daughter, Olga, said she was delighted and
stunned by the development.
African author wins Nobel
STOCKHOLM-Wole Soyinka of Nigeria, a master of poetic
drama who writes in English from the myth and ethos of his people,
was named yesterday as the first African to win a Nobel Prize in
The Swedish Academy of Letters called him a writer "who in a
wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama
of existence."
Soyinka, 52, is an impassioned social critic who was jailed in the
late 1960s during the Nigerian civil war. He expressed hope yesterday
that the award was not given "because I have been a vigorous critic of

my government and others. I don't want to think for a single moment
it's because of my political stand."
Also yesterday, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science
was awarded to American professor James Buchanan for theories
advocating strict rules to keep national budgets balanced. Buchanan;
67, filled a gap between pure economics and political science with his
work, the citation said.
Announcement of Soyinka's selection as the literature laureate was
the sixth and final one in this year's Nobel series.
("Dbe Michigan BMWl
Vol. XCVII -No. 32
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times






After words

Editor in Chief...........................ERIC MATTSON
Managing Editor....................RACHEL GOTTLIEB
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Flaherty, Allen Gelderloos, Chris Gordillo, Shelly
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