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October 17, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-17

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h eckendMagazine:

Philly's Johnsons - 'That's Life'
Michigan's Arab students-" The List

Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVII - No. 32 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 17, 1986 Twelve Pages

hIoJs to
Fry the
A victory over Iowa tomorrow
could mean roses for Michigan,
but in recent years the Hawkeye
team has been a perennial thorn in
the Wolverines' side.
Last year both teams lost one
game, but Iowa's 12-10 triumph
over Michigan gave the Hawkeye§
the Big Ten title and a trip to the
Rose Bowl.
",OBVIOUSLY it's a big
game," said Michigan assistant head
coach and defensive coordinator
Gary Moeller. "It will be a bigger
game four weeks from now when
you look at the standings."
The Hawkeyes (5-0, 2-0 Big
Ten) are currently atop the Big Ten
along with Michigan, Minnesota,
and Ohio State. They come into
Michigan Stadium for the first time
since 1983, the last time Michigan
defeated them. Two years ago in
Iowa City, Hayden Fry's team
silenced the Wolverines, 26-0.
This year's clash could paint a
less rosy picture for Iowa. The
p Hawkeyes have been plagued by
injuries and may be without the
services of some key players. The
team was hit so hard after last
week's 17-6 victory over
Wisconsin that Fry cancelled
practice Monday for the first time
in his 24 years as a head coach.
See IOWA, Page 11
Mich iga
Football Saturdays at the Uni -
versity mean sellouts.
For the 67th consecutive time
last Saturday, the "largest crowd
watching a football game in Am -
erica"-106,241 people-saw the
Wolverines decimate the Spartans
of Michigan State University.
But wait a minute. Saturday's
attendance was nearly 5,000 more
than the 101,701 capacity claimed
at the stadium's entrance. Where do
the extra people sit?
Manager Al Renfrew, Big Ten
policy in determining crowd size is
to include players, members of both
bands, security staff, fans in
'U' study: s
Contrary to speculation in the
press about a growing backlash to
feminism, support for the women's
' movement has grown steadily in
nearly every demographic group, a
recent University study says.
Karen Oppenheim Mason,

associate professor of sociology and
research associate at the Population
Studies Center, and Yu-Hsia Lu, a
graduate student, analyzed data
collected in 1977 and 1985 by the
University of Chicago General
Social Survey. The survey asked
more than 800 women and nearly
700 men their opinions about the


Associated Press
Prime Minister Shimon Peres talked to a soldier at a Jerusalem hospital yesterday. The soldier is one of 69
people wounded during Wednesday night's terrorist attack in the old city of Jerusalem.
Israel loses plane in air rai

Special to the Daily
FLINT, Mich.-Several
members of the Board of Regents
yesterday questioned the
constitutionality of PIRGIM's drive
to regain University help in getting
student funding at class registration.
Three members of the Public
Interest Research Group in
Michigan told the regents during
the public comments session of the
regents' monthly meeting that
students are willing to pay a
refusable fee to the student-run
environmental group.
The regents met on the campus
of the University of Michigan-Flint
for the first of their two-day
meeting. They will meet today at
10 a.m. today in the Regents'
Room of the Fleming
Administration Building.
Now the efforts of the group to
prove that it has a majority of
student support may prove futile if
the regents approve a proposal to
discontinue their policy of allowing
any student group to collect money
through the Student Verification
Form if they have a majority of
student support.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor), who introduced the proposal


SIDON, Lebanon (AP)-A mis -
site destroyed an Israeli warplane
during raids on Palestinian guerrilla
basesrnear this ancientport
yesterday, a day after a bloody
grenade attack in Jerusalem.
Journalists saw the plane ex -
plode after the missile struck and
crash into a valley four miles
southeast of Sidon, and some
reporters said the wreckage still
smouldered 90 minutes later. One
of the two pilots was reported taken
prisoner and the other was reported

State-run Beirut radio said
bombs and rockets killed four
people and wounded 10 at the Mieh
Mieh Palestinian refugee camp on
the city's southeastern outskirts.
ISRAEL'S military command
still had not commented hours later
either on the 40-minute attack on
Palestinian targets or the loss, of the
U.S.-built Phantom F-4E.
A Shiite Moslem militia com -
-mander said the two pilors bailed
out and landed in an olive grove,

one alive and one dead. Abu Jamil
Ghaddar of the Amal militia said
the survivor was captured in the
grove between Siroubieh and
Angoun, suburbs of this citya25
miles south of Beirut.
Guerrillas brought the Phantom
down with a shoulder-fired Soviet
Strella missile at 4:25 p.m., 35
minutes after the onset of Israel's
13th air attack into Lebanon this
year, a police spokesman said. He
.et BOMBING, Page 5.-

ammed -in
n Stadium overflows

in June, said yesterday that he
wouldn't be surprised if PIRGIM's
fate were decided today, especially
since his proposal was tabled until
PIRGIM's future has been
threatened since February 198
when the regents, citing low
student support, voted 6-1 to
prevent PIRGIM from continuing
to collect funds via Student
Verification Forms at class
PIRGIM officials say they feel
that they have done more than
enough to prove that a majority of'
students would willingly pay a fee.
"We have successfully
completed the largest student
petition drive in history, and we
know of no student organization
that doesn't support us," said
PIRGIM vice chair Judy Hyslop, an
LSA senior. PIRGIM leaders say
they collected 16,874 student
signatures in their petition drive,
which started in February. The
petitions were presented to
University President Harold Shapiro
at last month's regents meeting.
Some regents, however, say a
petition drive is not an accurate test
of whether students will give
See REGENTS, Page 7
igher ed.
State Sen. Lana Pollack and her
opponent Republican Dale Apley,
said yesterday that funding for
higher education will be a high
priority for both parties.
In a forum sponsored by the
American Association of University
Professors, Pollack (D-Ann Arbor)
said state funding for colleges and
universities has increased 50 percent
since she took office in 1983.
The University's share of state
funding for higher education has
remained 'at 23 percent for the last
four years, but the dollar amount
increased from about $150 million
to more than $225 million.
concerned about the University's
reliance on tuition for its
operations. "I'd like to see the state
increase its funding and see reliance
on tuition decreased," she said.
She cited statistics that in 1970,
the University received 60 percent
of its funds from the state and 29
percent from tuition, while in
1983, the University received 48.2
percent of its budget-from the state
and 43.2 percent from tuition.
Pollack noted that in 1986, the
state's share of the University's
budget increased to 51 percent and

wheelchairs, and vendors, so every
person inside the stadium is
included in determining the overall
Due to the large crowd, a staff of
more than 2,500 must be on hand
to keep things running smoothly.
Adding more than 825 reporters and
television crew and 700 more
comprising both bands, it's easy to
understand how the figure reaches
Seating is tight and students
often end up in the aisles because
students don't sit in their assigned
seats, Renfew said.
ANN ARBOR Fire Prevention
Marshall Wesley Prater explained
that "20 inches of space are allowed

per person per seat, with a three
foot cube of standing space for each
person." There is no standing
"If it is called to our attention
that there is an unsafe condition, we
would respond with the State Fire
Marshall's office to correct the
problem," Prater said. Aisles must
be kept clear for safety reasons, he
A new ticket policy designed to
keep'non-students out of the student
section is working well, Renfrew
said. "(Seating cards) are great.
They really have eliminated many
of our problems."
See STADIUM, Page 5

upport up for feminists

role of women and the division of
labor in the family.
The study found that younger,
better educated women and men
were more likely to be pro-
feminist, and women with jobs and
their husbands were more likely to
support feminist positions.
MASON AND LU found that
the percentage of women who
believed men should be the
achievers and women should take
care of the home and family dropped
from 62 percent in 1977 to 46
percent in 1985. The percentage of
men who believed women should
stay home dropped from 68 percent

to 50 percent in the same period.
Mason attributes the great
support for the women's movement
to a "set of long-term changes in
the family that have been around
since the end of World War II."
"I've read articles in news
magazines about well-educated
women in their 30s who feel they
have to retreat from their careers to
be at home with the kids. Contrary'
to this, our study found that there is
no longer the illusion that women
have to stay home and raise the
family, rather than getting out into
the work force," Mason said.
See SUPPORT, Page 2

Reviewing the guard Associated Press
Britain's Queen Elizabeth toured the fames terracotta warriors ar-
chaelogical site i Xian, China yesterday. The Queen was allowed to walk
among the statues whereas most visitors must view the figures from


Bicycle bonanza
Where can you get a free spot-check on
your bicycle, see a display of antique bikes, and

Hall, you can catch a free clinic on bicycle
commuter safety. According to Robin Sarris, a
spokesman for Health Services, this is the first
Bicycle Safety Day Health Services has sponsored.
"We're just trying to promote safety on campus and
safe bike riding," Saris said.
nalx tk, Vanrnia

graduates attending the ceremony must wear caps
and gowns and can buy them at the Unversity Cellar
beginning Dec. 8. Graduates will get a maximum
of 10 tickets for the big day, to be given our at
windows E and F in the LSA Building lobby from
Dec. 8 to Dec. 11. Only doctoral degree recipients
will receive their diplomas at the ceremony, but if

DISINFORMATION: Opinion criticizes U.S.
media. See Page 4.
TELVISION. Arts nreviews RC Plavers' com-


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