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September 25, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-09-25

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Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom

Vol._XCVII- No. 16

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann; Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 25, 1986

Ten Pages




tus of the Reagan said, "It was a new
beginning= for the country and for
ICAN party is our party...Today we are the party
majority party of new ideas and open doors."
y due to your Reagan expressed optimism
our vision," about the Republican Party's
gan at the growing popularity with the 18-24
age group. "Today young people
omination as are joining our party as never
ndidate at the before," he said. "I've been
ion in Detroit, See REAGAN, Page 5

Special to the Daily
DETROIT-In an effort to
boost the campaign of
gubernatorial candidate William
Lucas, President Reagan
yesterday told an estimated 14,000
people in Cobo Hall that Lucas
would continue Reagan's
economic policy on the state level.
Reagan called Lucas "an
example to every young person in
this country, of every race, of what
an individual can accomplish if
he lives right, works hard and
sets his sights high." Reagan
praised Lucas's work in the FBI,
the Civil Right Commission, and
as a social worker and teacher.
A recent poll by Detroit station
WDIV-TV shows Lucas trailing
Gov. James Blanchard by about a
20 percent margin.
REAGAN SAID the Democrats
are the "tax and tax, spend and
spend crowd that has bought our
country a one-way ticket to
economic oblivion."
Lucas thanked Reagan for ap-
proving federal aid for 22 mid-
Michigan counties stricken by
floods earlier this month. He also
credited Reagan's economic
policies with turning around the
state's economy three years ago.
The flag-waving crowd at the
rally included 6,000 elementary
and high school students who
were bussed in at the GOP's
At a luncheon fundraiser im-
mediately following the rally,
about 2,500 supporters paid $150
each to hoar Lucas and Reagan

discuss the sta
Republican party.
fast becoming the n
in our state, largel
influence and y
Lucas told Read
Recalling his n
the presidential cai
1980 party convent

against Pres.
Special to the Daily
DETROIT-While President Reagan was applauded at a
political fundraiser inside Cobo Hall yesterday, about a thousand of
his critics protested outside the hall's heavily-guarded entrance.
About 40 University students joined such civil rights activists as
Rosa Parks in opposing the Reagan administration's policies, most
vehemently against cutbacks in social service spending.
SPEAKING to reporters while marching in a picket line, the
protest's organizer Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)' blamed Detroit's
high unemployment and poverty rate on social service spending
cuts made by the Redgan administration. According to Conyers,
social programs in Detroit have lost $100 million in federal funding
since President Reagan took office.
"Look at what he's done to the poor, and the working man. He's
against Medicare, and student loans, and affirmative action, and
everything else we need," said Liz Jackson, a retired Detroit
While the demonstration was mainly aimed against the
President, Republican Gubernatorial candidate William Lucas
See CONYERS, Page 5
Research, teaching
required for tenure


President Reagan speaks to a crowd of about 14,000 people at Detroit's Cobo Hall yesterday. He made a three-
hour stop in Detroit to'blug Republican gubernatorial candidate William Lucas (left).

Students planning parti
residence halls may have to
their plans. Most dorm resit
do not know that they are
required to inform their bui
director the day before they
to throw a party, due to a
which has been in effect sinc
beginning of the semester.
A party form must be si
stating party givers will
responsibilty for the condu
their guests (invited
uninvited), party-related d
ges, alcoholic consumption
other controlled substances
the noise level. The appl
must also state the estimated

require party
that the party will begin and agree angry
es in that it ends at the beginning of consu
can quiet hours. "Parties" are Bry
dents defined by 10 or more guests. said:u
now INDIVIDUAL housing direc- assem
lding tors are responsible for making object
want their residents aware of the form. unden
rule Marvin Parnes, Housing never
e the Program Director, said, "It's a compb
way of reminding students of PA
gned their responsibility and it lets us consu
take know where a party is going on so becau
ct of if there is a problem we know a pra
and where to go." It will also give ways
ama- campus security an idea of where effec
and things might be happening and to indivi
and keep an eye out, he added. for se
icant But many members of the
time Residence Hall Association are S

because they were not
ilted about the new policy.
yan Casey, RHA Secretary
"It's just a way to stop free
nbly. It's totalitarian in its
tive and it is extremely
mocratic because we were
consulted. It came as a
Mete surprise."
A RNES said he did not
ult any student groups
se "what we've done is take
ctice carried out in different
and streamlined it more
tively." In the past
idual halls were responsible
tting a party policy.
ee STUDENTS, Page 5

... stresses responsibility

'U' gears
More than 80 people are
expected to writhe and bend their
bodies on twister boards today on
the Diag. The competing players
are kicking off Homecoming '86
festivities at 4 p.m.
The majority of events are
sponsored by the University
Activity Center and will take
place tomorrow and Saturday.
TOMORROW'S festivities
will begin with the 10th annual.
Evans Scholar Car Bash at 3:00 on
the Diag. The activity features a
car smashing contest between
fraternity members.
Each participant receives'
points from "celebrity" judges for
the quantity and quality of smites
given to his team's vehicle. This

upfor Hon
year's judges are former -
Michigan football player Ron
Kramer, Associate Director of
Women's Athletics Phyllis
Ocker, and Composer and Band
Director George Cavender.
Proceeds from the Car Bash will
go to the Michigan Association for
Retarded Citizens.
The next event is the
homecoming parade along South
University starting at 6 p.m.
Space Shuttle Astronaut and
alumnus Jack Lousma will
marshall the parade featuring the
Michigan Marching Band, floats,
cheerleaders, and classic cars.
FILM CLIPS of the parade will
be shown during the WTBS
telecast of the Michigan vs.
Florida State football game at
12:30 p.m. this Saturday.

necoming festivities

Following the parade, at 6:45
p.m. a Pep Rally will be held on
the Diag. University choral
groups, the Friars and
Harmonettes, will perform and
Head Football Coach Bo
Schembechler and Lousma will
speak. Former Michigan
cheerleader Newt Loken will lead
students and alumni cheers to
generate spirit for Saturday's
Homecoming Chairman Mark
Chekel hopes to top last year's
attendance of 500 or so students at
last year's Pep Rally. The LSA
sophomore said: "There's no
reason that 5,000 people can't be
present, especially at a school like
Michigan which is known for its
spirit. We'd like to fill the whole
Diag if possible."

On Saturday at 9:30 a.m. the
52nd annual Mudbowl will
entertain an estimated crowd of
200-300 spectators at Sigma Alpha
Epsilon Fraternity. The
competing fraternities are Phi
Delta Theta and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon and the sororities, Kappa
Alpha Theta and Sigma Delta
Tau, will battle it out during half
After the Florida State game,
homecoming activities will
conclude Saturday night with a
bonfire and concert at $-30 at Elbel
Field. The motown-sounding
group Domino will take the
spotlight. In case of rain the
concert will be held at the
Michigan League Ballroom at
9:00 p.m.

University officials say they
are trying to place more of an
emphasis on teaching quality, but
research is still the first and most
important factor they examine
when making tenure decisions.
And even though teaching is
reportedly becoming more im-
portant, it's difficult to tell how
good instructors are because there
is no uniform system for
evaluating them.
familiar with one method of
monitoring teaching quality: the
in-class teacher evaluations often
filled out near the end of each
Faculty members generally
use the evaluations to gauge their
own teaching success, and most
departments use them. as part of
their requirement to evaluate
teaching quality. Some of the
questions are released for
publication in "ADVICE," the
course and instructor evaluation
guide produced by the Michigan
Student Assembly.
While the University has
always required evidence of
teaching quality in its con-
sideration of hiring and granting
of promotions and tenure, now,
LSA Dean for Long Range
Planning Jack Meiland says,
"We are seriously scrutinizing
teaching ability."
AT THE same time, however,
research is still the top priority in
the consideration of tenure and

promotions for faculty members.
Teaching runs as second in
importance, whileaservice to the
department is a "distant third,"
said Jack Walker, associate dean
for academic appointments.
He stressed that tenure is "not
just an automatic thing. Each
faculty face separate and very
'A threshold for ex-
cellence in research
has to be passed before
we consider someone
for tenure or a
-Jack Walker,
associate dean of
different roles in a complicated
University. The weights of the
factors vary according to the
person's job.
"Generally," he said, "a
threshold for excellence in
research has to be passed before we
consider someone for tenure or a
promotion, although in a few
cases, outstanding teaching and
service have been enough."
WALKER added that poor
teaching quality has prevented
only a few faculty members from
receiving promotions. Never-
See RESEARCH, Page 3


traditional scream, however, usually sparks a
string of profanities from irate students who are
either awakened or distracted from their studies
by the Second Frost screamers. Sophomore Pete
Witkow, the self-proclaimed scream leader
says, "The scream is a way to unify the hall.

resident advisers living across the courtyard
from Second Frost staked out last Sunday
night's scream and apprehended those students
involved. This move enraged Witkow, who
characterized it as "oppresive", and an act of
"blatant espionage". No disciplinary action
wnatn -lan, nn 4-..arnandi4+4 n 1.n 44-nt nra w,. r , a nn

CHAVEZ SPEAKS: Opinion supports the Cali-
fornia grape boycott. See Page 4.
LAST EXIT: Arts previews the jazz band's


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