Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
&Vol. XCVII - No. 14
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 23, 1986,
Eight Pages
Council picks
sister city
to e,.,
The Ann Arbor City Council
voted unanimously last night to
establish a sister city in Juigalpa,
Nicaragua. The ordinance is an
outgrowth of a referendum
approved by voters on last April's
ballot which asked the council to
establish a sister city in Central
The 11 members of The Ann
Arbor Central America Sister
City Task Force, who organized
the plan, felt the situation in
Nicaragua was more urgent and
compelling than in other country
in Central America.
ANN ARBOR currently has
sister cities in West Germany
and Japan, but those ties were
established 20 years ago and are
of a different nature than the
relationship the city hopes to have
in Nicaragua, according to Isaac
Campbell, a task force member
and chairman of the Ann Arbor
hospitality committee.
Mayor Ed Pierce, who proposed
the move, said the relationship
will be a more giving one than
those in the past. "In contrast to
our sister cities in Japan and
West Germany, I think this
relationship will be quite
different," he said. "Number one,
it is a country with a huge foreign
policy debate, and it is the second
poorest country in the Western
Past relationships with sister
cities have focused on delegations
of visitors in a good will
relationship, Campbell said.
"The relationship between Ann
Arbor and Juigalpa will be more
in the neighborhood of humane
dignity," he said. "We're trying
to reach out to share some of our
good fortune with the people of the
Third World."
JUIGALPA is a city of 31,000
people and located 169 miles from
the capital Managua, in an area
important to the Nicaraguan
economy. In the region of
Juigalpa 2,000 people have died
and 15,000 families have been
displaced since the civil war
began, according to the task force.
In mid-November, Pierce will
lead a 10-day mission to
The principal problem
Juigalpa faces is sanitation.
Health problems are abundant,
and the task force hopes to help the
city on a citizen-to-citizen level.
Task force member Jane Potts,
an Ann Arbor resident, said the
greatest need in Juigalpa is
solving garbage and solid waste
disposal problems and getting rid
of contaminated water.
BECAUSE of increasing
activities by the U.S.-backed
Contra rebels in Nicaragua, Potts
said, there is also a need to
establish a home for orphans.
Other projects are developing a
children's park, helping with a
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Ann Arbor mayor Ed Pierce listens to discussion about the proposal to
build a sister city in Nicaragua.
The University's Executive
Officers yesterday approved a
proposal to double the Nite Owl bus
service's budget and expand its
service before the end of the school
The proposal, submitted by the
Campus Safety Committee this
spring, asked for enough money
to cover the cost of running the
service during spring and
summer terms, creating another
route, and adding an "overload"
bus for busy times during the
year, said Safety Commitee Chair
Diane McClaren. The committee
had also asked for lighted signs
on top of the buses and more
frequent routes.
THE NITE Owl is a safety-
oriented service that services the
campus area between 7 p.m. and 2
a.m. daily.
According to Jack Weid
enbach, director of buisness
operations, the University is
allocating "50,000-plus" to expand
the service. He said the changes
will be implemented before the
end of the school year, but it is not
clear if all of the committee's
proposals will be included.
new milk cooperative,
constructing a technical training
center, and providing material
for the library.
"It seemed like Nicaragua,
which bears the brunt of
(President Reagan's) policy, is
the most appropriate place to
extend friendship," said
Councilmember Jeff Epton (D-
Third Ward).
Despite the countil's
unanimous vote,
councilmembers Larry Hunter
(D- First Ward) and Gerald
Jernigan (R-Fourth Ward)
expressed their skepticism about
establishing a sister city in
Central America.
Other topics discussed by city
council in last night's meeting
were the affordable housing
initiative in which
representatives fof the SOS
Community Crisis Center
reported on their efforts to
establish low-cost housing for the
'LSA committee meets
without student reps
The second-most important committee in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts has met twice this fall without student
representation because the student positions on the committee have not
been filled by the LSA Student Government.
The LSA Curriculum Committee, which handles academic
matters in the college, met Sept. 9 and Sept. 16 without the three
students who are supposed to be appointed by LSA Student
STUDENT SPOTS on the Joint Student-Faculty Policy Committee,
the LSA Steering Committee on Admissions, and several other
college committees also have not been filled. LSA Student
Government has appointed temporary representatives to the
Academic Judiciary, which rules on cases of academic misconduct
by LSA students.
LSA Student Government President Michelle Tear said
appointments will be made Oct. 1 after applicants are interviewed.
r She said appointments are not made in the spring because incoming
freshmen would not be able to participate.
In the fall, Tear said, several weeks are necessary to organize,
advertise the positions, interview applicants, and make selections.
"We do realize there's a problem and students may miss one meeting,
but we think it's more important to let freshmen get involved," Tear
See STUDENT, Page 2
Pollck addresses
'sex% discrimination
"I don't know if we'll have an
overload bus, but there will be two
routes, and it will run more
frequently," Weidenbach said.
covers costs for one year, after
which the executive officers will
review the efficiency of the
expanded service, said Chief
Financial Officer James
Brinkerhoff. University trans-
portation is under the auspices of
Brinkerhoffs office.
The service currently costs
$40,000 to run from September to
The committee's biggest and
most expensive change in Nite
Owl is expanding the service
area of the existing route. Under
the proposal, there would be two
routes-one to cover the north end
of campus and one to cover the
south end. The Undergraduate
Library would be used as a
transfer point.
"IF YOU run one system for a
year at $60,000, if you have two, if
will probably double,"
Weidenbach said in May when
the committee first submitted the
See NITE, Page 3
- A 35-nation conference
yesterday formally adopted the
first East-West security
agreement since SALT II, and
diplomats said it could be a step
toward improved superpower
The conference did not deal
with actual disarmament or
nuclear weapons. Its goal was to
reduce the risk of a military
surprise attack or conventional
war breaking out by
misunderstanding in Europe.
DELEGATES toasted the
agreement with champagne,
ending 32 months of prolonged
deliberations among the United
States, Canada, the Soviet Union
and all European countries except
The accord is politically
binding and when ratified will
come into force Jan. 1, 1987.
Agreement was reached late
Sunday when Soviet and U.S.
negotiators compromised on
arrangements for notification,
observation, and on-site
inspection of military
IT WAS the first East-West
security agreement this decade,
the first during Ronald Reagan's
presidency, and the first since the
still unratified U.S.-Soviet
strategic arms limitations accord
in 1979.
The 35 countries are scheduled
to review the results of the
Stockholm conference and other
offshooots of the 1975 Helsinki
Accords at a follow-up meeting in
Vienna, starting Nov. 4.
See EAST-WEST, Page 2
State Senator Lana Pollack
told members of a women's
studies class yesterday that
strong Affrirmative Action
policies are needed to pave the
way for women's equality in the
work force.
Pollack said that a woman
with a college degree earns as
much as a man who has no high
school degree and that most
women have low-paying, service
oriented jobs.
POLLACK (D-Ann Arbor), a
strong advocate of women's
rights, also told the estimated 60
members of the class "Women
and the Law" about problems she
has faced during her four years
as state senator.
"Sexual discrimination is like
a plexiglass wall. You don't see it
until you try walking through it,"
she said. "Going from Ann Arbor
to Lansing is like going back a
hundred years."
"Some (of my colleagues) have
traversed 60 years, " she
admitted. "I am less of a
ALTHOUGH women have
made strides in gaining job
equality in recent years, 86
percent of women's jobs today are
in the relatively low-paying
service sector, Pollack said.
"There is a tremendous
disparity in income between jobs
for men and jobs for women," she
said. Pollack said Affirmative
See POLLAMK Page 2
A stitch in tim e Daily Photo by SCOTT LTUCHY
Chong Kim does embroidery at the Sports and Martial Arts Supplies Store he owns on East Liberty. He has
owned the store for 7 years and lived in Ann Arbor for 14 years.
A s if sewage in the kitchen weren't
dark room that provides a good breeding ground
for the nocturnal creatures. Workers theorize
that the bats enter the attic through cracks in the
roof or open windows. When workmen leave the
attic door open, the bats fly onto the fifth floor.
Residents say the bats are not a major problem,
and campus security usually just shoos them
- ' r---- . rn_ I - - -1 1... :1.7......
101 possible presidential candidates on the
television show "Walter Cronkite: At Large"
Sunday night. The list was compiled from
responses to a questionnaire sent to 50 people
listed in "Who's Who in America" which asked
who would make good United States presidents
besides those regularly mentioned as can-
e ~C- - - - - ' - -
SPIES: Opinion questions timing of Zhakaroff
exposure. See Page 4.
LUNCH WITH B0: Michigan head coach Bo