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September 10, 1986 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-09-10

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'Blue' jean jackets:
a far from faded fad

The Michigan Daily --Wednesday, September 10, 1986 - Page3
Testing would
exploit rights

They come in white, grey,
black, and true blue, and
nearly every student owns one:
the ubiquitous, all-weather,
all-purpose jean jacket.
A quick glance around the
Diag or a party confirms their
popularity with the cool and
would-be cool, since the only
people who don't own one are
either real dweebs or your
only ones singing denim's
praises. No one loves a fad
more than a merchant.
Duncan Cole from Sam's Store
Inc. on East Liberty says "We
sell hundreds in a fall".
Fashionable as they may be,
there are jean jackets that are
not cool. Jackets to avoid at all
costs are usually dark blue
(indicating lack of history or
stonewashing) with stitches
that show (especially red) and
have breast pockets with
Although any jacket may
be worn for warmth, jean
jackets have a greater utility.
Carole Braden, an LSA
sophomore wearing a
somewhat faded Levi's jacket
said, "My friend and I came up
here junior year in high school
and bought them together. We
thought it was an 'Ann Arbor'
thing to do. I wear it
constantly. It seems like
everyone has them."
asked not to be identified,
p sported an over-sized jean
jacket adorned with appliques
of stars, a spaceman, and the
French words "Et Voss"
stitched on the back. She said
she bought it in the south of
France and wears it "to be

The coolest jean jackets are
a means for self-expression.
Peter Xilas, an LSA sophomore
wears a jacket embellished
with an artist's rendering of
Staggar Lee, the namesake of
a Grateful Dead song, on the
back of his jacket. The
painting depicts a green suit,
yellow gloves, a top hat, eyes
and a cheshire-cat smile, but a
void wherever skin would be.
In his words it is "an invisible
man in a green suit boogying
down" .
sophomore in the School of
Natural Resources prefers a
jacket more on the cutting edge
of denim fashion. His new,
loose-fitting grey and blue
Wrangler jacket with
elasticized cuffs and waist
cured,'him of his former hatred
of "the standard jean jacket.
This is an '80s jean jacket", he
said enthusiastically. "People
who don't wear jean jackets
are just ordinary people" he
said, shaking his head sadly.
The so-called "standard
jean jacket" is Levi's "regular
pre-washed", which sells for
$35.95 at Sam's Store Inc. But
according to Coles, the most
popular style now is the stone-
washed model for
$37.95-prices of course do
vary.according to manu-
facturer. Guess? jackets,
considered hautesdenim and
worn only by the very rich and
trendy, range from $86-$100.
Levi's jackets may also be
found with an all-cotton
flannel lining in Buffalo plaid
for extra warmth so jean jacket
wearers need not retire their
true blue, white, black, or grey
in the chilly season ahead.

(Continued from Page 1)
"I think that mandatory
testing is basically a hysterical
overreaction to a problem which
among academics is very
small," according to history Prof.
Terrence McDonald.
McDonald said that testing
policies are an infringement of
privacy through self
incrimination that "has a
tendency to threaten cherished
beliefs that have been held
throughout American history."
McDonald opposes such
policies in both public and private,
institutions. "I would refuse to
submit to such a test," he said. "I
would support legal or other action
to block its administration to
anyone on the faculty."

Bob Piefer, assistant director
at the Department of Public Safety,
said he would have no problem
submitting to a mandatory drug
"I don't mind being tested for
drugs," he said. "I don't think we
have a drug problem here at the
Department of Public Safety."
Under the current policey,
cases are handled individually
by department's supervisors. One
concern involving policy
revisions is the liability of the
University owing to the negligent
actions of an employee. James
Thiry, personnel director for the
University, has said that, in any
policy'revisions, it is necessary to
balance employee responsibilities
and rights.

Doily Photo by PETE ROSS
Amy Koch, an LSA sophomore 'coolly' wears a seasoned Levi's jacket.
The jacket is typically oversized for the laid-back look populating the
Diag this fall.
Panel pressures pushers

You can ...
advertise your

find fulfillment,

Irich's changes ownership

LANSING (AP) - Michigan
should force drug dealers to pay
for the treatment of young addicts,
says the head of a special
legislative advisory committees
"We need to jolt our state out of
complacency," Tom Allman said
Monday at a meeting of the state
Senate's juvenile justice
advisory committee. "Pass
legislation that makes the dealers
and sellers of illegal narcotics
responsible to the parents or
guardians for the costs of
Allman heads the panel's
research committee, which is
gathering information to help
lawmakers draft bills aimed at
curbing juvenile crime, drug use
and delinquency.

laws banning the sale of drug
paraphernalia, making the
sellers of drug paraphernalia
liable for the cost of treating
addicted youths and mandatory
prison sentences for adults
convicted of selling drugs to
minors or selling drugs on school
He also suggested the state cut
off funds to any college that fails
to enforce drug and alcohol laws
on campus and suggested
Michigan set up a statewide toll-
free telephone number for
reporting suspected drug
His recommendations will be
considered by the panel as it
works to develop a comprehensive
report on the issue by Dec. 31.

get rid of an
unwanted pet,_and

(Continued from Page 1)
like buying their books there
because the profits go back into the
The University Cellar is a
privately managed business that
is operated by a Board of
Directors, a committee of

You're Needed
All Over the
Ask Peace Corps volunteers why
their ingenuity and flexibility are
as vital as their degrees. They'll
tell you they are helping the
world's poorest peoples attain
self sufficiency in the areas of food
production, energy conservation,
education, economic develop-
ment and health services. And
they'll tell you about the rewards
of hands on career experience
overseas. They'll tell you it's the
toughest job you'll ever love.

Many people don't realize that
the owner of the University Cellar
is the student body, Self said. "I
hope that the students will come to
realize that we are a student
organization and will respond to
that," she said.
SALES AT Ulrich's are also up
this year, according to Rosser. But
he said he does not know if the
service or prices will change as a
result of the sale. "I can't tell you
because I don't know, it's all so
new for me that I couldn't really
give you an accurate answer right
now," he said.
When asked why students
might come to Ulrich's instead of
U Cellar, Rosser said that
students may chose to shop at
Ulrich's instead of the Unviersity
Cellar because of its convenient
location, competitive prices, and
reputation among several
generations of students.
"We're very competitive,"
Rosser said. "And we try and
make our store as hassle-free as
we can for the students."
JERRY MALONY, the general
manager of Barnes and Noble,
refused to comment on how the
sale of Ulrich's might affect his
Pat Barnabei, an employee at
University Cellar said he doesn't
think the bookstore sale will hurt
the University Cellar. "I think
that that's something we'll never
see. There's always been a
friendly competition between
Ulrich's and us. I mean Barnes
and Noble is just as wealthy as
Nebraska, and they haven't done

I "
° D

much, much more, with a

Contras say
weapons issued

how much you care,



(AP) -- Nicaragua is issuing
weapons to foreign civilian
volunteers, thereby converting
them into potential targets for
Contra rebels, the military
commander of the largest rebel
force says.
"They are part of the enemy.
We have warned them not to go
into the war zones or carry
weapons. We cannot be
responsible," said Enrique
Bermudez, one of seven directors
of the Nicaraguan Democratic
Force rebel group.
'THESE PEOPLE are at risk of
being killed by our forces,
especially if they are wearing
uniforms, carrying weapons and
riding in military vehicles," he
said in a weekend interview.
Bermudez, leader of the U.S.-
backed Contra group known as
FDN from its Spanish-language
initials, was referring to
thousands of volunteers, mainly
from Europe and the United
States, who work in Nicaragua
building houses, health clinics
and schools.
HE BUTRESSED his charges
by showing documents including
gun permits he said were taken

from three foreigners killed in a
July 28 Contra attack on a
government military installation
near Zompopera in northern
Nicaragua's leftist
Sandinistat government and
international groups sponsoring
the foreigners' visits have said
repeatedly that the civilian
volunteers are unarmed. The
goverhment has withdrawn some
volunteers from combat zones, but
has avoided publicizing the issue.
THE PROBLEM has been
because the Sandinistats say they
are poor internationalists and
innocents , buty this shows they
are active partcipants," Bermudez
said, referring to the documents.

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