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September 10, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-09-10

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 10, 1986
State Sens. endorse divestiturei

LANSING (AP)- A plan to
scrap stocks more than $2 billion
to demonstrate Michigan's
opposition to South Africa's
apartheid system cleared a major
hurdle yesterday when it won the
approval of a Senate committee.
The plan to -sell pension fund
investments in companies that do
business in South Africa was sent
to the full Senate on a 4-1 vote.
Before the vote by the Economic
Development , Trade and
Tourism Committee more than 70
anti-apartheid activists joined
hands in a human ring around
the Michigan Capitol.
Gov. James Blanchard was
part of the demonstration, along
with several Democratic
Divestiture bills have been
pushed for years by Democratic
representatives. A 1982 law
required state colleges and
universities to sell off their stocks
in companies dealing in South
Africa, but the drive to force state

pension funds to sell stocks didn't
gather steam unitl last year,
when Blanchard took a pro-
divestiture stand.
The divestiture bills were
approved by the House in
December; the Senate committee
has been considering them since
Divestiture is opposed strongly
by retiree's groups, which contend
their security will be jeopardized
if the state picks investments
based on social policy, rather then
the expectation the stocks' value
will rise and fatten the pension
Tuesday's vote favored the
bills but doesn't guarantee
acceptance by the full Senate.
Sen. Harry DeMatto (R-Battle
Creek) said Senate majority
leader John Engler made it clear
he wants the full package
scrutinized by the Senate
Appropriations Committee.
Blanchards legal advisor,

Larry Glazer, also expressed
fears the bill would go into
committee and never come out.

"Why not let the Senate vote?"
he asked

VI schools continue strike

A St. Clair County Circuit
Court judge heard Port Huron's
request for an injunction
ordering teachers back to work,
while teachers' at three other
Michigan school districts also
continued to strike yesterday.
Strikes continued in Port
Huron, Cass City, Harbor Beach
and Mount Clemens, idling more
than 19,00 students and almost
1,000 teachers.
Meanwhile, Niles teachers
conducted the district's first day
of classes yesterday after ending
a six-day strike. The southwest
Michigan district's 265 teachers
reported to a preparation day
Monday. The first day of classes
for the district's 4,600 students
had been scheduled Sept. 2.
Judge James Corden heard Port
!Huron's request for a back-to-
work , rder yesterday, said
torden's 'clerk, who refused
The hearing was moved from
circuit court to the 1,169-seat,
McMorran Auditorium in Port
Huron because about 500
spectators-many of them
teachers-attended the hearing.
Morris Snider, general
manager of the auditorium that is
used nightly for plays, concerts
and movies, said folding chairs
and eight-foot tables were used to
form a makeshift courtroom.

Huron, the only one of the state's
35 largest school districts without
a teacher contract, have been
suspended at least until after the
hearing, Superintendent Larry
Moeller said.
No new talks have been
scheduled to encd the strike in
Harbor Beach, which at 15 days is
the longest teacher strike in state,
Superintendent Richard Gale
Gale said the school board will
discuss today at its meeting the
possibility of seeking a back-to-
work order.
threatened today to curtail
involvement in athletics and
other extracurricular activities.
Gale said the district has sent
letters to the eight fall coaches
telling them that a work stoppag*
would harm the athletes who have
spent the last month preparing for
the season.
Port Huron has 13,000 students
and 650 teachers; Mount Clemens,
3,725 and 218; Cass City, 1,550 and
72; and Harbor Beach 1,050 and
The Michigan Education
Association said strikes are
likely in Gibraltar, Clintondale,
Bessemer, Saline, Vassar, Reese,
Flint Beecher, Maple Valley and
Mott Community College in

Associated Press

Indian newspapers hailed Neeja Mishra, the flight attendant killed in the
Pan Am hijacking, as "heroine of the hijack." She warned the cockpit
crew of the gunmen, allowing the crew to escape.
Student home from
Pakistan hijacking

Rebels hanged in South Africa
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa --Three black insurgents,
including a 19-year-old convicted in a bombing that killed five
whites, were hanged yesterday after refusing to seek clemency.
U.S. civil rights leader Coretta Scott King, meanwhile, cancelled
a meeting with President P.W. Botha at the last minute. She
announced her decision a day after leading anti-apartheid activists
said they would not see her if she met with Botha.
The execution of the rebels, members of the outlawed African
National Congress guerrilla group, caused little public outcry.
Previous executions of ANC members promoted worldwide
condemnation and appeals for clemency.
The three-- Sibusiso Andrew Zondo, Simho Bridget Xulu and
Clarence Lucky Payi-- were hanged at Pretoria Central Prison at 7
a.m., said Supreme Court Registrar Martin van der Westhuizen.
He said three other convicted murderers also were executed.
Cairo gunman takes consulate
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- An Arab with a pistol took over the office of
the Italian consul yesterday and held the diplomat and three co-
workers hostage while negotiating by telephone with authorities,
police and the Italian Embassy said.
Ugo Colombo, a second secretary at the Italian Embassy, said the
gunman, apparently an Egyptian, was "affected by mental
illness.., mentally deranged" and that the incident had no political
Both Colombo and a senior police officer at the downtown
consulate denied an earlier report that the gunman was demanding
release of a prisoner from an Italian jail.
There apparently were no shots fired in the 1p.m. takeover and
no indication that Consul Francesco Ercolano or his colleagues
were injured.
The consulate is separate from the Italian Embassy in Cairo. It
is in a business area downtown, and the gunman was holed up in
either the first or second floors, above the ground-level visa office,
police said.
Daniloff prepares for long stay
MOSCOW (AP)--Jailed American reporter Nicholas Daniloff
fears U.S.-Soviet tensions over his case are "escalating
dangerously" and believes he won't be released soon, his wife said
Earlier in the day, Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennady
Gerasimov told reporters a "mutual solution" to the Daniloff case
could be found, but he declined to be specific. Daniloff was arrested
Aug. 30 and accused of spying.
Ruth Daniloff, accompanied by U.S. Consul Roger Daley, met
with her husband for the third time in Moscow's Lefortovo prison.
She has accused the Soviet government of framing the 51-year-
old journalist and holding him hostage so an exchange can be
arranged for Gennadiy Zakharov, a Soviet U.N. employee arrested
Aug. 23 in New York and indicted yesterday on spy charges.
Chrysler to renovate plant
LANSING, Mich.--Chrysler Corp will spend about $1.8 billion to
renovate its Jefferson Avenue plant in Detroit and build a high-
technology center in Oakland County, Gov. James Blanchard,
announced yesterday.
"As much as it ever can be said 'there is an agreement the
Jefferson Avenue project will go forward, the Oakland Technology
Park will go forward and now it's our job to implement this;' said
the Democratic governor, who is seeking re-election.
The agreement, announced after Chrysler officials met with
representatives of Oakland County, Auburn Hills, Detroit, and
various state and legislative leaders, will mean a state investment
of about $150 million over the next five to six years, Blanchard said. -
"But it's a good investment. For every dollar we invest in roads.
and rail lines and job training, we're talking about receiving at
least $2 in return in personal income taxes and in single business
taxes as well," he said.
Rates reduce used-car prices
DETROIT (AP) -- Bargain-basement financing for new cars
will prompt a dramatic drop in used-car prices, cutting into sales by
the nation's major automakers, industry analysts said yesterday.
Used-car dealers agree prices are dropping, but caution
customers not to expect a steal.
"Whenever new-car prices come down, every car in the fleet, all
the way down to the one going to the junkyard tomorrow, reduces in
value," said Arvid Jouppi, a Detroit automotive analyst. Used-car;
prices will go down because of the surplus created by the new-car.

General Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co. last month began
offering 2.9 percent interest rates in an effort to clear the showrooms
of 1986 cars.
Chrysler Corp. quickly followed with 2.4 percent financing, and
then American Motors Corp. , whose sales this year have been
running about half those of a year before, weighed in with interest-
free loans of most models.
Vol. XCVII - No.5.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription
rates: September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the
city. One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times

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Steve L.
A Moral Defense
a speech by
Peter Schwartz
Editor and Publisher of
The Intellectual Activist
September 11, 1986

Mona Patel had a hard time
falling asleep last night.
Patel, a computer science
junior at the University's
Dearborn campus was one of the
400 passangers aboard the Pan
Am jumbo jet that was hijacked
last Friday morning in
Pakistan. She and four other
Americans of Indian descent
finally made it home to Michigan
late Monday night where they
were greeted at Detroit
Metropolitan Airport by relieved
family members, and friends
with flowers and "welcome
home" banners.
The Pan American World
Airways jet was seized by four
Palestinians who ranged in age
from 19 to 25 years old. The
hijackers demanded that the
plane be flown to Cyprus where
they wanted to free several
Palestinians who are jailed
"Now that its over I just feel
great that I'm safe and alive"
Patel said. She added that "it'll
take some time before I feel back
to normal , but after seeing my
family and friends I feel a lot
Patel was lucky to have
survived the tragedy which left 15
people dead, including three
Americans , and 127 injured ,17 of
which were Americans. Patel
was returning from India after a
month-long visit with her parents
and family in their hometown
near Bombay.
Although terrorism in the.
Middle East and Europe has
recently become an important
national and world concern,
Patel said that beforehand she
was not particularily worried
about traveling abroad. "I was so
excited to see my family and
friends in India, I never even
dreamt that something like this
could happen." She said.
Patel came to this country
close to four years ago to study
and lives with her uncle and aunt
in Southgate. Most of the people
she is closest to live in India. "I
was not especially excited about
returning here to school", Patel
said, adding that, "I wanted to
stay there".

told us to stay in that position for
an hour, and for the next three
hours they made us sit with our
heads down and our hands
crossed behind our heads.", she
But according to Patel, at that
point no one on board suspected
what was to take place in the
proceeding hours. She explained
that, "people were relaxing,
sleeping or talking. They said
they were'nt going to hurt any of
us. They seemed pretty nice---
they gave us sandwiches and pop,
and talked to some of the small
About 13 hours later the lights
went out in the aircraft and the
hijackers proceeded to fire
randomly into the main cabin
with guns, grenades and a
machine gun. "All of a sudden it
seemed like fireworks. I could
see gas everywhere and people
started screaming" Patel said,
adding that, "I can still hear them
The gunmen continued for
"about five or ten minutes" before
an emergency escape door was
opened. Patel said that during
that time, "I just took my chances.
JAdecided that I wouldn't move, if
something hit me I'd just take it.
My body felt stiff because I was so
terrified. I felt so close to death.".
When the firing stopped, Patel
said that everyone began running
toward the opened rescue door.
"I got scared when I saw the
lady who had been sitting next to
me was covered in blood", Patel
said. "She was dead. I realized
that it could have been me".
"After that I just ran to the.
nearest door, which turned out to
be the wrong one--- it was the door
to the wing of the plane." She
Patel said that she and the
others who were on the wing were
going to jump down the four storey
distance to the ground when a
stewardess came out , telling
them to stay there. "She held my
hand and told me to lie down on
the wing", Patel said. "Then she
laid over me to protect me".
Eventually, Patel and the
others made it back inside the
plane and escaped through the
--nn.a r.c..n n.i.f



Editor in Chief....................ERIC MATTSON
ManagingEditor............RACHEL GOTTLIEB
News Editor.....................JERRY MARKON
City Editor........................CHRISTY RIEDEL
Features Editor....................AMY MINDELL
NEWS STAFF: Eve Becker, Melissa Birks,
Rebecca Blumenstein, Nancy Braiman,
Harish Chand, Dov Cohen, TimDaly, Rob
Earle, Ellen Fiedelholtz, Martin Frank, Lisa
Green, Stephen Gregory, Steve Herz, Mary
Chris Jaklevic, Philip Levy, Michael Lustig,
Kery Murakami, Peter Orner, Eugene Pak,
Martha Sevetson, Wendy Sharp, Susanne
Skubik, Naomi Wax.
Opinion Page Editor...............KAREN KLEIN
Associate Opinion Page
Editor.................................HENRY PARK
Chinnock, Gayle Kirshenbaum, Peter
Mooney, Caleb Southworth.
Arts Editor.......................NOELLE BROWER

Sports Editor..........BARB McQUADE
Associate Sports
Editors.............................DAVE ARETHA
SPORTS STAFF: Paul Dodd, Liam Flaherty,
Jon Hartmann, Darren Jasey, Julie Langer,
Christian Martin, Eric Maxson, Greg
McDonald, Scott Miller, Greg Molzon, Jerry
Muth, Adam Ochlis, Lisa Poutans, Jeff Rush,
Adam Schefter, Scott Shaffer, Pete Steinert,
Douglas volan.
Business Manager.......MASON FRANKLIN
Sales Manager.....................DIANE BLOOM
Finance Manager.....REBECCA LAWRENCE
Classified Manager......GAYLA BROCKMAN
Asst Sales Manager.........DEBRA LEDERER
Ass't Classified Manager...GAYLE SHAPIRO
DISPLAY SALES: Barb Calderoni, Aait
Elrand, Lisa Gnas, Melissa Hambrick, Alan


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