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Work abroad, earn
more than money

Sleep cheap in Europe


___. J

By Eve Becker
T WAS kind of scary. I was in the
airplane and I thought 'What are
we doing here? We are going to spend
the next six months across the
world,' " reflects Kathy Scott on her
fears before arriving in London last
But once in England, Scott and her
friend Bill Lee, both University
Master of Fine Arts graduate studen-
ts, landed a job working for an
American living in London after a
seven-day search.
Scott found that her original fears
were unfounded and she enjoyed her
experience. "There is just so much to
do there. We met so many people. Just
going to the market was fantastic,"
she said.
Working overseas is an opportunity
for many students to travel and ex-
perience the intricacies of living and
working in a foreign culture, while
earning enough to pay their expenses.
A good place to start planning for a
job overseas is the University's Over-
seas Opportunity Office. The office
recommends two main programs:
The International Association for the
Exchange of Students for Technical
Experiences (IASTE) and the Countil
on International Educational Ex-
change (CIEE).
IASTE arranges for internships in
the science and technical fields.
Students compete for jobs within their
fields of study. Usually the student
with the most experience receives the
internship, according to Jane
Dickson, overseas opportunity ad-
visor. IASTE operates in 50 countries
and there is a $50 application fee.
CIEE is a program for general, non-
specialized work abroad. Its branches
are in England, Ireland, France,
Germany, New Zealand, and Costa
Rica and the contact offices in each
country aid students in finding jobs
and housing once overseas. CIEE also
provides students with a work visa as
a part of the $72 fee (the fee is higher
in some countries).
The difference between IASTE and
CIEE is that CIEE provides only the
raw materials: a work visa and some
job leads. Once overseas students
must find their own job, Dickson said.
Students may be concerned about
going abroad without having a job,
but according to James Gehlhar, in-
ternational opportunities advisor, this

flexibility will allow the student to
find a job he really likes. Three to four
days should be enough time to find a
job, he added.
Students can use local newspapers,
word-of-mouth, and 'Help Wanted'
signs in shop windows to find em-
LSA senior Julie Starkel has worked
two summers in France. Last sum-'
mer she worked at the E.F. Hutton
stock brokerage in Paris through an
internship sponsored by the Univer-
sity's Center for Western European
Studies. The previous summer
Starkel was employed in a hotel in
Avignon in Southern France. She ob-
tained the job through the friend of a
But Starkel warns that "it's not
easy to get a job abroad. It's not a
piece of cake. You have to research
and talk to people who have worked
Though students traditionally work
to pay for school, Gehlhar warns that
students shouldn't go abroad to work
expecting to earn enough for a
semester's tuition. The wages studen-
ts earn usually cover the basic expen-
ses of the trip, although sometimes
students find jobs enabling them to
make a profit, he said.
Another organization which
arranges traineeships for students is
AIESEC, international and student-
AIESEC, a French acronym, has
branches in 63 countries. But in order
to receive a foreign traineeship, you
must be a participating member and
pay the $20 membership fee.
The program is an international job
exchange, and the local AIESEC
chapter is entitled to as many jobs
overseas as it finds in the United
Jan Longwell would agree that
working abroad is an invaluable ex-
perience, though she paid to be a
volunteer worker in Botswana,
Located in a rural village,
Longwell, an LSA senior, worked
among villagers to build a chicken
coop and a health post, and taught
English to children.
Longwell found that the natives that
she first felt were "savage" shared
some of the same qualities as

By Vibeke Laroi
IN ROME, you're supposed to do as
the Romans do. But in Nice, I'd
suggest you exercise caution when
doing as the French do.
A picture of myself on the stone-
covered Riviera, French-style - sans
bikini top - was a souvenir I luckily
prevented some Japanese tourists
from bringing home.
But it is often escaping the tide of
camera-laden tourists following their
loyal guidebooks and pre-marked
maps that brings Europe to life.
Unfortunately, many travelers in
Europe feel obliged to see only the
conventional tourist attractions, such
as Paris art museum the Louvre or
the cathedral Notre Dame, said Jane
Dickson, the international oppor-
tunities advisor at the International
Center located in West Quad.
Europe does have the Louvre and
Notre Dame, but it is those unheard of
and uncharted spots that are often the
most gratifying to visit.
As the tourist boat in Interlaken,
Switzerland harbored at a well-
advertised and well-toured stop, my
friend and I remained on board, much
to the astonishment of the other
tourists and ourselves. We got off a
few stops later, alone, at a peaceful
little village uninfested by tourists.
We climbed a steep hill, past wood
houses, green pastures and a woman
with a scarf around her head trying to
keep up with her dog. It was here,
overlooking the lake and mountains,
eating our cheese, bread, and dark
Swiss milk chocolate, that we thought
maybe, just maybe, we could be one
of those local villagers.
But venturing out on the spur of the
moment is not always rewarding.
Arriving in a bad section of Paris at
10 p.m. without a place to stay was
one case when being spontaneous did
not pay. We stood out as sore thumbs
- two young girls stranded in Paris
late at night - slowly sipping our cafe
au lait, the cheapest thing on the
menu, while trying to hide our panic
as we painfully discovered all the
budget accommodations in our faith-
ful Let's Go Europe guide were
booked. Instead, we ended up forking
over a precious $40 for a hotel rather
than taking up the friendly waiter's
"free place to stay."
Alas, the planning and preparation
of daily life cannot be dropped once in

Europe if your trip is to be a favorable
Some planning should start before
getting off the plane on the other side
of the Atlantic.
The one thing to get early, if you
don't already have one, is a passport.
A trip to the county clerk's office or
the main post office is best before
passport rush - April, May, and June
- to save time as well as a prospec-
tive lost application, said James
Gehlhar, the international oppor-
tunities coordinator at the Inter-
national Center.
It's also advisable to get a visa
early. Visas, a stamp in your passport
allowing you to enter a country, are
only needed in Eastern bloc coun-
tries if you're an American citizen.
Yugoslavia is an exception. There a
visa is issued at the border, Dickson
Obtaining visas to Poland and the
Soviet Union take longer than those
for other Eastern bloc countries -
three to six weeks according to
Dickson. She added that you can write
to appropriate embassies or con-
sulates for .applications.
An International Student Identity
card, which you can get at the Inter-
national Center the day after you ap-
ply, is also a worthwhile purchase.
For a cost of ten dollars, the card en-
titles you to many discounts in
Europe, including deals on museum
tours, theater outings, historical sites,
and air fare.
If you plan on traveling to many dif-
ferent cities and towns, you should opt
for a Eurailpass - a ticket to
unlimited train travel in
European countries, excluding the
Eastern bloc and the United
Kingdom. A one-month, second class
ticket costs $290. A two-month pass is
$370. You must be 25 years old or
younger on the first day of rail travel
to qualify for the Eurailpass.
But a Eurailpass does not
necessarily guarantee you a seat on a
train, especially during the peak
season beginning in June and ending
in mid-August. If you want to avoid
sitting or sleeping on the grimy floor
of a train, it is wise to invest an extra
couple of dollars for a seat reser-
The one thing you can rely on in
Europe is a prompt, efficient train
network that many Europeans them-

selves rely on.
Train travel has some extra advan-
tages. It's a great way to meet
Europeansuand brush up on those
rusty language skills.
Luckily, I've discovered that
language plays a minor role in for-
ming friendships. My friend and I
discovered this while sitting across
from a young French girl. She sur-
prisingly made sense of our strange
gestures and utterances and led us to
our train. We understood what she
meant when she reached across and
lit my friend's cigarette and motioned
her to do likewise. It was a universal
sign of friendship.
But when the gesturing and signing
gets tiring, a great way to meet fellow
American travelers is at Youth
For two to seven dollars a night, you
can sleep, socialize and usually get a
hot breakfast. But if your socializing
takes you out of the hostel, you are of-
ten required to come back by curfew.

Interlaken, Switzerland: A peaceful retrec

Curfews aside, hostels are inexpen-
sive, often an important consideration
for students. Hostels, as well as other
inexpensive accommodations, are
listed in Let's Go Europe - the.
traveler's Bible written for the
student traveler on a student's
Based on last summer, travelers
reported to the University's Inter-
national Center that vagabonds could
get by on $10 to $12 a day, moderate
spenders on $12 to $18 a day, and those
who appreciate comfort on $18 to $30 a
day. But Gehlhar said to keep in mind
that it is more expensive to travel in
northern Europe than in southern






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Try 'Living abroad 101'

(Continued from Paae 4)
The reception, though, was not
always friendly, and sometimes
people would roll their eyes in a look
that said "Oh God, another
foreigner," she said.
At a private business institute in
Paris, all Huebner's courses were
taught in French.
Two of her classes - political scien-
ce and a socio-economic seminar on
France - took advantage of the
school's proximity to the center of the
French government.'
Even though Faigel studied in a
country where they spoke English,

she soon discovered it was British, not
American English.
When a British friend ended a
telephone conversation with "I'll
knock you up in the morning," Faigel
said her jaw dropped, and she replied
"What? I'm not that kind of girl."
Faigel heaved a sigh of relief after
her friend explained that he just wan-
ted to call her up in the morning.
Faigel got used to going "pub
crawling" and getting "pissed" -
going bar hopping and getting drunk
- but she could not get accustomed to
the typical English diet of (cow) kid-
neys and beans on toast.

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8 Weekend/Friday, January 17, 1986 ..


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