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April 22, 1986 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-22

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Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 22, 1986
N ,Upended netters to face MSU

Just when the men's tennis team
was pounding all of their opponents
into the ground, the Minnesota Golden
Gophers popped their heads from
their earthly holes to nip the
Wolverines Friday, 5-4. Two days
later, Michigan traveled to Madison,
Wis. only to be pestered and beaten
again, this time by the Wisconsin
Badgers, 5-4.
Today the Wolverines will attempt
to return to the winning style they are
accustomed to when they play
Michigan State at 2:30 on the varsity
"I HOPE WE do well, unfor-
tunately, we haven't won a match in
the Big Ten yet," said Michigan State
head coach Stan Drobac. "On paper
we're definitely the underdog. "
"They (MSU) are a good team and
evenly balanced, " said Wolverine
coach Brian Eisner. "If we perform
poorly, we could possibly lose."
Eisner said that Michigan State has
had some unexpected problems this
year, losing their third singles
player: Drobac was also concerned
that one of his top performers may be
out with a foot injury.
AFTER THIS weekend's pair of
losses, Eisner said there will
definitely be some changes in the
Wolverines' lineup.
"We're going to try some different
people in second and third doubles,"
said Eisner. "They just haven't been
playing well; they haven't clicked as
I hoped they would."
But one person who seems to be
clicking is freshman Dan Goldberg.
Goldberg had two solid wins this

weekend, both against collegiate
players who are ranked among the top
75 in the nation.
"GOLDBERG has been outstan-
ding. He beat Matt Grace from Min-
nesota, who he had lost to earlier in
the year," Eisner said of Michigan's
number one player. "Dan was ranked
about seventy in the nation but now
should move up well into the fifties or
even forties." He's playing as well as
anyone in the U.S. right now." The
Wolverines played a five-and-one-half
hour match before almost a thousand
Gopher fans Friday in Minneapolis.
Before losing to the eighth-ranked
Gophers, Michigan took six of its
matches to three sets.
"It was an exciting and emotional
match," said Eisner. "I'm not disap-
pointed with the results at all.
"I WAS VERY disappointed with
how we played at Wisconsin. We
played poorly and we competed
poorly. Wisconsin is a very
dangerous team, but we were drained
from the Minnesota match."
Eisner hopes today's match will be.
a different story. In switching a
couple of doubles players, he is looking
for the stability his team has been
lacking thus far.
Drobac, whose squad is 2-14, 0-6 in
the conference, looks forward to the
Blue-Green rivalry.
"All their players, - Royer, Shar-
ton, and Filer - are excellent and
have played well so far," said Drobac.
"Brian Eisner went to Michigan State
and was a student of mine, so I always
look forward to the Michigan match."
Today's match will bring the
Wolverines out of their Gopher and
Badger holes and back on track to
defending their Big Ten title.



No sweat
Australian Rob de Castella raises his arms in triumph;
tape and wins yesterday's Boston Marathon in 2:07.51.

Associated Press
as he breaks the


Women netters are still hurting


As more and more players get
healthy, the women's tennis team gets
closer to being successful in Big Ten
competition. Unfortunately, last
weekend was another learning ex-
~perience, with the netters dropping
two close matches on the road.
Michigan went 6-6 in singles play,
but won just one doubles match
,against Illinois in a 5-4 loss. The
Wolverines were shut out in doubles
- competition as they fell to Purdue, 6-3.
MOST OF THE singles lineup was
forced to move up one slot for the
weekend after Tina Basle reinjured
her hamstring in the Michigan State
match lastrWednesday. She will be
,missing from the No. 2 spot again
when the Wolverines host Iowa and
Ohio State this weekend.

"We had several opportunities to
win Saturday and didn't take advan-
tage of them," said coach Bitsy Ritt.
"Purdue was a much stronger team,
though, so it wasn't as disappointing a
loss (as Illinois)."
Two-time All-Big Ten selection
Paula Reichert continued her tear
through the schedule, downing the
Illini's Kathy Neil, 6-4, 6-4, and
Boilermaker ace Krista Schreck, 6-1,
5-7, 7-5. Reichert has lost only twice in
ten conference matches.
ANTOHER bright spot, although it
wasn't in a winning capacity, was the
full-time return of junior Tricia Horn
from a back injury. Although Horn
isn't quite back to full strength, Ritt
was encouraged with her return to ac-
"I was pleased that she could play
four matches in two days," Ritt said.

"She doesn't feel as well as she would
like to physically, though, and it's hur-
ting her confidence."
Besides Reichert, Leslie Mackey
and senior co-captain Monica Bor-
cherts posted wins in singles play
against Illinois. Reicher and Erin
Ashare downed Kathy Neil and Sheila
Burns, 6-3, 7-6 (8-6), for the lone
Wolverinevictory in doubles play for
the weekend.
ASHARE and Susie Patlovich both
took their Illinois opponents to three
sets before succumbing. Borcherts
and Horn went three sets before
falling in their number-three doubles
Sunday, it was Ashare who was vic-
torious in three sets, outlasting Pur-
due's Julia Chambers, 1-6, 6-3, 6-4.
Patlovich also came back from her
narrow defeat Saturday to post a 0-6,
6-1, 6-3 win over Jennifer Allan.
Despite being blanked in doubles
play, all three pairs were competitive.
losing the first set 5-7 and the second
6-3 or 6-4.
THE LOSSES dropped the
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Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
John Royer and the rest of his Michigan teammates will try to get back
into the swing today against Michigan State. The tennis team dropped
matches at Minnesota and Wisconsin last weekend.
Tigers nip Red-Sox

... 8-2 in Big Ten play

A summer tabloid edition of The Michigan Daily will be published
every Friday throughout the summer. The first publication will
appear on May 9th at the following drop locations:

Wolverines to 9-14 overall and 1-9 in
Big Ten play, making this weekend's
homestand essential in avoiding the
cellar of the standings.
"Both teams (Iowa and Ohio State)
recently lost to Illinois, 5-4, so we're
matched pretty evenly," Ritt said.
Ohio State was the team Michigan
defeated back in February for their
lone Big Ten triumph, but Ritt points
out the tables may be turned this
"They had some people hurt and we
had everyone healthy when we beat
them down there, but we don't have
any edge now," Ritt said.

BOSTON (UPI) - Lou. Whitaker
knocked in two runs and Dave Collins
had three hits and scored twice
yesterday to pace the Detroit Tigers
to a 5-4 victory over Boston, snapping
the Red Sox's four-game winning
Walt Terrell, 2-1, pitched six in-
nings, allowing eight hits while
walking fourwand striking out one to
earn the victory. Willie Hernandez
worked the final 1 1/3 innings,
allowing one hit to post his fourth save
of the season.
LEADING 2-0 in the fifth, Detroit
added a pair of runs off loser Al Nip-
per, 1-2. Alan Trammell led off with a
triple and scored on Collins' check-
swing single to left. Darnell Coles
followed with a bloop single to right,
advancing Collins to third, and
Whitaker's sacrifice fly scored Collins
to make it 4-0.
Boston scored two runs in the fifth
and one in the sixth to cut the margin to
4-3. With one out in the fifth, Bill
Buckner singlediand advanced to
third on Jim Rice's double. Don

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Baylor walked to load the bases, and
one out later, Rich Gedman lined a
single to left, scoring Buckner and
Wade Boggs lofted a solo homer into
the left field screen in the sixth to
make it 4-3 before Coles' solo blast in
the seventh increased the Tigers lead
to 5-3.
Rice's third homer of the season in
the seventh cut the score to 5-4.
The Tigers jumped to a 2-0 lead in
the first. Collins started the game
with a double and later scored on
Whitaker's single. Whitaker advan-
ced to second on an error by first
baseman Bill Buckner on a Kirk Gib-
son grounder and scored on Lance
Parrish's single.
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Ca// for show times.
Spring Commencement Exercises at The University of Michigan
will be held on Saturday, May 3, at 1:00 p.m. The Exercises are
scheduled for the Michigan Stadium. In case of rain, they will be
held in Crisler Arena.
It will be announced on the local radio stations (WUOM, WPAG
and WAAM) at 11:00 a.m. on May 3 whether the Exercises will be
held at the Michigan Stadium or in Crisler Arena.

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