vs. Central Michigan
Wednesday, 3 p.m.
Varsity Softball Diamond
Women's Tennis
vs. Ohio State
Saturday, 11 a.m.
Track and Tennis Building
The Michigan Daily
Vikings braced
Tuesday, April 22, 1986
for Michigan and cold
He might be a Viking, but he doesn't
want to play in the snow.
Fernando Arango, coach of the
Cleveland State Vikings, is set to
bring his baseball team to Ray Fisher
Stadium today. But Arango's biggest;
worry isn't injuries or pitching
assignments or opposing hitters.
Arango's biggest worry is whether the
weather will cooperate for today's
scheduled games.
"WHAT'S THE weather like
there?" asked Arango yesterday. "I
heard a forecast on the weather chan-
nel that said Michigan is supposed to
get three to six inches of snow."
After being reassured that while the
skies were gray, the weather was dry,
Arango was ready to talk about the
upcoming games with Michigan.
The Vikings, members of the
Association of Mid-Continent Univer-
sities, are an improved team from
last year's squad that went 23-30. Just
25 games into the season, Cleveland
State is a respectable 13-12.
THOUGH THE cast of players is the
same, a year of maturation seems to
have made a difference for the
Vikings. According to Arango, his
team is just starting to peak.
"We're beginning to put it together
now," said Arango. "But our defense
still has been a problem. We are
either very good on defense or very
bad. There's no 'in between."'
The defense pleaded its case over
the weekend, as Cleveland State won
two of three from opponents St.
Bonaventure and Valparaiso. Strong
defense backed the effort of starting
pitcher Jim Hindulak for a 5-0 shutout
of St. Bonaventure.
After words
HINDULAK and three others have
combined for all 13 of the team's wins.
The fireballer Hindulak is 3-2, and has
struck out 37 batters in 36 innings.
Kevin Parrish is 6-0 with a 3.32 ERA,
Scott Asche is 3-1, and Dave Cham-
bers is 1-0.
The Vikings' batting order sends
shivers up the spines of many op-
ponents. The murderers' row of Mark
Zofka, Luis Martinez, and Doug Oglite
combined last season for 40 home
Zofka, the team's catcher, has hit
.386 and .390 the last two years, and
currently is hitting .415. Despite his
consistency, and his 11 home runs and
47 RBIs of a year ago, Zofka has not
received much attention outside of
Viking territory.
"ZOFKA HAS been snubbed the last
two years in the district," said
Arango. "He should have been all-
district the last two years, but it
seems like all the all-district players
are from the Big Ten or the Mid-
American Conference. Being a mem-
ber of another conference doesn't
Batting behind Zofka is either Luis
Martinez or Doug Olgite, who switch
back and forth between fourth and fif-
th in the order. The right fielder Mar-
tinez slammed 16 home runs last year,
and is enjoying a productive season
thus far this year. Martinez is hitting
.355, and has five home runs and 23
All these numbers have been
produced despite Martinez's recent
hitting slump. According to Arango,
Martinez is putting too much pressure
on himself at the plate.
"He seems to be overanxious at the
plate. He swings at everything they
throw out there. But all power hitters
have that problem."
Oglite ends the fearsome trio. As a
freshman last year, Oglite hit 13 home
runs, and has three this season.
After an easy three-game weekend,
Cleveland State could be primed to
upset what may be a weary Wolverine
team. Michigan traveled to Indiana
over the weekend, and had to go to ex-
tra innings to defeat Indiana on
Saturday, 14-11 and 1-0.
Rain on Sunday postponed the
series wrapup until yesterday. The
Wolverines eked out two more wins, 6-
5 and 5-3. The long trip home from In-
diana and cold weather today will
make a Michigan conquest of the
Vikings a difficult task.
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
The Wolverines hope to pound Cleveland State today like they did Adrian March 30, 8-2 and 11-0.
Pirates to sue Parker
A ,
tsburgn Pirates, charging thatDave
Parker' s "improper, illegal and
heavy use of cocaine" seriously affec
ted his performance, filed a civil suit
yesterday to halt $5.3 million in
deferred payments owed the Cincin-
nati Reds' outfielder.
The suit, the first of its kind against
a major league baseball player ac-
cording to new Pirates President
r Malcolm "Mac" Prine, contends
Parker concealed his drug use before
signing a record five-year contract in
1979. Parker testified in federal court
last year he used cocaine on a regular
basis from 1979 until 1982, but stopped
after it began affecting his play.
THE PIRATES apparently are
basing their case on a clause in the 15-
page contract in which Parker cer-
tified that he had "no physical or
mental defects known to him...which
would prevent or impair performan-
ce of his services."
The lawsuit maintains that "the
deterioration of Parker's skills as a
player and his failure to stay in good
physical condition during the term of
the contract were directly related to
and caused by his...use of cocaine."
Parker signed the contract after
winning the National League Most
Valuable Player Award in 1978, his
sixth season with the Pirates. He hit a
league-high .334 with 30 homers and
117 RBI in 1978.
By 1982, when he was hampered with
thumb and leg injuries, he had slum-
ped to2a .270 average with six homers
and 29 RBI. He hit .258 with nine
homers and 48 during the strike-
shortened season.
Big Ten to fire refs
CHICAGO (UPI) - The Big Ten
Conference plans to fire up to six of
the 21 basketball officials who worked
games last season, the Chicago
Tribune reported yesterday.
The newspaper quoted Bob Wor-
tman, conference supervisor of of-
ficials, as being "alarmed" about in-
creasing criticism from the coaches
about the caliber of officiating.
"'If I make five or six changes,
there should be some improvement
right away," Wortman said. "Some of
these guys have been working on their
"We have some good ones, but I'm
looking for officials who will bear
down 40 minutes every night," he ad-
ded. "Concentration is the key to
calling a good game in a tough con-
ference like the Big Ten."
Wortman said officials will work on
a crew concept with one man as the
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