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April 01, 1986 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-01

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Group t
Educating students on the extent
and complexity of hunger is the am-
bitious task of the University World
Hunger Education Action Committee.
Most University students have
come in contact with the 10-member
organization during its annual Fast
for World Harvest Day, when students
in dorms around campus are asked to
forego a day's meal to fight world
LAST YEAR'S fast raised more
than $7,000, which went to Oxfam
America and soup kitchens in Ann
Arbor and Detroit.
Mindy Williams, co-coordinator of
the committee, said even after the
media coverage that events like Live
Aid to Africa gave to world hunger,
people are still not aware of the

ells about world hunger

- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 1, 1986 - Page 3

causes of the problem.
"The media coverage of hunger is
waning, yet we still have not had any
clear dialogue on its solutions. It is not
a problem as simple as over-
population, as many think, because if
it was, they could put an end to it,"
Williams said.
LAST THURSDAY, the Committee
sponsored a speech by Frances Moore
Lappe, a leading world hunger expert,
to give students an insight into the
depth of the problem.
In Lappe's latest books, Now We
Can Speak, a Journey Through the
New Nicaragua and What Difference
Could a Revolution Make?, she and
her co-author Joseph Collins, stress
that food producers affect the amount
of food available to a nation. Political

leaders make a difference in how food
is distributed, the two experts say.
"After the Samoza regime was
overthrown, Nicaraguans started
growing greater amounts of basic
foods which weren't grown before,
because the great Samoza plantations
which grew cash crops were being;
broken up with the Sandanista's land
reforms," Williams said.
In addition to testifying before
congressional committees and the
United Nations on an assortment of
hunger-related problems, Lappe co-
founded the Institute for Food and
Development Policy, a non-profit
research organization which acts as a
watchdog on hunger and hunger-
related problems and has more than
25,000 members in more than 50 coun-

"There are very few people who are
working specifically aboutwworld
hunger who can bring so many dif-
ferent people together, because she
does not analyze it as a one-issue
problem," Williams said. "A year
ago, having her come to speak was
kind of a pipedream."
In her speech last Thursday, Lappe
discussed human rights abuses in
Nicaragua, saying she put the human
rights abuses of the Sandinistas in the
context of the Contra rebels' abuses.
The World Hunger Education-
Action Committee will be par-
ticipating in a learn-in on domestic
hunger at East Quad this weekend, in
cooperation with the Interfaith Coun-
cil for Peace.

Aquino may intervene in U.S. base strike

MANILA, Philippines (UPI) -
President Corazon Aquino pledged
yesterday to intervene in a 10-day-old
strike by 24,000 workers at strategic
U.S. military bases and admitted the
pickets are violating a U.S.-Philippine.
Subic Bay Naval Base Cmdr. Rear
Adm. Edwin Kohn announced he will
divert a U.S. Navy amphibious
assault group headed for a 15-day
liberty stop at Subic unless strikers lift
their blockades and return to work by
this morning.
"I HAVE until tomorrow morning
to make a decision...or I must, by
necessity, have the Seventh Fleet
Commander divert the ships," Kohn
said in a U.S. Armed Forces television

broadcast from Subic, the sprawling
logistics and repair center of the
Seventh Fleet, 50 miles north of
The 4,000 soldiers aboard the five-
ship navy assault group would boosi
earnings of Subic nightclubs, taverns
and other businesses by an estimated
$100,000 a day, a Navy spokesman
U.S. negotiators and Philippine
union officials scheduled a fifth round
of talks at a Philippine-U.S. Joint
Labor Committee meeting in Manila
today in a effort to end a deadlock in
the longest walkout ever against U.S.
More than 100 Philippine soldiers
armed with M-16 rifles remained on


tense alert yesterday outside Clark
Air Base after firing warning shots to
prevent further clashes between 6,000
strikers and thousands of local en-

The gates at Clark, home of the 13th
Air Force, remained open yesterday,
but barricades were up at Subic and
the six smaller U.S. facilities.

Crisp Ens ian sales to
result from check-off




What's happening
around Ann Arbor
U Bars & Clubs

THE ARK (761-1451)-Atomic
Comics, comedy troupe.
BIRD OF PARADISE (662-8310)-Bill
Heid, jazz and blues pianist.
THE BLIND PIG (996-8555)-Alex
Chilton, rock.
THE EARLE (994-0211)-Larry
Manderville, jazz pianist.
1133)-Billy Alberts, easy-listening.
(994-5436)-High Energy Dance
2747)-Cadeau a Vous, rhythm and
blues contemporary dance music.
U-CLUB (763-2236)-Reggae Dance
Mark Knopper-"The Operation of
Secondary Communications
Processors (SCP's), Part 1," Com-
puting Center, 7p.m., 144 Lane Hall.
John Jacquez-"Compartmental
Analysis," Bioengineering, 3:45 p.m.,
1017 Dow Bldg.
Jacqueline Barton-"Chiral Metal
Complexes: Recognition and
Modification of DNA," Women in
Science/CEW, 4 p.m., Rackham Am-
Robert Franklin-"A Look at the
Intelligence of Action," Science
Research Club, 7:30 p.m., Chrysler
Clyde Coombs-"Resolving Social
Conflict," Science Research Club,
7:30 p.m., Chrysler Auditorium.
Emile Okal-"Of Earthquakes
Satellites and Rocks: Recent
Geophysical Studies in the South
Pacific," Geology, 4 p.m., 4001 C.C.
Zhong Zilin-"Chinese Traditional
Instrumental Music," Chinese
Studies, noon, Commons Room, Lane
Samu Sunim-"The Way of Bud-
dha, the Way of Zen," Zen Buddhist
Temple, 8:30 p.m., R.C. Auditorium,
East Quad.
Barry Lopez-Visiting Writers
Series, English, 4 p.m., West Conf.
Room, Rackham.
Campus Cinema'
The Godfather (Francis Coppola,
1972) MED, 8 p.m., MLB 4.
Fantastic acting, brilliant direc-

ting and a suspenseful storyline
make this a landmark in contem-
porary cinema. Marlon Brando is
the Don of the Corleone family and
Al Pacino is his son who takes over
the mafia family's business. Winner
of many Oscars.
Marquise Von O (Eric Rohmer,
1972) AAFC, 7 p.m., Aud. A.
This movie, based on Heinrich von
Kleist's short story, is a compelling
and beautiful story of 19th century
St. Paul Chamber Or-
chestra-University Musical
Society, 8 p.m., Hill Aud. (665-3717).
This versatile group will perform
Mozart's Overture to Don Giovanni;
Chettro Ketl, a new work by Marc
Niekrug; Hayden's Symphony No.
88; and Mendelssohn's Violin Con-
AIESEC - International Business
Club-5:30 p.m., 131 Business
Farm Labor Organizing Commit-
tee support group-5:30 p.m.,
University Club.
Action Against AIDS-7 p.m.,
Women's Softball-Western
Michigan, 3 p.m., Varsity Softball
Tutoring in math, science, and
engineering-Tau Beta Pi, 8 p.m.,
2332 Bursley Hall.
Book Sale-Near Eastern Studies,
9 a.m., 144 Lane Hall.
Time Management/Stress
Management Technique for Office
Staff-HRD workshop, 8:30 a.m.
Weekly Praise and
Message-Christians in Action, 8:30
p.m., Union.
Women's Issues-SODC forum,
6:30 p.m., Pond Room, Union.
Art Print Sale-Arts and
Programming, 9 a.m., Ground floor
mall, Union.

(Continued from Page1)'
McGlothlin said low yearbook sales
to the student body prompted her to
approach the administration about
putting the yearbook on the SVF.
"WHEN I look at a campus of 40,000
and yearbook sales of only 2,300 to
2,400, it seems to me that the yearbook
is not reaching its potential," she
Bill Marsh, editor of the 1986 En-
sian, said the new system will in-
crease sales by at least 50 percent,
and may even double them.
McGlothlin predicts that another
1,000 books will be sold, and said sales
at one school quintupled when they
went to asimilar system.
Marsh and McGlothlin warned,
however, that projections are only
Marsh said getting the yearbook on
the SVF is not a new idea. An attempt
by the Ensian staff three years ago to
implement a similar system failed,
because the space on the SVF was oc-
cupied by the Public Interest Resear-
ch Group in Michigan form and the
religious preference survey. Neither
will appear on the latest SVF.
MARSH and the 1987 Ensian Editor
Rebecca Cox both support the idea,
but are concerned that the increased
revenue from yearbook sales might
be used to subsidize the financially
troubled Michigan Daily, rather than
to pay Ensian staff members or buy
new darkroom equipment.

Along with the campus humor
magazine, The Gargoyle, the Ensian
and The Daily are financially con-
trolled by the Board for Student
Publications. Under current Board
policies, the profits and losses of all
three publications are shared in a
common pool.
The Daily is budgeted for a $184,000
deficit this year, while Marsh expects
the Ensian to gross $10,000 to $20,000.
But Dawn Willacker, The Daily's
business manager said The Daily
deficit will probably be $20,000-30,000
less than the budget prediction.
THE ENSIAN grossed more than
$21,000 on the 1985 yearbook.
McGlothlin said subsidizing The
Daily was not her main concern in
initiating the SVF distribution
"My main concern is that the
publications the Board for Student
Publications oversees should prove
themsleves viable," McGlothlin said.
"and if something is a popular item it
will make more money."
Former Daily Editor in Chief and
Ensian Associate Editor Neil Chase
said, that while he generally supports the
move, he is concerned that the deal
was cut mainly between McGlothlin
and the University administration.
"I didn't like the way the students
were left out," he said. "If you let the
professionals do everything, you don't
have a student publication anymore."

BOSTON (AP) - Nearly a dozen
demonstrators against President
Reagan's Nicaragua policy were
dragged out of a federal building
yesterday and allowed to leave as
more than 1,000 protesters rallied out-
In Seattle, 13 people arrested in a"
protest against aid to Nicaraguan
rebels continued their fast for a fourth
day yesterday and refused to give
their names to authorities.
Those outside the federal building in

Getting smashed Associated Press
Abe Sousa, trying hard not to cry over spilled milk, starts to clean up
some of the approximately 100 liquor bottles that were destroyed during
yesterday's earthquake in Northern California. The earthquake, which'
measured 5.3 on the Richter Scale, caused only minor damage and in-
Hundreds in Boston
protest Contra ai~d

downtown Boston gathered to insist
there be no more U.S. aid for the Con-
tra rebels seeking to overthrow
Nicaragua's leftist government. The
protesters inside, who had been
staging a sit-in at Internal Revenue
Service offices, were dragged out by
police and dumped on the sidewalk.
Speakers urged the state's
Congressional delegation to reject a
compromise plan to aid the Contras,
due for consideration in the House on
April 15.

Grad. student to challenge
Rep. Pursell in November

Camp Counselors
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(313) 764-4493
A Non-Discriminatory, Affirmative Action Employer

(Continued from Page 1)
Pursell has the edge in funding, ex-
perience, and name recognition which
Baker said will "make it virtually im-
possible to beat him" even if he does
win the primaries. "His district is
strongly gerrymandered for
Republicans," he said.
If Baker decides to run, he said he
will rely on contributions and fun-
After words
Quality Books at uncommonly low prices

draisers to finance his campaign. But
he has not set any campaign targets.
"It will be a very low-budget cam-
paign," he said.

All Over the
Ask Peace Corps volunteers why their ingenuity and flexibility
are as vital as their degrees. They'll tell you they are helping
the world's poorest peoples attain self sufficiency in the areas of
food production, energy conservation, education, economic
development and health services. And they'll tell you about the
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And they're both repre-
- sented by the insignia you wear
_ as a member of the Army Nurse
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