The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 8, 1986 - Page 3
,Exercise with caution in winter
While winter is a time for added
caution when exercising and doing
$trenuous work, cold weather does not
ean you need to discontinue your
exercise program, says a University
Medical Center exercise physiologist.
."We don't recommend that you lay
Off your exercise program during the
winter months," said Richard Lam-
pman, who is also director of the
University Medical Center's cardiac
rehabilitation program in the Depar-
tment of Internal Medicine.
"IF YOU are a jogger, there is no
'eason for you to give up your running
wuring the winter," Lampman con-
tinued. "With the new materials for
* lothing, you can exercise outside and
otay warm and dry. Outdoor exercise
during the winter can be beneficial
and enjoyable - and the only major
concern would be slipping on the ice."
"One misconception about winter
exercise is that breathing cold air is
harmful to the lungs," Lampman
said. "But the body warms the air as
you breathe it sufficiently to prevent
f For those who do experience
discomfort, Lampman recommends
wearing a scarf over the nose and
mouth to make breathing easier.
Because of decreased daylight in the
winter, reflective clothings should be
Worn for safety, he added.
He also suggests that the warm-up
time before beginning to exercise be
increased because of the colder
University researchers have
developed a pill pacemaker, a new
nonsurgical technique for tem-
porarily pacing the heart to help
diagnose cardiac illness and stabilize
abnormally fast heartbeats.
The technique avoids the time, cost,
risk, and discomfort of inching a
catheter electrode through a patient's
vein to the heart - a surgical method
of pacing that requires
INSTEAD, AN electrode is placed
inside a gelatin capsule the size of a
cold pill. A fine thread of insulated
vire is attached to the capsule. The
patient swallows the capsule and the
thread remains in the throat, the
researchers said.
The physician reels in the thread
*ntil the pill reaches a point in the
throat closest to the left atrium, the
ipper left chamber of the heart.
From this position, the heart can be
stimulated with the pill electrode,
usually for less than 30 minutes. It is
got designed for long-term heart
'Anyone who is going to be working out-
doors in the cold should avoid eating,
drinking coffee or smoking just before
going out.'
-Richard Lampman, University
exercise physiologist
weather, and the cool down period af-
ter exercising might be shortened
slightly if performed outside or done
"YOU CAN walk around inside the
house to cool down," he said.
For those not inclined to run outdoors
in the winter, Lampman recommends
that other forms of aerobic exercises.
"Brisk walking is good exercise, and
you can do that inside a shopping mall
in bad weather," he said.
"For runners, there are indoor
tracks in many communities where
you can runfor a small fee," Lampman
added. "Some schools allow jogging
in their hallways after school in the
Indoor equipment, such as tread-
mills, stationary bicycles with
weighted flywheels, and rowing
machines are also available and can
provide good benefits, Lampman
LAMPMAN recommends vigorous
exercise - that which works the heart
at 70 to 80 percent of its maximum
rate - for at least 30 minutes three
times a week.
A person's maximum heart rate can
be determined by subtracting his or
her age from 220. A 40-year-old man,
for instance, would have a maximum
heart rate of 180 and should exercise
to maintain a heart rate of about 125 to
145 for 30 minutes for maximum
Lampman cautions, however, that
strenuous outdoor activities in cold
weather can be dangerous for people
who are at risk for heart problems.
"Each year, we see cases of men
with no history of heart disease
having heart attacks while shoveling
snow,"he said.
SHOVELING snow or attempting to
push a car which is stuck in the snow
are especially dangerous, Lampman
said. Cold weather tends to constrict
the blood vessels in some people with
underlying heart disease, increasing
blood pressure and forcing the heart
to work harder and increasing its
need for oxygen, he explained.
The contraction in the muscles of
the trunk caused by shoveling snow or
pushing a stuck automobile further
tends to increase blood pressure, and
people also have a tendency to hold
their breath while lifting or pushing
with the arms, Lampman continued.
The risk is particularly great for
men with heart problems or high
blood pressure, or for those who are
over 40 with known risk factors such
as high blood cholesterol or fat levels,
diabetes or who are overweight,
Lampman said.
"Anyone who is going to be working
outdoors in the cold should avoid
eating, drinking coffee or smoking
just before going out," Lampman ad-
The digestion of food and caffeine in
coffee add to the heart's load.
Smoking loads the red blood cells
down with carbon monoxide and
reduces the amount of oxygen the
cells can carry.
"All of this makes the heart work
harder," Lampman said. "adding to
the strain from shoveling snow and
potentially over burdening the heart
and causing a heart attack."
Learn Aikido
Beginners classes are taught by Sensei
Takashi Kushida, 8th degree black belt
from Japan. There are two classes:
" Thursdays 6:30-7:30 pm
(Starts January 9)
" Saturdays 10:30-11:30 am
(Starts January 11)
Cost: $20 for seven sessions. Classes
are held in the Aikido Yoshinkai
Association Genyokan Dojo in Ann
Arbor. 749 Airport Blvd. (behind the
State Rd. K-Mart). For information,
call 662-4686.
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technique paces the heart
The pill device can help evaluate
patients with coronary artery disease
because their heartbeats must be ac-
celerated before being analyzed, said
Prof. Janice Jenkins of the Univer-
sity's Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science.
Traditionally, patients have been
placed on a treadmill or subjected to
some other exercise to elevate their
pulse. Transesophageal atrial pacing
allows complete control of the heart
rate independent of patient perfor-
mance and can be used in patients
who are physically unable to achieve
intense levels of exercise.
THE PRECISE heart control
provided by the pill electrode and its
ability to accelerate the pulse without
moving the patient combine to help
produce crisper images of the heart
using such devices as X-ray or
nuclear cameras, which rely on the
hearbeat to trigger their exposures,
Jenkins said.
The pill electrode also can be used
to stabilize abnormally elevated hear-
tbeats through overdive pacing, a
method of correcting atrial flutter and
other abnormally fast heartbeats by
aaccelerating the heart electrically,
then slowing the rate. In many cases,
a normal heart rhythm will result.
"Transesophageal overdrive
pacing offers - several advantages:
the technique offers virtually univer-
sal noninvasive access to the atrium;
it can be performed in an outpatient
setting; it requires minimal or no
sedation; and there is little discom-
fort," Jenkins said.
The pill pacemaker also serves as a
comfortable alternative to an elec-
trode catheter inserted-through the
nasal cavity and into the throat,
another method of transesophageal
atrial pacing.
The University is at the forefront of
research and clinical trials on the
device, Jenkins said. In earlier trials,
43 of 46 patients who consented to the
transesophageal pill method were
successfully paced either to stabilize
an irregular heartbeat or obtain an
image of the heart for diagnosis.
"There were no reports of discom-
fort in swallowing or positioning the
pill electrode, and high quality recor-
dings were obtained in all cases
without difficulty," said Jenkins, who
was assisted on the project by Mac-
donald Dick and William O'Neill,
University Medical Center car-
PATIENTS DID complain,
however, of a sensation of moderate
to severe heartburn that vanished
immediately when pacing was halted,
she said.
In a related project, Jenkins, Kevin
Gage, Jenkins' laboratory manager,
and C.E. , Yurkonis, a research
engineer with Arzco Medical Elec-
tronics Inc., have designed a com-
puter program to automatically con-
trol the intensity and duration of elec-
trical currents a physician wants
from a heart pacer. The program
would be most useful in an emergency
room where doctors could save the
time needed to make those settings
( Happening
Recreational Sports
CCRB M-F 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sa 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Su Noon -10:00p.m.
IMSB M-F 11:00a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sa 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Su 1:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
NCRB M-F .7:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m.
Sa 9:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m.
Su Noon -10:00 p.m.
*&ceptions may occur due to special events
Study examines views on aging
I When Gloria Steinem marked her
milestone birthday, people marveled.
"You don't look 40," they insisted.
"Nonsense," the feminist retorted.
This is what 40 looks like."
AGE, like beauty, is in the eye of the
eholder. Aging not only looks dif-
erent but feels different, depending
ipon one's life circumstances, a
niversity researcher contends.
f Women of various racial
1ackgrounds have dissimilar percep-
lions of aging, according to Evelyn
Barbee, assistant professor of nursing
and anthropology, and the author of a
tiew cross-culteral study comparing
low-income black women and low-
income white women at mid-life.
" "Black women tend to have more
positive feelings about growing older.
They value their present age for the
tollective wisdom and maturity it
brings. But the pleasure is accom-
panied by greater health problems
and mental exhaustion," she reports.
"The white women in the survey
were more likely to mention the ad-
vantages of freedom and time for
themselves after the children were
grown. On the negative side, they
worried more about their husband's
SIMILARITIES between the two
groups emerged as well. Both chose
32 as the ideal age for a woman to be,
and all said they would like to be, on
the average, eight years younger than
their current age, Barbee said.
She focused her study on 107 black
and 100 white low-income women
between the ages of 32 and 56 living int
the Detroit area. Thirty-two percent
of the black women and 58 percent of
the white women were married, and
Soprano Jessye Norman will perform tonight at 8 p.m. at Hill
Biology - Glenn Northcut, "Strategies for Studying Brain Evolution,"
12:05 p.m., room 5732, Med. Sci. II.
Clements Library - David Buisseret, "The Art of Map-making: Dutch
Cartography from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution," 8 p.m.
all had children.
"The goals were to determine which
perceptions"of aging are culturally in-
fluenced, and which were universal,"
she explained. "In addition: What
stressors make women feel older than
their chronological age? Do the two
groups experience different signs and
symptoms of aging? How does the
immediate family and greater social
environment affect their feelings
about growing older?"
Although the data is still being
analyzed, some early trends are
evident. For example, both black and
white women who report being under
stress feel older than their
chronological age and express a
desire to be much younger. Those
who said they felt older than their
actual age also said that they expec-
ted to die younger, Barbee said.
IN THE category of aging signs and
symptoms, about 72 percent of the
black women and 50 percent of the
white women said their weight and
body were better five years ago.
"Black women do not necessarily
view weight gain as being as
unhealthy and unattractive as white
women do," Barbee adds.
The black women had more
children at home, and six were
rearing their grandchildren, even
though only half as many blacks as
whites were married. Both groups
reported similar stressful events or
situations such as family illnesses,
deaths of someone close, household
moves, burglaries, and drug and
alcohol problems.
Although all women in the study
qualified as "low income," black
women averaged $10,000 per year
while white women reported a median
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Dissertation Support Group - 1:30 p.m., 3100 Union.
Ensian Yearbook -7 p.m., Student Publications Bldg.
Michigan Gay Union - 9 p.m., 802 Monroe.