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March 05, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-03-05

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Lit iau
Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 5, 1986

43 ttil li

Vol. XCVI - No. 104

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages





charge and enables the detention or-
der to be repeated indefinitely.
IT ALSO gives security forces
broad powers to use firearms in
halting violence and enables them to
See BOTHA, Page 3

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP)
-President P.W. Botha announced
yesterday that the state of emergency
imposed last July to quell anti-apar-
theid unrest in South Africa will be lif-
ted, perhaps by Friday.
In a brief statement to a packed
session of Parliament in the country's
legislative capital, Botha claimed the
racially motivated turmoil had sub-
sided to "sporadic and isolated in-
BOTHA SAID conditions have "im-
proved sufficiently to enable me to
announce that a proclamation will be
issued in the near future, most
probably this coming Friday, which
will lift the state of emergency in
those magisterial districts where it
still applies."
The state of emergency was im-
posed July 21, 1985, in 30 urban and
rural districts and remains in force in
23. An end to the state of emergency

has been a primary demand of anti-
apartheid campaigners and Western
The state of emergency empowers
the police force and army to detain
any person for up to 14 days without

Local experts call
change meaningless.
By DOV COHEN "IT'S A gesture aimed at the rest of
South African President P.W. the world, particularly America,"
Botha's pledge to lift the nation's state said history Prof. William Worger.
of emergency is a meaningless "It's not meant to conciliate anyone in
gesture, local experts said yesterday. South Africa. They're pretending
The experts agreed that Botha there's no problem. But violence is
made the promise to impress thegonupThgsaeetigwr.
United States and foreign bankers going up. Things are getting worse."
with whom South Africa is South Africa has been renegotiating
renegotiating loans. See S. AFRICAN, Page 3

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Perspective alumni
Scott Benjamin, an architecture and urban planning student, makes a perspective drawing of the Alumni Cen-
ter yesterday.

I Groupattacks funding committee

Two representatives of the
Freedom Charter Coalition, a liberal
student organization, said they are
dissatisfied with the Michigan Student
Assembly's Budget Priorities Com-
mittee (BPC) at last night's MSA
The BPC, which distributes MSA
funding to campus groups, is curren-
tly under investigation by the assem-
bly due to allegations that is has
discriminated against liberal campus
groups in its process.
RON SHORE, a student of Public
Health and a member of the Coalition,
said that he and other members of the
group were given conflicting stories of
the results of their requests for MSA=
funding. Shore said they were told
that they had not been granted funds
when in fact they had.
Though Shore could not identify the
person in MSA who gave this infor-
mation to the coalition, he said that in

general the group has had a difficult
time getting the "straight story" sin-
ce December, when they first
requested BPC funding.
"There is some question as to
whether the handling of the affair had
to do with our perceived politics,"
Shore said.
The coalition, which consists of
campus groups such as the National
Lawyers Guild and the Free South
Africa Coordinating Committee, wan-
ts funds to publish a charter
describing reforms they would like to
see in student decision-making and
social responsibilith at the University.
The charter would be distributed free
on campus.
SHORE said that BPC members
asked "inappropriate" questions about
the political contents of the planned
BPC chair Kurt Muenchow said thatl
the allegations are "factually in-
correct" and blamed the coalition's

problems on its own internal
Muenchow said that the group was
sent a grant agreement by the BPC
which notified the group that it
received funding, but the group did
not return it to MSA.
"Each group (that applies for
funding) gets a checklist (of steps in
the funding procedure), but most
groups don't read it," Meunchow said.
RACKHAM representative Bruce
Belcher said that several liberal
groups have had similar difficulties
with the BPC, including having their
funding requests disapproved by the
BPC and then approved when they
appealed the BPC decisions to the en-
tire assembly.
Belcher also said that some groups
have encountered mix-ups and un-
necessary red tape in getting refunds
for their expenditures which the BPC
had agreed to pay for.
Belcher said that BPC has violated
its guidelines in order to fund some


groups and conjured false ones as an
excuse not to fund others.
In the case of the Freedom Charter
Coalition, Belcher said that the BPC
gave a false excuse not to grant funds,
that their guidelines prohibit BPC
from funding 75 percent of a group's
project, which, he said, they do not.
Belcher accused Muenchow of
having a bias against liberal groups,
but he could not say if other BPC
members share Muenchow's views.
Meunchow said the investigation
will turn up nothing, and that he does
not have a liberal prejudice.
"The groups aren't being treated
fairly," Belcher said.
Belcher said that BPC may in the
future be asked to justify any
violations they make in the
guidelines. He also said that new
procedures that don't depend on one
person's approval may be established
to make it easier for groups to handle
the bureaucracy involved with

...says BPC is unfair
receiving MSA funding.
Other groups Belcher said that have
encountered problems are the Alter-
native Career Fair, the Voice of
Reason; and the Rackham Student

Student continues march despite dropouts

Despite uncomfortable conditions
such as lack of daily showers and
laundry facilities, University student
Margie Winkelman continues to mar-
ch across the United States to ad-
vocate nuclear disarmament.
March organizers, however, have
forced around 200 of her co-marchers
to drop out because of incorrectly
processed applications, according to
Jim Blevins, a member of Pro-Peace,
the group coordinating the 3,235 mile
trek from Los Angeles to Washington.
BLEVINS said the former mar-

file for
Four sets of candidates filed ap-
plications yesterday to run for
president and vice president of the"
Michigan Student Assemby in this"
m onth's elections.
CurrentMSA representative Kurt
Meunchow, a senior in the School of
Natural Resources, will run for
president under the Meadow party
ticket. Meunchow's running mate is
LSA junior Darrell Thompson, also an
assembly representative.
MEUNCHOW, who describes his
party as "moderate," has chaired the
assembly's Budget Priorities Com-
mittee for the past two years.
Running for president under the
Student Rights party ticket is LSA
junior Jen Faigel, former chairman of
the MSA Women's Issues Committee.
Her vice presidential prospect is
graduate student Mark Weisbrot, a
member of Rackham Student Gover-
Faigel, who has worked at MSA for
two years as an appointed represen-
tative and an employee, said her par-
ty wants to educate students more
thoroughly about MSA and the issues
it addresses.
ON THE slate of the Indispensable
party are first-year law students
Mark Soble for president and Marc
Strecker for vice president.
Soble, who spent two years working
on the Stanford University student
government during his un-
dergraduate years, said he wants to
guide MSA away from "partisan
politicking," which he said can
weaken MSA's support from students
and hurt credibility in lobbying and
Independent candidates Kirt Var-
nHagen, an LSA freshman, and Steve
Savoy, an Engineering senior, are
also running for president and vice
president, rspectively.
VarnHagen said he is interested
in getting more students involved with
MSA and gaining more student
respect for the assembly.
Current MSA President Paul
Josephson and Vice President Phil
Cole are running as representatives
from LSA. Though both candidates
signed up to run under the Meadow
party, they said they still may not en-
dorse the party.

chers either failed to submit their ap-
plications by last Saturday, when the
march began, or turned in incomplete
health and medical records. Both
prompt and thorough applications
were required to be considered an
"accepted marcher," he added.
In addition, twelve marchers volun-
tarily went home because of poor
shower facilities and sanitation.
"One woman left because she
couldn't get her make-up on
properly,"Blevins sasid.
"Yes, a few dropped ut and we ex-

'One woman left because she couldn't get
her make-up on properly.'
- Jim Blevins, Pro-Peace member

pect quite a few others to drop out
also," said Bob Alei, communications
coordinator for the march. "People
are beginning to recognize what the
physical needs are."
"IT'S GOING as well as you can ex-

Doctors rank 'U' Hospital 12th

From staff and wire reports
The University Medical Center is
rated the 12th best hospital in the
United States and the third best in
the Midwest by two doctors in a
book excerpted in the March issue
of Ladies' Home Journal.
"With seven hospitals offering
programs in every medical
specialty, this is one of the largest
and most versatile medical centers
in the United States," the
magazine said of the Medical Cen-
ter which just completed expan-
ding to a new hospital facility..
"WE ARE extremely pleased,"

said John Forsyth, executive
director of University hospitals.
He called the ranking "a source of
pride for the entire state."
No other Michigan hospitals are
among the magazine's top 25
facilities. First on the list is the
Mayo Medical Center in
Rochester, Minn.
The magazine's list is based on
the forthcoming book, "The Best in
Medicine: Where to Get the Finest.
Health Care for You and Your
Family," by Dr. Herbert Dietrich
and Virginia Biddle.
Dietrich, who practices in
Georgia, said that over 500 doctors

nation-wide returned question-
naires listing the 10 top hospitals
they would attend to be treated for
one of 27 areas of medical care.
Dietrich cites cardiology, organ
transplants, and neurosurgery as
three of these areas.
He and his colleague then selec-
ted the hospitals that appeared
eight or more times for the final
ranking, and arranged them ac-
cording to the greatest number of

pect it to go. You can't get 1,000 people
together and not have complaints,"
Alei added.
Another problem the march coor-
dinators face is liability insurance,
which has remained in the negotiation
stage since last April. The marchers
continued lack of insurance presented
a problem when they needed a play to
stay in Claremont, California, the fir-
st town they stopped in. Instead of
sleeping in a local high school, the
marchers were housed in 10 churches
and private homes. Had any marcher
been injured while in the school, the
school could have been liable.
Claremont citizens held a rally to
support the marchers, who pointed to
this and their general dedication to
the peace movement to show that the
march will ultimately succeed.
THE RALLY represented an "out-
pouring of welcome of 3,000 com-
munity people," said Charlene Mar-
tin, a member of the town committee
that welcomed Pro Peace. Speakers
included actor Robert Blake,
Claremont College President Jim

McGuire, students, and other town-
"The marchers I talked to seemed
deeply determined to finish even with
their frustrations," Martin added.
"Certainly in this community there
was a great human support and
caring," said Susan Keith, director of
media relations at Claremont
Graduate School. "If the march is
going to succeed it will need that kind
of support."
Marcher Alei agreed that "the
feeling was stronger than ever.
People were on their porches cheering
for us. Each day there are highs and.
lows, but this rally was powerful and
Alei and his co-marchers strongly
believe that the nine-month trek will
make a difference. "Personally, it's
not going to make a statement to
government, but it will make a
statement to people," he said.
The marchers camped last night at
Chaffey College in Rancho
Cucamonga, Calif. and will camp
tonight at Glen Helen Park, near San
Bernardino. Thursday, they begin a
stretch across the Mojave Desert.
They expressed fears about the desert
but Alei relates this to the concept of
problem solving. "We're all scared.
It's like getting rid of nuclear
weapons. It's a problem that has to be
solved," he said.

Daily staff writer Stephen
Gregory filed a report for this

Why wait?
T'S DAY Four of National Procrastination Week,
and already the men and women of the
Procrastinators' Club of America have fallen
behind on their first item of business: weeding
out active members. "We're getting rid of people who


year's Christmas cards, and making New Year's
reolutions...for 1985. The Procrastinators' Club,
headquartered in Philadelphia "because the East
Coast is always later than the West Coast," currently
has about 4,900 members, although, as Waas put it,
there are "about a half-million members who haven't
gotten around to joining yet." He said the club is made
up of professional people who have deadlines to meet
and realize the only way to meet a deadline is to

Joan Gordon Burrell has flourished since 1940. They
finally will meet this May, when Mrs. Harty's 11-day
European tour takes her for a visit to Mrs. Burrell's
home in Erskine, Scotland, about 10 miles from
Glasgow. "Even though we've never met, I think we
will be comfortable with each other," said Mrs. Harty,
58. "I'm really anxious to see her children, their
children, and their home." Jean Bethke was a seventh-

ASSASSINATION: Opinion looks at the
significance of two recent assassinations.
See Page 4.
FAR OUT: Arts reviews regional theatre. See


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