Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 69 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 8, 1986 Fourteen Pages
72 'U' faculty.
and staff top
When the University issued its final
paychecks for the 1984-85 fiscal year,
40 more faculty and staff members
joined the ranks of those earning six-
digit salaries, bringing the total num-
ber of the elite corps to 72.
Salaries among professors,
associate professors, and assistant
professors increased 7.3 percent in the
past year. Overall the University
staff is earning roughly 92 percent of
the salaries it earned 16 years ago
(adjusted for inflation), according to
Academe's "Annual Report on the
Economic Status of the Profession."
Most of the University's highest
paid employees are in the medical
profession, followed by executive of-
ficers, deans, and sports. Fifty-seven
of the 72 faculty members making
over $100,000 are professors, assistant
professors, researchers or deans of
the medical school. None are women.
ACCORDING to the University's
Analysis of Salaries Paid to the
University of Michigan Instructional
Staff 1985-86, the minimum salary of a
medical school professor is $43,850
and the maximum is $162,4000, com-
pared to the minimum executive of-
ficer salary of $70,000 with a
maximum of $153,000.
President Harold Shapiro's 9.3 per-
cent salary boost, which increases his
salary to $117,000, pales in com-
parison to the $153,000 that George
Zuidema, vice provost of medical af-
fairs, took home last year.
Vice President for Development
A listing of the 1986 faculty
salaries is available at The
Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard St. for $2 each.
and Communication, Jon Cosovich, is
the third highest paid executive of-
ficer, with a salary of $106,250. Billy
Frye, the vice president for academic
affairs, trails closely behind Cosovich
See 'U,' Page 2
'U' alumna to head
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Bob Perryman (left) and Pat Moons (right) lead Bo Schembechler's vic- Nebraska, 27-23, in the Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Day. For complete
tory ride at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz. after Michigan defeated football coverage, see Pages 10-12.
''shreds*Huskers in Fiesta
Special to the Daily
tEMPE, Ariz. - Could it have en-
ded any other way?
In a fitting finish to a surprising
season, Michigan's defense once
again rose to the occasion as it had
done all year, stifling the Nebraska
Cornhuskers in the second half to lead
the Wolverines to a 27-23 victory in the
Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Day.
THIS WAS a team that was sup-
posed to go nowhere this year, to
finish in the middle of the pack in the
Big Ten. Instead, the win over
Nebraska capped one of Bo Schem-
bechler's best seasons at Michigan.
The 10-1-1 record is the best since 1980,
and the final No. 2 ranking in both the
AP and UPI polls is the best ever.
"At the beginning of the season, we
were a long shot team," said a
jubilant Schembechler after the
game. "My only disappointment was
not winning the (Big Ten) champion-
ship. Even at that, I've enjoyed this
team tremendously. This team has
given me the most satisfaction I've
ever had."
The tenth win came harder than any
of the previous nine. Michigan took
the early lead on 42-yard Pat Moons
field goal, but Nebraska's potent run-
ning attack then took over and raced
for two Cornhusker touchdowns and a
14-3 halftime lead. In the process,
Nebraska managed to do what no
team had done all year - push
Michigan's defense all over the field
and run its offense almost at will,
scoring of 63 and 74-yard drives.
"THEY MOVED the ball better
than any team we played this year,"
said Schebechler. "Our defense's
confidence was a little shot when they
moved the ball so well."
Mark Messner, who earned Defen-
sive Player of the Game honors for his
play on the defensive line, agreed with
"We weren't shocked, but we were
upset and mad that we let something
like that happen," said the sophomore
standout who finished with nine
tackles. "Their offensive linemen
weren't firing off the ball like we
thought they would. They were more
of a reading, pushing team. They wereI
opening holes that were just big1
enough, and we weren't closing them
fast enough."
WHILE THE defense was
struggling, the offense wasn't able to
pick up the slack as it had the last1
three games. Jamie Morris rushed
for 69 of his game-high 156 yards, but
quarterback Jim Harbaugh was only1
five for twelve for 64 yards and was1
having trouble directing the offense.;
After the early field goal, Michigan
could get. no further than the
Nebraska 42 in the first half.
"In the beginning, we were trying to
balance it out between running and
passing to do what it takes to win,"
said Harbaugh, "but they shut off our
passing game very well. I give them a
lot of credit for that."
It was obvious at halftime that
Michigan would have to make some
changes if they were going to win the
game, but nobody was ready for what1
happened in the third quarter. On+
successive drives, Nebraska fumbled,1
had a punt blocked, fumbled again,
and shanked a punt. With the Cor-
nhuskers apparently suffering from
heat stroke in the Arizona sun, the
Wolverines turned the miscues into 24
points and a 27-14 lead. It was a
dramatic a turn around as seen all
year, and once again, it was the hard-
hitting defense that deserved the
"AT THE half, we said 'We're a bet-
ter team than them,"' said defensive
back Garland Rivers. "We talked
about it and then went out and played
like we could play."
It was that idea - play like
Michigan - that Schembechler
stressed in the locker room and that
the players remembered.
"We just made some adjustments,"
said Schembechler. "I didn't yell at
them. I didn't give a speech - I'm
no Knute Rockne," he growled in
mock indignation.
"He said get out and move the
ball," said Morris, who broke several
key long runs in the second half to
earn offensive player of the game
honors. "He told us to go out and play
like Michigan.
See THIRD, Page 11
The hiring committee for the
University's rape awareness and
prevention center announced yester-
day that University alumna Julie
Steiner will head the program, accor-
ding to committee member Marvin
The center, which is still in the for-
mative stages, will be open for
business on Feb. 3 when Steiner starts
ALTHOUGH the eleven-member
hiring committee made up of faculty,
students, and administrators has been
considering candidates for the coor-
dinator job since early October,
Steiner has been "the candidate of
choice since late fall" said Hal Korn
of Counseling Services.
"She has very impressive interper-
sonal skills," Korn said, "the skills
required to become a positive force on
the campus." Steiner graduated from
the University in the mid-'70s and
has extensive experience in
organizational work and women's
Currently she is a consultant for the
Planned Parenthood national office in
Washington, D.C. She has also
worked for the American Civil Liber-
ties Union, said Parnes.
PARNES SAID he is pleased with
the committee's selection. "I like her
p rogram
.. I think she will be a real activist
with a lot of finesse and understan-
ding of how to get things done."
Steiner could not be reached for
Korn anticipates the center will
start out slowly because it will take a
while for Steiner to research campus
safety issues, begin some education
and awareness programming, and
eventually do some rape victim coun-
The center will be located on the
third floor of the Michigan Union in
the Vice President for Student Ser-
vices suite. Steiner's secretary will
be located across the hall in coun-
seling services, Korn said.
A push for this rape awareness and
prevention center began last
February when about 30 students
demonstrated in Vice President for
Student Services Henry Johnson's of-
fice and presented a list of demands
for a safer campus. Johnson later
presented a proposal for the center to
the University executive officers.
In May, a $75,000 grant for the cen-
ter was approved along with parts of
the original proposal. The hiring
committee then decided what
qualifications they would look for in a
coordinator and began the search this
Supreme Court
rules in favor of U'
Freshmen applications up 13%
The U.S. Supreme Court
unanimously ruled in favor of the
University last month in its suit
against Scott Ewing, a former student
who was expelled from the Univer-
sity's Inteflex program in 1981.
The Court's decisie n reaffirms the
autonomy of a uni, irsity, keeping
judges out of ac,.demic decision-
Although the court heard the case
because it involved a question of due
process, Justice Lewis Powell wrote
in the court's concurring opinion that
it was unfortunate the case was
litigated in the lower courts in the first
"JUDICIAL review of academic
decisions, including those with
respect to the admission or dismissal
of students, is rarely appropriate,
particularly where orderly ad-
ministrative procedures are followed
- as in this case," he said.
Ewing, who, now attends the
Chicago College of Osteopathy,
enrolled in the six-year Inteflex
program which grants both B.A. and
M.D. degrees in 1975. In 1981, he com-
pleted the necessary course work to
See SUPREME, Page 6
As of Dec. 20, freshmen applications at the University
were up 13 percent over the same time last year. Although
the latest counts are not yet available, the Univerisity had
received 7,159 applications for the 1986 fall term, com-
pared to 6,328 in December 1984.
"We're not sure what these numbers mean yet," said
Cliff Sjogren, director of admissions. "We've had two
years of substantiated increase in applications - it's
premature to say we're going to go for a record-breaking
The larger pool of freshmen applicants, according to
Sjogren, has resulted in freshmen classes of higher
capability. "The average SAT scores have increased by
about 10 points, and the average class rank has edged up a
THESE INCREASES are reflected in a greater degree
of selectivity in the admissions process. According to Tom
O'Rourke, a college counselor at Dix Hills High School in
New York, "It's becoming more difficult for students to
get in from this area. More students are receiving a 'no-
decision' letter, which postpones decision on their ad-
mission due to an increase in applications."
Lance Erickson, associate director of undergraduate
admissions, attributes the increase to heavy recruitment,
recent favorable publicity on national television, and a
popular new book which lists the University as one of the
country's eight best public undergraduate universities.
According to O'Rourke, however, this publicity is only
part of the reason. "The institution can publish all kinds of
public relations materials," he said, "but what it really
comes down to is that the kids are learning from older
brothers or neighbors that what they hear is true."
MARK DOWNING, a senior at North Muskegon High
School, applied in mid-September. "A representative told
me that the earlier your application is, the better your
chances would be," said Downing. "You're less likely to
be wait-listed when they have nothing to compare your
application to."
See FRESHMEN, Page 5
FUNNIES: The Daily's new cartoonist, Greg
Huber, debuts on the Classified page with
I3anda..t uuau. r D' Sa ..a A-
... sides with 'U'
court statistic without realizing that their actions have
caused a violation of the law." The letter comes with a
list of things you ought not to do while vacationing at
"The World's Most Famous Beach," including
Illegal procedure
D AYTONA Beach isn't the only warm place where
college students might run afoul of the law. It