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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 70 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 9, 1986 Eight Pages
Blue cuts it
close, beats
Illini at buzzer
'U' law
Robert Henderson can hold his head
The 6-9 reserve forward sank a
jump shot at the buzzer last night at
Crisler Arena, saving a humiliating
victory for the Michigan basketball
team 61-59.
A HUMILIATING victory over a top
twenty team? Yes indeed.
Prior to Henderson's game-winner,
the Wolverines had just finished
squandering the last two points of a
20-point lead they had built in the first
Bruce Douglas gave the Illini their
first tie since 1:20 into the first half,
when he stole an Antoine Joubert in-
bound pass and layed it in with eight
seconds remaining.
Michigan inbounded to Gary Grant
for one final shot. The sophomore
guard raced down the right side and
looped a pass to the waiting Hender-
The East Lansing native calmly
pulled up, pumped twice, and canned
the bucket that sent the fans into
"I knew I had time for one or two
dribbles, and I saw Efren Winters
running at me," Henderson said. "I
had to shoot as quickly as I could."
THE CROWD loved the victory, but
the Wolverine faithful could not have
been too proud of the Wolverines'
second-half collapse that almost sent
the game into overtime. Bill Frieder
certainly wasn't.
"We made a lot of careless
mistakes and let them get back in the
game," shouted an angry Frieder af-
ter the game. "Even with the lousy
team we had four years ago, they
never had 26 turnovers."
Fittingly, it was Henderson who
brought Michigan to the lead they
enjoyed in the first half.
THE WOLVERINES in general did
little wrong in the opening 20 minutes,
taking a 42-28 lead into the
locker room.
The initial margin came courtesy of
center Roy Tarpley and forward But-
ch Wade. Tarpley had eight points and
Wade six, giving Michigan a 14-6 lead
5:30 into the game.
The Illini quickly fought back, Ken
See MICHIGAN, Page 7
University law scho
Martin died of Acq'
Deficiency Syndrome h
And even though h
teach his civil procedi
mid-September, few
faculty members and
for certain he had thed
year-old professor, how
open about his homose
AIDS IS an issue
potential to increase
against the gay comm
argues over "the right
sus the right to kn
existence of AIDS," sa
University's gale male
Nevertheless, the U
munity seems supp
professor's decision
teaching until he becan
tinue his classroom du
Law School Dean'
dalow said he and a
number of people -i
University faculty mei
Martin was diagnosed
early last year.
AFTER this discov
consulted medical
determine whether
professor posed a he.
University communit
doctors agreed that N
ted no risk at all" to s
the casual contact in a
Sandalow said hec
with University Pr
Shapiro on the decisio
tin to continue teachin
"I respected the con
Martin, but also felt ar
see that was no ris
munity," Sandalow sa
SHAPIRO was out o
not be reached for com
Colleen Dolan-Gr
director of personnel a
and a member of the
that Shapiro recently
she supports Sandalow
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Last-second hero Robert Henderson puts the press on Illinois' forwara
Ken Norman in the first half.
MENSTEIN According to Dolan-Greene, all en-
J ployment decisions at this "decen-
ol Prof. James tralized" University are made by
uired Immune units, and deans have the full
ast month, authority to make such decisions.
e continued to "ANYONE who is informed of the
ures class until issue shouldn't be scared of getting
w University AIDS from casual contact, and AIDS
students knew should be treated like any other
disease. The 41- disability," she added.
Never, had been There is some speculation at the
xuality. University that Shapiro created the
which has the AIDS task force because he knew a
discrimination member of the faculty had AIDS.
unity as society Task force member and University
to privacy ver- Health Service Director Caesar
now about the Briefer, however, disagrees. "The
lid Jim Toy, the president was simply reacting in a
advocate. far-sightful way, and the purpose of
Jniversity com- the task force is to suggest a cohesive
ortive of the policy to the president regarding such
to continue decisions concerning faculty and
me too ill to con- students," he said.
ties. Policies dealing with AIDS victims
Terrance San- are a concern at colleges across the
'"very select" nation.
including some LAST MONTH the American
embers - knew College Health Association's task for-
as having AIDS ce on AIDS suggested that "in-
stitutions not adopt blanket policies
very, Sandalow concerning students and faculty with
authorities to AIDS... Students and faculty should
or not the be allowed regular attendance in an
alth risk to the unrestricted manner as long as they
y. He and the are physically able to attend," the
Martin "presen- association said in its recently
tudents through published statement.
classroom. Reggie Turner, a member of the
did not consult law school senate, thinks most law
esident Harold students share this opinion.
an to allow Mar- "Professor Martin was very respec-
g. ted, and most all who had his classes
afidence of Prof. thought that he was good."
responsibility to Because it was a known fact that
k to the com- Martin was homosexual, the student
id. body was suspicious when Martin's
f town and could intermittent illness "mirrored what
iment. the newspapers have recently written
eene, assistant about AIDS," Turner said.
at the University MOST LAW STUDENTS are aware
AIDS task force of the fact that a professor's job is
y created, said constitutionally protected by law,
N's decision. Turner said.
Reagan freezes Libyan assets
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan, following up his order
0 issued Tuesday to halt all business
dealings with Libya, yesterday
ordered all Libyan government assets
in the United States frozen.
U.S. sources, asking not to be iden-
tified, said the Libyan government
had limited holdings in U.S. banks and
properties and predicted Libyan
leader Moammar Khadafy would
reciprocate by seizing the assets of
U.S. oil companies, believed to be
worth about $400 million, in Libya.
REAGAN'S order, to be effective
immediately, was taken under his
emergency powers granted under
several laws to enable him "to deal
with the threat to the national security
and foreign policy of the United
His order "blocked all property and
interests in property of the gover-
nment of Libya, its agencies, in-
strumentalities and controlled en-
tities and the Central Bank of Libya
that are in the United States" or that
may come into the possession or con-
trol of the United States or U.S. per-
The Reagan administration ac-
cused Khadafy yesterday of operating
numerous camps to train terrorists
and using "surrogates or mni -
cenaries" against moderate Arab and
African leaders who have ties to the,
West and refuse to fight Israel.
THE REPORT was released by the
State Department a day after
President Reagan announced new
sanctions against Libya. It accused
Libya of 59 instances of supporting
terrorism around the world since
November 1973.
'"Khadafy has used terrorism as one
of the primary instruments of his
foreign policy and supports radical
groups which use terrorist tactics,"
the report said.
FOR THE first time, the depar-
tment said Khadafy had provided
Iran with T-55 tanks,;t anti-tank and
anti-aircraft artillery, ammunitiond
and SCUD rockets to use in its war
with Iraq. Also, the report said, Libya
supplies arms and money to Kurdish
separatists in northern Iraq.
Reagan accused Khadafy of suppor-
ting terrorist operations such as the
Dec. 27 gun and grenade attacks at
the Rome and Vienna airports in
which 19 people, including five
Americans, were killed.
Most of the accusations contained in
the State Department document had
been reported previously. Khadafy
was not accused of engaging in
terrorist activities against the United
States, as the Libyan leader
threatened on Sunday to do if his
country was attacked by Isreal or the
United States.
AT HIS news conference Tuesday
night, Reagan said the United States
had "aborted 126 terrorist missions"
in the past year, but he refused to
provide any details.
On Capital Hill, Rep. George Brown
D-Calif., said the total came from CIA
reports involving "credible" terrorist
threats and he said the figure of 126
did not include 23 incidents reported
late last year by the FBI. White House
spokesman Edward Djerejian said,
however, that the 23 incidents were
part of the 126 total.
...~ .........;............;.............:.
" Ex law
A U.S. District C
dismissed a former law
million emotional duress
the University.
Judge John Feikens
Thursday that laws
Terrance Sandalow was
the stress James Picozz
fered as a result of bein
setting a fire in his room.
Picozzi said his constit
COLL were violated when he was expelled
Court judge after being named responsible for the
student's $9 fire in his Law Quadrangle room on
s suit against March 8, 1983. The University main-
tained that the former student
Sruled last disenrolled from the school.
school dean PICOZZI, who is now a second-
not liable for year law school student at Yale, filed
i said he suf- suit against the University in August,
ig accused of 1984. He sought a court order for a
written letter of good standing from
utional rights
See JUDGE, Page 3
ill vi hold up?
Physicists evaluate Newton's law
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Another force besides gravity
may act on falling objects, causing them to drop at dif-
ferent rates and defying Galileo's 300-year-old theory of
gravitation, scientists said yesterday. Galileo determined
in the early 17th century that, if differences caused by
wind resistance are excluded, all objects starting at the
same height fall at the same rate.
THE NEW study theorized another force beside gravity,
a previously unidentified force the researchers called the
hypercharge, makes objects fall at different rates depen-
ding on their chemical composition.
"It is actually a force the Earth is exerting on us right
LANSING radio station is joining with one in
Maine in calling for listeners to mail their garbage
now," said Ephraim Fischbach, principal author of the
study in the Jan. 6 edition of Physical Review letters
If proven by other scientists to exist, the hypercharge
would constitute the fifth basic force of the universe,
Fischbach and other scientists said.
The others, besides gravity, are electromagnetism,
responsible for electricity; the strong force, which holds
the nucleus of the atom together; and the weak force,
responsible for certain minds of radioactivity.
The four forces, which physicists have been trying to
unify under one formula or theory, are thought to explain
all things in nature.
c iDaily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO
Back in town
Lines of students along campus streets, such as here in front of the Michigan Union, at CRISP, and in
bookstores, was a frequent sight yesterday during the first day of winter classes.
Something fishy
YOU'D THINK nobody would care about a ruptured,
43-year-old tin of smelly fish. But Sylvester Chan-
dler does. It's a five-cent can of sardines that has been
mailed back and forth between Chandler. 78. and his
erupted, leaked, dried out, and is pretty "awful in-
side." Jensen bought the can for a nickel in 1942, when
both men were aboard a troop transport ship en route
to duty in Africa as Army postal clerks. The ship's food
was so bad, Jensen said, that he bought cans of sar-
dines. When time came to pitch out the cans, Jensen
SANCTIONS: Opinion urges the administration
to gain support of European countries. See
Pans. a