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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 92
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, February 10, 1986
Eight Pages
MSA ol
A Michigan Student Assembly official resigned
last Friday because she was reprimanded by
assembly leaders for violating an order not to
speak to the media about an internal MSA matter,
according to assembly representatives.
Several MSA representatives criticized their
leaders for restricting the right of Cheryl Bullard,
a former MSA administrative coordinator, to
speak freely about a controversy over an assem-
bly member's possible conflict of interest.
Bullard told the Daily two weeks ago that
Lawrence Norris, chairman of MSA 's minority af-
fairs committee, worked for Niara Sudarkasa, the
University administrator responsible for minority
affairs. MSA viewed the dual jobs as preventing
Norris from independently evaluating University
minority policies.
MSA LEADERS were supported in repriman-
ding Bullard by Pam Horne, a University official
ficial resigns;
who supervised Bullard's work for MSA. Assem-
bly members expressed concern that the Univer-
sity can exert this influence over MSA's internal
Bullard refused to comment on her resignation.
"I felt Cherie was treated very unjustly. She
was revealing a conflict of interest and because of
that it seems pressure was brought upon her,"
said Bruce Belcher, an assembly representative
from Rackham.
Belcher and others inside the assembly
speculated that Bullard resigned in direct respon-
se to a memo from Horne that criticized her for
revealing details of the Norris episode.
HORNE confirmed that she supported MSA
leaders in their quest to keep the Norris incident
out of the papers, and MSA President Paul
Josephson defended the move as appropriate for a
personnel matter.
"During an internal office dispute, it's perfectly
acceptable for a supervisor to tell someone not to
bring it out into the public," said Josephson, who
said both he and Vice President Phil Cole instruc-
ted Bullard to keep quiet.
Josephson also criticized Bullard for resigning
with little notice, and for occasionally not showing
up for work and failing to report her absences.
"IT'S A CASE of gross misconduct that she
resigned on two hours notice and refused to talk to
me before she left," Josephson said. "When an
employee walks out like she did, the University
generally will not consider her for rehiring."
"This year's MSA leadership had no intention of
wasting student money on someone not coming in-
to work," Josephson added, after describing how
Bullard technically worked for the University,
although MSA paid her salary.
See MSA, Page 2
Illini bruise Blue in OT, 83-
Doily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Dennis Watson, recipient of a Presidential Commendation, kicks off
Black History Month at West Quad Friday night.
'Role model' kicks off
ack History Month
Special to the Daily
CHAMPAIGN-A miracle was in
sight. Instead, two crucial errors,
nagging fatigue, and 16,353 Illini fans
breathing hatred blinded the
Michigan basketball team Saturday
at Assembly Hall. When all was clear
again, Illinois had grabbed an 83-79
overtime victory from the dishear-
tened Wolverines.
The end-what could have been
Michigan's first win in Champaign in
seven tries-was bitter.
AHEAD BY TWO, 68-66, with 1:30
remaining in regulation, Michigan
worked the ball to senior Rob Hender-
son for an easy baseline jumper. Hen-
derson's shot was blocked and the ball
bounced out to Antoine Joubert who
promptly missed a 20-footer.
Joubert saw an open shot. What he
didn't see was the 45-second clock,
which was automatically reset after
Henderson's attempt. When Joubert
let it fly, 42 seconds remained in the
'The whole team worked hard to get it back
to where we could win. It was a great
comeback, and it's so frustrating to lose.
You'd rather lose by 15 than come back
and lose in overtime.'
- Garde Thompson
"A cross between Bill Cosby and
Jessie Jackson" kicked off
Black History Month with some in-
spiring words for black students
Friday night.
"Success can be measured by
the degree of struggle it entails,"
said Dennis Watson, a black leader
who has received a Presidential
Commendation from President
Reagan for being a positive role
model for youth. Watson was
named Outstanding Young Man of
America in 1982 and 1985, and he
has received more than 20 other
awards for community service
Stressing the importance of
education, Watson said, "Racism
is based upon ignorance, and if you
don't know a people's history, yu
can develop fallacies of its con-
tributions." He emphasized the
importance of Black History Mon-
WATSON'S words are nationally
known to inspire students as he
tells them that "success in
America is secured for black
Americans." "The contributions
that blacks made in spite of
slavery are incredible," Watson
said. "There is no excuse for black
students of today."
As Watson, who is the author of
Survival Into the '80s and Beyond,
told the audience about his formula
for success, he used members of
the audience to illustrate the im-
pressions people form from daily
interactions with each other. He
asked one member of the audience
to ask another member out on a
date, then criticized the tactics
employed in the request
Watson said that inspiring con-
fidence is the key to -developing
good relationships. "Confidence is
sometimes more valuable than
knowledge if it is based upon
knowledge," Watson said.
TO OVERCOME racism, Watson
said, "One of the first things that
we need to do is to get rid of the
word "minority", Watson con-
tinued. "We are a majority on this
earth, and we do not have a
bone in our body-we have
forgiven for our slavery.'
honors black
Speaking before a packed
audience at Rackham Auditorium,
author Maya Angelou said,
"Remember.. . there's a differen-
ce between being trained and being
educated. Your chore, your charge
is to make these not-quite-United
States better by paying for
someone else."
The evening's keynote speaker
began her speech commemorating
Black History Month by paying
tribute to American's black an-
cestors and emphasizing the great
lovethat has always existed in the
black community.
"THERE'S always been a con-
tention that black people don't
make love ...we begin to believe
this propaganda. We hear there'sno
love in the black community and
we start to act upon it," she said
after reading a selection of 19th
century love songs and poetry
illustrating the love that blacks
have shared through time.
See MAYA, Page 3
game, meaning Michigan could have
stalled, but Joubert succumbed to
what can easily be called a mental
"I thought the ball had to hit the rim
for them to reset (the clock)," said an
obviously confused Joubert, "and it
didn't hit the rim.
"WHEN ROB (Henderson) tipped it
back to me, I knew there couldn't be
more than two or three seconds left
because we ran down the shot clock,
and I didn't want time to run out."
Illinois' 5-10 junior guard Tony
Wysinger converted Joubert's miss
into a foul-line jumper that tied the
game at 68, and the Wolverines had
time for a final shot. Thirteen seconds
later, Michigan's point guard Gary
Grant was the victim of another men-
tal error.
"I forced the tempo and I tried to
create something that wasn't there,"
Grant said of his eight-foot pull-up in
the lane that bounced in and out. "We
could have gotten a better shot."
COACH Bill Frieder agreed. "Grant
took the last shot too quickly," he
said. "We had five seconds to work
harder for a better shot."
But those five seconds slipped
through the Wolverines' fingers, and
fatigue leveled the final blow in over-
time: Michigan never led in the extra
period. After a Joubert runner cut
Illinois' lead to two at 81-70, Wysinger
nailed both ends of one-and-one,
and Michigan was iced, frustrated, and
"The whole team worked hard to
get it back to where we could win,"
said Garde Thompson, who returned:
in the second half after limping off the;
court in the first. "It was a great
comeback, and it's so frustrating to
lose. You'd rather lose by 15, than
come back and lose in overtime."
MICHIGAN'S errors, especially on
national television, stand out. But the
Wolverines would never have seen an
edge-of-the-chair finish without
manufacturing a comeback.
See 'M,' Page 8
Congressman i
U.S. Rep. Newt Gingrich (R.-Ga.) told a group of Young
Republicans Saturday that the GOP must become "the
party of ideas and idealism if we are going to govern."
Gingrich, renowned for his hell, fire, and brimstone
oratory on the house floor, was in Ann Arbor stumping for
Jack Kemp, the Republican front-runner in the 1988
presidential election.
REFERRING TO Kemp, Gingrich said, "He has the
quarterback's optimism to look up at the scoreboard as he
did after Watergate and say, 'OK, we lost, so let's get a
new playbook."'
Gingrich defended Kemp's supply-side sympathies and
attacked the "liberal welfare state." Gov. James Blan-
chard, he said, is a "classic liberal welfare state
Democrat" who has raised taxes 38 percent and expanded
an oversized bureaucracy.
The audience at the Briarwood Hilton included two
Republican candidates for governor in 1988: Dick
Chrysler and Daniel Murphy.
irges idealism'
GINGRICH said the liberal welfare state is organized
around two fallacies: that people are victims of society or
circumstances beyond their control, and that scarce
resources require a central bureaucracy.
However, Gingrich said, "It is impossible for the
liberal welfare state to produce the economic growth and
the advances in technology necessary to defend our
freedom militarily against the Soviet Union or our jobs
and take-home pay economically against Japan and the
Pacific rim countries," Gingrich said.
"The greatest weakness the Republican party has is we
don't have enough people who can run the act of practical
politics," Gingrich said. He added that he believes Kemp
has the skills to do that.
Gingrich, who represents the sixth district of Georgia,
serves on the House Administration and Public Works
Committee and on the Transportation Committee.
Gingrich said he wasn't surprised by a recent federal
court decision that says the Gramm-Rudmann deficit-
reduction plan is unconstitutional, but he added that the
budget has to be balanced on way or another.
... supports Kemp
CIA protesters
By AMY MINDELL demonstrators, said
After a four-hour deliberation jury's inability t
Friday, jurors said they could not unanimous verdict a,
unanimously decide on verdicts for 11 This is the third
protesters, mostly students, who were demonstrators c
charged with trespassing and ob- trespassing or dis
structing a police officer while werenotconvicted.
demonstrating against the CIA's Charges were d
recruitment on campus last October. eleven demonstrato
Judge George Alexander of the 15th research laboratory
district court, declared a mistrial, judge declared a m
and new proceedings will begin in mer, and four def
March. with disorderly con
HUGH MCGUINESS, one of the tober's CIA protest
to face retrial in March
he considers the
to come to a
trial in which
charged with
orderly conduct
ropped against
rs at a University
in 1983, after the
istrial last sum-
endants charged
duct at last Oc-
t were acquitted
last month.
McGuiness said that because the
University cannot stifle dissent by
arresting protesters, it will have to
find a better way to discuss opposing
. "WE DON'T have to protest,"
McGuinness said. "We can have these
issues discussed by the whole com-
Still facing charges of trespassing
are Dean Baker, Rackham Student
Government president; McGuinness,
a biology teaching assistant; LSA
seniors Carey Garlick, Tamara Smith,
and Claudia Green; LSA junior John
Hartigan; graduate student Steve:
Latta; and LSA senior Chris Faber,
who was tried in absentia because he
is in Nicaragua; and Ann Arbor
residents Phyllis Flora and David
Miklethun. Dave Buchen is charged
with obstructing a police officer.
Demonstrators were arrested Oct.
22 and 23 after gathering outside the
University's Office of Career Plan-
ning and Placement, where the CIA
See JUDGE, Page 2
Risqiue Ron
as a contributing editor of Playboy magazine. The live
audience responded with light applause. He followed
up that question with: "How many people here think
that I was asked to host the show because my father is
the president of the United States?" That got a wild
response of yells and whistles. In a later skit that
the visitors share the feeling. Wilfred Griggs, director
of Ancient Studies at BYU, said he can't help but
chuckle at some of the comments he had heard about
the exhibit he is credited with bringing to Utah. Just
the other day there was a dear, sweet lady who had
gone through the exhibit and just didn't understand
FRAUD: Opinion looks at the United States'
responsibility in the Philippines. See Page 4.