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January 24, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-24

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Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Air ixau
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom


Vol. XCVI - No. 81

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 24, 1986

Twelve Pages

CIA protesters


Showdown in
East Lansing:i
Spa rtans gun
for Blue rival
Ordinarily, a basketball game featuring high-caliber
Vichigan and mediocre Michigan State would not
receive much speculation or hype.
But Saturday's Michigan-Michigan State matchup in
East Lansing is no ordinary game.
THE Wolverines (17-1) have good reason to worry
;about a game with the Spartans (2-4 in the Big Ten) for
two reasons.
One, this is a rivalry which dates back to 1909, when
SU was known as Michigan Agricultural College.
Now, 77 years later, with State known as "that party
school in Lansing," there is no love lost between the
two teams.
Two, Scott Skiles, Scott Skiles, Scott Skiles.
THE SENIOR guard from Plymouth, Indiana is
averaging 26 points in the Big Ten on 58 percent
shooting. Last Saturday against Minnesota he nailed 20
of 28 field goal attempts, scoring 45 of his team's 71
points - all in a losing effort.
The Wolverines, who have shown an inability to stop
hot-shooting guards (see Dell Curry, Marc Wilson,
Todd Alexander, Steve Alford, et al.) respect Skiles,
and for good reason.
"You talk about the great guard combinations across
the country,"
. W.. - See SKY-HIGH, Page- 1

After deliberating for nearly two hours, a
jury yesterday acquitted four men
arrested for disorderly conduct at CIA
protests last fall.
"I am really happy. I was feeling a bit
pessimistic during the deliberation," said
defendant Bill Michael, an LSA junior.
MICHAEL, Peter Rosset, a teaching
assistant and Rackham graduate student,
Bob Krause, a University graduate, and
LSA junior John Iskra were the first of 26
demonstrators to be tried after being
arrested at CIA protests last Oct. 23.
The defendants were charged with
violating a city ordinance which prohibits

people from disturbing the peace after
being warned that they are doing so.
Defense attorney Eric Lipson argued that
the defendants were not clearly warned
before they were arrested. "Police came
out and said 'Him, him and him.' The law
states that they must get a clear warning
and they didn't" Lipson said.
THE DEFENDANTS were standing out-
side a large wooden door at the east side of
the office in the Student Activities Building
where the CIA was conducting job inter-
About four other demonstrators joined
the defendants in chanting "CIA go
away," and pounding on the door in time

with the chants.
"It was very loud and scary," testified
Deborah Orr May, director of the Office of
Career Planning and Placement. May ad-
ded that two receptionists had to move
from their desks in the front of the office
because they couldn't hear the phones.
"They were very intimidated, scared," she
CHARLES Van Noark of the Burroughs
Corp. who was recruiting at the Career
Planning and Placement Office the day of
the protests, testified that the noise caused
him to lose his concentration and interrup-
ted about three of his 13 interviews that

"The first interview didn't go so well,"
Van Noark said. "My attention lapsed due
to the disturbance."
May agreed that the protests added
more strain to the tense atmosphere of in-
terviews.d"Students going into interviews
are already nervous at best," she said.
PROSECUTING attorney Ron Plunkett
said Ann Arbor police Captain Kenneth
Klinge warned the protesters before they
were arrested.
"Klinge said he told them to stop two
times, and some employees in the office
said their chanting and pounding got even
louder," Plunkett said.
See CIA, Page 5

Student, Soviet spouse come home

Special to the Daily
ROMULUS - University graduate student Sandra
Gubin and her Soviet husband Aleksei Lodisey, who im-
migrated to the United States three days ago, met with
reporters at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport last night,
their last stop on a long trip home.
Speaking in halting English, Lodisev, 33, said that the
U.S. is "great" and "much more" than he expected.
LODISEV said that he had always felt he and Gubin, his
wife of 4 years, would be reunited. He said that although
he was eager to see his wife, his last few days in the Soviet
Union saddened him because "my mother was crying all
the time."
Gubin, 38, met Lodisev in 1980 at Kiev when she was
working or, her doctoral thesis as a Fullbright-Hays
scholar at Kiev University. They married in April 1981,
but Gubin had to leave the Soviet Union in July of that
year when her visa expired.
Although he applied for an exit visa every six months,
Lodisev's requests were turned down the first seven
times. He was finally allowed to leave in November when
the Kremlin announced a list of 10 persons to be released..
THE COUPLE was reunited at Newark International
Airport Monday night when Lodisev's plane arrived from
Frankfurt, West Germany. They spent the following two
days in Manhattan, then headed for Gubin's hometown of

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Aleksei Lodisev and Sandra Gubin speak to reporters at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport last night.

See GRAD, Page 3

MSA official works for V.P


A top Michigan Student Assembly
official and several others
associated with the assembly
disagreed yesterday on whether that
official's ties to University associate
vice president Niara Sudarkasa pose
a conflict of interest.
Lawrence Norris, chairman of the
assembly's minority affairs commit-
tee, said yesterday that he has been a
work-study employee in Sudarkasa's
office since November.
"THE JOB is an extension of my
work-study program, and came from
financial need," Norris said. "I wan-,
ted to get a job that could parallel my
work at MSA and, if anything, would
enlarge my duties here," he added.
Others at MSA disagreed, saying

that Norris' employment presents a
conflict of interest because MSA's
views on minority affairs differ from
the adminstration's views.
"There is a real schism within MSA
about which direction minority
policies should go, with Norris con-
sistenly siding with the adminstration
and Sudarkasa," said Richard
Layman, an executive assistant to
MSA president Paul Josephson. .
"If Sudarkasa is employing Norris,
the potential for buying out really
bothers me," Layman added. "MSA
doesn't have an ethics code, but it
doesn't take much sense to realize
that if someone in the administration
is paying a representative such as
Norris, a conflict of interest exists."
MSA PRESIDENT Paul Josephson

declined to comment.
Cheryl Bullard, MSA's ad-
ministrative assistant, said she was
"very surprised" to discover that
Norris had such connections to
Sudarkasa. According to Norris,
Bullard found out about his job when
she accidentally found his time card
just before Christmas.
"Although he has been working sin-
ce September, he didn't volunteer any
information," Bullard said.
Sudarkasa said she was surprised to
hear that people are concerned about
a conflict of interest.
"I was happy that one with such
contacts would come to me when
looking for work," Sudarkasa said.
She said Norris is helping her prepare
See NORRIS, Page 5

Law profs debate
Miranda decision

University law Prof. Yale Kamisar
and Wayne State University law Prof.
Joseph Grano transformed Hutchins
Hall into a moral battleground
yesterday afternoon, attempting to
convince their student audience that
the Supreme Court's Miranda
decision was either good or evil.
About 200 students turned out to see
Kamisar and his former student,
Grano, debate the Miranda Rule,
which was established by the
Supreme Court's 1966 decision in
Miranda v. Arizona. The rule requires
that police advise suspects before in-
terrogation to their right to remain
silent and to have a lawyer present

during questioning.
GRANO urged a return to pre-
Miranda days, when a "voluntary
rule" applied to police confessions. He
said he didn't see the "evil" of
allowing suspected criminals to be in-
terrogated by police.
Kamisar responded to Grano with
an attack on the Reagan ad-
ministration, which has launched a
fight against the decision.
"Maybe Ron Reagan can answer
the question of what is good or evil,"
Kamisar quipped. "The police don't
want to overrule Miranda. It's Ed
Meese who wants to overrule Miranda
to appeal to his constituency."
See MIRANDA, Page 2

Associated Press
'Late Night' anniversary
David Letterman sports a Tampa cigar and "Miami Vice" baseball cap as he celebrates his show's fourth an-
niversary in Miami, Florida yesterday.

... defends controversial rule

a Weird parents

Crystal Dawn Debbie Eileen Grace Susan Rebecca
Valerie Kay Lena Margaret Anna Amy Carol Bella
Avril Ava Audry Andrea Daphne Donne Cynthia Cassie
Christabel Vivien Wendy Moira Jennifer Abbie
Adelaide Carrissa Carla Anna Astrid Barbara
Charissa CatalineRnannv non te Haei Tric Anthpn

Chesterfield in 1985. Nelson said they have ordered an
extra large official certificate on which to register the
baby's birth. Under British law, the certificate has to.
list her complete name. The Nelsons' three other
children, girls aged 6 and 5 and a boy aged 3, have only
thrPP fis;t innmPCeh ns 1r the h onn o"mnqt

EVERYTHING: From poetry to folk to dance,
Arts does it all. See Page 7.
SNHOT.ONT. Snorts nrnvimw hockev's likelv



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