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January 21, 1986 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-21

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 21, 1986 - Page 3
'U' researchers propose over $4 million in 'Star Wars' projects



(Continued from Page 1)
energy needs of space platforms and
could lead to a much cleaner form of
nuclear energy for civilian con-
umers. "We could have a completely
safe form of nuclear energy," he said.
Gordus said his funding originally
was to come from NASA, but the
sponsor changed to the defense depar-
t tment when the space agancy lost
much of its funding.

The new report showed that two
SDI-related research projects - one
by political science Prof. Raymond
Tanter and one by chemistry Prof.
David Lubman - have been rejected
since last September.
TANTER'S proposal, which would
have studied informal arms control
methods - especially SDI - was
rejected because it violated Univer-
sity guidelines that prohibit research
that may not be openly published.

As a result of the rejection of Tan-
ter's proposal, the regents directed an
ad hoc committee to study whether
changes should be made in the
guidelines. The committee is expec-
ted to report in March.
Government funding agencies
rejected Lubman's proposal, which
would have studied the interaction of
lasers with iodine, because it was "not
specifically (SDI) project-oriented,"
according to a source close to the
project. "The project is basic resear-
ch and it just didn't meet their
needs," he said.
DIRECTORS of some current and
proposed SDI projects at the Univer-
sity have also said their projects were
only basic research.
Not all University professors are
seeking SDI funds, however, and
many feel that the University should
not get involved in the research.

Petitions circulating in the math,t
physics, and engineering departmen-
ts since mid-October call for faculty
members to reject SDI funds for
TWENTY-FIVE of the 49 tenured
faculty members of the physics
department have signed such a
petition, according to physics Prof.
T. Michael Sanders. The petition calls
the SDI program destabilizing to in-
ternational security and dangerous to
current arms control negotiations and
The petition further states that
"Star Wars" research endangers
academic freedom, and the poten-
tially sensitive nature of the research
"could force legal restrictions on the
presentation and free exchange of
"We've approached everyone in the


Action Against AIDS of Ann Arbor is sponsoring a mass meeting on
AIDS at 7 p.m. in conference rooms 1 and 2 of the Michigan League.
Ecumenical Campus Center - Killing Us Softly, noon, 921 Church.
Michigan Theater Foundation - Blade Runner, 8 & 10:10 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Bird of Paradise Jazz Club - Bill Heid Trio, 207S. Ashley.
Chinese Studies - Brown bag lecture, Louise Yuhas, "Aspects of
Amateurism: Sixteenth Century Suchou Painting," noon, Commons
Room, Lane Hall.
Michigan Business Women/Marketing Club - Rebecca Madaine, "The
New Coke: Cosumer Attitudes of Products," 4:15, Hale Auditorium.
Chemistry - Anthony G. M. Barrett, "Synthetic Studies in the Aver-
mectin Milbemycin Area," 4 p.m., room 1300, Chemistry Bldg.
Russian and East European Studies - "Politics and the Intellectuals in
Central Europe," Alumni Center.
People's Food Co-op - Norman Epstein, "Chiropractic and Applied
Kinesiology," 7:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Public Library.
Psychology - Donald Kewman, "Behavioral Treatment of Cortical
Blindness," 12:30 p.m., room 1057, MHRI.
Bioengineering - 3:45 p.m., room 1017, Dow Bldg.
Computing Center - Bob Blue, "Learning to Use the MTS File Editor,"
7 p.m., room 1013, NUBS.
Bioengineering - Richard K. Brown, "Biosensors," 3:45 p.m., room
1017, Dow Bldg.
Golden Key National Honor Society - 8 p.m., Pendleton Room, Union.
University Aikido Club - 5 p.r., Wrestling room, IMSB.
Farm Labor Organizing Committee - Support group, 5:30 p.m., room
4318, Union.
Nectarine Ballroom - High Energy Dance with D. J. Roger "Night
Fever" Le Lievce, 510 East Liberty.
Jitterbug dance class, 7 p.m., Blind Pig.
University Club - Reggae Night.
Men's Wrestling - Michigan State, 7:30 p.m., Crisler Arena.
SODC - Workshop, "Running Effective Meetings," 6:30 p.m., room
1310, Union.
Student Wood and Craft Shop - Registration for beginning wood-
working class.
OAS Information Center - Workshop "An Overflow of OAS Services.
and Products," 10 a.m., room 1050, Ad Svcs.
School of Music - Lecture, Lois al Farqui, "The Oral Tradition in
Islamic Music," 3:30 p.m., room 2038, School of Music; Recital, cello,
Kenneth Whitley, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Microcomputer Education - Workshop, Lotus 1-2-3 (Pt. 1), 1 p.m.,
room 3001, SEB.
Peace Corps - Film, The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center.
CEW - 4-session workshop, "Step Before the Job Search," 9 a.m.; Job
Hunt Club meeting, noon, 350S. Thayer.
Christians in Action - Weekly praise and message, 8:30 p.m., Union.
University Club - Buffet, 11:30 a.m.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

department with it," Sanders said,
adding that he doesn't expect any ad-
ditional signatures.
MATHEMATICS Prof: Arthur Sch-
wartz said 10 of the 55 to 60 math
faculty members have signed the
petition, and no additional signatures
have been gathered recently.
Concerns expressed last year by
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
that professors conducting SDI
research at the University would be
harassed by opponents of the program
have proven unfounded.
"I'm not aware of any harassment
going on on either side," Sanders
said. Birdsall and Gordus said they
have not heard of any harrassment
Eric Kaplan, a member of the Un-
viersity's Research Policies Commit-
tee and a graduate student in history,
said that Campuses Against Weapons
in Space, a student group opposing the
SDI program, has collected more than
1,000 signatures from students op-
posing the program.
Kaplan said he does not believe that
the group has shifted its emphasis
from the SDI debate to the controver-
sy over the changing of the classified
research guidelines. In fact, he said,
the two are closely linked.

"It makes logical sense to focus on
the guidelines, since it was SDI that
sparked the review of them," Kaplan
said, referring to the rejection of Tan-
ter's proposal.

City Council recognizes
King's birthday

American Red Cross
Blood services Southeastern Michigan Region

The Ann Arbor City Council last
night unanimously approved a
resolution establishing Martin Luther
(Continued from Page 1)
see more representatives from the
administration," she said. "We have
a committed few who have moved to a
new level of struggle."
The marchers wore ribbons of red,
black, and green to symbolize third
world nations, said Lawrence Norris,
chairman of the Michigan Student
Assembly's minority affairs commit-
tee. The green symbolizes the land,
the black symbolizes the people, and
the red symbolizes the blood that has
been shed, Norris said.
As the marchers worked their way
down South University and State
Street to the Diag, they sang "We
Shall Not Be Moved" and "We Shall
Overcome," songs that are remem-
bered from the turbulent decade of
the '60s.
"I hope that King's dream has as
freat an impact upon me now as it had
in the '60s," said Gere Warrick, a
resident of Ann Arbor who was active
in Berkeley's protest movements.
"The spirit of King advocates unity
among all people," said John Corser,
Residential College senior who par-
ticipated in the march. "Unfor-
tunately, this campus has a tendency
to ignore minorities and other issues
unless they pertain to the individual."

King Jr.'s birthday as a city holiday.
The resolution was passed after
much debate about its wording.
Council member Dick Deem (R-
Second Ward) said a paragraph that
quotes an unidentified FBI agent as
saying in 1963 that King was "the
most dangerous Negro of the future in
this nation" was not "in the spirit" of
the proposal and should be deleted.
Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward) counter-
ed by saying it is important "to main-
tain some of the element of the
challenge to our society that (King)
Lowell Peterson (D-First Ward)
said the public should know that the
FBI considered King a threat and that
it "infiltrated the King organization to
gather slanderous data on him."
Larry Hunter (D-First Ward) said
he wanted the holiday to serve as a
tribute to King and as a reminder that
many people who "peacefully
protested" were maimed, threatened,
and hurt" for their beliefs.
The paragraph will remain in the
resolution because the council split on
the vote to delete it.
The council also debated whether
the new holiday will be added to the 11
city holidays that city employees now
have, or whether it will replace one of
them. If a holiday is added it will cost
the city $150,000. A decision was not


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** ***** ******* ******
1986 *
* Academy of American Poets Prize
' * Bain-Swiggett Prize *
* Michael R. Gutterman Award
* Roy W. Cowden Memorial Fellowship
* *
Fiction Reading By:.
The Natural
The Fixer
God's Grace
The Stories of Bernard Malamud
Pictures of Fidelman


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