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December 05, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-12-05

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 5, 1985
Ii- -

"Do you think final exams are an effective part of our
education system?"

Dave Semmelroth, LSA Jim Badtke, LSA junior: Andrea Becker, LSA Veronica Marsich, LSA Gordo Glick, LSA junior: I
sophomore: I don't feel You can't let the pressure senior: I spent last year in sophomore: I don't think think that they are a lot of
pressured by them, and they get to you. I don't think of it France, and we only had one that they're a good represen- fun and I wouldn't change a
are necessary. But they as being 50 percent of the exam for the whole course. tation of what a student thing. Except, only one study
don't always accurately grade. Professors do put too Many people failed because knows. There's too much day is pathetic. I need more
reflect what you know. Final much emphasis on it. If you they didn't pace themselves. pressure placed on finals. time to relax.
papers and projects are a have a bad day, you blew I like the system here. There has to be some kind of
better idea. They give you your whole semester.tebuthrhatoea
Tygeyubetter way. If you make a
more time and a chance to mistake, it's 50 percent of
say what you know, unlike a your grade.
multiple-choice question.

1 .k
Carol Kirsch, LSA senior: Mike Chu, Natural Woei Bee, LSA Linda Timar, LSA senior: Keith Johnson, Music
Don't ask me now. I'm really Resources senior: They are sophomore: It is such a rush. Papers are better in in- freshman:. I don't enjoy
bpgged down. too crammed together. What Everything is all crammed dicating what you know. Any them but they're helpful.
bothers me is that into the last week. It makes one test shouldn't have the They make you put your
everything is due at the the atmosphere around the effect of ruining your whole course together. I'm here to
same time. Otherwise it grade in a class. learn.
wouldn't be so bad.

State rep. to introduce

(Continued from Page 1)
Heyman ruled out a statewide elec-
tion of student-regents as
"ridiculous," saying the voters would
still be unfamiliar with the can-
Reaction among University regents
was mixed. "I don't think it would
make much of a difference," if
students are elected to the board, said

Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey).
Brown, however, said he opposed the
appointment of regents by the Gover-
nor because it would jeopardize the
University's ability to govern itself.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) was more adamantly opposed. "I
see no reason to change our current
systeh in the state."
"I represent all the people in the

student regents bil
State of Michigan, including the be allowed to serve on the governing
students," he said. boards because they may further
their own interests - such as setting
Another point of opposition against tuition rates.
student regents has been that it would However, in a letter to Blanchard
be a "conflict of interest." Blanchard, last week, Bullard pointed out that
in talking with student leaders, had two statutes he had sponsored in 1974
said many would rally behind a 1972 and 1976 exempt students from the
ruling by State Attorney General conflict of interest ruling.
Frank Kelley that students should not

S. African govt. to propose
landowning rights for. blacks
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The government said yesterday it
will propose next year that blacks be allowed to own land for the first
time in 72 years, but the laws will not lift restrictions on where they can
A prominent white critic of the government's racial policies said the
announcement was "important to black people in an emotional way" but
was "not a dismatling of apartheid."
National police headquarters in Pretoria said officers shot a black man
dead in a a battle with stone throwers in the black Crossroads squatter
camp outside Cape Town and fought black rioters in five other Cape
Province townships late Tuesday and early yesterday.
A statement said nine blacks were wounded and 31 arrested later
yesterday when police quelled six outbreaks of arson and three of stone-
throwing, mostly in Cape Province.
About 900 people have been killed, nearly all of them black, in 15 mon-
ths of violence against apartheid, the official policy that reserves
privilege for South Africa's 5 million whites and denies rights to the 24
million blacks.
Kennedy announces candidacyk
BOSTON - Joseph Kennedy II, ready for a "long, hard battle," an-
nounced yesterday he will run in 1986 to replace retiring
speaker Thomas O'Neill in the House seat that was the first rung of John
Kennedy's ladder to the presidency.
Kennedy, son of the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, told a packed news con-
ference that government should be used as a "catalyst" to provide affor-
dable housing, energy, and health care.
Kennedy gained attention during the oil shortage years by founding
Citizens Energy Corp., a non-profit company that supplies low-cost fuel
oil to poor families.
"The old way of government of simply taxing and spending, taxing and
spending is no longer valid," said Kennedy.
Vietnam returns U.S. dead
HANOI, Vietnam - Vietnam yesterday turned over to U.S. officials
human remains believed to be those of seven American servicemen listed
as missing in action during the Vietnam War.
Vietnamese officials delivered the remains three days after completion
of an unprecedented joint excavation at the spot where an American B-52
crashed during a bombing raid over what then was North Vietnam.
In a short, simple airport ceremony, the Vietnamese also handed over
to the U.S. military delegation "material evidence" of 14 other American
servicemen, including identification tags.
Officials on both sides said they hoped the excavation and return of
remains marked the beginning of much greater cooperation in accoun-
ting for the 1,797 Americans still listed as missing in action in Vietnam.
Ngo Hoang, a Foreign Ministry official, said the remains in the seven
crates were found around Hanoi and the nearby port of Haiphong, which
were prime targets of an intense U.S. bombing campaign in December
1972. At least 27 American planes were shot down and 93 airmen were
killed, captured or reported missing.
U.S. says Israeli spy data
dealt with Arab technology
WASHINGTON - The classified military documents Israel allegedly ob-
tained from accused spy Jonathan Jay Pollard dealt with moderate Arab
governments and included information about their radar-jamming
techniques and other electronic data, an informed U.S. official said
The documents dealt with Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, and other
"friendly" Arab governments, detailing their military capabilities as
well as their methods of countering terrorism, the official said.
While U.S. counterintelligence informaton on Libya and other radical
regimes is shared with Israel under the strategic cooperation and other
agreements, U.S. assistance to Arab countries considered friendly to the
United States generally is withheld, the official said.
Israel thus was able to obtain data not available through normal U.S.
channels, said the official, who insisted on anonymity.
"An Israeli source here said, meanwhile, "no one was spying on the
United States. If there was anything it was to gather information on
'Pro-Bush' poll angers rivals
WASHINGTON - A Republican Party poll that included questions
about Vice President George Bush's presidential prospects was drawing
howls of protest yesterday from his potential rivals who saw the survey
as a tilt toward Bush in the 1988 race.
There also was a question whether Bush's political action committee
would violate federal election laws if it paid part of the cost of the poll.
Aides to Bush's rivals were contending the vice president's political ac-
tion committee would violate federal law if it paid more than $5,000
toward the cost of the survey. A Bush adviser said that was an incorrect

interpretation of the law.
Frank Fahrenkopf chairman of the Republican National Committee,
said he got an angry call from Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, who
demanded, "What the hell is going on?"
The chairman said he assured Dole, who has his eye on the 1988
presidential nomination, that the party would be "candidate neutral" in
the race.
Dole told Fahrenkopf the survey was "paid for and commissioned by
the Republican National Committee to Make George Bush President of
the United States.
01 he StchtpgauDatig
Vol XCVI - No. 64
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.


21 New Ways to Sho
Arborland this Christmas!
Christmas at Arborland Consumer Mall is the best ever. Not only
are there 51 stores offering you the best brand name merchandise
at discount prices, you'll find 21 new Christmas kiosks with exciting
gift ideas.
The Antler People - unique items made from antlers
The Chain Connection - gold by the inch *
Creative Carvings - beautiful, sculptured candles
David Pahl Craft Enterprises - beerships, mail maids, sculptured pillows
and more
Four Star Sports - patches and emblems
Gerard Watch Pictures - watch part and butterfly pictures, wire trees,
and more
Gold Chain Gang - gold chains, glass & brass boxes
Golden Reign - hand crafted jewelry in brass, sterling and nickel
Hickory Farms - cheese and meats
J & M Glass Products - stained glass window items
Jack Hamilton Wood Products - wood planters, clocks, etc.
Mostly Wicker - wicker baskets, furniture and gifts
Old World Style Almonds - German roasted almonds
The Packaging Store - custom gift wrap service
Pictures Plus - graphic arts
Professor Youngblood's Photo's - period photographs with you in medieval
and victorian dress
Santa's Rest Stop - message pillows
Toy Airplane Gliders - fun gifts for kids of any age
Uncle Wiggly's Essentials - wood wall rocks, clothes' trees and more
Upper Half - monogrammed stockings, glassware and more
Laser Art - using the latest technology
EXTENDED MALL HOURS: Monday-Saturday, 9:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sunday, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday, December 22, 9:30 am - 9:30 pm
Tuesday, December 24, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday, December 31, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Christmas Day
New Year's Daya

Flash a
factor in
(Continued from Page 1)
" Coca-Cola Clothing. Along with in-
troducing new Coke this year, Coca-
Cola came out with its own line of
casual wear that imitates Benetton.
The clothes range in price from a $30
rugby shirt to a $45 pair of jeans, and
every piece bears the soft drink's
label. "All of them are almost gone,"
said Debbie LaBaeu, a sales clerk at
Hudson's in Briarwood Mall.
"They're so popular because you
usually don't see a cola company
coming out with clothing."
" Calvin Klein's Obsession. By far
the most popular perfume among
college-aged shoppers, Obsession
costs $28.50 per 1.7 ounces in the
splash bottle. "It's certainly going to
be a classic," said Judy Spaly-
Belanger, a make-up consultant. "It's
selling so well because of the fragran-
ce and not just because of the Calvin
Klein name,", she added. "Obsession
is not like Georgio, which is only a fad
because of its popularity in Beverly
" Swatch Watches. "Swatches," for
short, are durable, casual wrist wat-
ches with multi-colored plastic bands
and different face designs. Elizabeth
Reed, a clerk at Lord & Taylor's, said
the $36 watches have "taken off so
well because of their ads on M-TV...
Last week we went through a new
shipment of about 10 to 11 watches,
which is a lot."
" Taped books. Publishing houses
have been scrambling to cash in audio
cassettes of their books and poetry.
The cassettes cost anywhere from $6
to $25 and include best-sellers, "how
to" books, children's books, and
classics. The classic books include
authors such as Emily Bronte and
children's classics like The Wind in
the Willows.
h Grobots. Manufactured by the
Popart Company, these inch-high toy
robots made of sponge-like material
are one of the most popular items sold
at Middle Earth on South University.
In water grobots will expand in


Editor in Chief ,.............. NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors..........JODY BECKER
Managing Editors ......,GEORGEA KOVANIS
News Editor............. THOMAS MILLER
Features Editor.........LAURIE DELATER
City Editor............ANDREW ERIKSEN
Personnel Editor ..........TRACEY MILLER
NEWS STAFF: Eve Becker, Melissa Birks, Laura
Bischoff, Rebecca Blumenstein, Joanne Cannella,
Philip Chidel, Dov Cohen, Kysa Connett, Tim
Daly, Nancy Driscoll, Rob Earle, Rachel Gottlieb,
Stephen Gregory, Linda Holler, Mary Chris
Jakelevic, Vibeke Laroi, Jerry Markon, Eric Mat-
tson, Amy Mindell, Kery Murakami, Jill
Oserowsky, Christy Riedel, Michael Sherman,
Jennifer Smith, Jeff Widman, Cheryl Wistrom.
Associate Opinion Page Editor .. KAREN KLEIN
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Gayle Kirshenbaum,
David Lewis, Henry Park, Peter Mooney, Susanne

Chief Photographer .............. DAN HABIB
PHOTO STAFF: Jae Kim. Scott Lituchy, John
Munson, MattPetrie Dean Randazzo, Andi
Schreiber, Darrian Smith.
Sports Editor ..................TOM KEANEY
Associate Sports Editors.........JOE EWING
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha. MarkBorowsky.
Debbie deFrances, Liam Flaherty, Steve Green.
baum, Rachel Goldman, Jon Hartmann, Darren
Jasey, Phil Johnson, Rick Kaplan,rChristian Mar-
tin, Scott Miller, Greg Molzon, Brad Morgan.
Jerry Muth, Adam Ochlis, Chris Parker, Mike
Redstone Duane Roose, Jeff Rush, Scott Shaffer,
Pete Steinert, Douglas Volan.
Business Manager......DAWN WILLACKER
Sales Manager........MARY ANNE HOGAN
Assistant Sales Manager ........... YUNA LEE
Marketing Manager.......CYNTHIA NIXON
Finance Manager ........... DAVID JELINEK
Classified Manager. GAYLA BROCKMAN
DISPLAY SALES: Lori Baron, Sheryl Biesman,


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