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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 64
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 5, 1985
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From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President
Reagan announced yesterday that
*Robert McFarlane, a key figure in
putting together the Geneva summit,
had resigned as his national security
adviser and named Vice Adm. John
Poindexter as his successor.
Well-placed officials say it was
definitely a rivalry between Mc-
Farlane and the new White House
chief of staff, Donald Regan, that led
to McFarlanes decision to resign.
But McFarlane told reporters later
"that's nonsense" when asked if he
*ad problems with Regan. He did not
AND THE president told reporters
"you have all been misinformed about
that." He said McFarlane was
leaving because he felt "a respon-
sibility . . . toward his family" after
years of public service and that his
resignation was being accepted "with
deep regret and reluctance."
One official, who asked not to be
Sidentified, said that McFarlane's
decision to leave apparently was his
alone, as he knew of no problems bet-
ween him and Reagan. He said Mc-
Farlane had done "just about
everything a national security adviser
can do" and would rather move on
now than face continuing
bureaucratic warfare with Regan.
McFarlane and Regan, both ex-
Marines, clashed both in personality
and over control of foreign policy and
defense issues.
Regan, a strong-willed, impatient
former corporate executive used to
getting his way, was reliably reported
to be perturbed by McFarlane's direct
line of access to the president.
McFARLANE, a soft-spoken, reflec-
tive analyst, was said to be concerned
by the insistence of Regan, a Wall
Street broker, to play a major role in
shaping foreign policy and defense
*The McFarlane-Regan rivalry was
brought into focus during the Geneva
summit when the White House
released an official photograph
showing Regan leaning over the back
of a sofa during a key moment in dis
Mandela nonmaren
for honorary degree
South African civil rights leader Nelson Mandela has
been nominated for an honorary Doctor of Humane Let-
ters degree from the University.
The University could be the first major American in-
stitution to award an honorary degree to Mandela, accor-
ding to Thomas Holt, a history professor and director of
the Center for Afroamerican and African studies. Holt
sent the letter of nomination last week to University
President Harold Shapiro.
"This is a symbolic act that would be consistent with the
regents' declaration of their support of reform in South
Africa," Holt said. "The overall objective is to educate
people at Michigan and the general public about the issues
in South Africa."
"IF THE University is serious about its opposition to
apartheid, this would be a powerful way to demonstrate
that symbolically," said Barbara Ransby, a graduate
Ransby is director of the Free South Africa Coor-
dinating Committee, which wil begin circulating a petition
around campus next week to garner support from studen-
ts, faculty, and staff for Mandela's nomination.
James Short, assistant to Shapiro, said the Honorary
Degree Committee will consider Mandela's nomination at
its next meeting this spring.
The committee, which is composed of students, faculty
members, and administrators, makes recommendations
to the University's Board of Regents. Up to five honorary
degrees are awarded during commencement exercises,
Short said.
The honorary degree recipients for this December's
See MANDELA, Page 3
Tired wolverines dust
Youngstown St., 56-42
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Two shoppers carry away packages in Nickels Arcade yesterday. Mer-
chants say customers are buying more trendy and costly gifts.'
Swatches, Grobots
top holiday gift, lists
Sweatshirts, coffee mugs, and
backpacks emblazoned with maize
and blue 'M's may be the favorite
last-minute present, but local mer-
chants say student shoppers so far
this holiday season are buying more
trendy - and more expensive - gift
Students are doling out their dollars
for flourescent pink hair dryers, plaid
watches, even thumb-sized dolls that
grow to a one-foot height when placed
in water. And merchants are using
words like "wildly popular," "almost
gone," and "boom" to describe their
THESE ITEMS are especially
popular this year:
oCompact discs. These music discs
have become a popular alternative to
albums or cassette tapes because
they are read by a laser beam in a
special player. The laser beam
prevents scratches, dust, and finger-
prints from affecting the music's
sound. The discs, which range in
price from $13 to $16, are "wildly
popular, especially the classical
ones," said Lenny Pickett, a sales
clerk at Discount Records on State
Street. "We've sold thousands of
See FLASH, Page 2
Everyone expected the Michigan
basketball team to beat Youngstown
State by 40 points last night. Instead
the worn-out Wolverines needed three
quarters of the game to score that
much and ended up winning by just 14,
"We expected to (win by 40 points),
but if you expect that to happen it
won't happen, and it didn't," said
Michigan guard Gary Grant.
"THERE'S A lot of pressure on
Michigan to win by 50," said
Youngstown State coach Mike Rice.
"We took advantage of the
psychological factor, that we could be
down and not feel it."
The Penguins also took advantage
of Michigan's fatigue. Just about all
the Wolverines said they felt tired
from thie optiiing tip.
"I guess everyone is tired," said
Roy Tarpley, whose 10 points made
him one of just three Michigan players
in double figures. "We started out
kinda slow."
"WE'VE BEEN knocking each
other down in practice. Other teams
have been knocking us down in
games. You try tostudy til midnight
and then play. It's tough," added An-
toine Joubert.
The fatigue showed up most on the
boards, where the Wolverines were
outrebounded, 40-31. Michigan's
height and weight advantages were
nullified by Youngstown State's offen-
sive set.
"They were pulling the big guys
away from the hoop," said Wolverine
forward Butch Wade. "Then they'd
slide the little guys inside. They
weren't really trying to rebound. They
were just trying to tip it around and
THE RESULT was that the
Penguins grabbed 15 offensive
caroms to Michigan's 11. Though not
upset in general, Michigan coach Bill
Frieder said his team's rebounding
was a disappointment.
"I was surprised, especially with
our height advantage," Frieder said.
"That's probably one of the poorest
rebounding jobs we've had in two
years. That's just an indication we
weren't doing the job."
The Wolverines were also over-
playing on defense. Numerous dives
at Penguin passes helped Michigan to
nine steals, but it left Tarpley, Wade,
and other big men too far from the
hoop after shots.
Bullard plans student-regents bill
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor) said yesterday he plans to in-
troduce legislation early next year to
designate at least one seat on the
governing board of the state's
colleges and universities for a student
Introduction of the bill would mean
a step forward for Michigan Student
assembly President Paul Josephson's
bid to gain representation of students
on the University's Board of Regents.
THE BILL faces an uphill battle
because it would require a change in
the state's constitution. Such a change
must be adopted by two-thirds of the
state legislature and a majority of the
voters in a statewide referendum.
Bullard yesterday refused to com-
ment on the bill's chances, but he has
aid that "it's doubtful the plan will
weep the country" because of op-
position from the universities.
"I've seen proposals like this for
about 20 years, and I don't think this
one will get much farther than the
others did," said Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline).
THE BILL, however, may have the
support of at least one state leader.
Gov. James Blanchard was
unavailable for comment yesterday,
end staff members refused to com-
ment, but Blanchard said last month
he supported the idea in principle and
urged students to pressure their
Just what changes would be made,
however, is still up in the air, said Dan
Sharp, an aide to Bullard. Among the
options being considered, he said, is a
state constitutional amendment to
give the governor authority to appoint
members to all of the boards.
Members are currently elected in a
statewide vote for the Wayne State
University, Michigan State Univer-
sity, and University of Michigan
boards. Blanchard appoints the boar-
ds at the other 13 state schools.
"I THINK IT'S wise to piggy-back
on the Governor's commission's
recommendations," Bullard said
yesterday. The Governor's Com-
mission on the Future of Higher
Education in Michigan last year
recommended to Blanchard that
university board members should be
appointed rather than elected.
According to the commission, most
voters are unfamiliar with the can-
didates, and they vote at random.
"The current system often leads to
limiting and capricious choices and
discourages many qualified can-
didates who are unwilling to subject
themselves to its uncertainties." The
commission's recommendations,
however, made no mention of studen-
ts serving on the boards.
University officials have said these
recommendations would endanger
the University's autonomy from the
state, and therefore oppose them.
said, would be to preserve the election
of regents but to require that one of
those elected must be a student. He
said, however, that several problems
would have to be worked out first:
Would the student be elected by state
voters, or by the students on campus?.
And if by the students, would all
students be allowed to vote or just
students registered to vote in
The aide said Bullard would meet
with Josephson and members of the
Michigan Collegiate Coalition, a
group of student leaders from around
the state, in drafting the bill.
Steve Heyman, chairman of MSA's
legislative relations committee and
one of those who will meet with
Bullard's staff, said "it's still too
early to tell" which option would be
"THE MAIN thing is to get a
student on the Board of Regents," he
See STATE, Page 2
... pours in 12
"WE WERE too anxious," Frieder
said. "We were trying to get steals in-
stead of trying for position.
"Then we were standing around
thinking everybody else was gonna
See 'M,' Page 8
c oncerned
with party
A recent ruling holding party hosts
liable for accidents involving alcohol
served to minors has focused new at-
tention on the responsibilities of
fraternities and individuals who host
The Michigan Supreme Court ruled
4 to 2 last Wednesday that the hosts of
a 1979 wedding reception were
responsible for the death of Jamie
Longstreth. The 19-year-old was killed
in an auto accident in Midland County
after drinking at the reception.
The ruling apparently makes
fraternities and other hosts of private
parties liable for the safety of minors
who are served alcohol, according to
John Ketelhut, Assistant General
Counsel for the University.
BOTH Ketelhut and campus frater-
nity leaders, however, said a full
evaluation of the ruling's implications
See HOSTS, Page 6
Former President Gerald Ford, a University alumnus, stands next to a
portrait bust of himself during dedication and unveiling ceremonies
yesterday on Capitol Hill.
A great holiday gift idea
or Hanukkah gifts for family, friends, lovers, and
people you don't really like very much but ought to get
something for anyway. It's available on the Diag
today, Friday and Monday, and at select retail outlets
and the Student Publicaitons Building at 420 Maynard
St. after that. In the opinion of one Garg editor,
"Fvrhndv snnli hmv a wot. o hm _"
year-old son of the Aga Khan died, White House
spokesman Larry Speakes said yesterday. During
their stay in Geneva, President and Mrs. Reagan
stayed at La Maison Saussure, an 18th century man-
sion that belongs to Prince Aga Kahn and his wife,
Princess Salida. Reagan used the boy's second-floor
bedroom as a study while at the summit and the hno
STUDENT REGENTS: Columnist Eric Mattson
examines the perennial issue of placing
students on the governing boards of state
universities. See Page 4.
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