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November 06, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-06

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1985 -Page 3
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killed in

MOSCOW (AP) - A Mexican diplomat who
was a Soviet-trained scientist and his maid
were found shot to death in the diplomat's
Moscow apartment, the Mexican Embassy
said yesterday. The incident was a rare and
unexplained case of violence involving
foreigners in Moscow.
Manuel Portilla Quevedo, 43, a counselor at
the Mexican Embassy since 1981, and his
Mexican maid, Maria del Carmen Cruz, were
found Oct. 31 when diplomats from the em-
bassy went to investigate why Portilla had not
shown up for work, the embassy's statement
DR. PORTILLA had received a blow with a
blunt instrument and then (was) shot in the
head," the statement said. "Miss Cruz was
severely beaten and shot twice in the head."

An embassy official, who spoke on condition
he not be identified, said the two apparently
died the night of Oct. 30.
No explanation was given for the deaths.
Embassy officials refused to discuss whether
they involved a premeditated attack, random
violence or possible suicide.
CASES OF VIOLENCE involving foreigners
are rare in Moscow. The last known foreigner
in Moscow who died violently was British
businessman Dennis Skinner, who fell to his
death from his 12th-floor apartment in June
In that case, Soviet authorities concluded no
criminal activity was involved, but a coroner's
inquest in Britain determined there was an
unlawful death but did not accuse anyone.
The embassy statement said word of Por-

tilla's death had not been released until yester-
day to avoid obstructing investigations by
Soviet police. A man who answered the
telephone at the police station nearest Por-
tilla's apartment said investigations were con-
tinuing and refused to give details.
PROTILLA STUDIED chemistry in Moscow
in the early 1960s, graduating from Patrice
Lumumba Friendship University for
Foreigners in 1965. He gained a doctorate in
biophysics from Moscow State University in
1972 and had many Soviet friends and contacts.
Mexican Embassy second secretary Eusevio
del Cueto said Portilla was married and the
father of four children but apparently lived
alone at the time of his death.
A Latin American journalist, who asked not

to be further identified, said Portilla had been
married to a Russian woman but recently
divorced her after a long separation.
The embassy statement said the maid came
from Mexico to work for Portilla, but gave no
further details about her. A Mexican journalist
who knew Portilla said the woman was A
Mexican Indian in her mid-20s who lived in the
apartment and cooked well.
Hernan Rodriguez, Moscow correspondent
for the Mexican newspaper Excelsior, said he
was with Portilla Wednesday morning, the last
day he was seen alive, and "he seemed nor-
"It was a big surprise. I knew him well
because he was going to become the embassy
press attache," he said.

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* Guatemalan army won't hinder future talks

Fp U

Guatemala City (AP) - The head of
Guatemala's military regime said
yesterday the armed forces would not
object if the new civilian government
opens talks with left-wing rebels who
have been battling for power for 20
"Our system has been one of
dialogue with all who want to have it,"
Gen. Oscar Humberto Mejia Victores
told a news conference.
HE IS TO be replaced on Jan. 14 by
the winner of a Dec. 8 runoff election
between the top two presidential can-
didates in Sunday's balloting.
They are Christian Democrat
Vinicio Cerezo and Jorge Carpio of the
conservative National Centrist Union.
There were eight candidates, all
civilians, running for the presidency.
None received a majority, forcing the
runoff between the two front runners.
WITH ABOUT three-fourths of the
vote counted, Cerezo held 39 percent

and Carpio 21 percent. Jorge Serrano,
the candidate of a coalition of the
Democratic Party of National
Cooperation and Revolutionary Par-
ty, was third with 14 percent. About
2.7 million people in the population of
nearly 8 million were registered to
Both Cerezo and Carpio have said
they would open negotiations with the
rebels to end the guerrilla war that
has taken thousands of lives.
Mejia Victores said that if the
rebels decide to enter talks "with the
next government, we don't have any
objection to them doing that."
patrols during the election, but stayed
away from polling places. Military
units were noticeably absent.
The election and restoration of
democracy is one of several con-
ditions that must be met if $10 million

in U.S. military aid is to be received
for fiscal 1986. Another is for the
government to crack down on human
rights abuses by the military and
Mejia Victores was asked if the ar-
my would accept those conditions and
he said that decision would have to be
made by the new government.
MEJIA VICTORES, who seized
power in a coup against another
general on Aug. 8, 1983, has said he
will retire from the army when the
civilian government is installed.
Military or military-controlled
governments have ruled Guatemala
for 30 years, with the armed forces
candidates winning the 1974, 1978 and

1982 elections amid accusations of
fraud and intimidation.
In another development Monday,
about 120 protesters ended their six-
day, peaceful sit-in at Metropolitan
THEY HAD SAID they would not
leave until the government gave an
accounting of 775 of their relatives
who they said disappeared after being
picked up by security forces.
As the men, women and children
left the building, a leader of the group
called Mutual Support said Cerezo
and Roman Catholic Archbishop
Prospero Penados del Barrio had "of-
fered to help, but they did nothing,"

'M' hoop tickets released

The 13th Automotive Materials Conference, a two-day event, begins
today at Rackham Amphitheatre. It is sponsored by the Materials and
Metallurgical Engineering and the American Ceramic Society.
School of Art - Antonia, Frankenthaler: Toward a New Climate,
Street, Excerpts from Light Fantastic, 7:30 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall.
MED - The Man with the Golden Gun, 7 p.m.; The Spy Who Loved Me,
9:15 p.m., Nat Sci.
Laughtrack - Stand up comedy with comedians Darwin Hinez, Owen
Davis, and KT Klipfel, 10 p.m., U-Club.
ARK - Cris Williamson with Tret Fure, 8 p.m., 637 S. Main St.
Urban, Tech and Environmental Planning - Yi Tingzhen, "In-
vestment and Trade in China," 7:30-9:30 p.m., East Conference Room,
Russian and East European Studies - Giovanni Graziani, "Economic
Issues in East-West Relations," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
Psychiatry - Barbara Smuts, "Sex Between Consenting Adults: Long-
Term Bonds Between Male and Female Baboons," 10:30 a.m. to noon,
Children's and Adolescent Psych Hosp. Aud.
Germanic Language and Literature - Herbert Zeman, "Goethe Und
Die Musik: Zum Wechselspiel Von Dichtung Und Music In Der
Goethezeit," 4:30 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham.
Communication - James Buckley, "Cost Benefits of the 19th Century
Political Press," noon, Marsh Sem Room, Frieze building.
Nursing Council - 4:30 p.m., 5101 School of Nursing.
Baha'i Club - 5:30 p.m., Union.
Michigan Gay Union -9 p.m., 802 Monroe St.
Dissertation Support Group -1:30-3 p.m., 3100 Union.
Science Fiction Club - Stilyagi Air Corps, 8:15 p.m., League.
Ensian Yearbook - 7 p.m., 420 Maynard, Student Publications

(Continued from Page 1)
sidered to be those in the "blue" sec-
tion, right around the perimeter of the
court. Students are eligible for about
one-fourth of the blue section. The
remaining three-fourths goes to
alumni and other people who have
been buying season tickets for years.
Everyone else is seated in the upper
or "gold" section. This is where most
of the students will be this year and it
is because of this that some students
are grumbling.
Ray Macika, an engineering
student, said that students should
have priority over alumni. "Students
are the people who make the school's
image," said the senior. "It's always
complained that the crowds at
Michigan are dull and don't make the
team get enthusiastic. They should
put the students down in the blue since
they're the ones that are active."
Many other schools give their
students better positioning within the
arena, but not many can match
Michigan for seeing that the most
deserving students get the best
student seating-even though it may
not seem like it.
INDIANA University, for instance,
puts a limit on its student ticket sales.
Students there can buy tickets for two
of three sessions of games (but not all
three), and the university decides
which games they get, according to
Right to
Know Policy
gains county
(Continued from Page 1)
formal working session.
"I am hoping that by late this year
or early next year, there will be a
community 'Right to Know' rule,"
Murray said.
THE PROPOSED regulation,
known as the "Right to Know" rule,
would force small, non-
manufacturing companies to provide
information to the country health
department about the types of
chemicals used, where they are
located, and how the chemicals are
The rule would generally cover
companies not requird to comply with
federal regulations.
The proposal is strongly backed by
the Ann Arbor Firefighters
Association, members of the United
Auto Workers Local 849, and the
Washtenaw County Health Depar-
"I'M ALL in favor of the rule ...
because you can't separate the
quality of life in the community from
the quality of life in the workplace. If
the workplace deteriorates, the com-
munity does also," said Bob Bowen,
president of UAW Local 849.
Bowen said that even some non-
unionized workers have recently
complained about unsafe working
Although Bowen would not name
the companies involved, he did
describe a paint. shop in Ypsilanti
where "the workers came out looking
like they worked in a coal mine."
THE RULE is needed to enable the
fire departments to preplan and coor-
dinate firefighting tactics when com-
hbttin emerencie which involv

Hoosier ticket manager Bill King.
Furthermore, students at most
schools are not ranked in any way. "A
student's a student," said Alice Wood,
ticket manager at University of Ken-
tucky. "We can offer all our students
tickets, but there's no priority."
Renfrew's job of distributing tickets
hasn't always been as tough as it is
now. "Four years ago we didn't even
have 400 students buying season
tickets," he said. "We put everybody
that bought them in the blue. That's
the way it goes sometimes."
People who find themselves up by
the scoreboard in Crisler this season
can take Renfrew's phrase to heart.
That's the way it goes sometimes.
Phone: 429-5672
or 815-895-2443

of Tomorrow...
If you are considering
management studies, let us
tell you about
Come to an informational session
presented by the Business School
Place: Mary Markley-Angela Davis Lounge
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 6
Time: 6:30-7:30
Rackham Student Government
Speaker Series
Paul Sweezy
'The Casino Society:
Where Does It Lead?".
Mr. Sweezy is co-editor of Monthly Review, an independent social-
ist journal, and co-author (with Paul Baran) of Monopoly Capital.
Thursday, November 7, 7:00 p.m.
Michigan Union Ballroom
co-sponsored by Michigan Student Assembly, LSA Student Government, Vice-
President's Office on Student Affairs, the Economics and Sociology Departments,
CRSO, and the institute for Public Policy Studies.


I Miscellaneous

Physiology - Seminar, Thomas Roth, "Daytime Sleepiness," 4 p.m.,
7745 Med Sci II.
Printing Svcs - Seminar, "How to Order Printing," 1-5 p.m., 1919
Green Road.
Microcomputer Education Center - Workshop, The Macintosh as a
UMnet Terminal, Pt I, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 3001 SEB.
Biological Science - Seminar, Richard Wrangham, "Ecological In-
fluences on Primate Social Organization," 4 p.m., Room 2, MLB.
Computing Center - Workshop, Ellen Hoffman, Using the Autologic
APS-Micro 5 Phototypesetter, 3-5 p.m.; Sem, TeXnicians and TeXexper-
ts, "TeX Users," 7-9 p.m., 1013 NUBS.
Interdept. Prog. in Genetics - John Coffin, "Replication of
Tetroviruses: Functions of the Ltr," 4-6 p.m., West Lecture Hall, Med Sci
HRD - Workshops, Page Baxter, "Values," 1:30-4:30 p.m.; 2-day Per-
formance Planning and Appraisal, 8:30-noon, 130B LSA.
Farm Labor Org Committee - Slide Show, Dorothy Diederichs, "Mich
Farmworkers: A Legacy of Poverty and a Struggle to Change," 5:30
p.m., Wolverine Room, Union.
CRLT - Workshop, Geo Williams, "Overhead Transparencies," 7-
10:30 p.m., Michigan Media, 400 Fourth Street.
Chemistry - Seminar, Dee Brooks, "Aplications of Enzymes in the
Total Synthesis of Natural Products," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Blood Donor Clinic -11 a.m.-5 p.m., League and North Campus Com-
Guild House Campus Ministry - Beans and rice dinner, 6-7:30 p.m., 802
Muslim Student Association - Islamic coffee hour, noon, Room 3, 3rd
floor, League.
Universities Activities Center - Workshop, Impact Jazz Dance, 7-8:30
p.m., Ballroom, Union.
Latin American Solidarity Committee - open forum, 8 p.m., Room 130
Business Administration Building.



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