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November 05, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-05

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 5, 1985
Dow chamber collapses, reasons unknown



(Continued from Page 1)
make sure this does not happen
again,"sSchlaff said. He estimates the
rebuilding time to take from a
minimum of eight to sixteen weeks.
Workers have been clearing the site
from Thursday's damage. Vest sasid
"They worked all weekend. The whole
thing is practically cleaned out." Vest
said the crews tore out the roof and
pulled out the equipment that was in-
side the utility chamber. "The room is

basically an empty hole again."
Most of the damage was done to the
electrical equipment for the almost
completed basement area which in-
cludes a satellite library, an instruc-
tional televisiion center, and a Com-
puter Aided Engineering Network
THE ONLY damage to the Dow
building was caused by leakage of
water from a broken water pipe and
ceiling tiles which popped out of the

grid because of a tremendous in- struction Co., and the architect was

crease in wind and air pressure,
Schlaff said. Temporary ventillation
had to be provided for the computers
since the ventilation units in the utility
chamber were ruined.
The accident caused no injuries.
"For such a major collapse we've
been very fortunate," said Schlaff.
The original contractor for the
utility building was Fairview Con-

Sims Varner and Associates. Schlaff
said he knows of no other similar
utility structures on campus. He said
there is no concern for the stability of
the structure of the rest of the Dow
The building was closed after the
collapse Thursday but is opened for
classes now, including the basement

' professor uninterested in government position

(Continued from Page 1)
says he isn't interested in a policy-
making position, he clearly enjoys
getting media attention for his con-
troversial opinions. He spouts off the
merits of Reagan's Strategic Defense
Initiative and "Star Wars" research
on campus, yet he prefers to think of
himself as a scholar rather than a
"He's very complex," says Melanie
Whitt, his research assistant.
"There's a lot of layers."
TANTER CAME to the forefront of
debates on campus over "Star Wars"
and the University's research
guidelines last May when he proposed
a project that would have brought SDI
research into the realm of the social

sciences, perhaps for the first time in
the nation.
Tanter wanted to study non-formal
approaches to arms control, such as
using SDI as a lever to force the
Soviets to abandon ICBMs in favor or
weapons less likely to be used in a fir-
st strike.
The University's Research Policies
Committee reviewed and rejected
Tanter's project because his findings
would not be publishable for more
than a year due to the inclusion of
classified documents.
prompted the Board of Regents to
request the appointment of an ad-hoc
panel to review the guidelines.'
"Tanter's proposal showed us there!
was a problem," says Regent Thomas

'Democracy is like sex. When it's good,
it's very good. When it's bad, it's not so
- Prof. Raymond Tanter

Roach (D-Saline) who made the
request. The board, he adds, had felt
for some time that the guidelines
adopted in 1972 needed changing, but
Tanter's project provided the im-
"The committee thought well of
(Tanter's proposal)," says Alfred
Sussman, former vice president for
research who was overseeing the RPC
last spring.
TANTER SAYS he won't resubmit
his proposal unless the guidelines are
first changed to give the researcher
more than a year to publish his
Yet the professor's theories regar-
ding the viability of SDI as a tool for
arms control, crisis stability, and
strategic deterrence have thrust him
into debate on campus over the "Star
Wars" program.
Standing in the public spotlight
doesn't bother Tanter. He rarely turns
down an invitation to speak publicly
on the issue, and some students say
privately that his American Foreign
Policy course is a thinly-
disguised seminar on SDI.
DURING A recent meeting of the
class, Tanter brought up "Star Wars"
seven times. He had his students
chant twice about the "nuclear
utilization theory," an alternative to
SDI which endorses the rapid buildup
of more and more accurate nuclear
weapons: "Use your weapons, or lose
your weapons."
Not one student challenged his lec-
ture. Nor did students in Tanter's
graduate class start a debate about
SDI during a recent meeting. Some
students say they don't argue with
their professor because they already
supported SDI or because Tanter has
changed their minds.
"I became a recent convert," says
Mark Lipton, an LSA junior in Tan-
ter's graduate course on nuclear

policy. "I was opposed to SDI until
about three weeks ago yesterday."
Tanter dropped that role, however,
when hecklers interrupted his speech
at a campus-wide symposium last
month on "Star Wars." Tanter
ignored them, and continued in a
steady voice.
"I was torn between being a
propagandist and being a scholar," he
says now, "so I stayed with the
professorial bit. I didn't come out with
the smashing, rousing type of perfor-
"I took the 'high road,"' he ex-
Tanter's academic background is
extensive. After receiving his masters
and doctorate degrees from Indiana
University in 1964, he went to teach
and do research for three years at
Northwestern University near his
hometown of Chicago. In 1967 he made
his first move into government as
deputy director of the Department of
Defense's Advanced Research projec-
ts Agency. In 1968 he taught at Stan-
ford and worked as a consultant for
the RAND Corporation and the U.S.
Agency for International Develop-
He left a position he held between
1969-71 with the Inter-University Con-
sortium for Political Research to
teach fall term at the University of
Amsterdam. In 1973 Tanter began a
part-time teaching job at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, where he
continued to lead -seminars
periodically even after he was appoin-
ted associate chairman of the Univer-
sity's political science department in
Offered an appointment to
President Reagan's National Security
Council in May, 1981, Tanter took a
leave of absence from the University.
Until he was removed from his
position in March, 1982 during
political reshuffling, Tanter helped
formulate American policies toward
the Arab-Israeli conflict. He says his
views were - and still are - staun-
chly pro-Israeli.
The reason, he says, is that Israel is
a democracy and "almost anything a
democracy does is not so bad. This is
the great thing about democracies."
"Democracy is like sex. When it's
good, it's very good. When it's bad,
it's not so bad." Tanter laughs, then
wonders what his words will look like
in print.
Despite fond memories of working
for the executive branch of the federal
government, Tanter defensively poin-
ts out he's not a "knee-jerk" conser-
He opposes building of MX missiles
and the sharing of technology with the
Soviet Union, saying both moves
would be "destabilizing.".
And Tanter believes that many
Americans would disagree with
Reagan if they paid heed to what the
president's policies rather than the
image he presents.
"Ronald Reagan has a negative
message: anti-communism and a
strong defense build-up," he says.
"But the young people like Reagan for
the same reason they like Bruce
Springsteen: they don't pay attention
to (Reagan's) views on abortion, on
civil rights, on prayer in schools - the
social issues.
"They just look at the trappings of
American power, America's back, the
red, white and blue, the high gloss."

U.S. says USSR ships cargo
to Nicaragua through Cuba
WASHINGTON - The Soviet Union, after an unexplained slowdown in
deliveries of military hardware ot Nicaragua, has stepped up such ship-
ments in recent months and is now trans-shipping cargo through Cuba,
government sources said yesterday.
Intelligence officials still don't have a clear picture of what type of har-
dware is arriving in Nicaragua, one source said, but there have been in-
dications over the past two weeks of new shipments involving trucks and
And last week, the source continued, a U.S. supersonic spy plane flew
over Cuba and confirmed that cargoes were being removed from Soviet
and Bulgarian ships and transferred to Nicaraguan freighters.
"That's a new wrinkle, but there have also been some Soviet ships
going direct to Nicaragua this fall," said the source, who requested
"We don't know what all is there (in the shipments), but the point is
that there has been a resumption of Soviet arms deliveries since a gap
that started late last year," the source said.
Senator criticizes CIA leak
WASHINGTON - A published report which said the CIA had been
authorized to undermine Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy prompted
President Reagan to order an investigation into the leak and caused one
senator to declare that if a member of Congress was responsible, he or
she should be censored or expelled.
In the Senate, Sen. Don Nickles (R-Okla.) expressed "complete
outrage" at the disclosure and said that if any member of Congress is
found to have leaked the information, he or she should be censored "or
actually expelled."
"There are some things that should not be divulged, and this is it,"
Nickles said.
The Washington Post, quoting unidentified government sources and
citing intelligence documents, said Sunday that Reagan signed a "fin-
ding" this fall authorizing the CIA to undermine Khadafy, who has been
labeled an international terrorist by both Reagan and former President
Yurchenko denies defecting
WASHINGTON - Vitaly Yurchenko, a high-level Soviet KGB officer
who was reported by the State Department to have defected to the United
States, said yesterday that he had been brought to this country uncon-
scious and against his will.
He said that on Nov. 2, due to a lapse in his supervision, he was able to
"break out to freedom" and go to the Soviet embassy.
In an extraordinary press conference at the embassy, Yurchenko said
"I was forced to take some drugs and denied the opportunity to get in
touch with official Soviet representatives."
"On a business trip to Italy, I was forcibly abducted," he said. He did
not say by whom but later he talked about conversations he held with the
chief of the Soviet section of the CIA.
Yurchenko, 50, was described as the No. 5 man in the KGB, the Soviet
intelligence service, at the time he defected in Rome in early August.
Court reviews sodomy law
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court agreed yesterday to study what
should - and should net - go on in American bedrooms, announcing it
will decide whether a Georgia law against sodomy violates the con-
stitutional right to privacy.
The justices will hear arguments, probably early next year, in the case
brought by Georgia challenging an 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
ruling that found the state law infringes upon "fundamental con-
stitutional rights." The appeals court order a lower court hold trial on the
Homosexual rights groups praised the court's decision to review the
"We're pleased the court is hearing the case because the situation in-
volves a gross interference in private behavior between consenting
adults," said Ron Najman, a spokesman for the National Gay Task Force
in New York. "We believe the Supreme Court will have no choice but to
strike down the Georgia law."
Moderate leads Guat. election
GUATEMALA CITY - Vinicio Cerezo, a moderate Christian
Democrat, took a strong lead in ballot-counting yesterday for Guatemala's
first civilian president in 16 years. But the conservative trailing Cerezo
vowed to force a run-off.
Under the voting laws, Cerezo needs 50 percent of the total vote from
Sunday's election.
With 32 percent of the ballots counted by yesterday noon, Cerezo had
270,348 votes, or 39 percent of the total vote from Sunday's election.
Under thevoting laws, Cerezo needs 50 percent of the total vote from
Sunday's election.
With 32 percent of the ballots counted by yesterday noon, Cerezo had
270,348 votes, or 39 percent of the total, and his closest rival, newpaper
publisher Jorge Carpio Nicolle, had 136,626, or 21 percent.
Cerezo could face Carpio, of the conservative National Centrist Union,
in a run-off Dec.8.
Jorge Serrano, fielded by a coalition of the Democratic Party, National
Cooperation and the Revolutionary parties, was running a poor third with
90,736 votes, or 11 percent.
Eight presidential candidates, all civilians, representing 12 parties

Voting Sunday was for president, vice President, all 100 members of
Congress, and 330 mayors and their city councils - all for 5-year terms.
Cerezo claimed he was assured of victory, even in a run-off.
In an interview early yesterday, Cerezo called his strong lead in the
vote-counting "a victory of the people."
Vol XCVI-- No. 44
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.


Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Prof. Tanter belives the Strategic Defense Initiative is the only sane
solution to the arms race.

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