Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 5, 1985
43 tt tlv
Vol. XCVI - No. 44
Ten Pages
share SDI
Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Political science Prof. Raymond Tanter revels in public attention, but tries to make a substantive contribution
to the academic community.
'U'professor enj oys publicity
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President
Reagan, trying to assuage Kremlin
anxieties, assuredthe Soviet people in
a historic pre-summit interview
yesterday that his "Star Wars"
missile-defense system is not intended
to threaten them with nuclear war.
"I can assure you now we are not
going to try to monopolize this, if such
a weapon is developed, for a first-
strike capability," Reagan said in an
interview Thursday with four Soviet
journalists that was published yester-
day in Moscow.
BUT REAGAN also added con-
fusion to one of the central issues at
the summit - his dedication to the
development of a futuristic defense
against nuclear missiles - that sent
aides scrambling to clarify his words.
"We won't put this weapon or this
system in place - this defensive
system - until we do away with our
nuclear missiles, our offensive
missiles," he said. "But we will make
it available to other countries, in-
cluding the Soviet Union to do the
same thing.
The statement went a step beyond
past hopes by Reagan that his "space
shield" could render offensive
missiles "obsolete" and lead to their
HOWEVER, white House
spokesman Larry Speakes insisted
Reagan was setting terms only for
sharing SDI technology, not for its
deployment. In the absence of reduc-
tions in nuclear missiles, he said,
I can assure you now we are not going to
try to monopolize (SDI), if such a weapon
is developed, for a first-strike capability.'
- President Reagan
Political Science Prof. Raymond
Tanter jokingly compares his Burns
Park home to the White House,
Pro file
where he worked for sixteen mon-
"That's the West Wing, the East
Wing, and the Red Room," Tanter
says, pointing out the rooms as he
leads a reporter and a photographer
down a hall decorated with pictures
of him and President Reagan and of
other political figures.
change from a designer sweatsuit
into a suit coat and dress pants
before having his photograph taken.
Before he poses in the library, he
arranges on a shelf books about
Soviet defense and the Strategic
Defense Initiative.
In the "East Room" - the break-
fast room - Tanter asks to take a
seat in front of a bay window looking
out onto Burns Park. "I came out of
the White House, you see, and you
learn that photographic oppor-
tunities are all over what politics is
about," he explains.
A showman and an ardent
Reaganite Tanter seems to be at fir-
st. But the former member of the
National Security Council staff claims
no ambition to run for an elective of-
fice, and says he actually disagrees
with several Reagan administration
THE APPARENT contradiction
isn't the only one that defines Tan-
ter's character.
Although the 47-year-old professor
See 'U,' Page 2
deployment could proceed.
Another White House spokesma,
Edward Djerejian, said Reagan was
"not implying that we do away with
all missiles" before SDI deployment
and was merely emphasizing "the
ultimate goal is the elimination of of-
fensive nuclear weapons."
With that accomplished, Reagan
said, the defensive shield would be
needed "in case some madman gets
his hands on some (nuclear weapons)
and tries to blackmail other coun-
IN SEPARATE prepared answers
to written questions, Reagan, who last
week countered the latest Soviet arms
offer, said the United States seeks "a
balanced, fair, verifiable agreement
on reductions in nuclear arsenals.
Secretary of State George Shultz
met with Soviet Foreign Minister
Eduard Shevardnadze in Mascow for
nearly eight hours yesterday to plan
the agenda for this month's U.S.-
Soviet. summit meeting, which is ex-
pected to focus on arms control.
Shultz said in a brief airport arrival
statement that recent discussions
with Shevardnadze in the United
States were "candid and productive."
Shevardnadze, who met the secretary
at the airport, did not make any
"I expect our meetings in Moscow
will be that way as well," Shultz said.
"I welcome this visit, and I hope it
will be a productive one."
Shevardnadze and Shultz shook
hands before entering a marble hall at
the Foreign Ministry annex to begin
their talks. Shevardnadze told repor-
ters, "I always expect results," but he
cautioned, "don't run ahead of even-
See REAGAN, Page 3
MSA, Sudarkasa debate minority advisors' role
MSA members and Niara Sudarkasa, associate vice
president for academic affairs, yesterday disagreed on
students' role in minority recruitment and retention.
0 Sudarkasa, the University administrator responsible
for minority student affairs - including enrollment and
retention - said she favors the creation of task force
type committees to help her come up with suggestions on
issues such as undergraduate and graduate enrollment
and retention.
THE MICHIGAN Student Assembly, however, favors
the creation of a single minority student affairs com-
mission which it says would be more powerful because
students would share in the decision-making process
with Sudarkasa.
Josephson said Sudarkasa may be willing to agree on
MSA wants student feedback
an executive committee that would be comprised of the
chairs of the various committeeswhich he said would
give the students input into the decision making process
but that would leave the final word with the vice
Upon Sudarkasa's appointment in February 1983,
Billy Frye, Univesrity vice president for academic af-
fairs and provost, said the administration expected to
form a commission made up of students, faculty and
alumni to "assist (her) and to help focus greater respon-
Such a commission, Frye said, would be chaired by
SUDARKASA SAID that there is a "genuine differen-
ce of opinion" between herself and the assembly.
"The form and structure of the proposed commission
is not the best vehicle for accomplishing what needs to
be done in order to increase minority enrollment and the
success of minority students," she said. "My approach
is more participatory and reaches out and embraces
more people and great diversity of opinions than could
be represented in a single commission," Sudarkasa
MSA president Paul Josephson said task force com-
mittees probably would not have as much authority as
members of a commission chaired by Sudarkasa.
"(SUDARKASA) wants to make autonomous
decisions," Josephson said. "I want students to be
But Sudarkasa said she is not opposed to student par-
ticipation. "If MSA chooses not to appoint any students
to the committees, I will see if there are other student
organizations (which) would be interested in helping
Sudarkasa said she has already offered two positions
on a newly-formed committee to MSA members. That
task force, formed about two weeks ago, will look at un-
dergraduate minority recruitment.
See V.P., Page 3
Chamber collapse
puzzles 'U' officials
City to investigate
By EVE BECKER The collapse
Unviersity officials are still unsure operation of the D
Of the cause of Thursday's collapse of was, will take whi
the utility chamber adjacent to the THE Thursday
Dow Engineering Building on North pected Schlaff s
Campus. idea of why it hap
In addition to University crews pened. That is wi
working on the collapsed structure, a very difficu
the University has hired Robert Dar- vestigate."
vis Associates, as an independent in- Work on the ch
vestigator to conduct a structural ok-an ea
analysis ok the collapsed building, ac- one-and-a-half ye
cording to Thomas Schlaff, manager
of the University's construction 'We are redes
egineering department. to insure ourselve
THE UTILITY chamber, which the structure is
housed air conditioning units, elec- said. He is plan
trical equipment, and water pipes for utility chamber
the nearly completed North Campus supports. Before
Instruction Center collapsed after just bolted to the
bolts supporting the roof sheared off. Dow Building.
"I haven't had time to get any "WE ARE p
dollar figures yet," Schlaff said. He "WE Ao b
said he might have these figures later columns to be v
today. See D(
Mired in mud
"didn't affect the
Dow Building," Vest
hat the nature of it
le to figure out."
accident was unex-
aid. "We have no
ppened when it hap-
,y it is going to be
At matter to in-
hamber began about
ars ago.
igning the structure
es and to make sure
complete," Schlaff
fning to, rebuild the
using columns as
the structure was
adjacent walls of the
lanning to put in
ery conservative to
OW, Page 2
Complaints of Ann Arbor
misconduct at recent campusp
will be investigated by the city
A resolution calling fort
vestigation was originally prop
last night's city council mee
Lowell Peterson (D-First War
Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward).
BUT THE resolution was sh
by city administrator Godfrey
who said it was his responsib
investigate inter-departmenta
He called for the resolutio
stricken from the council agen
council unanimously agreed
A committee which will
Collins and interested coun
bers will begin meeting soo
vestigate the allegations. I
report its findings to the counc
date has yet to be established.
PETERSON said the con
would probably also include]
Epton, and Gerald Jernig
Fourth Ward).
The resolution came in response to
police allegations made by protesters at last
protests week's council meeting. The demon-
strators protested during Vice
the in- President George Bush's recent cam-
posed at pus appearance, and during the
ting by Today Show's live broadcast from the
rd) and Diag, and during a CIA visit to cam-
pus, Peterson said.
ot down The protesters have said the police
Collins are guilty of physical mistreatment,
bility to use of abusive language and behavior,
al com- and failure to give required warning
of violations before arrests.
n to be THE COMMITTEE will study the
Lda. The charges and the decision to deploy
to the police at these events in addition to
how and for what purposes infor-
include mation was collected by the police
cilmem- force.
n to in- Peterson said he was confident
t must Collins would complete the in-
il. But a vestigation. He said another reason he
introduced the resolution was to have
nmittee a second investigatin on the charges.
himself, The police are already investigating
an (R-
See CITY, Page 3
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Workmen repair damage caused by last Thursday's collapse of a utility
chamber adjacent to the Dow Engineering Building on North Campus.
barrassment of Capt. John Adams and his 16-man
crew. Adams had earlier waived the assistance of a
pilot boat to save 100 pounds ($140) in fees. A tug tried
to float the galleon with no luck, but the ship was even-
tually refloated several hours later on the next high
tide. "There have been teething troubles," said a
spokesman for the vessel's owners. "The crew are
registered member and sole candidate of the Oak Hill
Service political party. He is running for tax collector
in November. His opponents belong to better known
political parties: Mary Jane Powers is a Democrat and
incumbent Jack Kirkpatrick is a Republican. The Oak
Hill Service candidate was a Republican until earlier
this year, when he decided he could not successfully
challenge Kirknztrick's cndidav Sn h athered the
ECHOES: Arta review: the Clancy Brother:.
See Page 5.
COOLIDGE: Opinion look: at the hizarra