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October 24, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-24

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI - No. 36

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 24, 1985

Eight Pages

and auto
agree on
From AP and UPI
Corp. and the United Auto Workers
agreed yesterday on a tentative con-
tract for 70,000 strikers, giving them
wage parity with other autoworkers
plus a $2,000 bonus to make up for
concessions granted when the
automaker faced bankruptcy.
However, the UAW did not get
guarantees against job-threatening
subcontracting and the company lost
its bid for Japanese-style job classes.
CHRYSLER SAID the three-year
agreement would cost the company at
least $1 billion more than the contract
that expired last week.
If ratified, the agreement would
give each U.S. Chrysler worker an
immediate minimum of $2,000 cash to
compensate for the $1 billion in con-
tract concessions that workers gran-
ted the company during its brush with
The agreement followed a
marathon 42-hour bargaining session
ending a strike by 70,000 American
workers that was entering its eighth
"ASPECTS OF it (the contract)
startled me," said Thomas Miner,
Chrysler's top negotiator, regarding
the UAW gains.
"We're pleased to have a set-
tlement, but we weren't happy we
went out on strike. We lost a lot of
money, and in a short time we would
have lost a lot more. We were very
happy to get it over," Miner said.
The UAW's Chrysler Council of 170
See UAW, Page 2




CIA protested
By KERY MURAKAMI in the morning
Eleven demonstrators protesting disorderly condu
recruitment by the Central Intelligen- ACCORDING'
ce Agency on campus, were arrested an LSA junior inv
yesterday in the second day of six protesters w
protests in the Student Activities away" outside o
Building. to the career p
A total of 26 demonstrators were were also bangi
arrested in the two days of CIA said.
protests. Most of those who were - He said police
arrested are University students. arrested four of
PROTESTERS ACCUSED the the other two -
agency of helping overthrow - fled.
legitimate governments in Chile and "The cops just
Guatemala, as well as helping in him, and him, a
trying to overthrow the Sandinista Iscrow, an Ann
government of Nicaragua. They also was arrested.
say that the agency has helped train Rackham grad
secret police in South Africa as well as Michael, an Ann
"death squads" in El Salvador. Bob Krause, an]
Despite the protests, Deborah Orr arrested.
May, director of the Career Planning "IF CHANTIN
and Placement Office, said CIA officer is disor
recruiters interviewed all eight we're living in
University students scheduled Rosset said.
yesterday. Seventeen students were The other arri
interviewed Tuesday. terwards. About
The arrests yesterday came in two outside the othe
stages, beginning with four Univer- fice and began
sity students who were arrested early opened the door

for 2nd day

and charged with
TO Mark Weinstein,
volved in the protests,
ere chanting "CIA go
ne of two back doors
planning office. Two
ng on the doors, he
opened the doors and
the protesters, while
including Weinstein
t went, 'get him, and
nd him,"' said John
Arbor resident who
Peter Rosset, a
duate student, Bill
Arbor resident, and
LSA junior, were also
MG in front of a police
derly conduct, then
a totalitarian state,"
ests came shortly af-
30 students gathered
r back door to the of-
chanting. As police
ir to let in a Detroit

television news crew, seven of the
protesters blocked the door open with
their bodies and began chanting,
"USA, CIA, out of Nicaragua."
After May read them the
trespassing act, giving them the
choice of leaving the building or being
arrested, police carried the seven to
police busses waiting in front of the
ARRESTED WERE Phyllis Flora,
an LSA junior; David Miklethun, an
Ann Arbor resident; Dean Baker, a
Rackham graduate student and
president of the Rackham Student
Government; Hugh McGunness, a
Rackham graduate student; Carey
Garlick, an LSA senior; John Har-
tigan, an LSA junior; and Steve Latta,
an Ann Arbor resident. They were
later charged with trespassing.
All arrested yesterday were
released on their own recognizance,
and given court dates late this month
and early next month.
MAY SAID she decided to read the!
trespass act because the protester's
chanting and singing were disturbing
the interviews. She said that when the
See CIA, Page 6'

Deborah Orr May, director of the Office of Career Planning and
Placement, reads the trespass act to protesters in the Student Activities
Building yesterday. Shortly afterwards, 7 CIA protesters were arrested
for trespassing.

Misconduct allegations

Three recent campus protests - including
yesterday's demonstration against Central Int-
elligence Agency recruiters - have resulted in
allegations of misconduct by students and Ann
Arbor police officers.
Several protesters who were arrested this
week in the anti-CIA actions at the Student Ac-
tivities Building have said they were hit, kicked,
or pulled by their hair during their arrests.
ANN ARBOR Police Capt. Kenneth Klinge
said that he will begin interviews today in his in-

vestigation of complaints aris:
arrests at the anti-CIA protest.
Protesters who showed up for
show broadcast from the Diag h
they were mistreated by the police
band director, and members of
vocally opposed Vice Presidentt
Oct. 7 visit to campus say they we,
physically harassed during his spe
No formal complaints have be
ming from the Bush protest, and
vestigating allegations made about

follow campus demonstrations
ing from the BARBARA Kritt, a ' University graduate events in ElSalvador.
student, said she hopes her complaint about the KRITT SAID a campus security officer
NBC's Today way a city police officer treated her during the her to put the sign down. "I responded that
last week said Today show broadcast will "lead to some kind of my legal right," she said.
e and a student change in the current escalation of policy. According to Kritt, Ann Arbor Police Sgt.
aggression that we've been seeing on campus thur Hughes then grabbed the sign and hera
a group who over the last few weeks." "I informed him that ... I have a ticket to'
George Bush's Kritt said she and graduate student Kathy the audience and it's my legal right to hold
re verbally and Savoie were carrying a sign that read "NBC: sign in silent protest," Kritt said. "He told
.ech. Report on the Bombing in El Salvador" on the 'Your legal rights have nothing to do wit
en filed stem- Diag as NBC weatherman Willard Scott began a You're at the University of Michigan andl
1police are in- segment with a group of fraternity members. doesn't want you here.' "
it the other two Savoie and other protesters were complaining
about the way NBC has handled coverage of See DEMONSTRATORS, Page 2

t it is
be in
d this
th it.


Skateboarding makes a
comeback around campus

They glide down the sidewalk, skillfully weaving in and
out of a flood of campus pedestrians much like a California
surfer maneuvering the cool tides of the Pacific.
Occasionally the fluidity of their movements will be
broken, and instead of falling into. water, they hit the cold
pavement with a thud.
THEY ARE, of course, a new breed of skateboarders who
skate not only for recreation but to get to class on time.
Pushed into the background in the early 1970s because of
its dangers, skateboarding is now making a comeback in
Ann Arbor - possibly because of Back to the Future, a film
in which the main character hitches rides on the back of
cars on his skateboard.
When the skateboarding fad first arrived n the 1970s, it
was often associated with "bad types," but has since moved
into the realm of the mainstream, though there are still the
hardcore skateboarders who deck out in chains and sport
punk hair styles.
While most "boarders" around here are high schoolers
who have been skating for from five to seven years, Univer-
sity students can also be seen riding around campus.
JOHN KEST. an education school freshman, gave up

walking in favor of skateboarding to class. He says he is no
longer late to class thanks to the purchase of a skateboard.
It is better than the bike, he says, because he is among the
pedestrians and can talk to friends he bumps into. It's a
great way to meet people, he adds.
Phil Seiden, a former University student, remembers the
time he had to get ten or twelve stitches in his rear end
when he fell into a pile of glass.
But this didn't stop his skateboarding. "I can remember
the exact day I started," Seiden said. "It was July 4,1972."
SINCE THAT time, he has amassed around 20 boards and
boasts that he has attained speeds of 39 miles-per-hour on
Broadway near North Campus. He has boards tailored to his
many uses.
Being a well-equipped skateboarder is expensive. Most
riders say that the cheap ones go for $50. To get the best
equipment, riders must be willing to pay upwards of $100
and assemble it themselves.
Each skateboard is unique, enthusiasts say. There are
wide boards, flat boards, and skinny boards - even those
that dip in the middle. Riders choose their form depending on
the flexibility they desire. Large wheels and skinny wheels

i House abortion override


Daily Photo by JAE KIM

Peace march

LANSING - Opponents of state-
funded abortions for poor women
yesterday narrowly lost another
round in their battle to cut off money
for the operations, and were split on
whether another attempt will be made
this session.
Abortion foes could muster only 72
votes to override Gov. James Blan-
chard's veto of the controversial
legislation cutting off state support
for abortions. That was two votes
short of the number necessary to
reject a veto - the same number

abortion foes lacked when the House
'last took a vote in March.
THIRTY-seven lawmakers voted to
sustain the governor's veto.
The vote keeps Michigan among the
14 states which currently provide fun-
ding for abortions through the
Medicaid program.
Both sides gave credit to Blan-
chard's lobbying efforts for the failure
of the override attempt.

"I think so," said Rep. Michael
Griffin - the Leader of House abor-
tion opponents - when asked if the
issue were dead for the year.
However, Barbara Listing, head of
Right to Life of Michigan, the state's
major anti-abortion lobby, said other
attempts will be made closer to next
year's elections.
Listing said an "adamantly pro-
abortion governor" was responsible
for the defeat. She said the defeat
identifies for her group districts in
which more work is needed.

Richard Cleaver (left), Justin Schwartz (center), and Benjamin Ben-Baruch carry Palestinian and Israeli
flags side-by-side as they march toward the Diag yesterday. The three were part of ceremonies calling for
peace in the Middle East and marking the second anniversary of the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in
Beirut, Lebanon, which claimed 241 lives.

G o Blue. Go Blue. It's Homecoming time
again. Saturday's showdown with Indiana is
the main event, but festivities for
Homecoming weekend begin today at 3 p.m.

p.m. at the Diag. Later that night, students will be able
to warm-up for the game at a bonfire at Elbel Field.
Saturday's festivities get off to a fast start with the Go
Blue Run through North Campus. A Go Blue Brunch is
scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Track and Tennis Building.
All-American Ron Johnson of the Class of '69 will be
featured. The mudbowl at Sigma Alpha Epsilon is also

ting scene of Act II in a production of Friedrich von
Floton's romantic comedy, "Martha" "Interested
beagles and beagle owners should report to the new
MOT company administrative offices... Detroit," a
statement said. "While no previous stage experience is
required, all beagles will be judged on a variety of
abilities and talents, and must be paper trained

CRIME: Opinion looks at the roles of cor-
poration in the CIA's international actions.
See page 4.



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