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September 25, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-09-25

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A lit inw
Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 25, 1985


POI. XCVI - No. 15

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan's "Star Wars" missile defen-
se program could "substantially in-
crease" America's safety under cer-
tain conditions, but that it will never
he able to protect the entire country
rom nuclear attack, science advisers
to Congress concluded yesterday.
A study by the Office of Technology
Assessment said the United States
would need "great technical success"
in its research program along with a
change in the Soviet Union's strategy
to also emphasize defense rather than
K aised new questions about U.S. anti-
atellite, or ASAT, weapons and
cautioned that while this country may
lead now in a technology field related
to Star Wars, the Soviets are likely to
catch up.
"What this means is that after
spending billions and billions of
dollars, we could find that we have
bought ourselves greater instability
than the world has ever confronted in
the atomic age," said Rep. Les Aspin
(D.-wis.), chairman, of the House Ar-
See STUDY, Page 2

to charge

The owners of Congressman Carl
Pursell's Ann Arbor office, where 48
protesters were arrested for
trespassing Monday, said yesterday
that they plan to press charges again-
st the protesters.
"The decision to press charges has
nothing to do with whether or not we
sympathize with the protesters," said
Ron Dankert, an agent for the
Eisenhower Parkway Association, the
owners of Pursell's office.
"THIS TIME it's a practical mat-
ter. The building is only half rented
and we want to rent the rest of the
space," said Dankert. If prospective
tenants think they won't be able to
have quiet office space then they may
decide not to rent, he added.
The protesters were arrested for
trespassing at Pursell's office after
they had staged a six hour sit-in
protesting U.S. aid to Central
America. All of the protesters were
released on their own recognizance.
They will face a $50 fine and/or up to
30 days in jail if convicted.

Cynthia Hudgins, Pursell's district
manager said Monday that she was
not planning to call the police or have
the protesters arrested. Instead, she
called Dankert who read the trespass
act to the protesters and later asked
Pittsfield Township Police to arrest
DANKERT HAD THE legal right to
have the protesters arrested because
he was representing theowners-of~the
building and both the tenants and lan-
dlords have the right to order the
arrests of trespassers, said Stanley
Pollack, a Student Legal Services at-
The protesters, many of them
students, teachers, and clergymen
say they will continue to pressure
Pursell to change his voting record on
U.S. aid to Central America. In June,
Pursell voted for a $27 million aid
package for the contras.
According to Pursell's aids, he was
in town during the sit-in but did not
want to meet with the protesters.
"OBVIOUSLY WE weren't taken
See Activists, Page 3

Cutting corners Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
A Buick avoids the extra-long rush hour traffic on Washtenaw Ave. yesterday by sidewalk driving. A construc-
tion hole in front of the Medical Center caused back-ups all day.

Activists urge new
anti-apatheid strategy

Shapiro trails others in salary

A union steward from Detroit last
night said divestment should not be
the main objective of students
fighting the system of apartheid.
"Divestment strategy will not suc-
ceed," said Shanta Driver, a union
steward at Harper Hospital in Detroit.
"It is a dead end. United States cor-
porations are notmoral-entities; they
will not listen to a bunch of students,''
she added.
DRIVER was one of the par-
ticipants in a forum on South Africa at
the Trotter House last night. The
forum attracted about 15 people.
Driver urged students to focus their
anti-apartheid efforts on militant ac-
tions and research. "If students
can urge workers in the Ford Cor-

poration to go on strike, it would have
a tremendous impact. It is the only
way of terrifying corporations so that
they will pull out of South Africa,"
Driver said.
Another speaker at the forum,
Peter Johnson, editor of Fighting
Worker, a Revolutionary Worker's
League newspaper, said "Apartheid
is inseparable from South African
capitalism. It is, however, a
capitalistic system with non-
capitalistic elements in it."
BOTH DRIVER and Johnson felt
that only a revolution would end apar-
theid in South Africa. Driver also felt
that revolutin can only occur if the
South African blacks take over all of
the factories, mines, and land. "It is

When the University's Board of Regents voted
President Harold Shapiro a $10,000 raise last Friday, it
catapulted him away from most other Big Ten university
presidents, but still left him short of the highest salaries
in the conference.
Shapiro now makes $117,000 a year, up from the $107,000
he made before he stepped into last week's regents
meeting. But Steven Beering, president of Purdue
University, tops Big Ten presidents with $132,500 a year.
NORTHWESTERN University refused to disclose how
much its new president, Arnold Webber, earns. But
University of Michigan regent Thomas Roach said
yesterday he believes Webber earns over $150,000 a year.
Webber, who took office last February, replaced Robert
Strokes who made $99,000 a year.
Kenneth Keller, president of the University of Min-
nesota, also tops Shapiro with a salary of $120,000 a year.
Shapiro's raise, however, pushes him above other
presidents, like Illinois State President Stanley Ikenberry
($110,000) and Michigan State University President John
DiBiggio ($109,000).

INDIANA University President John Ryan and Univer-
sity of Iowa President James Freeman are at the bottorr
of the list with salaries of $98,000 a year.
Beering of Purdue was given his high salary to draw
him away frorr the medical school there, according to
Dorsey Ellis, Purdue's vice president of finance and
university services.
"People in the medical profession tend to make more
than most others do," Ellis said, "We didn't want him to
take a pay cut to become our president."
Roach said the regents, in deciding Shapiro's raise, took
into account how much other Big Ten presidents rrade,
though they knew it would fall short of sorre other
Roach added that if Shapiro, an econorrist, is "in it for
the money, he could make what he's making here several
tim es over in the private sector."
Salaries for college presidents at peer private in-
stitutions vary. Harvard President Derrik Bok rrakes
only $102,000 while David Gardner, president of the
University of California systerr, rr akes $178,200.

...trails top salaries

.. . ......... ..

Local record stores
wary of lyric censors

At hearings in the Senate last week, parent groups
spoke out against record lyrics which they said are a
threat to the well being of their children.
While no legislation is pending at this time, local record
stores are facing up to the possibility that in the future
some of their records may be required to carry labels
warning parents of offensive lyrics.
SO FAR THESE stores say they have experienced, if
anything, only mild public objection to the types of recor-
ds they sell.
Mark Lemczewski, assistant manager of JR's Music
Shop in Briarwood, said he has noticed parents and older
people complaining about such artists as Prince, Motley
SCrue, and Twisted Sister, whose lyrics and record covers
often deal with drugs, sex, or violence.
Still, Lemczewski doesn't foresee any major outcry
because, he says Ann Arbor is a liberal, open-minded
community that subscribes to the philosophy of "live and
let live."
LENNY PICKETT, a clerk at Discount Records, agrees
that the controversy over musical content is seldom a
problem in Ann Arbor. Besides, Pickett adds, people who

buy music generally know what they are buying.
The prospect of any type of control over music is ap-
palling, he says, disagreeing with those who feel that
placing labels upon records would not be tantamount to
Parent groups note that labelling would not involve the
actual banning of any material, but would be intended as a
guide to parents.
Mildred Wrightman, who has been a clerk at Liberty
Music Shop for 40 years, says the labels would help paren-
ts control what their children listen to.
"LET's give them (children) a decent, basic under-
standing of life," Wrightman said, "not all this other stuff
(rock music)."
She said that rock music is noneducational because it
relies too heavily on "vulgar" lyrics.
But Brian Gunderson, owner of Wazoo Annex, believes
that although some rock music lyrics can be detrimental
to young people, warning labels would, indeed, be a form
of censorship.
"I just don't believe in any kind of censorship in the
music world ... or the book world for that matter," Gun-
derson said.
"There's a lot of evil things in this world," he said, "but
you just can't shield people from every evil thing in life."




\ .\


1 ' -y

Kitty Cat

floor now. The upstairs could be reserved for public
use, he said. The council meets in a small room at the
Tangent Community Center, where the city recorder
also has a small office. The move probably wouldn't
distress Kitty Cat, who lives with Dale Clark, a
longtime friend of Bass who has a mobile home on the
property. Reid also said he had ordered a grave

elect him to parliament. Final tallies for the Sept. 15
election were released Monday. They showed Donald
Duck-the popular Walt Disney cartoon charac-
ter-with 291 votes, up from 184 votes in the election
three years ago. And, while well behind the winners,
the duck did beat such rivals as Garfield the Cat and
the Tax Evader's National Party, both of which

STAR WARS: Opinion looks at pending projec-
ts on campus. See Page 4.
GREEN ON RED: Arts reviews the newest in

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