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September 20, 1985 - Image 17

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Page 4-- The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 20, 1985

By Dan Habib


How do you feel about the Regents' encouragement of "Star
Wars" research on campus?

Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom

. :43 tt t 11

Vol. XCVI - No. 12A Copy right I15 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, Sbptember 20, 1985



to divest $4.5 million i

Daivd Wooten; freshman, Rajiv Advani; freshman,
engineering: "I think the engineering: "It doesn't
research is good, but I'm not bother me at all. I'm for
for "Star Wars" or any other "Star Wars" and I think if
type of defense systems. It our school can get a lot out of
makes me proud that the it, financially and
University is highly respec- educationally."
ted enough to do the
research, but I don't support
the goal of the research."

James Jackson; sophomore,
LSA: "It's better to keep
war in space than to have it
down here. Everything we
do now is to help protect
against more wars. It's like
preventative medicine. I
support their decision."



Andy Leifer; Med student:
"I think the regents are a
bunch of old morons who are
too chickenshit to take a
stand against something that
is obviously wrong."

David Simon; 1980
graduate: "I lived in Silicon
Valley and I don't think
they're anywhere close to
the technology needed for
SDI. I think SDI is just an
escalation into a territory we
know nothing about. I think
it's assinine, ludicrous."

Maryanne Masterson;
sophomore, LSA: "I don't
think the University should
support research. It will lead
to increased nuclear build-
up. We're spending so much
on defense I don't think we
need to spend more. We
should spend it on

'Star Wars


Wars' researi
AM!'u' to ap
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foes storm

Protesters wait outside the regents' meeting room. Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER
'Star Wars' foes disrupt regents

(Continued from Page 1)
Baker cited a phone call he
received at about 11:40 p.m. last night
as proof that "Star Wars" research
evokes harassment. He quoted an
anonymous caller as saying " 'Star
Wars' is death."
THE RESOLUTION also states that
the regents support decisions by
professors who decide not to take part
in SDI research.
The vote came about 30 seconds af-
ter regents decided to divest an ad-
ditional $4.5 million in investments in
companies that do business in South
After the "Star Wars" vote, three
or four demonstrators rushed out of
the audience, protesting that they had
not had a chance to speak about the
"What you just did was unilateral.
It's undemocratic," said protester
Andrew Boyd as he rushed toward the
regents' table.
Kock; standing in the audience,
then said that "to pass such a
resolution before the full University
community has had a chance to

discuss it is unacceptable. It seenms
like you're trying to pre-empt
KOCK URGED the regents to delay
their decision until after next week's
planned symposium on "Star Wars."
The symposium will allow the
University community to discuss SDI.
She said James Ianson, SDI direc-
tor for the defense department, as
well as several speakers who oppose
the plan are scheduled to speak at the
"It happened so quickly, bang,
bang. You saw our faces ... We were
there the whole day, and we were
being quiet. If we wanted to in-
timidate the regents,- we would've
been there with billy clubs"
Saline) speaking to students after the
meeting was temporarily adjourned
because of the disruption, said "You
brought this on yourself."
Roach said the regents passed the
resolution quickly because they felt
the demonstrators were trying to in-
timidate them.
The demonstrators carried signs,

such as one which said, "U-M for
Social Responsibility. Be It Resolved.
No Star Wars." Kock also interrupted
the meeting twice, asking when and if
Baker's resolution would be voted on.
Shapiro, interviewed after the
meeting, said that a regents meeting,
except for the hour-long public corr-
ments sessions, held during the
regent's first day of their two-day
monthly meeting, is not the time for a
public forum. "It's a time for the
regents to meet and discuss the
Regents Paul Brown (R-Petoskey),
speaking to students during the
break, invited them to come speak at
the next public comments session.
Regent Neal Nielsen (R-Brighton)
said he felt students disrupting a
regents' meeting was inappropriate,
and urged President Shapiro to in-
pose a code for non-academic con-
duct. "I don't feel I should have to be
subjected to this from students,"
Nielsen said.
Linda Wilson, the University's new
vice president for research, wouldn't
comment on the resolution.

A history of divestment
March 16,1978:
The Board of Regents vote against
complete divestiture from U.S.
corporations doing business in
South Africa, and vote to keep in-
vestments in non-Sullivan
signatory companies.
Dec. 31, 1982:
The State of Michigan signs into
law a bill stating that all state
public colleges and universities
must divest of holdings in
businesses operating in South
Africa by 1984.
April 14, 1983
Regents vote to divest about 90
percent of the University's $50
million in stock in companies
operating in South Africa. They
also vote to challenge in court the
state law requiring the University
to divest all of its stocks in those
August, 1985:
The Ingham County Circuit Court
rejects the University's challenge
of mandatory divestment.
September 20, 1985:
Regents vote to divest an ad-
ditional $4.5 million of the
University's stock in companies
doing business in South Africa, and
vote to appeal the August, 1985
;ruling to the Michigan State Court
of Appeals.

The Board of Regents this after-
noon unanimously approved a
resolution supporting University
professors who decide to do research
for President Reagan's Strategic
Defense Initiative.
"The resolution appears just to be a
recapitulation of our current policy,"
said University President Harold
Shapiro. "That is to let out professors
make their own decisions as long as it
follows our research guidelines."
BUT INGRID Kock, MSA's military
researcher, and 20 other students who
protested at yesterday's meeting,
said that the resolution means that
the university supports "Star Wars"
"That's not just supporting
academic freedom," Kock said.
"That's putting the University behind
Star Wars." The resolution submitted
by Regent DeaneBaker (R-Ann Ar-1
bor)states that "scholars who wish to
participate in Strategic Defense
Initiative Research are encouraged1
to undertake the research within the

framework of the Regents' By-
Baker said growing campus sen-
timent against Reagan's Star Wars
plan necessitated the resolution.
Two University professors -
nuclear engineering Prof. Ronald
Gilgenbach and electrical
engineering Prof. John Meyer - have
received Reagan administration
grants totaling $255,000 to conduct un-
classified research for the "Star
Wars" program.
Four additional proposals totaling
nearly $6 million are still being
evaluated by the Strategic Defense
Initiative Organization.
Some professors in the University's
physics department, however, have
pledged not to participate in "Star
Wars" research.
Baker said he was concerned that
professors who decide to do the
research would be harassed and
predicted that as the issue became
more prominent, researchers would
become more inhibited in submitting
proposals for Star Wars projects.
See 'STAR WARS,' Page 4

Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost, said
tonight that he will leave the
University in May to become the
dean of the arts and sciences
graduate school and vice president
for research at Emory University.
John Palms, Emory's vice
president for academic affairs said
tonight that Emory's Board of
Trustees accepted Frye's ap-
plication for the post yesterday.
FRYE is the author of the
See FRYE, Page 2

The University's Board of Regents
this afternoon voted unanimously to
divest an additional $4.5 million in in-
vestments in companies that do
business in South Africa.
The University, in 1983, divested
$45 million or 90 percent of its $50
million in South Africa-related in-
vestments it then held. This after-
noon's decision brings the Univer-
sity's total divestiture to 99 percent of
its original holdings.
THE REGENTS also decided this
afternoon to use the remaining
$500,000 in investments as a base for
its appeal of a recent court ruling
upholding a 1982 state law mandating



Inside :
" Regents give President Shapiro a $10
$117,000. See story, Page 2.
" Exiled South African official urges U.S.
e Opinion staff comments on the regents
Page 3.
" Inquiring Photographer asks students a
box, Page 4.




Cole, nominated to fill VP spot fo

Michigan Student Assembly
President Paul Josephson this after-
noon nominated LSA junior Phillip
Cole for the position of executive vice
president of the assembly.
Cole's nomination will be con-
sidered by the entire assembly at its
regular meeting Tuesday night. A
two-thirds vote of approval is
required for him to replace Micky
Feusse, who resigned fron the position
Sept. 8.
Josephson said he chose Cole over
longtime MSA member Bruce
Belcher - the only other candidate

still under consideration - because
he thought Cole would be more effec-
tive in getting the assembly moving.
"Phil's strength could be getting the
committee chairs off and running,
and getting the office off the ground,"
Josephson said.
"My original intention last April
was to be off and running in Septem-
ber," Josephson continued. "That
was my main goal, and that's why I
chose Phil."
Josephson had been pressured from
the campus minority community to
appoint a minority vice president.
But this afternoon he said the

pressure had "nothing whatsoever"
to do with his decision to choose Cole,
who is black.
Belcher disagreed, however, saying
he was "sorry that race had to be the
main issue in the election."
"I think the main issue should have
been people's political positions and
experience in dealing with MSA," the
graduate student said.
Belcher had earlier said he decided
to run because he felt his liberal views
were more similar to Josephson's
beliefs than those of Cole and other
Belcher added that although he's

"of course disappointed," he plans to
continue working on MSA's Commit-
tee on Reorganization, which is plan-
ning to revamp the assembly's com-
mittee structure. He also plans to
work on Student Legal Services.
The liberal, conservative thing
won't be an issue," Cole said this af-
ternoon. "I'm a black American. I'm
not a liberal or a conservative - I'm a
.college student, and my main concern
is for my future well-being. That's the
same with any student."
"I felt all along I was very qualified
whether I was black or white," Cole
said. "I think my perspective as a


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