_ _
A Speilberg-presented, Robert Zemeckis-
directed fantasy about a high school student who
rides a souped-up DeLorean into the '50s, and is
forced to insure his own existence by playing mat-
chmaker for his parents. A little too cute, but well
handled. At the Campus Theatre, 1214 S. Univer-
sity; 6684416; and the Wayside, 3020 Washtenaw,
Sword and sorcery-filled animated feature from
Disney. Although aimed at restoring Disney to its
former reputation, the film wallows in its own
mediocrity. At the Movies at Briarwood, Briar-
wood Mall, 769-8780.
Sting and Jennifer Beals (Flashdance) don't
quite make this monster movie work. At the Fox
Village Theatre, 375 N. Maple, 769-1300.
Gentle post-Speilbergian fantasy about
benevolent aliens, children, and geriatrics. Direc-
ted by Ron Howard (Splash). At the Movies at
Briarwood, Briarwood Mall, 769-8780.
A woman tries to discover the murderer of her
dentist. It's supposed to be funny and suspenseful
but ends up being kinda boring. Stars Susan
Sarandon. At the Fox Village Theatre, 375 N.
Maple, 769-1300.
Peter O'Toole plays an eccentric genius closing
in on the greatest discovery of all time. Conflict:
The University doesn't want him to. Also stars
Mariel Hemingway. At the State Theatre, 231 S.
State, 662.6264.
Scariest but least adventuresome of George
Romero's Dead trilogy. Now the zombies are out of
Pennsylvanian farmlands and shopping malls,
roaming the post-nuclear countryside. The
humans are holed up in an underground missile
base, where tensions are high between the Rambo-
ish army (Romero's favorite target) and the
slightly warped scientists and their radical ex-
perimentations. Tempers flare as the zombies in-
crease their numbers and...You get the picture. At
the Movies at the Briarwood, Briarwood Mall, 769-
National Lampoon has the Griswalds headed off
for another silly vacation, this time to the Old
World. Stars Chevy Chase. At the State Theatre,
231 S. State, 662-6264.
Big Bird plays a golden fowl who gets lost wan-
dering away from Sesame Street. Includes a clever
scene where Big Bird finds himself (herself?) in
the same precarious field that Cary Grant en-
countered in North-by-Northwest. Cameos by
Snuful-Upagus. From the Children's television
Workshop. At the Movies At Briarwood, Briarwood
Mall, 769-8780.
Vampire movie with brains and scares. Starring
Chris Saradon and Roddy McDowell. At the Movies
at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall, 769-8780.
Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and Harold Ramis
team up to make New York City safe from noxious,
slime-emitting ghosts. Murray's one-liners and
furtive glances save this otherwise dull film.
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist." At the Wayside,
3020 Washtenaw, 434-1782.
A marvelously imaginative comedy about an
African bushman who mistakes a Coke bottle that
falls from an airplane for a dropped trinket of the
gods and decides to return it. The laughs are pure
slapstick, but ingenious and relentless. A cult
classic and deservedly so. Now approaching its fir-
st year of running. At the Movies at Briarwood,
Briarwood Mall, 769-8780.
William Hurt supplies the emotional power. This
film adaptation is faithful to the dialogue of
Manuel Puig's book, but lacks some of its heart.
Recommended nonetheless. At the Ann Arbor
Theatre, 210 S. Fifth, 761-9700.
The cleanest and best comedy of the summer
adventures into fall with good ol' Pee Wee trying to
recover his stolen bike. Sound childish? Farcical?
Trucker ghosts and a sunrise from the tiger-
striped tongue of a huge neon dinosaur in a truck
stop provide only a few of the truly bent scene from
this "innocent" comedy. At the Ann Arbor
Theatre, 210 S. Fifth, 761-9700.
Jack Nicholson and Kathleen Turner play hired
killers who meet and fall in love, then discover
they are on each other's hit list. A perplexing black
comedy from John Huston. At the State Theatre,
231S. State, 662-6264.
Big budget return of the western by Lawrence
Kasdan (The Big Chill). Kasdan manages to juggle
a handful of characters with highly entertaining
results. At the Fox Village Theatre, 375 N. Maple,
Seven young friends share their fantasies at a
D.C. bar. Call it The Little Chill. Stars Rob Lowe,
Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson. At the lIovies in Briar-
wood, Briarwood Mall, 769-8780.
Teen comedy starring Michael Fox (Back to the
Future). At the State Theatre, 231 S. State, 662-
Tom Hanks and John Candy star in this comedy
about idealism and life in the Peace Corps.
Idealism and life? Well, okay, the commentary is
as subtle as it is farcical, but the movie combines
the best of all worlds into a slapstick adventure.
The approach is as innovative as it is funny. At the
Fox Village Theater, 375 N. Maple, 769-1300.
At the Fox Village Theatre, 375 N. Maple, 769-
Lush photography but not much sense in this film
about a tough New York cop. Directed by Michael
Cimino (Heaven's Gate). At the Movies at Briar-
wood, Briarwood Mall, 769-8780.
Bars and Clubs
The Apartment-(769-4060)-Glass is
a top-40 smash.
The Ark-(761-1451)-Jethro Burns
(Homer's buddy, no joke) gets a little
more serious on mandolin.
Bird of Paradise-(662-8310)-Ex-
Checker Dave Weatherwax and band.
The Blind Pig-(996-8555)-Bop with
the Urbations.
The Earle-(994-0211)-Burgess,
O'Connor, and band.
The Heidelberg-Folk from E.J.
Main Street Comedy Showcase-(996-
9080) - You saw her on Late Night
with David Letterman, now see Rita
Rudner on her home turf.
Mr. Flood's Party-(995-2132)-Beat
a path to Fast Tracks.
Mountain Jack's-(663-1133)-Folk
and comedy from Channel 7's Ron
The Nectarine Ballroom-(994-
5436) - Daily Best of Ann Arbor poll
winners Domino.
Rick's American Cafe-(996-
2747)-I-Tal, kings of the Cleveland
reggae scene.
U-Club-(763-2236)-Dance with DJ
Tom Simonian.
Our Time of Day-Afromusicology
Ensemble/Common Ground Theater
Afromusicology director Morris
Lawrence conducts the Ensemble Or-
chestra in this stage adaptation of his
story of African slaves looking for a
"Promised One" to lead them from
their plight. Common Grounds' Elise
Bryant is the stage director, and the
cast consists of thirty local perfor-
mers. 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. Tickets are $12 from
Schoolkids', Wherehouse, the Union
Ticket Office, Hudson's, and Ticket-
world outlets. Call 994-6553 for more
6 Rms Riv Vu-Ann Arbor Civic
Theater Main Street Productions
Director Cathy Fulton handles Bob
Randall's story of a couple who meet
while apartment hunting in the Big
Apple. 8 p.m. at the Ann Arbor Civic
Theater, 338 S. Main. Tickets are $5.
Call 662-7282 for more information.
Campus Cinema
A Hard Day's Night (Richard Lester,
1964) Cinema Guild
More than the world's first rock
video. Hard Day's Night captures the
exubernance and naivete of the
Beatles's early days as the impish
mop-tops from Liverpool. Nat. Sci., 7
p.m., 8:40 p.m., 10:20 p.m. $2.50.
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez
(Robert M. Young, 1983) MSS.
The true story of a wrongly accused
Mexican-American rancher hiding
from the cops in the early 1900s.
Authentic but somber tone lends a
tone of quiet desperation to the plot.
MLB 4,7 p.m., 9 p.m. Free
Death on the Nile (John Guillermin,
1978) Alternative Action
Reasonable though slow-paced
adaptation of the Christie who-dun-it..
The star-studded cast performs
amiably enough, with Ustinov as
Poirot and David Niven, Bette Davis,
et alia, as suspects.
Murder on the Orient Express (Sidney
Lumet,1974) AA
Excellent adaptation of another
Christie. spot-the-killer novel. This
time Lumet gets a wonderful perfor-
mance out of the heavily made up
Albert Finney, in this the second
Poirot flick of the night.
(MLB 3, 9:30 p.m. only. $2.50/single,
Desperately Seeking Susan (Susan
Seidelman, 1985) Cinema 2
Slightly entertaining tale of a bored
housewife, Roseanna Arquette, who
gets mistaken for devil-may-care
material-girl Madonna. As husband,
boyfriend, and male companion try to
sort out the screwball comedy,
Arquette learns that suburban life
ain't what it's cracked up to be. Aud.
A,7 p.m., 9p.m. $2.50
Stop Making Sense (Johnathon Dem-
me, 1984) Michigan Theater Foun-
It's what shadows on a wall of music
in your head was meant to be. Demme
(Melvin and Howard) has created a
razor-sharp, tightly-controlled, and
effortlessly pure vision of David Byr-
ne's rock 'n' roll. Stripped to its essen-
tials, yet rich in form and content, the
rock documentary will never be the
same. Mich., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. $3,
'2.50/students, seniors.
Experimental and Independent;
Cinema from San Francisco-Per-
formance Network
Ninety minutes worth of the best
and most unusual films from the
Golden Gate city, including some Ann
Arbor Film Festival winners. 8 p.m.
at the Performance Network, 408 W.
Washington. $3. Call 663-0681 for more
International Folk Dancing-Univer-
sity Folk Dance Club
Every Friday the Folk Dance Club
teaches steps from 8 to 9:30 or so, and
fills the rest of the evening with open
invitation dancing. No partner is
necessary. 8 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. $1.50. Call 665-0219 for more in-
Visitors Night-University
Astronomy Department
University Astronomy Professor
Freeman Miller discusses Comets:
Predictable and Unpredictable,
followed by a NASA film. 8:30 p.m. in
Angell Hall, Auditorium B. Free. Call
764-3400 for more information.
Bars and Clubs
The Apartment-(769-4060)-Ypsilan-
ti vnealist Jimmy Delnh and band.
The Ark-(761-1451)-A capella
magic from the Persuasions.
Bird of Paradise-(662-8310)-Dave
Weatherwax, and vocalist Koke
The Blind Pig-(996-8555)-The Steve
Nardella Rock 'n' Roll Trio stomps.
The Earle-(994-0211)-Rick Burgess
and Patty O'Connor.
The Heidelberg-(663-7758)-Folk
and country from E.J. Marks.
Main Street Comedy Showcase-(996-
9080)-Another night with Rita Rud-
Mr. Flood's Party-(995-2132)-Fast
Tracks trucks.
Mountain Jack's-(663-1133)-Detroit
folkster Rod Coden.
The Nectarine Ballroom-(994-
5436)-Dance with Domino.
Rick's American Cafe-(996-2747)-I-
Tal closes out a two-night stand.
Our Time of Day-Afromusicology
Society/Common Ground Theater
The Brazilian musical Our Time of
Day, which follows the lives of
African slaves searching for "The
Promised One" continues its run at the
Mendelssohn Theater. For more info
see Friday's listing.
The Ragdale Ensemble-Kerrytown
Concert House Evening Chamber
Music Series
Got a taste for anything from
Renaissance and classic to jazz-cross-
over? Then the Ragdale Ensemble is
for you! This group comes to Ann Ar-
bor direct from an artistic
colonydin Lake Forest, Illinois.
The show, followed by a wine recep-
tion, will be at 8p.m. at the Kerrytown
Concert House, 415 N. Fourth Avenue.
The price is $8 ($5 for students!). For
more info or reservations call 769-
6 Rms Riv Vu-Ann Arbor Civic
Theater Main Street Productions.
See Friday's listing for more details
on this early 1970's comedy.
Campus. Cinema
Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984)
Oscar-winning adaptation of the hit
Broadway play that poses the
musical, and fictional, question, "If
Salieri killed Mozart, what drove him
to it?" Marvelously produced
recreation of 18th century life star F.
Murray Abrahams as the monarch of
mediocrity. MLB 4, 7 p.m., 10 p.m.
Choose Me (Alan Rudolph, 1984) Ann
Arbor Film Co-op
Odd, yet memorable, film filled
with off-beat ideas about what makes
people tick. Rudolph, who once
worked under Robert Altman, brings
together a drifter, a woman looking
for a place to live, and a mild-
mannered woman by day, who turns
into a radio love-and-relationships
talk show host by night.
Our Man in Havana (Carol Reed,
1959) Hill Street Cinema
Alec Guiness stars as a meek
English vacuum-cleaner salesman
who is recruited by the British secret-
service. In order to get more cash to
support his daughter's desires, he
enlivens his dull reports with fanciful
pictures. Hill St., 8:30 p.m. $2.50
Stop Making Sense (Johnathon Dem-
me, 1984) Michigan Theater Foun-
See listing for Friday. Mich., 7:30
p.m., 9:30 p.m., 11 p.m. $3,
$2.50/students, seniors.
Tess (Roman Polanski, 1980) Cinema
Natasia Kinski stars as Thomas
Hardy's Tess, a Victorian girl caught
between her own morality and that of
her society. Though deliberately
paced, the film creates moments of
powerful, and subtle, drama. With
Peter Finch. Cinematqgraphy by
Geoffery Unsworth. Aud. A, 6 p.m., 9
p.m. $2.50
Ugetsu Monogatari (Kenji Mizoguchi,
1953) C2
Moody and award-winning story of
two travellers whose dreams become
reality in 16th centry Japan. Nat. Sci.,
7 p.m. only. $2.50/single,
Dersu Uzala (Akira Kurosawa, 1975)
Kurosawa paints an epic about man
and nature in this story of a friendship
between a Russian explorer and the
man he finds living in the wilds of the
Asian interior. Nat. Sci., 9 p.m. only
$2.50/single, $3.50/double.
The Comet Halley: Once in a
Lifetime/Autumn Stars-University
Exhibit Museum
Once again it's time to go star-
gazing with two new shows. The
Comet Halley: Once in a Lifetime and
Autumn Stars. 11:30 a.m. (Autumn),
1:30 p.m., 2:45 p.m., and 4 p.m.
(Comet Halley), at the Exhibit
Museum Ruthven Planetarium, Ged-
des at N. University. $1. Call 764-0478
for more information.
Experimental and Independent
Cinema from San Francisco-Per-
formance Network
The film extravaganza from 'Frisco
continues at the Performance Net-
work. For all the details see Friday's
Bars and Clubs
The Ark-)761-1451)-Prairie Home
Companion alumni Joel Mabus and
Ron Kamalay
Del-Rio Bar-(761-2530)-Lunar Glee
Clubber Paul Vornhagen and Friends.
Main Street Comedy Showcase-(996-
9080)-Open Mike Night.
Mr. Flood's Party-(995-2132)-The
Private Sector goes public.
African Famine Relief Benefit Con-
Hear some good music and support
the cause! University of Michigan
School of Music graduate Gail Barnes
gives a piano recital of works by 20th-
century Afro-American composers. 4
p.m. at the Kerrytown Concert House,
415 N. Fourth Avenue. $5. For reser-
vations or more details call 769-2999.
The Ars Musica Soloists-Ars Musica
Ars Musica kicks off its new cham-
ber series, The Ars Musica Soloists,
with a tribute to the tricentennial of
J.S. Bach. Works include "The
Musical Offering", one of Bach's last
and best works. 8 p.m. at First
Congregational Church, E. William at
S. State. Tickets ($6-12) may be pur-
chased in advance at the Michigan
Theater or at the door. For more in-
formation call 662-3976.
Campus Cinema
Allan Boesak: Choosing For Justice
(Nadine Gordimer & Hugo Cassirer,
Generations of Resistance (Peter
Davis, 1980) Bullard Film Society
Two films sponsored by Perry
Bullard and community groups
present a moving account of contem-
porary life in South Africa: the First
film tells the story of Allan Boesak,
the president of the World Alliance of
Reformed Churches while the second
film recounts the struggles of the
African National Congress.
Nat. Sci., 7 p.m. Donation Requested.
Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984) MED
See listing for Saturday.
MLB'4,7'p.m., 10p.m.2.50.
The Boat is Full (Markus Imhoof,
1980) Hill St.
During the fall of the Third Reich, a
group of Jewish survivors help them-
selves and a German deserter evade
the Nazis.
Hill St., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. 2.
Country (Richard Pierce, 1984) MTF
Best of last year's trilogy of farm
films has Jessica Lange fighting the
banks from foreclosing on her land.
Though that plot is rather trite, the
film's impact comes through an
examination of the effect the crisis
has on her husband, Sam Shephard,
and family.
Mich., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. 13,
12.50/students, seniors.
Love Me Tonight (Robert Mamoulian,
1932) CG
Classic Hollywood musical. Rodgers
and Hart music, Maurice Chevalier,
Jeanette McDonald, Mamoulian's
direction, all combine in this fairy tale
of romance and desire.
Aud. A, 7 p.m. only. 12/single,
The Lady Eve (Preston Sturges, 1941)
Preston Sturges' nane was made
with this and a handful of other witty
screwball comedies and dramas in
the '40s. This time Barbara Stanwyck
and Henry Fonda battle money andz
snakes and they each resist the
Aud. A, 9 p.m. $2/single, $3/double.
Street Art Party - Ann Arbor Art1
Come celebrate both the Art
Association's 75th anniversary and
Natrional Arts Week! West Liberty
'between Main and Ashley will be
blocked off for events which include
demonstrations by Association mem-
bers in various media, such as sculp-
ture, silkscreening, and cartooning.
Snacks and beverages will be
available. Noon - 6 p.m. Free! For
more info call 994-8004.
Bars and Clubs
Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) - The
Bill Lucas Quartet.
The Blind Pig - (995-8555) - Green
on Red, Los Angeles jangle-masters.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry Man-
derville on the '88s.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Jeannie and the Dreams (used to be
Resistance Free.)
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) -
From the Cherry Capital of the World,
the Microtones.
Bars and Clubs
The Ark - (761-1451) - Swing with
the Chenille Sisters.
Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) -
Sherman Mitchell, Flint's gift to the
jazz world.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Tur-
ning Curious, whose last record was
produced by Let's Active's Mitch
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry "The
Man" Manderville.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
The Willie DeYoung Band boogies.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
LaDuke on piano and guitar.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
- (Bop) Harvey bashes.
U-Club - (763-2236) - Jazz Life
lives it up.
Campus Cinema
High Noon (Fred Zinnemann, 1952)
Definitive Western made at the
height of the McCarthyist black-
listings. Gary Cooper must defend
himself and his town from three
recently released criminals that he
put in the pen many years ago. When
his Quaker wife and the townsfolk
desert him, he must face his own
morality and survive a final show-
down. With Grace Kelly. Aud. A, 7
p.m., 8:45 p.m. $2.
L'Age D'Or (Luis Bunuel, 1930) AAFC
The first Buriuel film of tonight's
double feature is one of the
surrealist's most bizarre yet com-
pelling adventures in satirizing
modern morality. With Un Chien An-
dalou. MLB 3, 7 p.m. only. $2/single,
The Exterminating Angel (Luis
Bunuel, 1962) AAFC
Biting satire on bourgoise values
Bars and Clubs
The Ark - (761-1451) - Open Mike.
Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) - The
Ron Brooks Trio jazzes it up.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Stric-
tly Reggae Music with Brian Tomsic.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville at the keyboard.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
The Falcons swoop into Flood's.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Ron Coden.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Centerfolds on Tour,
featuring five of Hef's latest
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
- Fast Tracks cruises.
U-Club - (763-2236) - Leizer the
Amazer spins 'em.
Campus Cinema
From Russia With Love (Terence
Young, 1963) MED
Best of the original Bond series, is
also the one most faithful to Ian
Fleming's novel, if not in plot, then in
spirit. Sean Connery drips with charm
and suave-ishness as he beats the
Ruskies at some dreadful spy scheme.
Nat. Sci., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. $2.50.
Richard III (Laurence Olivier, 1956)
Olivier's version of Shakespeare's
Richard III takes a few liberties with
the script, but manages to get all the
sublimated evil and crafty double-
dealing of the hunchback king across.
Though stagey and with sterile sets,
the characters and the action is
clearly drawn. Mich., 8 p.m. only. $3,
$2.50/students, seniors.
Zoo in Budapest (Rowland V. Lee,
1933) CG
Warm and witty story of love and
fantasy set in a zoo. Boy meets
orangutan? With Loretta Young. MLB
3, 7 p.m. only. $2/single, $3/double.
Cabin in the Sky (Vincente Minelli,
1943) CG
Marvelous, though dated, all-Black
musical with stirring performances
by Cab Calloway, Lena Horne, Duke
Ellington, and others. MLB 3,8:45 p.m.
only. $2/single, $3/double.
and class attitudes as a calm dinner
party turns into a claustrophobic
nightmare. MLB 3, 8:30 p.m. only.
$2/single, $3/double.
A Private Function (Malcolm
Mowbray, 1984)
During the food-rationing days of
WWII England, some small town
snobs arrange to cook a black-market
pig in honor of Princess Elizabeth's
marriage. Milquetoast Michael Paln
grows fond of said animal, but his
wife, Maggie Smith, sees a chance for
some social ladder climbing. Mich.,
7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. $3, $2.50/students,
Revolution in Nicaragua MSS
The fall of Somoza is documented.
University faculty, staff, and
producer Martin Smith will lead a
discussion after the film. Whitney, 7
p.m. only. Free.
Bars and Clubs
The Apartment - (769-4060) - Jazz
and Jam session.
The Ark - (761-1451) - Country
and blues from Paul Geremia.
Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) - The
Ron Brooks Trio.
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6 Weekend/Friday, September 20, 1985