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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
.. . ......... .... . .... .. ... ......
Vol. XCVI -No. 10
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 18, 1985
Ten Pages
Is divestment the answer?
Experts say selling of stocks is symbolic
First of a two-part series
As protest against the South African
government's policy of racial
inequality increases, so too does
pressure on colleges to rid themselves
of stocks in companies that do
business in South Africa.
For example, in 1983, the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents divested 90
percent of about $50 million in South
Africa-related investments it then
held. The regents, however, are ex-
pected to decide tomorrow whether to
appeal a recent court decision man-
dating the sale of the remaining $5
million in investments.
BUT WHILE divestment has
become a catchword for anti-apar-
theid activists, and the chant of
"divest now" has become common-
place at campus rallies, many
question the value of divestment.
Will it have an impact on South
Africa's economy and thus on its
policy of apartheid or is divestment
only a symbolic gesture?
Some, such as University Regent
Thomas Roach (D-Saline), believe
that divestment actually hurts the
very people it is intended to help -
blacks in South Africa.
"These companies (U.S. cor-
porations in South Africa) provide
jobs for thousands of blacks, and they
set a good example for the rest of the
nation," Roach said recently. "If you
pull support away from the com-
panies that adhere to the Sullivan
Principles, all it's going to cause is
THE SULLIVAN Principles are a
set of guidelines which promise racial
equality in the workplace. They have
been signed by several corporations
with plants in South Africa.
Many, including Roach, have
argued that the best way to push for
South African racial reform is to sup-
port the companies that abide by the
"I certainly agree that progress has
been too slow. But in the most recent
reports, for instance, it appears that
substantially all of the corporations
have accomplished the basic prin-
ciples of desegregation of the work
force and equal and fair employment
practices," he said at the April 1983
regents meeting, the same meeting
that the board voted 5 to 3 to divest.
Roach was one of three board mem-
bers who did not support disinvest-
NOT EVERYONE agrees that the
Sullivan Principles are significant in
altering policies about racial
Prof. Ernest Wilson, who teaches a
political science class, "Struggle in
South Africa," says, "These com-
panies (U.S. corporations in South
Africa) employ a very small work
force in South Africa, only 1 to 2 per-
cent of all blacks in the country," he
said. "(The principles) are limited
very much in the quantitative sense in
what (they) can do," he said.
He said the fact that a call for
divestment is illegal in South Africa
has fueled a belief that some black
leaders are not in favor of divestment.
"WHAT DO the people who are not
attached to the government say? It's
illegal to call for divestment, but in
spite of that, people have come forth
and said they know it will hurt us in
the short term. But we are willing to
bear this rather than submit to control
and pressure for years to come."
Those in favor of the Sullivan Prin-
ciples counter that there have been
some minor changes in South African
policy - such as the waiving of laws
banning inter-racial marriage and the
forming of trade unions. But Wilson
said the Sullivan Principles did not
play a significant part in bringing the
According to Wilson, there was an
increase in black nationalism in the
mid-70s, a result partly of the black
conciousness movement led by ac-
tivist Stephen Biko, which in turn led
to an increase of demonstrations and
See IS, Page 2
EMU students, faculty
rally against apartheid
Special to the Daily
YPSILANTI -Students and faculty
members of Eastern Michigan
University rallied together last night
to protest apartheid in South Africa.
The demonstration, which attracted
more than 150 people, was organized
by EMU's Black Student Union and
Student Government with support
from the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid.
"THIS demonstration is mainly to
make people aware of the situation in
South Africa and to show our concern
for those who have died in protest of
apartheid," said Tony Veasey,
president of Kappa Alpha Psi frater-
nity and a key organizer of the
EMU president John Porter, who
represented the faculty, said that
Eastern has taken a firm stand on the
issue of apartheid. "The situation is
South Africa is repugnant in its policy
and as far as we are concerned
divestiture is essential to convey the
fact that it is an intolerable situation
That is why we divested completely in
See STUDENTS, Page 3
Heads Up Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
These two Michigan football cheerleaders show true team support as they
do a cheer.
Paisley prints pack
psychedelic punch
Look out plaid. Watch out polo
ponies. Alligators had better head
south. Paisley is back.
After a 20-year absence, paisley is
here again - in full force. From
boxer shorts to wedding invitations,
this little print is taking Ann Arbor
by storm.
ACCORDING to Webster's dic-
tionary, paisley is a Scottish term
used to describe anything having an
elaborate, colorful pattern of swirls.
And when they say anything, they
really mean anything. The latest
appearance of paisley has taken so
many forms it's hard for even the
most avid fan to keep track of the
The clothing industry is probably
the most noticeable bastion of the
paisley resurgence. One stroll
through any area department store
will overwhelm you with paisley on
shirts, sweaters, pants, socks, and
even women's underwear.
THOUGH paisley never really
disappeared from men's neckties,
this sometimes psychedelic design is
now gracing such American classics
as blue jeans and bowties.
A most extreme form of paisley
has been sighted in the shoe depar-
tment. Are you ready to go out and
spend $40 on a pair of red and black
paisley Kenneth Cole shoes? Even if
you aren't, the retailers at Jacob-
son's say scores of others are buying
these trendy shoes.
How about a pair of paisley
earrings to match your paisley out-
fit? Would you sleep better at night if
you were warmed by a paisley com-
forter? The accessories, after all,
are as important as the actual
THOUGH many thought that
paisley died in the 60's, followers of
fashion know that styles revolve in
ongoing cycles. Who ever thought
we'd be wearing the stirrup pants
that our mothers wore in the 50's?
Paisley is no different. And one
look in the Diag will show that this
latest trend is in no way limted to the
female population.
Public reaction, however, seems
to indicate that although the "in"
crowd will be wearing paisley this
season, there will still be those who
shy away from the print.
"IT'S SO ugly that I can't ever
imagine wearing it," said LSA
senior Steve Heyman. "It looks like
a bunch of amoebas."
Libby Adler, an LSA freshman,
"I don't usually wear faddish
things like that."
Okay, so paisley is in. But for how
long? Bivouac and Jacobson's, two
of the biggest clothing retailers on
campus, both predict that paisley
will continue into the spring, but will
most likely be dominated by lighter,
more floral patterns.
Although Ann Arbor is usually a
bit late to catch on to fashion trends,
according to Lisa Weiss, the buyer
at Bivouac, she predicted a decline
of paisley in future seasons.
tiri tt
MSA may
The Michigan Student Assembly
last night gave President Paul
Josephson the power to nominate two
people to fill the vacant position of
executive vice president.
Josephson, who has been under
pressure to appoint a black student to
fill the position, has until 5 p.m.
Friday to announce one or two
nominations for the job vacated by the
Sept. 8 resignation of Micky Feusse.
BLACK student leaders last week
called upon Josephson to fill the
position with a black student, and last
night several said they were upset
with the suggestion of a dual appoin-
Lawrence Norris, chairman of the
assembly's Minority Affairs Commit-
tee, said he "deplores the idea"
because it "adds confusion to an
already confusing situation."
"Being a minority student you can
sometimes just sniff a snow job when
they give you one," Norris said, ad-
ding that he thinks the dual vice
presidency idea may have arisen
because of opposition to a minority
DARRELL Jackson, a black
representative from LSA, said he
found the resolution an attempt to
"get a white into the position to balan-
ce it out."
"I feel this is just a direct opposition
to a minority candidate," Jackson
"This is simply an option to open
up the field," Josephson said. "It's
become clear in speaking to various
candidates that very few people have
the time to dedicate to the job."
FEUSSE originally resigned
because she said she couldn't devote
the 40 hours a week to the job that
assembly leaders wanted, and
Josephson said the option of two
replacements would facilitate his
Black leaders last week urged
Josephson to select Philip Cole, a
black LSA junior who has been active
in MSA and other groups, as Feusse's
"I saw this as very much a power
play within the assembly," said Kurt
Muenchow, head of MSA's Budget
Priorities Committee. "If Paul ap-
points Phillip Cole, or another black
student, it looks like he caved in to
minority pressure, and I don't think
that should be a concern."
BUT JOSEPHSON said the move
"is not in any way because of the
pressure from the minority represen-
tatives in the assembly."
"It was a power play in the sense that
it does expand the president's
powers," Josephson said. "But this
doesn't mean I'm not going to nominate
Philip Cole. That's still a very real
Josephson also pointed out that he
does not know Cole's present
whereabouts, and several assembly
members said that they didn't know
how Cole could be reached.
supported the resolution, citing the
assembly's need to move quickly to
replace Feusse.
"No one I know at this point is able
See MSA, Page 2
rebels admit
$o abduction
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) - A leftist
rebel group has claimed responsibility for kidnap-
ping President Jose Napoleon Duarte's daughter
and is offering to exchange her for captured
guerrillas, an official said yesterday.
It was the first time a Salvadoran government
official has said that leftists claimed respon-
sibility for the Sept. 10 abduction of Ines
Guadelupe Duarte Duran, 35, although guerrillas
were the primary suspects from the beginning.
GUERRILLAS identifying themselves as mem-
bers of the Pedro Pablo Castillo Front have been
in touch with the government on several occasions
about the kidnapping, which they said they
carried out, an official close to the investigation
Pedro Pablo Castillo was a hero of Salvadoran
independence who died in prison.
"They seem to be a new group, and we really do
not know too much about them," said the official,
who asked not to be identified. "It appears they
have ties with the political prisoners in Mariona
prison," referring to the nation's main prison,
located just outside San Salvador.
THEIR DEMANDS are not specific, but it does
involve an exchange of prisoners," he said.
Meet the Press
Dollars for bowling
YOU'VE heard of Bowling for Dollars, that top-
rated televisinn shnw t ta hallenges nolvester
dam and they give you a bowling alley," complains
Rep. George Miller, (D-Calif.), chairman of the
House Interior subcommittee on water and power
resources. The bureau is providing Duchesne $375,000
toward the facility with the money coming from the
THE HAMMER: Sports profiles Michigan's
latest defensive standout, Mike Hammer-
stein. See Page 10.