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September 12, 1985 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-09-12

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Football vs. Notre Dame
Saturday, September 14
1:41 p.m. starting time

Thursday, September 12, 1985

Fencing Club Signups
Monday, September 16
8 p.m. at the Coliseum

The Michigan Daily

Page 8


Snap s
Judgments -


IT'S TIME to get serious about the 1985 foot-
ball season, and to some people in Ann Ar-
bor, the thought of how the Michigan
Wolverines might fare in this campaign is a
worrisome one.
Maybe so, maybe so, I say. But, just for a
minute, let's fade to black and take a look at
what might happen if it all comes together for
the Wolverines this season. Major rivals such
as Notre Dame, Michigan State, and Ohio State
are all there for the taking, so cue in a little
background music ("Mr. Sandman, bring me a
dream...") and take a look at the Michigan
Dream Season.
September 14
Michigan 29, Notre Dame 27 - Trailing by a
point, Michigan drives to the Irish 34 as the
clock runs down. With Ara Parseghian saying
his Hail Mary's live on CBS, Pat Moons nails a
51-yard line drive field goal through a driving
wind and pouring rain. Bo Schembechler could
only grin after the game when asked if he had
ever seen anything like it before.
September 21
Michigan 17, South Carolina 15 - With 50,000
fans all screaming "Go 'Cocks!" to distract the
Wolverines, Jamie Morris runs for 293 yards
and two touchdowns to ruin the George Rogers
Day celebration at Williams Brice Stadium.
September 28
Michigan 49, Maryland 48 - Michigan, led by
Jim Harbaugh's 350 yards passing, leads 49-0 at
the half and then holds on as a furious second
half Maryland rally falls just short. "Who the
hell do they think we are, Miami?", said an

irate defensive coordinator
Michigan 63, Wisconsin 0-
the surprise Badgers out o
ranking, a spot they rea
Northern Illinois, UNLV an
their first three games.
Michigan 56, Michigan Sta
Michigan defense holds th
yards on offense after Dav
game following the first
spirit and a bruised ego. Sf
Perles punches out a repo
when the unwitting scril
should watch his temper "f
Michigan 35, Iowa 31- Chi
Harmon run rampant, bu
five kickoffs for touchdow
Fry and all his Little Dc
was all Fry could spit out a
Michigan 27, Indiana 21-1
week's win, the overconfit
only when Harbaugh hit
with a 76-yard, over-the
pass as time runs out.
Michigan 70, Illinois 2
Michigan makes historyr
consecutive points in fron
Fighting Illini fans who co
after the game is clearly o
game Mike White screams

Blooming blue roses...
.**.'M'Dream season
score!," to which a smug Schembechler
Gary Moeller.5replies, "You're damn right I did!"
- M iNovember 9
- Michigan knocks Michigan 24, Purdue 3 - The only undefeated
f the nation's No. 1 team left in the country waltzes through win
ched by outscoring number nine by intercepting Boilermaker
nd Wyoming 261-0 in quarterback Jim Everett 12 times. a new
NCAA record-
12 November16
te0-Afrightening Nvmbr16
te pr- -85ret Michigan 27, Minnesota 25 - Michigan wins a
e aretanleaves the surprisingly close game when, with the score
play Ywit aves boe tied, a Golden Gopher punt hits a hanging
play with ach broken speaker in the Metrodome and falls into the en-
)rter after the game dzone for a safety.
be tells George he November 23
'or the health of it." Michigan 13, Ohio State 10 - With five seconds
19 left and the score tied at ten, Pat Moons nails a
uck Long and Ronnie 26-yard field goal, giving the Wolverines the
it Morris runs back Big Ten title and a trip to the Rose Bowl. "No, I
ns to shock Hayden never heard of Mike Lantry, why?," asked an
umplins'. "X-!$%!" ecstatic Moons.
fter the contest.
26 January 1
Voted No. 1 after last Michigan 17, USC 10 - Michigan wins a con-
ent Wolverines win troversial game and gains sweet revenge when
s Gilvanni Johnson Jamie Morris receives credit for the game-
.-middle touchdown winning touchdown despite obviously fumbling
the ball on the six-yard line and rolling into the
endzone without it. "He crossed the plane,"
er 2 swore a befuddled referee.
1 - Down 21-7 So there it is sports fans. Big Ten title, Rose
repeat by scoring 63 Bowl champs and No. 1 in the nation in every
7t of 70,000 mindless poll. A dream? Sure, but a fun one, nonetheless.
ntinue to whine even And in the long -season that could be ahead,
ut of hand. After the dreams may be all that keep a weary
that, "He ran up the Wolvering fan going.

broke Ty Cobb's career hit record last
night, 57 years to the day after Cobb's
last swing. The historic No. 4,192 was
a trademark single, giving the Cin-
cinnati Reds player-manager the
record at last and perhaps forever.
The hit was a liner to left field on a
2-1 pitch from San Diego Padres right-
hander Eric Show with one out in the
bottom of the first inning.
ROSE'S RECORD triggered
celebration in Cincinnati.
His teammates streamed out of the
dugout to congratulate him, and he
was hoisted briefly onto the shoulders
of Tony Perez and Dave Concepcion.
A sellout crowd, many of whom
arrived too late to see the hit, cheered
Rose wildly as he wept on the shoulder
of first base coach Tommy Helms.

Then his 15-year-old son Pete Jr.
came out to congratulate him and
Rose motioned, "play ball."
The first-base bag was removed and
taken to the dugout, along with the
historic ball, fielded by left fielder
Carmelo Martinez.
ROSE TOOK the first pitch from
Show high and outside, and he fouled
the second pitch straight back. The
third pitch was inside, and then Show
dished up the record-breaker.
The ball sliced gracefully into left-
center field, falling in front of Mar-
tinez, who fielded it on one bounce.
Rose tied the record last Sunday in
Chicago, going 2-for-5 against the
Cubs for career hits No. 4,190 and
4,191. He returned home Monday night
much to the relief of Reds owner
Marge Schott.

Rose hits milestone W

__ -,

: ItBrtiu A amaretin
By Adam Martin


Old, new talent sparks spikers

Blocking out last year's final tally
(11-16, 1-12 Big Ten), this year's
Michigan volleyball team is all set to
bump off some tough Big Ten rivals.
With eight returning players and five
well-recruited freshmen, Coach Barb
Canning feels the Wolverines could
surprise many teams.
"The team looks good overall. We
just have a lot of balance," Canning

said, after his team placed second in
their first tournament of the season.
"The level of competition is up over
last year's."
ONE REASON FOR the increased
intensity on this year's squad is the
five talented freshmen who are
pushing the returning starters for
their positions, according to Canning.
One newcomer, Marie-Ann David-
son, 6-2, from Willowdale, Ontario,
brings much-needed height and

1429 Hill Street at Lincoln-just this side of Washtenaw

power hitting to the Wolverines to
land herself a starting position.
"She's really very versatile (as a
hitter and setter). She's not just tall
but athletic; and as a freshman, she's
very stable," said Canning.
OTHER FRESHMEN adding depth
and strength include Anne English,
Detroit; Pam Griffin, Livonia; An-
toinette Hall, Portage; and Julie Mar-
shall, Bloomfield Hills.
Among the veterans, this year's
squad will be led by seniors Jenne
Hickman and Andrea Williams.
Hickman, who was plagued by in-
juries throughout last season, will be
the only fourth-year starter on the
"She's (Hickman) a real leader and
a strong, aggressive player," said
WILLIAMS LED last year's team in
almost all statistics and was selected
to the 1984 academic All-Big Ten. This
year her role changes from the team
setting position to one of attack.
Another key player for the
Wolverines will be sophomore Lisa
Vahi. Although one of the shortest
players on the team at 5-7, she is an
all-around athlete and can play every
position, according to Canning.
"She's extremely competitive and
talented. She'll make the spectacular
plays, spectacular digs and hits,"
Canning said.
ROUNDING OUT the Wolverine
roster are seniors Karyn Kunzelman
and Lana Ramthun, juniors Patricia
Wang and Jayne Hickman and
sophomore Heather Olsen.
Canning feels this year's squad will
be able to competitively match-up
against such Big Ten powerhouses as
Purdue and Northwestern. The
Wolverines have overcome many of
the injuries that hurt them last season
and have added a little height. These

two improvements, Canning said, may
help their quest to be ranked among
the top four teams in the Big Ten.
This year's team is competitive and
experienced, she stated, and the
talent allows many playing options,
according to Canning.
"IT'S EXCITING because
everybody plays well together and
everybody has the ability to play
many positions," said Canning. "But,
it also makes it confusing because we
don't have a set line-up or a set
strategy yet."
Whatever the Wolverines' game
plan, they're doing something right,
placing second at the Kent State In-
vitational tournament, their first of
the year.
The Wolverines' first home match is
Tuesday, September 17 at the CCRB.

Cocaine witch hunt...
..,following foul lines
L INES. Lines Lines. What's all this fuss? So what if Major League
Baseball's top stars do a few lines to get them going?
The problem is people's attitude. Too many people - most notably
Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth - too often consider big
league athletes pillars of propriety. The boyhood hero, never-give-up
image has been dragged through the white dirt this past week, and
frankly, it's not surprising.
Many are appalled at the number of players who've been implicated
in the trial of former Philadelphia Phillies clubhouse caterer Curtis
Strong. They shouldn't be. Substance use and abuse is widespread in
private sector business. Are baseball players angels? Certainly not.
Should they act like angels? No, again.
Because players use their bodies more aggressively than other
people do to make a living, and because people pay their hardearned
dollars to watch these players, knowledge that ballplayers abuse their
bodies with cocaine is nauseating. Right?
Don't blow lunch yet. Monday, Dale Berra (ring a bell?) of the New
York Yankees testified that he inhaled cocaine "off the end of an
ignition key" with other major leaguers. Tuesday, Berra spiced up his
testimony, admitting Willie Stargell and Bill Madlock regularly
distributed amphetamines - "greenies" - to teammates when the
three played for Pittsburgh.
All this in addition to a week of cocaine testimony from saints like
the Mets Keith Hernandez, Royals outfielder Lonnie Smith, all-star
Joaquin Andujar of the Cardinals, Chicago Cub Gary Matthews,
retired Pirate John Milner, Giants outfielder Jeff Leonard, and for-
mer Tiger Enos Cabell.
Wow. Simply mindboggling.
So what motivated this major league of drug users to such evils?
Same answer: Wow! Simply Mindboggling.
"It (cocaine) made me feel euphoric," Berra said in United Press
International. "It sharpened my senses." Mindboggling.
"I felt strong. I felt great. I felt a little invincible," Lonnie Smith ad-
mitted. Incredible.
In 1980, Hernandez hit .321. "That was the year I was crazy," he
would say. "That was the year of my greatest use." Amazing.
Hernandez had more to say. According to the veteran first baseman,
up to 40 percent of major leaguers were doing coke in 1980, "the love-
affair years" as he put it. Hernandez added that drug use declined
largely in response to the conviction and imprisonment of four Royals,
including Willie Wilson and Vida Blue.
Thank heavens. Without those convictions, there'd be a serious
problem. Players wouldn't be making headlines; they'd be doing
white lines.
In what appeared a light, frivolous treatise on baseball, Former Red
Sox and Expo lefthander Bill Lee documented his experience with
cocaine, marijuana, and greenies in The Wrong Stuff. As an Expo,
Lee had been embarrassed and criticized for admitting to pot
smoking. Nonetheless, after reading The Wrong Stuff, it would seem
Lee handled it well.
But Lee also talked about alcohol, that healthy, energizing, legal
liquid used for social gatherings. Lee said he often got hammered with
ballplayer buddies. Terrific.
That evil white powder has nothing to do with the blessings of
alcohol, at least it seems that way. That evil white powder is for people
who can't handle reality, preaches Peter Ueberroth. For people who
can't get high on life. That evil white powder is for deranged minds.
Just who is deranged? Minds whose bodies earn enough to buy more
white powder, or those who are appalled by the lack of propriety in the
major leagues?



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After getting his record-breaking
4,192nd hit last night, Pete Rose still
wasn't satisfied.
Now what could that elusive
milestone be? "Winning Griddes,"
Rose roared, aiming a cleated kick at
his momento-filled locker. "Or at least
going.500 in the damn fool contest!
Griddes can be grueling (Daily
sources reveal Rose's career mark to
be 7-113), but think of the rewards!
You could beat up on the man who
beat Ty Cobb.
To get in on the beatings, drop off
your picks for the 20 games listed
below at the Daily office on 420
Maynard before midnight on Friday.
1. Notre Dame at Michigan
(pick total points)
2. Southern Illinois at Illinois
3. Louisville at Indiana
4. Drake at Iowa
5. Arizona State at Michigan State
6. Wichita State at Minnesota
7. Northwestern at Missouri

to lead


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