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January 19, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-19

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molester to
40 years
SHAKOPEE, Minn. (AP) -- A con-
fessed child molester who recanted his
stories of widespread sex abuse in the
town of Jordan after implicating
w: several other people was sentenced
yesterday to 40 years in prison.
James Rud, 27, a trash collector, was
the first of 24 adults and one juvenile
arrested on allegations they sexually
abused more than 40 children in Jor-
dan, about 25 miles southwest of Min-
IN A 113-page statement in August,
Rud implicated others in alleged sex
parties, but later said much of his in-
formation was false. One couple was
acquitted of charges stemming from an
investigation of the alleged sex rings,
and charges were dropped against the
remaining defendants.
Rud in a plea bargain agreement in
August pleaded guilty to 10 counts of
sexually abusing children and agreed to
testify against others in return for
having 98 charges dropped.
Scott County District Judge Martin
Mansur followed state sentencing
kguidelines in imposing terms that
totalled just over 100 years. But under
state law, the longest term that may be
imposed under consecutive sentences is
40 years.
"I think I hammered on you that what
we wanted was the truth," Mansur told
Rud. "Convictions or acquittals wasn't
what we were looking for. We wanted
Mansur also chastised Rud for
r discussing his case with reporters,
' saying he had warned Rud not to talk to
'the media.
"When you did that, you knew you
were punching your ticket for the trip to
prison," Mansur said.

* The Michigan Daily - Saturday, January 19, 1985 - Page 3
Frye asks LSA faculty to
rate dean for new term

Faculty members have been asked to
appraise the performance of LSA Dean
Peter Steiner and to consider asking
him to stay on when his term expires in
June 1986.
'U' studies
N. Campus.
(Continued from Page 1)
ture Building, the North Campus Com-
mons, the Chrysler Center, the Phoenix
Laboratory, the Dow Building, the Ford
Library, the Bentley Library, the Com-
puting Center, the Science and
Technology Building, and several other
engineering buildings.
already under construction, and is the
final step in the engineering college's
35-year-long move to North Campus.
But even more important than the ac-
tual buildings is the need to preserve
the open, natural atmosphere of the
campus, the study said.
"The landscape is one of the most
visible and important assets of the Nor-
th Campus," the study said. "The
natural wooded hillsides and evergreen
groves weave throughout the Academic
Core and Housing areas, providing a
strong and beautiful landscape theme."
And the changes aren't limited to
more plants. Under the plan, a man-
made lagoon would be dug next to the
Art and Architecture Building, similar
to the one which now graces the music
The School of Music is really the only
part of the campus that would be
relatively unaffected. Cloistered in a
group of trees, the only major
alteration being considered for the
school is the addition of a concert hall
just north of the pond.
The plan also calls for the develop-
ment of some new academic buildings.
One possible addition, for instance, is
a new library next to the Chrysler Cen-
ter which would look out toward the
campus green.
Another potential change is the ad-
dition of a campus commercial center,
for which the report noted there is "a
pressing need on North Campus."

The request came from Billy Frye,
vice-president for academic affairs and
provost, and was sent to the faculty this
IN THE letter, Frye says the college
and the University are going through
"an extraordinary" period in which
such questions as student enrollments
and curriculum are being studied.
"Effective handling of such issues
demands that the faculty have
vigorous, tough minded and confident
leadership," Frye wrote.
Frye declined to comment on why he
may ask Steiner to stay on. He did not
want to speak for the faculty before
they responded, he said. He did say,
however, "I would be delighted to have
the dean stay on if that is the feeling of
the faculty."
Surveying the faculty is not an
unusual request and is a part of the or-
dinary selection process of a dean, ac-
cording to Jack Meiland, LSA associate
"IT WOULD BE amazing if the

faculty was not consulted," Meiland
said. "I'm sure the vice president
wants to know about the performance
of the dean, like any other officer," he
"I don't see anything wrong with it..it
gives everyone on the faculty a chance
to express their feelings," said Ben-
jamin Stolz, chairman of the Slavic
Prof. Carl Gans, a LSA Executive
Committee member, said a letter of
this kind was standard procedure.
"This is the kind of procedure I've seen
in several cases" in reappointments
within the University, he said.
A SAMPLING of faculty response
has been positive and supportive of
requesting that the dean continue on for
another three to five years.
"Dean Steiner has been very decisive
and taken quite reasonable actions
whenever we have had problems,"
said Allan Gibbard, acting chairman of
the philosophy department.

Office of Major Events presents:
Two Legends! One Incredible Night!!


Brisk biking Associated Press
Rodolfo Bautista peddles through the snow in Grand Rapids where the tem-
perature was in the low teens. The temperature here is expected to fall to
around zero during the week-end.


TA's to teach more at School of Art

(Continued from Page 1)
who are replacing full professors in in-
troductory classes. The move is a result
of a cut by the University ad-
ministration which will reduce the
school's $1.5 million budget by 18 per-
cent over five years. Eight faculty
positions will be eliminated through
natural attrition.The use of TAs is
designed to give the remaining
professors more time to exhibit their
own art work, strengthen the small
graduate program, and allow more non-
art students to take art courses.
Art instructors and students have
worried that TAs cannot provide the
same professional guidance as
professors. "My philosophy is that the
student should need (a professor) more
in the beginning than at the end. A
senior faculty member is better to work
in those formative years," says Dean
Wendel Heers.
BUT, HE ADDS, "what we've come
4 up with is a workable solution. As to
I whether it will be better or worse, we'll
just have to wait and see."
. For the most part, the faculty has
r adopted his attitude. "What the effect
will be in the long run is hard to say,"
says Prof. Sherri Smith, a member of
.~the school's executive committee and
transition team which drew up the
plans for implementing the budget cut.
She and other professors are working
to organize training seminars for TAs
and to monitor their progress. "One has
already been told he cannot lead
another class because his performance
fell short of expectations," Heers said.
"WE'VE ALWAYS taken a lot of
pride in the fact that we give our first
year students full professors. But I
think TAs are going to work out," said
Prof. Albert Weber.
"There are too many people watching
over this for anything to happen," says
Kathy Teskoski, president of the
student steering committee.

Most of the students who have had a
TA naturally don't like the idea. But the
reaction from those who have is en-
Freshman Chris Noteboom says he
thought his TA in figure drawing gave
him a sound understanding of the fun-
damentals, although she often asked
the class if her explanations were
"I think she knew the fundamentals,
but she just didn't seem too confident,"
he says.
Kay Krapohl, the school's represen-
tative to the Michigan Student Assem-
bly, protested cuts to the school two
years ago. But now she endorses the use
of TAs.
"THE QUALiTY of the grad students
coming in is good enough," she says.
"They know what they're doing.
"In a way, it's better that theTAs are
more inexperienced because they're
fresher, they have more contemporary
ideas, and understand a beginner's
frustrations,"she adds.
One TA, who asks that his name not
be used, says that TAs can replace
professors who are bored with teaching
beginners. "Some (professors) should
be teaching more advanced students
becausehthat's wheretheir interests
are," he says.
THIS YEAR graduate students
worked as assistants to professors or, in
more experienced cases, taught a course
on their own. Next fall, professors
will lecture an introductory class of
about 80 students two days a week and a
TA will conduct a studio for about 20
students on their third day.
Many of the TAs, like 39-year-old
Crudder, are older students who are
returning from careers as professional
artists and art instructors. Others are
straight out of undergraduate
programs. According to Prof. Barbara
Cervenka, who has been appointed
assistant dean responsible for the

graduate program, about half of the
graduate students have ambitions of
becoming college art instructors - the
primary goal of a masters in fine arts.
In the past, the graduate program
has been limited to about 25 students
because of the difficulty of finding jobs
for the young art instructors, says
Assistant Dean William Lewis.
has meant that the graduate program
must be expanded to 40 students over
the next five years. Lewis worries that
the school "may be in a situation now
where we have more candidates than
The graduate students say they
realize the scarcity of jobs. But they
argue that the extra teaching experien-
ce they will get at school will give them
an added edge in the job market.
And a larger graduate program has
advantages on its own, they say. "One
of the good things that came out of the
review is to give more opportunity for
graduate students to become more in-
volved with each other and with un-
dergraduates," Crudder says.
IF, AFTER two years, school of-
ficials decide professors would have
been better off in introductory courses,
then TAs will be used in second-year,
more specialized courses, Heers says.
All art school students will be seeing
less of professors. The upperclassmen
will meet with instructors an average of
12 hours a week instead of 18. The
reduction, again, is designed to give
professors more time for their own ar-
Students say the reduction will result
in a de-personalization of a working en-
vironment which depends very much on
one-to-one contact with instuctors.
"IN ART, not as much as the
academic classes I have, it's very im-
portant that you speak to the professor
every day," said Christine Ecarius, a
"It comes time for your critique and
the professor will say 'You sould have
talked to me.' "
But Heers says that if budget
problems persist, the school in the
future might move toward "open
studios", modeled after European art
schools. Under his system students
would work completely independent
and consult a professor in his office only
as needed.
NEXT FALL all two and four credit
courses will be changed into three
credit classes. Professors say the move
will allow students from other colleges
of art to transfer more easily into the
school. They also hope the change will
attract non-art students who might
otherwise be turned off by the time they
are required to spend in the studio for
only two credits.
Visibility of the school on campus is
the most important lesson the review






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Student Pugwash, an organization concerned with the impact of science
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Celebration of Jewish Arts - music and humor, Fay Nicoll, 8:30 p.m.,
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War tax dissidents - noon, 1416 Hill St.

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