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January 19, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-19

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, January 19, 1985
"By Dan Habib


How do you feel about the Progressive Student
Network (PSN)?

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Sharon wins key libel point


NEW YORK-The jury in Ariel Sharon's $50 million libel suit against Time
Inc. found in Sharon's favor today on the second major issue, falsity, and
prepared to deliberate on the third issue of malice.
Marshals locked the door to the packed courtroom while the jury's verdict
was announced and the judge polled the panel.
Jurors had been deliberating for two days since deciding the first issue
before them-that Sharon was defamed by Time's report that he "discussed"
the need for revenge with Lebanese Phalangist leaders shortly before the
massacre of Palestinian refugees.
To award the former Israeli defense minister a libel verdict, the jury must ,
still find that Time published the report either knowing it was false or with
reckless disregard of its truth. And Sharon must also convince the jury that
his reputation was damaged by the story-a separate issue from
Time had conceded over the course of the trial that a secret Israeli report
did not in fact contain the material that its report had alleged and printed a
correction in this week's issue.
West Beirut bombed after

Orson Moon, LSA senior: "In Simone Zelitch, graduate
this sort of environment, with student: "It's good to see a
a lot of people tending towards political group working with
conservativism, they do what something that's very con-
they can. It's possible that crete, such as what they're
by drawing attention to these trying to do with military
things it might be an effective research. I admire a group
way for public opinion to bear putting their bodies on the
unon these issues." line."

Robin Merer, LSA junior: "I Terence Rose, LSA junior: "I
think it's a good organization think it's very important for
because it keeps the right people to speak out for what
from getting too strong on they believe in. I don't like
campus." their methods, but at least
they stand up for what they

Kay Koskey, engineering
senior: "I feel that what they
do is good, but sometimes they
go about it in the wrong way.
Basically, I think it's a good
organization to look out for
student welfare.

gunfire barrage hits east side
BEIRUT, Lebanon-A major explosion shook a crowded Shiite Moslem
neighborhood of west Beirut yesterday just hours after a surprise artillery
barrage injured students walking to school in Christian east Beirut.
Ambulances raced to the scene of the explosion and hundreds of militiamen
moved in to clear the noon rush-hour traffic and help rescue teams get vic-
tims to hospitals, police and witnesses said.
"It is too early to tell how many people were hurt...The situation is still
confused," a police source said.
The explosion came four hours after artillery shells crashed into Christian
east Beirut, wounding three students, and two hours after police defused
three dynamite charges under a busy bridge intersection in Moslem west
U.S. names arms negotiators


Ed Mehall, LSA senior: "I Paula Rabinowitz, graduate
think they serve a purpose, to student: "I'm glad that
bring needed attention to a lot someone is keeping alive the
of questions most people don't legacy of student radicalism
think about-university policy from the 60's. I think their
issues. Students don't take the work is important and needed
time to think about the im- in this era of supposed
plications of research, apathy."
perhaps because it doesn't hit
them directly."

Doug Heidman, University
employee: I'm an old line
radical from the 60's, and I
support them completely. I
support their attempts to ban
the weapons research and
anything else that's detrimen-
tal to humanity."

Tom Higley, LSA senior: I'm
delighted to see anyone pay
attention to political issues as
much as the PSN does. Oc-
casionally I'm uncomfortable
with certain of their methods
and approaches. The freedom
that they take for granted,
they threaten through tactics,
methods, and statements."

Rick Mckenna, engineering
senior: "They are a group of
far left liberals and although
they have found effective
means of displaying their
opinions, the means are not
ethical. They often violate the
rights of others, specifically
Thomas Senior. They had a
right to protest his work, but
not to stop it."

WASHINGTON-President Reagan today named Washington lawyer Max
Kampelman to head the U.S. delegation to a new round of arms talks with
the Soviet Union.
Secretary of State George Shultz said Kampelman also would be the chief
negotiator on that part of the three-point talks that deal with control of space -
Former Sen. John Tower (R-Tex) was named chief negotiator for
strategic weapons, and career foreign service officer Maynard Glitman was
appointed to negotiate with the Soviets on intermediate range nuclear
The U.S. and the Soviet Union have opened discussions to set a time and
place for the resumption of negotiations, an administration official said
today. These discussions are in response to an agreement reached by
Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko in Geneva January 8 to resume arms talks.
Asked about Kampelman, the least experienced in defense and strategic
issues, Shultz said, "Well, he's smart. He's a good negotiator, and he's ex-
perienced. He did an outstanding job in his work in Madrid," where he
represented the United States in talks involving the Soviet Union and 33
other countries on reducing East-West tensions.

(Cburtii 11I~rsbip eruic Ford staff may have

planted sign at 'U'

1917 Washtenaw
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
The Celebration of Life Service will
be held at 10:30 a.m.
January 20: Chocolate Feet? Feat?
Fete?" a presentation focusing on the
delegates experiences at the UUA
General Assembly.
Adult Forum: "Question Box
Forum," directed by Kenneth W.
Phifer, 9:20 to 10:20a.m.
Religious Education classes at 9:30
a .m.
A . co-operative nursery available at
10:30 a.m.
502 East Huron, 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship, 9:55 a.m.
January 20: "The Centrality of Christ
and Religious Pluralism," with guest
speaker, Dr.uJohn Cobb.
Midweek Study and Dinner for Stu-
dents: Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Pastor, Robert B. Wallace
Assistant in Ministry,
Madelyn Johnson
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday Services at 9:15 and 10:30.

1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
11:15a.m.; Refreshments
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship.
Wednesday 10:00 p.m.: Evening
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Worship and Church School at 9:30
and 11:00.
Jamie Schultz, Campus Ministry
Broadcast of Service:
11:00 a.m. - WPAG, 10.50 AM
* * *
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Service
9:30 and 11:00.
January 20: "Haggi: The Prophet of
Proper Priorities," by Dr. Donald B.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director, Rose McLean
Wesley Foundation Campus Min-
istry, Wayne T. Large, Director.
Chancel Choir
Broadcast Sundays 9:30 a.nm.- WNRS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00 p.m.-Cable Channel 9.

(Continued from Page 1)
fascist appeared often in reference to
Ford and President Richard Nixon.
The signs were necessary, Barrett
said, so that Ford could respond to the
widespread use of the term. Ford's
visit was met by many protesters, and
Barrett said it was possible that some
of the protest signs included the
reference to neo-fascism.
"If there wasn't a sign there...yes,
they'd put the sign in there," he said.
"The staff thought it would be good to
have a sign in the audience."
THE NOTES in which the neo-fascist
signs are mentioned come from the
files of Warren Rustand, Ford's deputy
assistant for scheduling and appoin-
tments. The notes from a meeting with
Chief of Staff Robert Hartmann said
they would "need a sign at U of M"
which read "Gerald Ford is a Neo-
fascist" when Ford spoke at Crisler
Arena two days later. "A few signs are
necessary for leadin to the speech," the
notes said.
Ford began that 1974 speech with the
reference to the sign. "One of the war-
mest signs I saw on the way here
proclaimed that 'Jerry Ford is a Neo-
Fascist.' Now I don't know much about
neo-fascism," Ford said, adding that
while he was a University un-
dergraduate in the 1930s, students
200 Million People,
And Only 35,000
Get to Read
~I '

began to worry about "real fascists"
such as Adolf Hitler.
"So if Jerry Ford is a new fascist, I
guess we tamed those old fascists fairly
well," he concluded.
RUSTAND SAID LAST night that he
worked with over 100 speeches and did
not remember the details of the Ann
Arbor visit or the meeting from which
the notes were taken. He said the notes
and the lead to Ford's speech may have
been the result of a Ford speechwriter
"looking for an intro" to the stock
speech the vice president was using at
that time.
"There probably weren't any signs at
the University of Michigan that had
(neo-fascist) on them," he said.
Rustand said Ford had ordered his staff
not to use deceptive methods in plan-
ning such appearances.
"I would be very surprised if that
directive was given," Rustand said. "If
someone gave me that directive I would
have challenged that directive."
BUT BARRETT said actions such as
planting protesters are "not unusual
political activity" and those who
are upset by the idea "have to get a lit-
tle bit more versed in politics."
"There's a reality tosthefrequence of
this occurence," he said. "Now that
doesn't make it forgiving," he added.
"There should be a better way to do it."
The papers were found by Adam
Ruskin, an LSA senior writing an
honors thesis about political influences
on the media. Ruskin said he believed
such tactics were used often, but he was
surprised to find references to the event
in Ford's autobiography, A Time to
Heal, in which Ford referred to the
"neo-facist" sign and said he was
"dismayed" by the protests.
Similar protests and the national out-
cry against President Nixon and the
Watergate controversy upset many
people in the White House, according to
Barrett, who became Ford's military
adviser after Nixon's resignation.
"It was just one crushing, heavy
revelation after another, and none of
them were good," he said. You had to
be there to know how much hatred,
mistrust, and fear there was."

'Take-home' pay climbs 6.8%
WASHINGTON-U.S. personal income rose 0.5 percent in December, a
rebound at the end of a year that saw "take-home" pay climb by 6.8 per=
cent-the best showing in two decades, the Commerce Department said
The sum of wages, salaries, government payments, dividends and interest
grew to $3.013 trillion in 1984, 9.8 percent higher than 1983.
After subtracting inflation and income taxes, Americans were left with
take-home pay 6.8 percent higher at the end of 1984 than when the year
began. It was the best performance for disposable income since 1964's 7.1
percent gain, and nearly twice 1983's 3.5 percent increase.
The December figures also showed spending regained more of its first-half
vigor during the Christmas season,. climbing 1.2 percent on top of Novem-
ber's 1 percent increase.
Reagan eyes mass transit cuts
WASHINGTON - The Reagan administration is proposing major cuts in
federal mass transit spending in its fiscal 1986 budget, including a phase-out
of $2.7 billion in assistance over the next three years, government and in-
dustry officials said yesterday.
The proposal, to be submitted as part of President Reagan's budget to
Congress on Feb. 4, also calls for an immediate end to funding for new rail
transit projects, although project commitments already made are expected
to be honored.
"The object is to get out of the new-start business by the end of 1985 and not
to leave any holes in the ground in the process of withdrawing," says an Of-
fice of Management and Budget document outlining the administration's
transit proposal.
The document was leaked yesterday by officials attending the U.S. Con-
ference of Mayors' mid-winter meeting and later confirmed by Transpor-
tation Department officials as substantially the proposal that will be submit-
ted to Congress.




Vol. XCV - No.90
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.

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