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April 17, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-17

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wedi
About 5,000 - the largest crowd to
gather in protest at Harvard University
in nearly two decades - demonstrated
against apartheid in South Africa
earlier this month.
The crowd, while calm for the most
part, showed that the issue is definitely
Some compared the demonstration
with the famous protests and riots of
the 1960s.
But others said this rally had some
big differences.

nesday, Anril 17 1985
0 protes-
"At this particular point the people
are not seeking the violent solutions
that they did a few years ago. Today's
leaders are representatives form level-
headed groups," said Paul Johnson, the
university's police chief.
At the rally, reggae sounds have
replaced the folk ballads of Joan Baez
that were popular at 1960s protests.
Hair is blunt and students are clean-
cut. Shetland sweaters are being don-
ned in place of tie-dyed shirts.
"Anybody who participated in the
demonstrations in the late sixties and
early seventies, and then went to Mars
and came back now, would be struck by
the appearance of these demon-
strators," said Alan Myers, a former

at Harvard


Vietnam War protestor.
The rally, part of a day of nationwide
student protests against apartheid on
April 4, the 17th anniversary of the
assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther
King, was the largest single anti-apar-
theid protest in the 13-year history of
student opposition to Harvard's in-
vestment policy.
- The Harvard Crimson
CMU dorm rates
up 5.8%
Students at Central Michigan Univer-
sity will have to dish out $130 more for
room and board next year, but will still
live cheaper than students at any other
four year college in Michigan.
CMU's Board of Trustees recently
hiked student housing rates by 5,8 per-
cent, bringing room. and board costs
for the 1985-86 academic year to $2,350,
CMU officials said.
The increase was needed to cover
rising housing and food service costs,
and to offset direct-dial long distance
phone service added last fall, school
administrators said.
Officials said this marks the third
year in a row and the fifth in the last
seven that CMU will have the lowest
student housing rates in the state.
- United Press International

Texas schools
to do DOD work
According to Strategic Defense
Initiative Organization officials, Texas
Technological University and the
University of Texas at Arlington have
been chosen to develop the first of six
Department of Defense "star wars"
missile programs.
Dwight Duston, special assistant to
the director of SDI's Office of In-
novative Science and Technology, said
five or six more programs will be an-
nounced in the next 30 days. The Texas
institutions are expected to sign SDI
research contracts by May 1.
James Thompson, UT-Arlington
Department of Electrical Engineering
chairman, estimated that the SDI grant
will provide $1 million annually, or four
times the average grant.
Magne Kristiansen, Texas Tech
professor of electrical engineering,
ranked the estimated $3.9 million, 45-
month SDI grant second among
engineering grants to be received this
With final contracts pending, UT-
Arlington and Texas Tech have cleared
facilities and hired program directors.
- The Daily Texan

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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Former CIA director says
Contras not imuediate threat
WASHINGTON-Former CIA Director Stansfield Turner urged Congress
yesterday to reject President Reagan's proposal to release $14 million in aid
to the "Contras" in Nicaragua which he said represents "a dead-end policy"
in Central America.
"The Nicaraguan communists are not an immediate threat to the United
States and its interests in Central America," Turner said.
Turner, who headed the agency under former President Carter, testified
before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee which also heard Ray Cline, a
former deputy director of the CIA who firmly supports Reagan's policy.
"If the United States turns its back on this group the Contras there will be
moves to accommodate with communist regimes throughout the world and
in Nicaragua," Cline said.
Meanwhile, Reagan, speaking to a group of religious leaders at the White
House, kept up his criticism of the leftist Nicaraguan government, again ac-
cusing it of religious persecution. The president said he had also received a
message from the pope "urging us to continue our efforts in Central
Republican and Democratic sources in the House predicted that the Con-
tra aid plan would lose by 30 votes, despite an intensifying lobbying cam-
paign by Reagan and his allies. A close vote in the Republican-led Senate
was predicted.
Judge urges Union Carbide
to provide emergency relief
NEW YORK-A judge suggested yesterday that Union Carbide provide $5
million to $10 million in emergency aid to victims of the Bhopal, India,
chemical leak disaster, and he said the company could do so without admit-
ting liability for the deaths and injuries.
U.S. District Judge John Keenan told lawyers in the legal fight over the
toxic gas leak that "fundamental human decency" required that Connecticut
based Carbide take steps to ease suffering in Bhopal without waiting for a
final court decision.
The money could be considered an advance payment on any settlement or
judgment, Keenan said.
Carbide lawyer Bud Holman said an emergency relief program "would be
possible," but added that the company would prefer to reach an overall set-
tlement of the litigation arising from last December's gas leak that the In-
dian government says killed at least 1,700 people and injured 200,000. Other
estimates have put the death toll above 2,000.
Rulin expands CIA'sower
WASHINGT 7-The upreme Court yesterday gave he CIA sweeping
power to withhold documents from the public, even if the information does
not deal with sensitive issues of national security.
The justices, in a unanimous decision, said the intelligence agency legally
denied a request for data about the experimental drug program known as
MKULTRA conducted between 1953 and 1966.
Little is known about the research project, initiated in response to U.S.
concern over Soviet and Chinese advances in brainwashing techniques,
because most of its records were destroyed in 1973.
The program became a subiect of congressional concern in the 1970s when
it was reported that several MKULTRA projects involved experiments in
which researchers administered dangerous drugs, such as LSD, to unwitting
human subjects. At least two people died as a result of MKULTRA testing.
Meeting raises summit hopes
of Egypt and Israel
CAIRO, Egypt-President Hosni Mubarak and veteran Israeli envoy Ezer
Weizman met yesterday in talks that raised hopes for the first Egyptian
Israeli summit meeting in nearly four years.
The two men met for two hours at the Kubbeh presidential palace in Cairo
after Weizman arrived from Jerusalem Monday on a diplomatic mission
criticized by right-wingers in Israel's coalition government.
Weizman, a former defense minister who played a role in negotiations that
led to the U.S.-mediated peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in 1979, said
the talks encouraged hopes for a summit meeting between Mubarak and
Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
"I am sure that President Mubarak will meet Prime Minister Peres after
good preparations," Weizman told reporters.
Shuttle to try boosting satellite
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-Two astronauts strapped makeshift snares to
the end of Discovery's robot arm yesterday in' a flawless, unrehearsed
spacewalk setting the stage for today's attempt to activate a 5-minute
rocket fuse on the disabled Syncom satellite.
"Stand up and take a bow," said Rhea Seddon to spacewalkers Jeffrey
Hoffman and David Griggs just before they returned to the safety of the
shuttle's cabin after spending three hours working in the ship's big open
cargo bay.
They lashed a "fly swatter" and a "lacrosse stick" to the end of the 50-foot
arm using straps that were on board to tie down loose equipment. The im-
promptu spacewalk was executed while the shuttle was 43 miles from Syn-
com. Both craft were more than 190 miles high.

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SJhbe 3idPign ?atII
Vol. XVC - No. 157
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class, postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate, and College Press Service.

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" -f

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