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April 17, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-17

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom




Variably cloudy with a chance of
showers. High in the low 60s.

Vol. XCV, No. 157 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan- Wednesday, April 17, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

Pane lists
debate ban
.on alcohol
Special to the Daily
LANSING - Students, beer com-
panies, and anti-drinking groups
clashed yesterday over a Liquor Con-
trol Commission proposal to ban the
promotion of alcoholic beverages on
college campuses.
If passed by the five-member com-
mission and a 10-member legislative
review board, the proposal would
outlaw student activities sponsored by
beer and alcohol companies.
LIBBY MEIER, a resident assistant
at Michigan State University, said at
yesterday's public hearing that studen-
ts and administrators are working
together to encourage responsible
drinking, and that the proposal is unfair
because it singles out one particular
group of drinkers.
See BEER, Page 3



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Associated Press
University of California police move in at dawn to arrest anti-apartheid demonstrators on the steps of Sproul Hall at the
Berkeley campus yesterday.


Protesters try to sway


From staff and wire reports
BERKELEY, Calif. - Helmeted
police moved in at dawn yesterday and
arrested 136 chanting protestors, in-
cluding 17 members of the Berkeley
Student Senate, who took part in a
week-long demonstration against the
University of Californi's investments in
South Africa.
The arrests recalled scenes from the
university's Free Speech Movement
and anti-Vietnam War protests of the
EARLY yesterday officers began the
roundup of anti- apartheid protesters,
many of whom had been sleeping for
days on the steps of Sproul Hall, where
the Free Speech Movement led by ac-
tivist Mario Savio was born.
Police gave three warnings that
arrests were about to begin, and about
half of the group left the steps to avoid
detention, said university spokesman
Ray Colvig.
The students were carried off in
buses and taken to county jail. A group
of protesters laid down in front of the
buses and tried to prevent them from
leaving. Police told them to move.
OF THE 136 arrested, police estimate
that between 20-26 were booked on the
additional charge of resisting arrest.
One U-C police officer, James Ham-
mett, was injured when a demonstrator
bit him on the left hand.
"I am appalled that a nation such as
ours puts their money into a country
that practices white supremacy," said
junior Tom Calloway, 20. "This is a
state university, meaning we as studen-
ts have a right to determine where our
money goes. People are getting killed
and all the university is worried about
is their investment."
"I'm missing all of my classes and
I'm prepared to be arrested, if that's
what it takes to show how wrong it is to
support white supremacy practices,"

saa icnara .. eic ; a z yea-t
senior. "I think this is the only way we
can make a difference or influence the
South African government."
THE demonstrators, divided almost
equally betwwen students and area
residents, complained that university
regents would not advance, to their
May meeting in Berkeley, discussion of
divestment of the university's invest-
ment of $1.7 billion in firms doing
business in South Africa.
The issue is on the June agenda, when
regents will meet in Santa Cruz after
the semester has ended.
The demonstrators also demanded
that amnesty be granted to all those
RONALD BRADY, senior vice -
See BERKELEY, Page 3
U.S. not
to divest
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of
State George Shultz, responding to
critics who say U.S. policy toward
South Africa perpetuates apartheid,
said yesterday the United States "must
not throw American matches on the
emotional tinder of the region."
Shultz, speaking at a National Press
Club luncheon, expressed sharp op-
position to a proposal before Congress
that would ban new U.S. investment
aid reduce U.S.-South African trade

Over 35 people gathered yesterday outside
Congressman Carl Pursell's Ann Arbor office to voice
support for what is now a nationwide movement
against U.S. aid to Central America.
Ann Arbor members of the Latin American
Solidarity Committee (LASC) paid a visit to Pursell's
office at 361 Eisenhower Parkway, to persuade the
legislator to vote on April 23 against a bill that would
allocate $14 million for humanitarian aid to the Con-
tras in Nicaragua.
PURSELL was in Washington, D.C., so the LASC
member voiced their convictions to two of the
congressional aides, Bill Krans and Cynthia Hudgins.
Peter Rosset, a University graduate student,
author of The Nicaraguan Reader, and a four-year
member of LASC, said Pursell is one of 24 key votes
on the bill because he has voted inconsistently on

issues involving Central America in the past.
Last year, Pursell voted against a similar bill for
aid to the Contras, but he also approved covert
military aid for El Salvador.
HUDGINS, district coordinator for Pursell, told the
group that the Congressman's basic stance is against
aid to the Contras. But she said she could not predict
Pursell's vote on this latest bill until it is introduced
to Congress in its final form.
Congressmen have been divided over the bill since
President Reagan made a "gentleman's promise"
that the aid would not be used to purchase weapons
for the contras unless the Sandinista Army refuses to
lay down its guns in 60 days. American critics have
long complained that U.S. "humanitarian" aid
usually has bought guns instead of bread.
The gathering was part of the Nationwide Pledge of
Resistance, a campaign to block aid to the contras

which is organized by churches and other peace
groups across the country. Similar rallies were held
simultaneously at congressional offices throughout
the U.S. yesterday.
More than 100,000 people have signed pledges and
petitions as part of the resistance movement, saying
that if Congress passes the proposed bill "there will
be civil disobedience across the nation."
Rosset labels the rally the American "peace
maneuvers," - an antithesis to Reagan s "war
maneuvers" in Nicaragua.
Rosset, who is also a Rackham student government
senator, said the nationwide rally occurred in
response to a speech Reagan made to the Nicaraguan-
Refugee Associaiton Monday night.
Rosset said the speech was "virtually a declaration
of war in Nicaragua."

House panel passes bills

to increase
Special to the Daily 'Then
LANSING - Members of a House port
committee voted unanimously yester-
day in favor of four bills that call for the get fu
increase of funding available for finan-
cial aid.
The bills, passed by the House Com-
mittee on Colleges and Universities,
were drafted by Democrats and call for
the earmarking of a state work study $1,000 a ye
program and an educational oppor- students enr
tunity grant, as well as increasing aid universities
to part-time independent students and OPPORTI
for the financial aid hotline. be used by
"THERE IS obviously strong bipar- ceeding tuit
tisan support for these bills and I think tuition but c
they will all get funded," said Burton living expen
Leland (D-2nd District), chairman of go to scho
the committee. Lynn Jond
If the House appropriations commit- sponsor of t
tee approves the $5 million allocation But Harv
for the work study program, the Director of
* University's three campuses would the bill, say
share approximately $200,000. About million is no
400 more students would receive work -l it's from
study awards and the maximum award de income f;
could leap from $500 to $650. funding is
In response to an estimated $78 existing pro
million in unmet student need, the ones," said
sponsors of the Educational Oppor- to the Vic
tunity Grant are recommending that Relations. T
$10 million be appropriated to the ded by the
program which would provide up to Higher Edu

financial aid
re is obviously strong bipartisan sup-
for these bills and I think they will all
unded.' - Burton Leland, state
House committee chairman

ear for financially needy
rolled in public colleges and
UNITY grant awards could
recipients for expenses ex-
ion. "If a student can afford
an't afford housing or their
nses then he can't afford to
iol," said Representative
ahl (D-East Lansing), a
he bill.
ey Grotrian, the University
Financial Aid objected to
ing, "the unmet need of $78
ot from among the neediest
the lower middle and mid-
pore concerned with where
coming from and funding
grams before funding new
Roberta Palmer, Assistant
.e President for State
the bill was not recommen-
Governors Commission on
cation, but formed in the

Democratic Caucus, and doesn't stand a
good chance of pasing the Republican-
controlled Senate appropriations com-
mittee, Grotrian said.
"They're not going to go out and en-
dorse this with enthusiasm, they're
going to ask why the governor did not
recommend it," Grotrian said of the
The proposal to increase ap-
propriations for the financial aid
hotline from $70,000 to $170,000 drew no
objections, rather it was referred to by
some as a "welcome relief."
And although the committee passed
the proposal to provide aid for part-
time independent students, there is no
specific appropriation recommen-
dation contained within the bill.
Another bill, passed April 2 extended
the eligibility for Michigan Competitive
Scholarships to graduate and part-time
students, and recommmends the in-
crease of funding by $8 million form $16
million to $24 million.

Associated Press
Bald buddies
Interior Secretary Donald Hodel holds a week-old baby bald eagle yesterday. The secretary was visiting the Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland, the world's largest captive bald eagle breeding colony which is operated
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Canine hero
ThESETTA Marlatt says she's happy to be the
owner of a dog named Hero, but could use a little
rest from all the attention she's gotten after

. ....

obedience training, and a commendation certificate from
Bernardi. Hero, named by Marlatt, gained fame March 31
for protecting a Doberman which had been hit by a car in
North Hollywood. Hero refused to leave her side, licked her
wounds and barked at passers-by in an apparent attempt to
get help. Both dogs were taken to the county animal shelter.
The badly injured Doberman could not be saved and Hero
was auctioned off when no one claimed him. Bernardi said
the high bidding war for the dog showed "there's an awful

and-white pig by an anonymous telephone caller. Someone
had left the critter in a farm field north of Post Falls with a
note attached explaining that Bert's services had been
needed for the family's sow. "Let's hope our weaner pigs
grow up to be as famous as Bert," said the note, which was
signed by "Jesse James." The shopkeeper said he laughs
whenever he thinks about Bert's abduction and cloak-and-
dagger return. "I just hope they give me one of the litter,"
he said. Bert was returned Monday to his position outside

objection to my money being used for military purposes."
Purdy's contribution grew with eight pounds of coffee, 16
pounds of sugar and 50 pounds of pinto beans, IRS worker
Vincent Chonko told her to take her food and go home. "We
can only accept tax payment in legal tender of the United
States, and food is not considered legal tender," he said.
Chonko said he had never seen anyone try to pay a tax bill
with food, but added: "I'm not' surprised at anything




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