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April 12, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-12

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Lit9 an3U


Sunny and warm with highs in the
low 60's.


WyL. XCV, No. 153

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 12, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages






VOICE candidates Paul Josephson and Micky
Feusse captured the top two posts of the Michigan
Student Assembly in this week's election, which had
one of the highest voter turnouts in history.
Election officials estimate that 6,000 students -
about 18 percent of the student body - voted.
ALL THREE ballot proposals were endorsed by a
majority -of the students, and will be used as
guidelines in future decisions made by MSA.
Josephson, the assembly's newpresident, and his
running mate Feusse received 2,186 votes. MUM
(Moderates of the University of Michigan) can-
didates Kevin Michaels and Tom Salvi earned 1,623.
MOVE candidates Alex Diana and Casey Whitehead
received 156 votes.
VOICE (Voice Our Interest and Concerns in
Education) took a total of 17 seats on the assembly.
MUM won 12. Three of the remaining seats went to
independents and four were handed over to write-in

The winners for LSA representatives are: Homer
Thiel (VOICE), Myron Marlin (MUM), Kristen Van
Dekerkhove (VOICE), Rollie Hudson (MUM), Matt
Tucker (VOICE), Judith Salzberg (MUM), Debbie
Kohnstamm (VOICE), Rebecca Felton (VOICE),
Steve Heyman (Indep.), Vebo Prasad (MUM), Ed
Kraus (VOICE), Mary Ann Nemer (MUM), and
DarrellThompson (Indep.). They are listed in order
of votes received.
IN THE RACKHAM School of Graduate Studies
VOICE won three seats; Kathryn Savoie, Daniel
Melendez-Alvira, and Ivette Perfecto. MUM received
two; Virginia Ward and Steve Krawcz.yk. i
MUM members Rick Frenkel and Michael Sovel
captured seats for the College of Engineering. Walter
Downs of VOICE nabbed the third spot. Over 20 per.-
cent of engineering students voted in the election.
Karen Kim, John Burr, David Lovlinger, Krista
Stapleton, Scott Crawford, Margaret Phillips, can-
tured the seats in the schools of education, architec-

ture, art, library science, physical education, ant
music respectively.
THE DENTAL school'had a three-way tie for its
one seat.
JOSEPHSON credited his victory in part to the
support received by LSA students. He said second-
place candidate Michaels "concentrated on the
College of Engineering."
Josephson and Feusse were the youngest MSA
leaders in recent history. Both are sophomores with
junior credit standing.
Josephson said the first thing he would do as
president is to secure the 37-cent increase in student
fees from the Board of Regents next month.
HE SAYS HE will remain in Ann Arbor during the
summer and intends to "keep an eye on the code, and
possibly continue working on minority recruitment
increases and retention if (Black Student Researcher
Roderick) Linzie stays."
See VOICE, Page 3

Columbia protest continues

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Pioneer High School drama teacher Norah Bixby chats with students
yesterday during a protest of a school official's ouster. More than 200 studen-
ts missed classes to join the demonstration.
ioneer students blow

*off class fo-
More than 200 Pioneer High School
students boycotted classes yesterday to
protest what they said was the forced
resignation of a twelf th grade adviser.
The students said Martha Graham,
61, is being used as a scapegoat for
several problems the senior class had
this year, including scheduling the.,
Wrom 'and homecoming' dances on
Jewish holidays and charges of racism
in a student election last summer.
THE PROTEST began outside the
school at 7:30 a.m. after students lear-
ned that yesterday would be Graham's
last-.day. At first the protesters were
primarily seniors but later they were
fired over
age ls'
teachers at a prestigious private
elementary school who used bagel
symbols to identify applications from
Jewish students will lose their jobs
when the school year ends.
The symbols were discovered by an
eight-member committee appointed by
the Cranbrook Educational Community
to investigate charges of discrimination
against Jewish children.
IN A REPORT released Wednesday,
he committee said the symbols were
used only during the 1981-82 school year
and only by three teachers responsible
for admitting students to the junior kin-
dergarten class at the Brookside
Cranbrook Educational Community
operates three schools in the affluent
Detroit suburb of Bloomfield
Hills-Brookside, Kingswood and
__ See TEACHERS, Page 3

r protest
joined by underclassmen.
By the day's end, however, most of
the students had returned to their
classes and only about 25 remained on
the school's front lawn.
Junior Julia Winters said that
Graham had given students control
over many of their activities, and that
some of the blame for this year's
problems lie with those students.
"It wasn't really her that screwed up,
but the people under her," she said.
SEVERAL members of the faculty
supported the protest, and some even
joined the students during their free

Special to the Daily
NEW YORK - The protest of Colum-
bia University students continued to
gain momentum yesterday, peaking
with a march of more than 100 suppor-
ters of black Manhattan District Attor-
ney candidate Vernon Mason through
Harlem to the steps of Hamilton Hall.
As many as 500 students and non-
students have been blocking Hamilton
Hall - a Columbia University building
which houses administrators' offices
and classrooms - since last Tuesday.
The protesters are hoping to force the
university to divest its stocks from
American companies doing business in
South Africa.
THE SCHOOL has $39 million in-
vested in such companies.
Although cheers and a poor,
microphone system muffled speeches
by the demonstrators, yesterday's
protest reached a high point when about
600 "Down with Apartheid" in unison.
Yesterday's events were also
highlighted with news that South
African Bishop Desmond Tutu saluted
the students for their protest. Accor-
ding to Daniga Boloyii, a Columbia
student and sit-in leader, Tutu thanked

them "on behalf" of the victims of
apartheid. The Nobel Peace Prize win-
ner reportedly said "It's heartwarming
to see students fast, put their bodies
where their mouths are."
"BUT I want to express my hope that
violence will be avoided," he told
Baloyii during a phone conversation
from his home in Johannesburg.
"(Columbia University President)
Michael Sovern has said that Bishop
Tutu supports the administration," said
Baloyii, "but (Tutu) said that he sup-
ports us."
The upbeat day, despite periodic rain
that forced protesters to seek shelter
underneath a tarp, was a carry-over
from .the night before, said Tanaquee
Jones, one of the protest's student
York State Supreme Court Justice
Bruce Wright - issu d 'a 'temporary
restraining-grder baering police from
arresting protesters until Monday.
As long as students are "not in any
way disruptive, interfering, blocking,
or hindering any activity" at Colum-
bia, the university is prohibited from
"taking any action against the students
peacefully congregating and sitting in
on the exterior steps of Hamilton," the

order said.
"We took one more gun away from
the administration," said Randolph
Scott-McLaughyn, an attorney for the
students. "(Administrators) have im-
plied that police action was still -a
possibility," he said.
A PREVIOUS restraining order
issued last week stated that students
could not block entrances to the

Berkeley protesters
call for divestment

building. Administrators have
threatened to charge the protesters
with contempt of court and disciplinary
"Our concern was that in 1971 studen-
ts did the same thing but Columbia
called the police in and began beating
(protesters) with billy sticks," Scott-
McLaughyn said.
See TUTU, Page 5

Special to the'Daily
BERKELEY, Calif. - On the second
day of their occupation, anti-apartheid
protesters vowed to remain on the steps
of a University of California
Berkeley building until the school's
regents agree to discuss their demands
- including complete and immediate
divestment of all university funds in-
vested in South Africa.
Forming spontaneously after an anti-
apartheid rally at noon Wednesday, the
occupation continued all night with

about 50 protesters camping on the
steps of Sproul Hall.
RALLY organizers predicted that the
occupation would grow after the
student senate Wednesday night ap-
proved a tresolution which supported
the sit-in and endorsed the demon-
strators' demands.
Thedemonstrators were also en-
couraged by the endorsement of the
United People .of Color, a coalition
which represents third world groups on
campus. Yesterday morning the oc-
See BERKELEY, Page 5

See HIGH, Page 2

'U' saw new
cure for poo

Students and world famous scientists
packed into Rackham Auditorium grew
quiet. Hundreds of reporters aimed
their microphones and cameras at the,
man who stood at the podium. Excit-
ment mounted as the crowd waited to
hear a miracle announced.
At precisely 10:20 a.m., the man at
the podium, Dr. Thomas Francis, then
chair of the University's Department of
Epidemology, boomed, "We heave
found a cure for polio."
THAT WAS 30 years ago today, when
Francis called the Salk vaccine "safe,
effective, and potent" protection again-
st the crippling disease, virtually
unknown to the present generation.
The announcement was followed by a
wave of emotion.
"Some began to cry, some began to
scream," recalls William Haber, dean
emeritus of LSA who was part of the
audience in Rackham when world

history was made. "Every time I think
of that moment I get a lump in my
throat," he adds.
Frenzied reporters stampeded to the
third floor of Rackham, where a special
bank of telephones, wire, and teletype
machines were installed.
Among the throng of reporters was
Charles Kelsey, a dental student and a
photographer for the Daily. "I remem-
ber being in this mass of aggressive
professional newsmen who were
pushing, shoving, and shouting, he
says looking back. Shortly after the an-
nouncement, a special edition of the
Daily appeared on the streets.
Under Francis' direction, a team of
120 scientists had compared blood sam-
ples of elementary students given the
Salk vaccine with those of students who
had been given placebos. University
students in the epidemiology depar-
tment worked on the research, said
See 'U', Page 2

On April 12, 1955 at Rackham auditorium, Dr. Thomas Francis (left) and Dr. Jonas Salk (right) call the new polio vac-
cine "safe and effective" toward combatting the crippling disease.

Mistaken identity
The last sound from Steven Farkas' violin was
anything but music to his ears. Police, nervous

who evacuated the terminal and blew up the case. Deputy
police chief Keith Farraway said Farkas asked. police for'
$5,000 to replace it, but got something less.
Frisky fryers
W ild chickens are driving Al Stadtler of Seattle wild,

resident offered vodka-soaked grain, hoping to get the
chickens tipsy enough to catch, and Stadtler put chicken
feed inside: a dog trap. Nothing happened. Stadtler said he
had checked with state agriculture officials, Washington
Fbathered Fanciers and Progressive Animal Welfare
Society without getting any help. "I even asked the Seattle
Police Department SWAT special weapons and tactical
personnel for advice, and they said, 'Forget it,"' he said.
46T).- - - 4- . ..:.... .« .,,.., . a- --)

evidence room apparently have taken a liking to c, -
fiscated marijuana and cocaine, nibbling through p1 .stic
and manila envelopes to get at the drugs, polir - said.
Wilhelm said one mouse was a victim of the traps set
station earlier this week. "They seem to be partial to the
marijuana," he said.





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