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April 06, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-06

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Mail foul-up snags
GEO contract vote

The Michigan Daily - Saturday, April 6, 1985- Page 3
Reagan accuses
Sandinistas of
breaking oaths/

Members of the teaching assistants'
union are having a hard time ratifying
the tentative contract proposed by their
union and the University because they
have not been receiving the ratification
.ballots in the mail.
"Some of the address labels that we
used were not up to date," said Stephen
Grossbart, a member of the Graduate
Employees' Organization's bargaining
team. "They listed TA office addresses
when they should have listed depar-
tment addresses where TAs' mailboxes

Grossbart added that he did not know
how many TAs had not received a
ballot. If enough TAs complain about
the missing ballots, he said, the
deadline for voting may be extended.
The current deadline is April 19.
Ballots will be available to those TAs
who have not received them in the.
Fishbowl from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April
10 and 11, Grossbart said. A final.
decision on extending the deadline will
be made on April 20, he said, based on
the number of ballots that have been

Mexican drug outfit
Sprofits from U.S.

MEXICO CITY (AP)-Planes, boats
and tanker trucks cross the border to
supply an eager U.S. market with tons
of drugs from La. Familia, a Mexican
traffickers' alliance in which Rafael
Caro Quintero is said to be a leader.
Caro Quintero, a prime suspect in the
murder of American narcotics agent
Enrique Camarena Salazar, was
arrested Thursday outside San Jose,
Costa Rica.
marijuana crops and many cargoes are
lost to the U.S. Coast Guard, border
;police and Customs agents. But the
border and the coast are long and not,
every mile of them can be watched, so
most of the contraband gets through.
Profits in the drug business are
enormous and the traffic has made
many millionaires in La Familia-The
Family-a network of dealers who
stopped killing each other and united
for mutual profit.
Camarena was seized Feb. 7 within
sight of the U.S. consulate in
Guadalajara, a center of the drug trade
,320 miles northwest of Mexico City. His
body was found March 5 with that of a
Mexican pilot who worked with him.
A CARO QUINTERO, 33, was born to a
poor farm family in the drug-growing
region of Sinaloa and now is a rich man
with hundred of properties. He was last
seen before his arrest giving a high
Guadalajara police official a farewell
embrace before boarding his private jet
Feb. 9:
A U.S. official who demanded
anonymity for protocol reasons said it
*was believed that Caro Quintero was
involved in the slaying. And U.S. Am-
.bassador John Gavin has called Caro
Quintero "one of the intellectual
authors" of Camarena's murder.
The U.S. attorney general, Edward
Meese III, called Caro Quintero "one of

the major drug traffickers in the
nothing new, but in recent years the
drug barons have developed it into a
multibillion-dollar industry. Their
boats are fast, their planes get bigger
and better, and methods of hiding drugs
in vehicles become more ingenious.
U.S. officials estimate up to 30 per-
cent of the marijuana and 38 percent of
the heroin used in the United States
comes from Mexico. They also say 30
percent of the cocaine passes through
this country en route fromhSouth
Much of the marijuana is grown in
the Sierra Madre mountains in Sonora,
Sinaloa, and Durango states, and stored
in warehouses near the border until it
can be moved across.
MOST goes overland. Tanker trucks
are becoming popular because each
can carry up to 10 tons of the weed,
which is profitable only in large ship-
The vehicles that get through are
those in which the contraband is exper-
tly concealed or that cross into
uninhabited and infrequently patrolled
areas of Arizona, New Mexico and
Boats are used to move marijuana up
the coast, especially to points in the San
Diego area, and nearly everybody uses
"The bigger the operator, the bigger
and fancier the planes," the U.S. of-
ficial said. "They have everything from
single-engine aircrafts to private jets."
Demand for Mexican heroin has in-
creased in recent years, largely
because the traffickers' chemists have
developed techniques of refining the
brown "Mexican mud" heroin into a
white powder that is 80 percent pure.

From AP and UPI)
WASHINGTON-President Reagan
is accusing Nicaragua's leftist gover-
nment of betraying solemn promises to
the Organization of American States to
uphold democracy, but the Sandinistas
say what they outlined are objectives,
not promises and that they are meeting
There is little doubt that the San-
dinistas have so far fallen short of doing
what they told the OAS in 1979 they
planned. The issue is whether goals are
promises and whether it is up to the
United States, acting alone, to interpret
and enforce them.
The Sandinistas insist they are
fulfilling their goals at a pace that suits
Nicaraguan needs.
The 31-member OAS, which was
established in 1948 to settle disputes
among its members peacefully, has
taken no position of its own.
A 1979 STATEMENT by the San-
dinistas to the OAS has become central
to Reagan's argument that they
betrayed their revolution and must
either surrender to American-backed
demands, or face further warfare with
U.S.-supported guerrillas who seek to
overthrow them.
Reagan said Thursday night-in
disclosing a new strategy for providing
aid to the contras-that one of the
American demands is Nicaraguan
"implementation of its commitment to
democracy made to the OAS."
He said "part of the agreement that
must be reached" between the gover-
nment and the guerrillas is a "return to
the democratic goals which they them-
seles told the OAS was what they were

fighting the revolution for."
AT A NEWS conference on Feb. 22,
Reagan said the Sandinistas "violated
their own promise to the OAS... that
their revolutionary goal was for
democracy, free press, free speech,
free labor unions and elections and so
forth, and they have violated that."
Reagan's plan, adapted from a Mar-
ch 2 proposal made by the Contras and
already dismissed by the rebels, would
impose a cease-fire until June 1, set up
talks between the two sides to be
mediated by the Roman Catholic Chur-
ch and provide U.S. aid to the rebels,
but only for humanitarian purposes.
The rebels are fighting to overthrow the
Sandinista government in Managua.
Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Miguel
D'Escoto said yesterday that Reagan's
peace plan is nothing but a threat to
"continue to finance his thugs"-the
Contras- unless the Sandinista gover-
nment agrees to a cease-fire.
D'Escoto in a series of television in-
terviews from Managua, dismissed the
peace plan offered by Reagan to end the
fighting between the leftist Sandinista
government and the U.S.-backed
government newspaper said yesterday
that President Reagan's proposal for a
cease-fire and negotiations in
Nicaragua is "a dangerous new step
toward unleashing an undisguished
armed conflict in Central America." -
The Soviets' officla news agency Tass
said Reagan interfered in Nicaraguan
internal affairs by issuing what it called
an ultimatum.

Horny? Associated Press
This "unicorn," the latest attraction for the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Circus, is just a goat with a surgically implanted horn, says the ASPCA. The
group is asking New Yorkers to boycott the circus.
Reagan sees fight in
Congvress over budget

(AP)-President Reagan
acknowledged yesterday that he faces a
fight in Congress over the budget com-
promise he struck with Senate
Republicans, but said Democratic
critics "will be lying in their teeth" if
they charge he went back to a pledge
not to cut Social Security benefits.
"How is adding a 2 percent raise each
year cutting it?" Reagan asked as he
spoke with reporters before flying by
helicopter from the White House lawn
to Andrews Air Force Base, MD., and
boarding Air Force One for a flight to
REAGAN plans a 10-day stay at his
ranch, high in the Santa Ynez moun-
tains near Santa Barbara. Aides said he
would return to Washington on April 14.
The president announced agreement
with Senate GOP leaders Thursday on a
budget that provides for less growth in
military spending than he proposed in-
itially and limits costs-of-living in-
creases for Social Security recipients.
"DO YOU THINK the Democrats are
going to beat up on you on that Social
Security?" Reagan was asked.
He replied, "Well, if they do, they'll
be i ng in their teeth, as they did in
1982' in a previous debate over Social
Reagan had opposed any decrease in

Social Security benefits, saying he
would accept such a move only if there
was an overwhelming bipartisan
demand for it in Congress.
BUT he accepted a formula that
limits cost-of-living increases over the
next three years to 2 percent if inflation
was 4 percent or less. If inflation clim-
bed above 4 percent, recipients would
get the 2 percent hike plus any ad-
ditional percentage points above the 4
Reagan said this was not a reversal of
position because "they were talking
about totally canceling it; that regar-
dless of what inflation might be, that
there would be no increases."
"We're providing a guaran-
teed-more than 6 percent, because it's
compounded over a three-year
period-regardless of what inflation
Reagan met with Senate Majority
Leader Robert J. Dole, (R.-Kan)., and
Senate Budget Committee Chairman
Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.), just before
"We all agree; it's going to be a
fight," he said. "It's been a fight since
1981. There are factions in there that
just want to keep on spending in the
But he said he and the GOP senators
were "very optimistic and hopeful."


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10A.M. - 6 P.M.
Admission Free


Students observe holidays, rites


(Continued from Page 1)
cost of the Hillel service. Because she
does not feel strongly about the seder
'ceremony, she too will not attend ser-
Several Christian students not able to
make it home for the holiday made
other arrangements.
.,Patrick Burchell, an LSA freshman,
could not return to Ironwood, Mich. So,
his parents are coming down to visit

him. Though the setting of his Easter
Sunday will not be the same, Burchell
says he intends to do more or less what
he usually does at home: Go to mass
and have a big family dinner.
Resident Advisor, is spending her third
straight Easter in Ann Arbor. As in past
years, the Saginaw native says course
work has forced her to forego the trip

The Latino Studies Program is sponsoring "The Labor Movement in
Nicaragua: Is It Democratic" with lecturer Carlos Santiago. The lecture is
at 7 p.m., in the Kuenzel Room, Union.
Alt Act-The Sterile Cuckoo, 7 p.m., Cabaret,9p.m., MLB 4.
CG-The Sound of Music, 7:30 p.m., MLB 3.
C2-The Seven Samurai, 8 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
MED-The Natural, 7 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Michigan Theater-Monty Python & the Holy Grail, 7:30 p.m., Jabber-
wocky, 9:15 p.m., Michigan Theater.
School of Music-Recitals, saxophone, Kevin Burner, 4 p.m., trumpet,
Roberto Gandara-Barnett, 6 p.m., voice/piano, Jill Pierce/Wendy Stofer, 8
p.m., Recital Hall, dance students, 8p.m., Studio A, Dance Building.
Performance Network-Dance Concert, Peaceworks, 8 p.m., 408 W.
The Ark-Lost World String Band, 8 p.m., 637 S. Main.
Brecht Co-Don Juan, 8 p.m., Residential College Aud.
Ann Arbor Go Club-2 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Michigan Gay Graduates-9 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.

home. She says she celebrates by going
out with friends.
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, Christian
pilgrims from around the world, some
bearing wooden crosses, yesterday
retraced the steps of Jesus through the
narrow streets of Old Jerusalem to
Calvary in a Good Friday procession.
Five thousand pilgrims followed the
procession led by Franciscan monks
along the Via Dolorosa, the Street of
Sorrows, venerated since the Middle
Ages as the route taken by Jesus after
he was condemned to die.
Rabbis in the Holy Land supervised
the ritual sterilization of cooking uten-
sils in vats of boiling water, and small
fires dotted the streets in the orthodox
neighborhood of Mea Sh'arim as
families symbolically burned pieces of
bread in preparation for the observan-
East Quad Administrative Director
Cynthia Buckley said the residence hall
uses "behavioral contracts" to
discipline students who commit van-
dalism. A story in yesterday's Daily in-
correctly reported that she called these
measures "behavioral codes."

N.: 1

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Sell your lofts, furniture, carpets and
other white elephants before you leave.
April 17
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