Page 2 - The Michigan Daily- Saturday, April 6, 1985
by Matt Petrie
"Have you experienced
racism op campus, and if
so, in what way?"
Joyce Wilson, junior nursing
school: "Yes, today. I was
running my workout and a guy
pushed another guy into me
and he yelled: 'I touched a
nigger, now I've got to go
wash!' An Ann Arbor
policeman saw the whole thing
but he turned his head."
Dennis Battle, junior com-
munications: "I haven't ex-
perienced any racism but I've
heard of people who have. I've
heard of teachers'\ telling
students that they would get
lower grades because of their
race. I think it's a problem.
People notice it but hid behind
it, both blacks and whites."
Michael Pipkin, sophomore
LSA: "Yes, I have but it is
not a deterring effect, I look
above that. Many people
refuse to put up with it and
they are right in doing so, but
that is not the way I have been
Harvey Slaughter, education
PhD 1977: "I don't think
racism is greater here than at
MSU for example, but I don't
think the University should
refuse to talk about it, When I
last studied here, I found that
grading system was, not fair,'
relevant to my performance.
But I stayed here for
academics, so I discounted
what I did and did not find
Ruth Jones, senior LSA: Yes,
it does exist, but it is subtle.
I've never experienced direct
racism but I have experienced
a lack of common courtesy.
Recently I've seen explicit
graffiti on my desks in my
classes. It's kind of like
preparation for the real world
to a certain extent."
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Unemployed remains steady E
nationally, rises slightly in state
WASHINGTON - The civilian unemployment rate remained stuck at 7.3
percent in March, the Labor Department reported yesterday, but analysts
said the creation of 434,000 new jobs should dispel fears that the economy
might be headed for trouble.
Job growth in business and health services was 145,000; the construction
industry added 130,000 people to its payroll; and there were 80,000 new jobs
in retail trade.
"The expansion is alive and well," said Allen Sinai, chief economist at4
Shearson Lehmn Brothers Inc. "This report should shatter the notion that
we might be on the verge of fading into recession."
Analysts had been concerned because a government report two weeks ago
showed the economy growing at a sluggish 2.1 percent in the first quarter.
Michigan's unemployment rate edged slightly up in March, but officials
said Friday they were encouraged rather than discouraged.
The Michigan Employment Security Commission said the jobless rate was
9.3 percent last month, with 414,000 people out of work.
MESC Director Richard Simmons Jr. said it is important to note that the
February rate of 8.2 percent was a five-year low and that the March rate
isn't much higher.
Pentagon stops payments to
General Dynamics for weapons
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon announced yesterday it has decided to
stop all payments to the General Dynamics Corp. for work on weapons con-
tracts until it recovers the entire $154 million identified in a new audit as ex-
cess claims paid out in past years.
Since General Dynamics collects an estimated $700 million a month for the
work it performs on various weapons, it will take the Pentagon less than
a month to recover the disputed claim.
The Defense Department decision was disclosed in a one-page memoran-
dum issued to reporters late in the day. Phone calls to General Dynamics' of-
fice seeking comment went unanswered.
In its statement, the Pentagon also provided a more comprehensive list of
the types of past claims it believes should not have been paid; disclosed that
General Dynamics submitted a lost of proposed changes in its internal
billing procedures last week; and says that even though the $154 million will
be recovered in less than a month, the Pentagon is going to continue
withholding claims relating to surrent administrative expenses until certain
conditions are met.
Reagan signs bills to provide
$1 billion in aid to Africa
WASHINGTON-President Reagan signed a bill yesterday providing $1
billion in additional U.S. aid to famine-stricken nations in Africa. Reagan
said the food shipments will be monitored to prevent misuse.
In a statement, the president said the response of individual Americans
"has been heart-warming and in the best tradition of American values and
ideals....I am proud to say that American's massive response has been suc-
cessful in preventing millions of Africans from dying."
He said Vice President George Bush, who visited refugee camps in the
Sudan, Nali and Niger in March was "profoundly shocked by the degree of
human suffering" but "did see signs of hope."
Iran fires missile at Baghdad
BAGHDAD, Iraq - An explosion rocked downtown Baghdad yesterday
minutes after Iran, ignoring Iraqi calls for a peaceful settlement of the Per-
sian Gulf War, said it fired a longrange, surface-to-surface missile at
Minutes after firing the missile, Iran's military command said Iranian
jets bombed "economic and military installations" in the Iraqi city of
Kuyeawiag, inflicting heavy losses and damage.
In another development in the 4 -yea-old war, a high-level Iranian
delegation met with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in Moscow one
week: after a similar Iraqi mission visited the Soviet capital.
The Soviet news agency Tass quoted Gromyko as expressing the Soviet
Union's desire for the "speediest end to the conflict."
The explosion in downtown Baghdad was tne eigntn i about three weeks.
The Iraqi government had no immediate comment on the explosion and
there was no word on casualties. Reporters were barred from the area.
Japan ends commencial whahing
TOKYO-Faced with a U.S. threat to halve Japan's fishing quota in theE
northern Pacific, the government pledged yesterday to end Japanese com-
mercial whaling after April 1988.
U.S. conservation groups, seeking to save the threatened animals, greeted
the announcement with skepticism, and said the Japanese could renege.
U.S. officials in Japan said an end to Japanese whaling may well hinge on a
case now in American courts.
The pledge to terminate Japan's 300-year-old whaling industry came at a
meeting of Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone's Cabinet on Friday. Foreign
Minister Shintaro Abe told ministers he would bend a letter to U.S. Commer-
ce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige advising him of the.decision.
Marietta Munn, senior
engineering: "Yes. I ap-
proached a T.A. in a mini
course who was talking to a
white student. When I asked
him a question he looked at me
with disgust. It was quite ob-
vious that he did not want my
Larry D. Clay, university em-
ployee and former student:
"From an employee perspec-
tive I think that the University
has a long way to go to remedy
the situation. I've worked here
for 1411, years and the racism
that I see is an ongoing thing.
But I'm almost at the point
where I can't do a whole lot
about it."
Richard Akwei, gradute
business student: "There may
be cases, but if there are they
are few and far between. I've
experienced none since I've
been here."
James McGee, medical
school: I'm sure there is
racism but I haven't ex-
perienced it outright. Subtle
racism seems to be what is
experienced at the University.
More so in ways of social in-
teraction. But it is not one
sided, racism is on both sides.
One side is just afraid to get to
know the other side."
Bai Phall, health education
graduate student: "As an
African student, one in-
teresting thing that I find is
that black American students.
are racist on this campus.
Blacks don't want to talk to
African students and I don't
know why. To tell you the
truth, I think that deep down
they want to be white."
Two blacks killed in South African violence
(AP)-Police said one black was shot
dead and another .hacked and stabbed
to death yesterday in the eastern Cape
province where anti-apartheid violence
has resulted in dozens of deaths in the
last month.
A spokesman at national police
headquarters in Pretoria said police
opened fire with shotguns on a crowd of
blacks that had attacked a police patrol
with rocks. He said the crowd fled, and
police found the body of one black. The
spokesman refused to be identified.
ABOUT 12 MILES AWAY, near the
auto-manufacturing town of Uitenhage,
police came upon a crowd of blacks
trying to set fire to the body of a black
who had been stabbed and hacked to
death, the spokesman said.
He said the crowd fled and police
recovered the body. Identities of the
dead were not released.
Black anger at white-minority rule
often expresses itself in attacks on
fellow blacks who are seen as
collaborators with the system.
Jburdi 0tvrp teThousands protest nukes
in W. Germany, Britain
120S. State
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Serice 9:30
and 11:00.
Donald B. Strobe, "Underwhelmed
by Easter."
Easter Worship - 9:30,11:00.
Continuous Good Friday Union Ser-
vices- 12:30-2:00 in sanctuary.
Chancel Choir.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
P.T. Wachterhauser
Education Director, Rose McLean
Wesley Foundation Campus Min-
istry, Wayne T. Large, Director.
Methodist Youth Choir
Broadcast Sundays 9:30a.m. -WNRS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00p.m. - Cable Channel 9
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
9:00 A.M. - Easter Breakfast.
10:30A.M. - Easter Festival Service.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service:
April 5 - 7:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday Service :
502 East Huron, 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship, 9:55 a.m.
April 7: "The Eighth Day" sermon
given by Robert B. Wallace.
Pastor, Robert B. Wallace
Assistant in Ministry,
Madelyn Johnson
* * -*
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Dr. William Hillegonds
Easter morning services - 8:00, 9:30,
Worship and Church School at 9:30
and 11:00
Jamie Schultz, Campus Ministry
Broadcast of Service:
11:00a.m. - WPAG, 10.50 AM
218 N. Division, corner of Catherine
A gathering of Christians who are ex-
ploring connections between the Gospel
and their social and political actions.
April 6th - A meditative eucharist in
silence to prepare for the Paschal Feast
of Easter.
(AP)-Thousands of people in West
Germany and Britain marched on U.S.
military bases yesterday to protest the
deployment of nuclear missiles, begin-
ning the annual Easter weekend peace
In Frankfurt, West Germany, a
statement from theheadquarters of
"Easter March '85," said marchers and
demonstrations were being held in
more than 200 cities and towns.
WEST GERMAN Justice Minister
Hans Engelhard called on the demon-
strators to remain peaceful and within
the law. No incidents or arrests were
In Britain, hundreds of banner-
waving people gathered at the
Molesworth U.S. Air Force base to
begin a four-day protest against the
deployment of NATO cruise missiles
The coordinating group for the
protest, the "Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament," said three different
groups were marching toward
Molesworth from cities in southern
England, and 20,000 people were expec-
ted to ring the base on Easter Sunday.
Monsignor Bruce Kent, the peace
group's general secretary, said he ap-
proved of any attempt by protestors to
break into the former World War II base
50 miles north of London.
"What is going on in the base is
illegal," he said. More than 1,000 police
officers stood on watch around
Molesworth, where 64 nuclear-tipped
cruise missiles will be installed by 1988.
U.S. Air Force Security teams were put
on alert inside the perimeter of the 650-
acre base, the Defense Ministry repor-
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ND wins against MS
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday,
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the:
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-'
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.,
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.------'
(Continued from Page 1)
"We came up with the idea for
Millions Against MS," said Wosahla,"
and MTV said 'we will give the campus
with the largest per capita donation a
free concert."'
LAST FALL, Wosahla said MTV
marketing director Bob Friedman
came up with an idea for a rock star
look alike contest and "from there
everything snowballed." The Rock
Alike contest generated the much
needed publicity that according to
Wosahla, made the campaign a suc-
"Every contestant in the Rock Alike
competition had to be sponsored by a
group," explained University M Again-
st MS chairman Steve Smith. "Each
group organized a fundraiser and sold
ballot cards that could be used when
voting for contestants in the com-
University participants in the contest
included Phi Kappa Tau, The Evans
Scholars, and "the girls of 912 S.
Forrest," who sponsored the Univer-
sity's winner Karen Berman posing as
Tina Turner.
"WE TURNED in $8,000" Smith said.
"Another $2,000 will be turned in when
we get verification of the dollar value of
the meal transfers and meal sign-overs
donated (by students) through the
Smith said he was very pleased with
the results of the program in general
and the look alike contest in particular.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate, and College Press Service.
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NDAY, APRIL 8, 8:00 p.m.