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April 05, 1985 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05
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By Rachel Gottlieb
A S SUMMER vacation and graduation
draw near, the sheer number of clean-cut,
job-seeking students who wait in
line for interviews with the Career
Planning & Placement office is enough
to scare even the most gauche student
into fashion consciousness.
And in some cases, according to the
experts, the clothes that you choose to
wear can determine whether or not you
land the job.
I f you are interviewing for a camp
counselor position, a pin stripe suit is,
of course, not a must - jeans will do the
trick. But for an internship at IBM or to
fill a job opening as University
president, a more conservative look is
The reason for the different dress
codes is simple. A camp counselor
works in jeans, IBM executives work in
business attire. Above all, "you want to
reflect the image of the company,"
says Peg Watson, a fashion consultant
for Hudsons.
Dressing for success in the business
world is an art that requires little
It. edwards

funky hair colors like purple and neon-
yellow - no - never. As with the shoes
and suits - the basic blue, black, and
grey are safe. And remember - the
limit is one color per hairdo - anything
beyond that may cause the interviewer
to throw your resume in the circular
Women who wear jewelry are ad-
vised to keep the look simple and con-
servative. "Pearls are wonderful, a
real classic, conservative look," Cuneo
said. But Watson warns: "If you wear a
dangling earring, I'm afraid you
might not get the job."
The reason for dressing simply is
because flashy clothes draw too much
attention to themselves and can
distract the interviewer and take away
from the interviewee. "You don't want
them to notice your clothes - you want
them to notice you," Cuneo said.
On pain of death, Watson advises men
not to invest in a brown suit. Brown
tends to make most men look wasnea
out, she said. Since men can't wear
makeup to ward off the "coffin look" -
at all costs do avoid brown. Midnight
blue or grey are the colors to wear with
a white shirt and wing tip shoes.
Maintaining the conservative theme,
men's ties should be made of silk
(minus the sheen), cotton, wool, or
some other basic material. Never wear
a polyester suit or tie. Polyester is wor-
se than a silk tie with a sheen.
Tie tacks and collar pins add the final
touch of finesse. But don't get carried
away - choose between either of the
accessories. Wearing both a tie tac and
a collar pin just might be as detrimen-
tal as wearing a dangling earring.
One final word of warning to men:
Never wear argyle socks. Someone
might see them. On your feet - and
only on your feet - it is all right to wear
polyester, although cotton always adds
a nice touch. Here again, solid dark
colors are the norm, specifically black.
For players who are new at this
game, there are a few final rules:
Be sure to have the new suit tailored
properly, Watson says, and beware of
loose threads. "You might play with
loose threads and that would make you
look nervous," she added.

(Continued from Page 10)
The Bivouac - A store that has an
unfortunte reputation for being connec-
ted with the JAPPY element of the
University. Actually, it probably
deserves it. But, there is still a fine
assortment of styles and not-too-faddy
garb which makes shopping in there
worthwhile for the more liberal
student. There's a hefty collection of
jeans and a small number of other

"exhibits" that are priced almost
reasonable. A strange place, The
Bivouac. Say what you will about it, but
it has become an Ann Arbor institution-
of-sorts what with its location and its
display windows; and it certainly
merits attention before hopping on the
bus to Briarwood.
Silverman's - This store is
a somewhat humorous experience.
Have you ever noticed how people who
have only recently moved into the coun-
try always misinterpret fashion and
end up wearing these really artificial
suits - the kind you see on fancy hair-
dressers? Well, this is where they do
their shopping. In a sense, the store


tries to juggle new-wave trendy styles
with traditional dress and is successful
to only a small degree.
The manager explained that the
store's goal was to make people "look
good in casual." In this case, that
means solid throwcoats or distressed
denims featured amongst layers of
other garb such as short-sleeve dress
shirts, button downs, or both. The solid
throwcoats are thin canvas sportcoats
with a single button worn with the
sleeves pushed up to the elbows.
Distressed denim is just denim that has
been treated with acid to give it a much
lighter pigment. It is not denim that is
unhappy. Stay away from polyester-
reeking mod-imitation suits and you'll
be just fine.
Van Horn's - Stores can be
somewhat judged by the music they
play, since the music sets the at-
mosphere of the store. This place had
Lawrence Welk versions of Beatles
tunes piped in through Muzak speakers.
The store is very trendy in the front and
very conservative in the back. Unfor-
tunately, the owner bit off more than he
could chew, and redeeming articles of
clothing from both ends were few and
far between. Designer jeans, tennis out-
fits, dress suits, socks, belts, ties, and
even trench coats can all be purchased at
reasonable prices. If their buyer had
picked nicer outfits, the store might
have been more competitive, but as it
stands, it wanes in mediocrity and
remains largely inconsequential. The
store has some intriguing boxer shorts
and the ugliest set of polyester pants in
Briarwood. These alone make-browsing
worth your while.
Redwood and Ross - There's a coun-
try club in the Ann Arbor vicinity.
There has to be. If there weren't, this
store would be long out of business. It
shows very traditional clothing and
makes no attempt to appeal to anything
but .hardcore conservatives. Walking
shorts and polo short-sleeves are in
abundance, but the selection is teeming
with drab and pallid colors, although no
points are docked for this, since that
seems to have been the intent. There is
a fine assortment of argyle vests and
cotton sweaters, both V and crewneck,
and, priced reasonably, they make for a
pleasant surprise. Also, summer
plaids, such as madras shirts, run ram-
pant in anticipation of informal sum-
mer get-togethers, presumably after a
few rounds of golf.
J. Riggings - A pleasant surprise. At
first, the store seems to be just another
warehouse of mediocre short-sleeve
dress shirts, but careful inspection
reveals some terrific bargains and
some really neat clothing. These are
manifested in the form of Williwear
imitations that nonetheless look in-
teresting and unique. The brands
carried by the store are Moustache and


Joan Warner demonstrates her potential for business success by wearing an
appropriate ensemble.

imagination. One need only conform to
the conservative business dress code.
Conformity, though some may rebel
against it, does serve a purpose. It in-
spires . trust and demonstrates a
willingness to work as a member of a
team, according to Watson.
The basic look for women is a dark
blue or grey suit, nude stockings, and
pumps. A suit means a skirt and blazer
- not pants. Solid colors are recom-
mended but glen plaids are acceptable,
Watson says.
If the color of the pumps match the
suit, pat yourself on the back and as
long as they aren't a standoffish color
like red or neon green, any variation of
navy blue, black or grey will suffice.
"Women's legs.look better in heels,"
said Kathy Cuneo, manager of the
Woodward Shop at Hudons. She
suggests a heel no less than 1%/a inches.
If one is not accustomed to walking in a

heel, "try walking around in them
before going to bed to get used to
Ladies are advised to wear a touch of
makeup, because "you don't want to
look as if you just climbed out of the cof-
fin," Cuneo said. But you also "don't
want to overwhelm your face with
makeup," she added. Unfortunately
there is no panacea for men who look as
if they just climbed out of the coffin,
save maybe a tanning salon.
Hair styles for both men and women
should be simple. Go easy on the gels
and hair spray - the spiked look is a
faux pas in the business world. As for

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Scott Koslow is a well-dressed pre-executive in a black pin stripe suit.

briarwood mall



22 Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985


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