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April 05, 1985 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05
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0 .

By Andrew Porter
H AD ADAM and Eve known that some-
time in the distant future their
descendents would be confronted with
the fashions currently being shown in
the area, they might have had an easier
time resisting temptation.
Unfortunately, nobody's wardrobe
lasts forever, and certainly no fashion-
conscious soul wishes to be seen year
after year clad in the same garb. Thus,
clothing stores in the areaneed not fear
a paucity of shoppers this Spring. Those
stuck in this nasty catch-22 will be for-
ced to make an interesting decision
come time to shake their winter outfits.
A survey of stores on the two walking
strips of campus and in Briarwood Mall
has revealed this season's dilemma.
Each store has its reputation, and the
result of maintaining it is individuality
through polarity. Shops are either very
conservative or exceedingly trendy.
Yet, each store makes at least some at-
tempt to reach out to a crowd which
likes to meddle between the poles. This
creates the existence of an overlapping.

and reasonably sized "middle-ground,"
a territory that is straddled by the ex-
The collective middle-ground this
year is somewhat pathetic. Com-
promises designed to reach all shop-
pers come in - the form of brightly
colored fabrics or quietly avante-garde
patterns juxtaposed onto traditional
outfits (such as short-sleeve cottons
and button-down shirts). The results
are somewhat disheartening: The
designs unfortunately lend the im-
pression of a wardrobe which misinter-
prets and, consequently, falls short of
fashion rather than one which
exonerates the ideal ''look" and im-
presses the right people.
While most of the stores carry big
name American clothing labels, very
few of the stores carry the truly fine
tags, such as Ralph Lauren or Perry
Ellis (for leisure wear), Giorgio Ar-
mani (for a dress look), or Williwear
(for barhopping or socializing). As a
result, brands, like Jockey or Gerry
dominate the "middle-ground" selec-
tion at most stores and, therefore, stifle
the possibilities of wide-selection shop-
ping. Nevertheless, there are a few gold
nuggets out in a towering pile of rubble,
and a shopper with a good eye should
have only little trouble spotting them
and creating a handsome wardrobe.
What follows is a scouting report on a
number, though certainly not all, of the
clothing stores easily accessible to
students sansautomobile in Ann arbor.
Marty's--Located conveniently
across from Border's, this store's con-
tinued existence proves that there are a
staggering number of students on this
campus who pay no regard to price tags
when they do their shopping. Marty's
describes itself as catering to the
"college student or businessman with
clothing that is conservative, preppy,
and/or collegiate, without the wild
For the summer, Marty's is showing
cotton pants with pleats, cut 'n' wear
sportshirts with suspenders, knit spor-
t-shirts (100% cotton, short-sleeve with
two buttons), and a variety of sweaters
both V-neck and longsleeve.
The clothing is nice, but their attempt
to lay off of the "wild stuff" steered,
them too far in the conservative direc-
tin and much of their clothing has a
rather dry look to it.

o ..
p Casual comfort with Generra cotton vex
all from Jacobson's.
of interesting name-brand swim trunks
for those anticipating the beach this
summer. This stuff is much more wor-
thwhile and considerably less expen-
sive - a necessary consequence of
carrying major labels as opposed to
nameless brands, which cannot be sub-
ject to comparative shopping.
Tice's Men's Shop - Famous for its
massive cider barrel and its free
refreshments on the days of home foot-
ball games, this store is operated by a
very generous and sincere couple which
apparently purchased the store from
Mr. Tice (a big Ann Arbor name) about
20 years ago. Don't be - fooled by the
design in the shop window or your
*immediate impressions of the inside.
What looks to be a more high-class prep-
py operation is actually a more simple
denim and casual dress or rugby shirt
style clothing store-.
This summer, Tice's is loaded with
short-sleeve knit shorts (the Polo syn-
drome) which are made by companies

By Sarah Rosenberg
probably don't pick up fashion
trendsfrom their professors, fashion
recipes often do follow the profession,
as the fashion experts are quick to note.
So, while University students tune into
a professor's lecture, they might just be
learning a thing or two about fashion.
This is particularly true, as several
faculty members point out, in some
University departments which appear
to have a strict (though unofficial) suit
and tie dress code. For example, it is the
oddball male business school professor
who fails to wear a tie to class. Dress is
less important in other departments,
however, which seem to have a man-
datory dress-as-you-please code. For
instance, scrutinize the attire of a few
Residential College professors. What
follows is a sampling of some Univer-
sity faculty members' attitudes toward
fashion in the University community.
Bert Hornback, Professor of English.
Hornback is of the mind that clothes
should serve a purpose. In the winter,
he says this means wearing a tie in
class to keep his neck warm. Political
philosophy also heavily influences his
style of dress-he dresses to state
something, he says. A "ban the bomb"
insignia belt buckle and pin are impor-
tant accessories to Hornback's war-
drobe. He says he bought them from a
street vendor in 1961 during the first
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in
Trafalgar Square (England) and has
been wearing them ever since. Hor-
nback's dress is sometimes motivated
by his literary tastes. He is known for
dressing up as Charles Dickens for a
reading of A Christmas Carol and other
works by one of his favorite authors.
Hal McCullogh, Professor of
Classical Civilizations. McCullogh says
he thinks "most people are confor-
mists" at heart. People- conformed to
nonconformity to make an anti-social
statement by dressing outrageously, he
says. Though he says he feels there is a
freedom of expression here at the
University now, there are still those
professors one expects to wear a tie.

And he says there are definitely certain
departments which are charac-
teristically conservative. The bottom
line for faculty fashion at the Univer-
sity, according to McCullough, is that
"as long as you teach well, meet and serve
the student, and publish a ,lot, nobody
really cares how you dress." He doesn't
have a problem with this attitude.
"That's the way it should be," he says.
Tom Storer, Professor of
Mathematics. A large man with a long,
grey pony-tail, Storer dresses daily in
brown pants, New Balance tennis
shoes, and bright colored velour shirts
with printed ribbon-all of which
reflect his Native American heritage.
As far as "dress makes the man" goes,
Storer couldn't care less. His feelings
are that "as long as you're clean and
not offensive, that's all anybody can
ask of you."
Charlie Bright, Professor of
History/Residential College. Bright
claims he never thinks about what he
wears. He says without shame that he w
has never worn a tie to class in his 15 w
years of teaching at the University. Ac- 3
cording to Bright, the academic com- j
munity is not an environment where o
people feel compelled to make,
statements with what they wear, like
the business world, and explains that he
has gotten out of the habit of thinking in,
those terms. .
Kim Cameron, Professor of Business.
Cameron says he feels that the B-school
faculty tend to dress like executives. At
times he says the "Conservative
America" mode of dress is, however, '
unhealthily overemphasized at the '
school. But he says steep job com-
petition in the business world requires '
people to do anything they can to
distinguish themselves and that is why
it is necessarily emphasized.
Robin Barlowe, Professor of
Economics. Barlowe claims that
economics department faculty mem-
bers are not nearly as formal dressers
as faculty in the University's business
or law schools, which he says seem to
have a dress code. Though he wears
typically conservative garb, he says he
only does so because he wore such
clothing as a student. Since he says he
rarely thinks about appearances, he
was shocked when one student
described him as "always well-
groomed" on a course evaluation form.
For the most part, Barlowe says he
tries "to dress in a neutral way, hoping
that the impression will be as a result of
what I say rather than of how I look."
Jerry Linderman, Professor of
History. Linderman, who was once em-
barrassed by being nominated as one of
,the campus's best-dressed professors,
now admits that "it's a lot of fun" to be
recognized for his fashion con-
sciousness. Classifying himself as a
"child of the 1950s," he says he is quite

at home on teaching days wearing
suits, ties, and starched shirts. Why
starched? "Because without them," he
quips, "I'd fall to the floor."
Judy Moldenhauer, Professor of Art.
Moldenhauer, the only woman who
agreed to be interviewed about her
fashion philosophy, says she tries to
avoid the "China Doll Syndrome" when
she dresses for work. She wears things
for their comfort to create a "casual
but considered" look, so that she can
get her hands dirty without losing the
respect of her students. "Mutual
respect is consistent withmutual lear-
ning," she says.

John Reed, I
once voted bes
campus, says W
the importance
matter and p
notes, howeve
University cor
like fashion. "'
the University
important. But
this may be tho
Michael Ros
Law. Rosenzw
and lawyers st
their audience's
to some extent

Prof. Hornbeck wears a tie in the winter to keep his neck w

st and pants and a Union Bay shirt,
such as Jockey, Gerry, Munsingwear,
or Woolri&h. No wild designs and
nothing too plain. All the shirts abound
in mediocrity: Very dull colors are
meshed into very standard designs.
There is a wide enough selection,
however, for anyone to be accom-
modated with something suitable. And
wear the shirts with some tennis pants
(of which Tice's carries many), and a
very handsome summer outfit is born.
Tice's also carries a wide selection of
reasonably priced denims, both pants
and jackets. And, although they're now
on the out, the store still has a fair
selection of interesting rugby shirts (at
about $20) that run in the same vein as
the short-sleeve knits.
The owners themselves confess that
their outfits "are basics and not high
fashion." So for those not aiming to be a
campus trend-setter, Tice's is actually
a good place to visit before departing
from Ann Arbor for the summer.
See MEN, Page 11.

Bloomingdale's (by no means a
discount chain) can be found here in
. op hats #vests less appealing colors and designs for
more than double the price! A few more
4 ue clothing stores and more consideration
Jmapanesefor the less fortunate college student
would send their prices tumbling.
Marty's takes great price in its
swimwear and is stocking a great deal

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10 Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985

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