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April 05, 1985 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05
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(Continued from Page 5)
owner. The T-shirt idea has grown into
an entire collection of cotton casual
"for fun" clothing. Middle Earth
prides itself on a unique variety of mer-
chandise-like fashion socks or new
wave silverware-that is not like
anyone else. If you are interested in
accessories to spice up your wardrobe,
Middle Earth is the place to go. The
variety is unlimited.
Van Buren Shop-has just moved
from Nickels Arcade to State Street
next to Costello's. The Shop offers
lingerie at moderate prices. You will
find a variety of namebrands including
Christian Dior and Maidenform. Along
with the various assortment of under-
wear and peignoirs, the VanBuren Shop
also offers stockings, gloves, and scar-
ves. The atmosphere of the store is
open, bright, and friendly-a big plus for
the weary shopper.
New Images-One of the newest
stores around campus, New Images
opened their doors last May, bringing to
South University a unique line of
clothing which caters to the fun in every
woman. Though the store is small, it is
well stocked and easy to walk around
in. Esprit is New Images' most popular
line and Saleswoman Linda Williams
describes the store as "a small store
specializing in contemporary
clothing." The hottest sellers this
Spring for New Images are open-
backed tops and anything in pastel.
The Bagpiper-The Bagpiper has
established a 17-year tradition on cam-
pus. Their strength recently has been
their ability to direct their image
toward a more contemporary and up-
beat look. Their merchandise is

Collected Works-This store has been
in. business for seven years and is
located ,in a remodeled house at 325
East Liberty. The emphasis here is on
imported clothing and natural fibers.
Collected Works attracts many studen-
ts looking for a unique piece to add to
the typical campus wardrobe. Besides
clothing, the store carries lingerie,
belts, hats, and an extensive array of
Vintage to Vogue-Located in
Kerrytown, Vintage to Vogue is an all
natural fiber clothing store. The mer-
chandise is directed towards the college
crowd, and Saleswoman Robin Beyer
says that Vintage to Vogue would like to
open a store on campus. Many items
carried by Vintage to Vogue cannot be
found elsewhere. Their top selling
items this Spring are jumpers, dropped
waist dresses, and lingerie.
The Limited-The Limited is just
that: limited. Currently the store only
carries Forenza wear which limits the
buyer to V-neck sweaters and baggy
pants. Although these items are hot on
campus, they seem to be the only thing
The Limited sells.
Gantos-Gantos offers a wide variety
of women's clothing. These range from
shoes to hats to dresses. The fashions
are an interesting mixture of up to date
fashions and conservative styles. One
of Gantos strongest points is their ex-
tensive dress collection. They carry an
exciting assortment of evening dresses
in all price ranges.
T-Edwards-This store is one of the
newest stores in Briarwood. The
clothes are characterized as fun, and
comfortable. T-Edwards has a wide
variety ranging from casual weekend
wear to sophisticated evening wear.
Although the prices are high, everyone
can find something to suit their needs.
One of their hottest items this Spring is
stirrup pants in pastel colors.


By Tom Hrach
EVERYONE has seen them. They are
especially prevalent in the fall when
they flock to the city in great numbers,
hoping to relive those good, old college
days by attending a Saturday football
game. In the Spring they come to town
to pick up their children who have con-
tinued the Michigan tradition and bring
them home for summer vacation. But
by the end of the semester, alumni have
taken home far more than their
children: They take home Go 'Blue
Often these fashions aren't just
limited to the classic Michigan t-shirts,
sweatshirts, and baseball caps. Big
name designers look out: in the office
as well as at the stadium and gym,
alumni proudly show their college's
name, sporting everything from maize
and blue sweaters and ties to golf shir-
According to Bud Van DeWege of'
Moe's Sport Shop on North University,
his store has garnered a mailing list of
1,000 to 1,500 alumni who frequently or-
der traditional clothing with the
Michigan insignia to let the world know
they attended the University of
At Moe's, golf shirts priced at $17 and
casual sweaters at $20 to $25 with the
Michigan name are the most popular
orders from out of town. Van DeWege
boasts that he has received calls from
alumni as far away as Singapore who
want to wear the University's name.
"Every alumn has an old Michigan
sweatshirt,",said Van DeWege, "and
when it wears out, we get a call."
Alumni come back to their alma-
mater usually for sporting events -
and won't leave without buying a
second and a third sweatshirt to take
back with them. Marty's on State Street
stocks items like Michigan ties and
maize and blue rugby shirts geared to
the Go Blue-a-holic.
Marty's will also special order many

different items in the traditional colors.
Dave Lang, a salesman at Marty's, said
in the past alums have ordered items
like bow ties (with one color on each
side, of course) and a maize jacket to
complement a pair of blue trousers.
The alums who buy these fashions are
undoubtedly the envy of all the mem-
bers of their local alumni chapter,
though they make graduates of all other
universities ill.
The alumni wear atVan Boven's, also
on State Street, features the standard
blue ties with Michigan insignia. Ac-
cording to a salesman at Van Boven's,
the store stocks more than 200 dozen
Michigan ties in preparation for the on-
slaught of alumni who filter into town
during the football season.
"There's a certain breed that buys
that kind of stuff (Michgian items),"
said a salesman at Van Boven's. "The
sales definitely go by the fortunes of the
sports teams."
Stein and Goetz, which has three
stores in the Ann Arbor area, features
mostly athletic wear, but has a large
selection of jackets and shirts which at-
tract the alums to their store at the
Briarwood Mall.
"The day of a home football game the
store is packed," said Dave Hirth, one
of the owners of Stein and Goetz. "The
alumni from out of town buy everything
that is not nailed down."
According to Hirth, the alumni are a
financial gold mine because not only do
they buy things for themselves, but
many buy for the grandchildren and all
the relatives. Hirth said the most
popular item in the store has con-
sistenly been the $49 Michigan pull over
jacket with the Michigan logo across
the front.
Besides sporting events, many alum-
ni come back to town for the class
reunion programs sponsored by the
Alumni Association. According to Bill
Stegath of the Alumni Association, bet-
ween 60 to 65 class reunions are
scheduled throughout the school year
and many use their time in town to
stock up on the Michigan clothing.
Though Stegath admits he has never
seen an alum coming back wearing a
racoon coat - traditional college wear
in the 1920's-he says many still come
back wearing casual clothing em-
blazoned with the name of their alma
In general, Stegath said the former
students are "better dressed than when
they left." Stegath also admitted that
styles have given way -to a greater
variety of wear for alumni which in-



This model presents a Kenneth Gordon shirt ($52) covered with a Robert
Scott vest ($49) and J. G. Hook pants ($76).

This die-hard University fan is wearing an insignia s
shorts ($14.50). Sweatbands, pom pons, and hat finis
purchased at Moe's Sporting Goods.

quality, yet affordable. The store's
relaxed atmosphere "gives the sense
that one is in one's own room," accor-
ding to Manager Karen Godfrey.
Whatever that means, Godfrey confir-
med that linen is the most popular thing
at her store.
His Lady-The women's counterpart

to Marty's, His Lady has been on cam-
pus for eight years. The merchandise is
professional, quality clothing which
caters to the Ann Arbor elite. An added
perk for His Lady patrons is free alter-
ations. Linens, oversized shirts, and
longer skirts are their biggest sellers
this-and every-Spring.

cludes jackets and slacks not usually
found on a current University student.
For those alumni - or future alumni
- who aspire to the zenith of alumni
fashion, there is always the gaudy
maize and blue patchwork pants. Local

merchants, h
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Hop on Down to Beacon St.
It's a fresh waffle dish filled with vanilla ice cream a
and topped with hot fudge, shredded coconut and jelly beansa
APRIL 5 - 9
Hours 11:30 a.m.- 12Midnight
S. University at Church 330 S. STATE * ANN ARBOR * 76



Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985

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