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April 05, 1985 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05
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By Nadine. Lavagnino
F OR YF.MI5 this Daily reporter saw the
sensational "before and after" pictures
of women in the Merle Norman center-
folds splashed in every women's
fashion magazine. Who has time, I
thought, for all the different colors,
brushes, and gadgets models used on
their faces. Sometimes I had only five
minutes to slap my make-up on before
But I decided a change was due, and I
recently had my first complete Merle
Norman make-over.
The look this year, according to Suzie
Klein, the manager of Merle Norman's
at Briarwood, is "heavy eye make-up,
heavy lipstick, and lightbls.!
"Most women are bored with their
make-up but are stuck in a routine. They
see something they like, but don't know
how to do it," said Merle Norman
Beauty Advisor Joye Solvie.
The Merle Norman advisors are
trained with beauty consultants
already working in the store with
customers and have to pass a written
test. Advisors are trained to first
demonstrate how a beauty product is
applied and then allow the customer to
continue the procedure. "This is so you,
the customer, can learn as we go

By Liz Carson
and Mary Wagner
3oing shopping this Spring for
women s fashions is similar to choosing
lunch at a cafeteria. There are a few
basics and a wealth of extras. The most
popular entree this year is the over-

sized shirt. These shirts range from
Hawaiian prints to light sherbet
pastels. To offset the large shirts are
the new skin-tight stirrup pants. Like
everything else on the roads, these also
come in pastels--black is out. Another
favorite this Spring will be linen-
anything, and don't iron it; the
wrinkled look is hot. And if you were
looking for a mini-skirt, forget it.
Longer skirts are in vogue this season.
Though at first glance these basics
may seem like the makings of a dry,
ordinary, peanut butter sandwich, wat-
ch out for the variety in other places.
Patterns and colors and colorful florals
contrast with the bright primaries and
together they spice up the newest looks :
Big belts, hairclips, long dangling
earrings, and necklaces make for

unique Spring outfits. This year's
designers have put women to the task of
creating their own "individual" look.
With any luck, an afternoon of style-
watching on the Diag this Spring will
provide a host of original styles rather
than the limited view of past years.
The chance to create your own Spring
style is offered by many local stores. A
stroll through any of the local stores
can provide a complete look at the up
coming Spring Fashions. Below are a
few-but by no means
exhaustive-reviews of local clothes
Marti Walker-Marti Walker located


'(The Bagpiper) gives the
in one's own room.'

of. e

Daily reporter Nadine Lavagnino gets a make-over from a Merle Norman advisor.

along," said Solvie.
For sanitary purposes, all beauty
products used in the demonstration
were in trial size packages. The con-
sultant is at no time allowed to touch
the person's face. Only a licensed
cosmotologist is authorized to do this.
Seated in front of a large mirror, I
prepared to start. First, all traces of
my old make-up had to be completely
erased. Solvie handed me a Kleenex
doused with water-proof: mascara
remover. "The eye area is tender and
special mascara remover prevents in-
fection and lashes from breaking," she
The make-over began with a skin
care treatment. "Every woman should
have her own skin care system," the

advisor suggested. After selection of a
system, she said, one should stay with
this line of products.
The skin care system is an "open and
closed" procedure - cleansers open
pores to remove dirt, excess oil, make-
up and dead skin cells, while toners
close up pores so future dirt, etc. does
not get on the face, according to Solvie.
After using both of these skin care
products, Solvie concluded the last skin
care product-the moisturizer.
Moisturizer is chosen from oily, dry or
normal according to skin-type, and is
concentrated in the "T" area - a cross
between the line on the forehead and
straight down to the chin between the
All make-up is selected for the in-
dividual based on their skin tone, and is
Snatehed up to face color, according to
the beauty expert. She selected a beige
tone of pre-make-up base for my face to
counter-balance my pink skin tones.
Face make-up was also selected in this
manner, and I was instructed to stroke.
the liquid in with a make-up sponge.
The sponge was used to evenly apply
the make-up.
As for covering up black circles un-
der the eyes after long nights of
studying, Solvie suggested a "retouch"
liquid also designed to cover blemishes.
She advised application to be done with
the third finger, because it is the
weakest finger, and won't pull on the
eye area, increasing the possibility of
wrinkles. Dotted in a half-moon under
the eye, the liquid was rubbed in toward
the nose.
For the last touch on the foundation
make-up, Solvie instructed me to apply
a transluscent face powder with a large
make-up brush. This colorless powder
"set" the make-up. Then we moved on
to the tougher part of a make-over: The
eyes and cheekbones.
"Everyone has their own make-up
routine, but most people like to start
with the eyes," said Solvie. A shadow
base was dotted over my lid and lightly
rubbed into the lid and whole area
above the eye brow.
The Merle Norman consultant asked
what colors I wanted to work with. "If a
customer has no specific colors in
mind, then we ask what clothing colors
they usually wear," she said. My outfit
was green, so I choose these color
tones. For eye-glass wearers she ad-
vises to apply more eye shadow.
Solvie asked how I usually apply
eyeshadow and the number of colors I
used. She then suggested. adding
another color and altering the
placement of dark and light shadows on
my lids.

"Always bring the color up - up to
the brow bone. Start outside of the eye
with the applicator, so as you go toward
the eye center, less powder is on the
sponge," advised Solvie.
An eye pencil was used to draw a line
under my lower lashes and a make-up
sponge used to blend the different
make-up colors together.
"You have to line the top of the eyelid
with an eye pencil for an evening look -
a dramatic look to define the eye," ac-
cording to cosmotologist Klein.
Four shades of mascara were
available and applied last to finish Up
the eye area. And then we moved on to
blusher. "The hardest part of make-up
application is getting the blush even,"
Solvie said. With a brush similar to the
one used for the translucent powder, I
listened to Solvie's advice and made
swooping sweeps along my cheek bone
and up into my hairline.
Most women prefer to wear lipstick,
while teens select lipgloss, the beauty
consultant said. However, she added,
often women like a light gloss over their
lipsticks too. The application of the lip-
stick put the finishing touch on my
"new face."
The next thing I asked was how long
this was going to take me to do on my
own. That day it took an hour for my
make-over. Solvie estimated it would
take 20 minutes a day to complete the
entire skin care system and make-up
"The hardest or most time con-
suming part is deciding what color to
wear," she said.
Prices of the products ranged from
$34 for the basic skin care system, $6 for
eye and lip products, and $10 for foun-
dation make-up.
Merle Norman beauty :services,
however, do not" end with the face.
Manicures and sculptured nails
(acrylic or nail tips) are also available.
Manicures cost $35 a full set, and $2 for
nail designs.
Men also get make-overs. For those
interested, make-up for men is
available. "We sometimes have men
ask for make-overs," said Solvie.
"Male models often need stage make-
up too." A line of make-up is also
available for black skin, she added:
With a new face and a bottle of foun-
dation in my hand, I left, promising I
would return to Merle Norman when I
received my next paycheck. Secretly I
hoped someone frpm Vogue would disco-
ver me walking around the mall and
beg me to pose for their next "before
and after" ad.

on State Street provides a complete line of
up-to-date clothes. University students
can find the basics for comfortable
Spring outfits along with accessories.
Marti Walker carries everything from
earrings to socks. Popular items in-
clude tank tops, cotton sweaters, and
oversized shirts. The reasonable prices
allow customers to create complete
Papagallo-If you are looking for an
outfit that will go from classes to work
without a hitch, try Papagallo on Liber-
ty Street. Manager, Gray Bulterman
says, "Its not trendy, its clothes that go
anywhere." The emphasis here is on
updated classics, clothing from new
sources. This includes some Mickey
Mouse fashions and several floral print
pieces. Papagallo serves a cross sec-
tion of customers from high school

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A Michigras fashion show model shows off an Andrew Harvey shirt and skirt
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Enjoy 20% off all merchandise when you
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28 Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985


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