Israeli parliament
rejects Je
JERUSALEM (AP) - The Israeli
Parliament yesterday rejected a bill by
religious parties to change the legal
definition of who is a Jew, an issue that
has troubled the government for 35
The vote was 62-51 against the con-
troversial bill that has been opposed by
Reform and Conservative rabbis in the
United States.
IN ARGUING against the measure,
Prime Minister Shimon Peres said
"This law has aroused strong debate
among our people, and I warn against
dividing them."
"The state of Israel was established to
solve the problem of religious and
secular Jews, so they could all im-
migrate here," he said.
The propsal would have amended
Israel's Law of Return to give Isreal's
Orthodox rabbis the authority to
disqualify any immigrants to the
Jewish state who they believe were con-
verted improperly.
THE RABBIS would not have been
able to withdraw citizenship from im-
vish bill
migrants already in Israel. But it would
have had a symbolic effect on denying
recognition as Jews to thousands of
foreign Jews converted by non-
Orthodox rabbis.
The issue had threatened to cause a
rift between Israel, where Orthodox
rabbis control religious affairs, and
Jewish communities abroad where
Reform, Conservative and other non-
Orthodox movements predominate.
Reform and Conservative rabbis in
the United States and Canada took a
leading role in opposing the measure.
THE AMERICAN Jewish Congress in
New York issued a statement by
President Theodore Mann applauding
rejection of the bill. "It is gratifying
that the self-serving zeal of some ex-
tremist religious parties did not suc-
ceed in imposing criteria for religious
affiliation that would have shattered
confidence in the oneness of the Jewish
people within Israel and throughout the
Diaspora," Mann said.
The Michigan Daily --Thursday, January 17, 1985 - Page 3
Residents voice
opinions on
larger sidewalk
Ann Arbor business owners and
residents voiced their opinions last night
about proposed pedestrian im-
provements along Liberty St. and Four-
th Ave. at a public comments session in
City Hall.
The improvements, sponsored by the
Downtown Development Authority
(DDA), include increasing the size of
the sidewalks and loading zones on
Liberty St. and Fourth Ave. The DDA
also plans to plant trees along the
the loss of some curb-side parking, but
DDA officials say it shouldn't cause a
problem. They say that parking will be
available in the expanded loading zones
after restricted hours and parking
structures still have plenty of room.
Tenants of the East Liberty Plaza
wrote a letter to the DDA and voiced
their support for the improvements.
"We wish to voice our support for the
new project being planned for Liberty
St. We feel that in addition to adding to
the appearance of the area, this im-
provement will also be helpful to the
businesses located in the area," the let-
ter said.
Jim Frye, an Ann Arbor resident who.
works at the Ecology Center said, "I
support this plan. I think that people
who walk along these sidewalks are
going to enjoy it more" once the im-
provements ae made.
"I WISH you'd just leave everything
alone," said Glen Crawford a lawyer
who owns a building on the corner of
Huron and Fourth Streets. "As far as
trees, they have not been much of a
success," said Crawford "trucks would
just knock these trees apart."
"Our main concern is that the project
will cause congestion," said Milt Rock-
man, owner of Sam's clothing store, "I
think there is a healthy flow of traffic.
I've been here 14 years and never have
I heard anybody complain about the
size of the sidewalks."
The Liberty St. project is expected to
cost $342,000, while the Fourth Ave.
project is expected to be $200,000, said
Peter Pollack from Washtenaw
The projects could take about five
months to complete.
The plans should go before the city
council for a hearing on Jan. 28. The
council should act on the plan at its first
meeting in February.
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Donovan loses bid
for federal trial
(Continued from Page 1)
the case to federal court, Donovan had
insisted that his prosecution was tied to
his role as a federal officer. In addition,
he said the alleged crime involved
federal funds.
But MacMahon said the charges
against Donovan "in no way pertain to
his foficial duties; nor do his duties as
secretary of labor provide any ex-
planation or excuse for the crimes
Donovan had also claimed that Bronx
District Attorney Mario Merola, a
Democrat, was "hostile" towards him
and interfering with operations of the
federal government by prosecuting him.
He claimed Merola timed his indic-
tment so that it was made public two
weeks before the presidential election
in an attempt to influence the outcome.
MacMahon ruled that these conten-
tions were "immaterial" on deciding
where the trial should be held.
If convicted of the charge, Donovan
could be sentenced to up to seven years
in prison.
Associated Press
They'walked all right
United Auto Workers leave the General Motors Corvette Assembly Plant in
Bowling Green, Kentucky after union officials and management failed to
reach an agreement yesterday.
. m
AS a
(formerly Biscayne College)
a -
Women In Communications, Inc. will hold a wine and cheese social tonight
at 7 p.m. in the Pond Room of the Michigan Union. Women interested in pur-
suing careers in the communications field are invited to meet the club's of-
ficers and professionals from the Detroit area.
AAFC-The Tin Drum, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
MTF-Close Encounters of The Third Kind, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Michigan Theater.
CG-French Shorts, 8:10 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Alt. Act.-Le Bonheur, 7p.m., Angell Aud. B.
Union Cultural Prog.-Susanne Blaker, violin, 12:15 p.m., Pendleton
Room, Union.
Japanese Studies-Jeffrey Broadbent, "Citizen Participation in Japan,"
noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Industrial Tech. Institute/Center for Research in Integrated Manufac-
turing-James Albus, "An Overview of the Advanced Manufacturing
Research Facility at NBS-"Programs and Plans," 3:30 p.m., Rm. 165,
Chrysler Center.
Psychology, Physiology, Bio-Engineering-David McFarlane, "Spatial
Frequency Tuning of Orientation Selective Units in Humans," 12:15 p.m.,
Rm. 2055, Mental Health Research Institute.
School of Social Work-Abraham Dorn, "The Social Construction of the
Crisis in the Welfare State: The Israeli Case," 3 p.m., Rm. 2064, Frieze
Continuing Education for Women-James Coyne, "Women's Responses to
Occupationally Required Separation from Husbands," noon, 350 S. Thayer,
Computer Center-Forrest Hartman, "Structure and Use of MTS," 12:10
p.m., Rm. 1011,-NUBS.
Computer Center-Forrest Hartman, "Intro to Accounting
Management," 3:30 p.m., Rm. 165, Buss. Ad.
Center for Research of Social Org.-Bunyan Bryant, "The Organizational
Base for Black American Electoral Politics in Mass Movements," 12:10
p.m., Rm. 4051, LSA.
Biostats-Eugene Heyman, "Alternative Methods for Baseline Correc-
tions," 3:30 p.m., M4332, School of Public Health.
Chemistry-Jeffrey Holder, "Surface Topology Characterization Using
Fractal Geometry," 4 p.m., Rm. 1200, Chem. Bldg.
Museum of Anthropology-J. Hahn, "Recent Research on the Upper
Paleolithic of Central Europe," noon, Rm. 2009, Museums Bldg.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sci.-T. Gombosi, "Dusty Cometary Gas
Dynamics," 4 p.m., Rm. 2233, Space Research Bldg.
Rackham Grad School; Pharmacy; Warner-Lambert; Parke-
Davis-Jane Lovett, "Synthesis of Unusual Peptides Related to Leucine
Enkephalin," 4 p.m., Rm. 3554, CC Little Bldg.
Golden Key National Honor Society-general meeting and elections, 7
p.m., Welker Room, Union.
Psychiatry-Anxiety Disorders Support group, 7:30 p.m., 3rd fl. Conf.
Room, Children's Psych. Hospital.
Med. Ctr. Bible Study-12:30 p.m., Chapel, 8th floor, Main Hospital.
Baptist Student Union-Bible study, 7 p.m., Rm. D, Michigan League.
AGAPE Christian Fellowship-Bible study, 6:30 p.m., S. Quad Minority
Intervaristy Christian Fellowship-meeting, 7 p.m., Michigan League.
Rugby Club-meeting, 8 p.m., Coliseum.
Regents' Meeting-1 p.m., Regents' Room, Fleming Admin. Bldg.
Pugwash-Mass meeting for studentporganized SALT III Summit, 7 p.m.,
Pendleton Room, Union.
Intervaristy Christian Fellowship E Chapter-meeting, 7p.m., Stockwell.
Scottish Country Dancers-Beginners 7 p.m.,; intermeds 8 p.m., Forest
Hills Community Center.
Michigan League-International night, Australia, 5 p.m., Cafeteria,
'U' code
(Continued from Page 1)
conceded that "we did make some
mistakes," but said that "certainly
there'was no maliciousness of intent;
there was no pushing (the code)."
A major problem the council had,
Colburn said, was that it "misread the
mood of the campus." He explained
that the council viewed a comprehen-
sive code as "helpful to the campus."
WE STAYED with the notion that
what we were doing was timely, that it
was needed," he added.
Colburn said another major problem
published stores biased in favor
of the student position on the code.
"I don't think our side of the story is
coming out," he said. "You have to be
very wary about the handling of infor-
Eric Schnaufer, a student member of
the council, asked whether the old
council had considered "other solutions
to the same problems."
COLBURN said that the old council
interviewed people in the safety depar-
tment, the housing department, studen-
ts, and faculty, and concluded that a
code was the most effective way of
dealing with the safety problem on
He suggested that the new council not
go through the long process of inter-
viewing people from all the pertinent
"I see no reason to go through it again
because the problems are there,"
Colburn said.
Associate Law School Dean Susan
Eklund, a faculty representative on the
council, seemed to agree saying that all
of the drafts of the code are "working
Student members of the council have
suggested that the new council start
from scratch in writing a new code, but
the other five members of the panel ex-
pressed little interest in doing so.
COLBURN ALSO noted that the code
is "something that is easy to raise a
student banner over," and said the
Daily did not treat the administration's
position fairly.
Nordby suggested that the council
may have tackled too big a job when it
tried to incorporate all of the Univer-
sity's regulations into one.
The code was supposed to encompass
the University's hazing policy, sexual
harassment policy, free speech policy,
dorm leaseP regulation. and other
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