Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 17, 1985
Jury gives Sharonafirst victory
NEW YORK-A jury gave Israeli Gen. Ariel Sharon a par-
tial victory yesterday in his $50 million libel suit by ruling
that Time magazine defamed him in a paragraph about his
actions on the eve of a massacre of Palestinians.
The finding meant that the jury had decided in favor of
Sharon on the first of three issues, all of which must be
resolved in Sharon's favor for him to win his $50 million libel
THE JURY, which . met for 15 hours-minus meal
breaks-over three days, went back to the jury room im-
mediately to deliberate on the remaining issues of falsity and
The jurors found the Time paragraph defamatory because
it implied Sharon "consciously intended" Israel's Phalangist
allies to slaughter Palestinian civilians in Beirut in 1983.
The story over which Sharon sued said he reportedly
"discussed" revenge for the assassination of Lebanon's
Christian president-elect, Bashir Gemayel, with Phalangists
a day before the Christian militiamen massacred hundreds
of Palestinians in Israeli-occupied West Beirut.
TIME WAS forced to concede to the jury last week that it
made a mistake in reporting that a secret Israeli report was
the basis for its allegations. The magazine published a par-
tial retraction Monday.
Ray Cave, Time's managing editor, said, "Time continues
to believe, totally believes, its story is correct. The jury has
in no sense suggested yet that Mr. Sharon has been libeled. If
it does, Time will say whatever it has to say on that matter
and I can't imagine the jury's going to come to that con-
The jurors, having determined that Sharon was defamed,
must now decide first whether the article was false and then
rule if Time knew the story was false when it was published
and if the magazine did so with "actual malice" or "reckless
disregard" for the truth.
If they find in Sharon's favor on all three issues, a second
part of the trial with more witnesses and evidence will be
held to determine the damage to his reputation and how
much, if any, money he should be awarded.
A small smile cracked Sharon's face when the ruling was
announced. His beaming wife, Lili, turned to the reporters
across the aisle and winked. One of Sharon's ever-present
Israeli securtiy guards also turned and smiled at his boss.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
New taxes coming, Senator says
... gains partial victory
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Blanchard to veto no-
(Continued from Page 1)
Barbara Listing applauded the Senate
= action and said her group is optimistic
about the measure's ultimate success.
He also said the measure will not halt
abortions, but will drive poor women to
find some"cheap way to do it."
However, Northville Republican Sen.
Robert Geake said rapes rarely result
in pregnancy and said DeMaso's amen-
dment would provide a "gigantic
loophole for a woman who decides she
doesn't want to be bothered" by a
SEN. JACKIE Vaughn(D-Detroit)
called the measure "an attack upon the
poor, the downtrodden and the people
who need help."
Listing later said statistics available
to her group indicate that in other
states where funding cutoffs were adop-
ted, up to 35 percent of women who
might otherwise have the operation in-
stead give birth.
"There is absolutely no proof that
poor women are having illegal abor-
tions," she also said.
Bertler called Geake's comments "a
real denigration" of the issue. Bertler
also said if the state cuts off funding,
private groups may be able to provide
the service to some, but not all, poor
. WASHINGTON-The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee said
yesterday the Senate's deficit-cutting action this year probably will include
some disguised tax increases and a limitation on future boosts in Social
Securtiy benefits.
"Clearly, yes," some tax increases labeled as something else are likely,
the chairman, Sen. Robert Packwood, (R-Ore.) told reporters. He said he
has a "hunch" Congress will not let the 16-cent-a-pack federal cigarette tax
drop to 8 cents as it is scheduled to do next Oct. 1 under present law.
As for Social Security, "there is a pretty good chance" of limiting cost-of-
living increases in benefits, he said.
"But there will be no cuts from present levels of benefits," he emphasized.
"If you get $500 a month now, there is a guarantee you will get no less.
That's a promise.
But Rep. Edward Roybal, (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Committee on
Aging, began circulating a resolution opposing any freeze or delay in those
cost-of-living adustments. He said the aim is to send a message to the
Reagan administration "that the commitments made in last year's election
to protect Social Security cannot simply be abandoned after all the votes
have been counted."
Dissident Sikhs assassinate priest
NEW DELHI, India-Three suspected Sikh gunmen shot and wounded the
highest of the Sikh religion yesterday, hitting him with six bullets fired from
a speeding motorcycle, police said.
Two other priests also were wounded in the assassination attempt against
Kirpal Singh, spiritual leader of 15 million Sikhs, in the village of Naniani,
near Ludhiana, 155 miles northwest of New Delhi, police said.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack but police said
it as the work of militant Sikhs who have been fighting for an independent
state in the northern Indian state of Punjab.
The attack appeared to be a revival of bloody feuding within the Sikh
movement, divided between moderates who favor negotiations with the
government on autonomy in Punjab and the radical separatists. Analysts
said Kirpal Singh had not taken a stand.
Jamaican fuel prices stir protest
KINGSTON, Jamaica-Jamaicans protesting in increase in fuel prices
yesterday set up road blocks and shut down most of this Caribbean capital.
Leftist opponents of the government of Prime Minister Edward Seaga called
for him to resign and hold new elections.
The Jamaica Defense Force, police and members of Seaga's Labor Party
worked through the night to clear Kingston's main arteries of debris, bur-
ning tires and auto parts, but protesters following behind restored the
barriers, police said.
Police confirmed three fatal shootings and said six people were
hospitalized in the disturbances sparked by the announcement Monday of a
20 percent hike in fuel prices. The increase is the latest in a three-year series
of austerity measures instituted by Seaga's government.
"What is not happening is that there are no riots anywhere in Jamaica,"
Seaga told reporters. "There are demonstrations in Kingston, peaceful
assemblies in most cases," he said.
He said the protests would be allowed to continue "as long as they are
Kremnin acknowledges deserter
MOSCOW-For the first time since the Soviet Army invaded Afghanistan,
the Kremlin acknowledged yesterday that one of its soldiers had deserted.
But it said he chose to return to his homeland after finding only "sleazy
propaganda and dubious love" in the West.
In an account Tass carried on its Russian-language service yesterday,
Soviets were told of Nikolai Ryzkkov, the 20-year-old deserter from a
military construction unit. Tass said he was drugged, nearly starved and
visited by lovers of both sexes with CIA links in an attempt to get him to
make anti-Soviet statements. Tass said Ryzkkov was given a choice: slan-
der the Soviet Union in the West or be executed or sent to the Soviet Union
where, as a deserter, he was told no mercy would be shown.
"On Dec. 12, 1984, he came to the Soviet Embassy of his own free will and
asked for a possibility to return home. He no longer feared any punishment
at home," the Soviet news agency said.
Economic recovery overlooks
blacks, says report
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Avalanche of applications
signals stricter standards
(Continued from Page 1)
ersity. Reidel also said that "admissions
are more competitive. There is an in-
crease in the number of kids who want
to apply to 6, 7, or 8 schools." He said
that students are shooting a little higher
this year than last. Reidel said that
students need to approach the college
application process not as a "shopping
spree. It's an intellectual decision
making process," Reidel said.
MARTHA Graham, senior class prin-
cipal at Pioneer High School in Ann Ar-
bor, said, "I know we have more
students applying to colleges than last
year." However, Graham said, there
did not seem to be much more interest
in the University than in previous
years. She said students "want to go
where their friends are."~
Erickson said his office was not cut-
ting corners to process the abnormally
large number of applications. "We're
not giving any less attention," he said.
The number of applications read by
each of the 17 member staff varies
among the members. "Foreign ap-
plications are much more complex,"
said Erickson, "they take much more
time to evaluate." Erickson said he will
probably review 1,500 applications.
Erickson expects about 2,000 people
on the waiting list this year. "There's a
strong likelihood that not many people
will be taken from the waiting list this
year," he said.
WASHINGTON-The National Urban League said yesterday that racial
polarization is increasing as blacks are left out of the economic recovery, but
that there also is cause for black America to be more optimistic.
Releasing the league's annual report on blacks in this country, which as in
past years was sharply critical Of the Reagan administration, president
John Jacob said the status of blacks remains "grim."
Yet he said, "I want to stress the positive side of the picture," and pointed
to evidence of increased social concern and efforts by blacks themsleves to
deal with economic and social problems.
"The strongest message coming out of Black America in 1984 was that it
became increasingly aware of its own strengths and increasingly willing to
act independently to achieve what it considers its own best interests," Jacob
said in an overview of the report, "The State of Black America, 1985."
be £mibigan Batil
" Vol. XCV- No.88
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city ; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.
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