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April 03, 1985 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-03

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Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 3, 1985




Microsoft offers Macintosh
owners all the answers to all your
final tribulations. Everything you've
ever wanted. For less.
Word. File. Chart.
Mulfiplan* BASIC.
All at great student discounts.
Microsoft*Word doesn't limit you
to 10 or even 50 pages, so it's perfect
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your existing MacWrite7 files (so
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Microsoft File lets you organize any
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punctuates any statistic-filled report
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nance, Microsoft Multiplan is the
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So if you want to be a more
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max. Check-out Microsoft at your
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In Washington State, call (206)
828-8088 for more information.
Microsoft and Multiplan are registered trademarks and The High Performance Software
is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. MacWrite is a trademark and Macintosh is a trademark
licensed to Apple Computer, Inc.



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