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January 16, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-16

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 16, 1985

WASHINGTON (AP) - Security at
President Reagan's formal
inauguration on Monday wil Tbe the
tightest ever for a major public event in
the nation's capital, including
precautions against terrorist attack
from the air or the ground.
For starters, the 140,000 people ex-
pected to attend the noon swearing-in
ceremony at the West Front of the
Capitol will be required to pass through
metal detectors, even though it is an in-
vita tion-only crowd.
THE SAME applies to the 60,000
holders of $125 tickets for the inaugural
balls, presuming Reagan drops by all
eight of the black-tie parties for adults
as well as the one for young people.
Another first, as revealed last week
by The Los Angeles Times, is that
security officials have drawn up plans
to protect the Capitol ceremony from
air attack, probably with a sentry ar-
med with the shoulder-fired Stinger
The extraordinary precautions are
far more severe than in Reagan's first
inauguration, and capital veterans say
the security effort is the stiffest ever
seen in the city - and rivaled only by
the protection accorded the Summer
Olympics in Los Angeles and the two
national political conventions last year.
The reasons are obvious: Since his
first swearing-in, Reagan himself was
shot, hundreds of Americans around
the world have been kileld by terrorists,
and the Capitol was bombed for the
secnd time in a decade..

Associated ress
Advice columnist Ann Landers holds some of the thousands of letters that have flooded her Chicago office after she
asked readers if they would forgo "the act" in favor of just "cuddling.".
Landers loses wit sex experts

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
thernenko feared ill again
MOSCOW - Western diplomats said yesterday that the abrupt concellation
of a Warsaw Pact summit could be a sign that a high Kremlin official,
possibly President Konstantin Chernenko, is ill.
In Sofia, Bulgaria, where the mid-January summit of Soviet bloc nations
was to have taken place, foreign political experts speculated the session had
been postponed because the 73-year-old Chernenko was too ill to make his first
journey abroad since taking office in February 1984.
Chernenko, head of both the Soviet government and the Communist Par-
ty, has made no public appearances for nearly three weeks. He is known to
have respiratory problems, which can be aggravated by the kind of sub-
freezing weather that has prevailed in Moscow since late November.
Some Western observers in the Bulgarian capital also speculated that the
seven-nation Warsaw Pact may want more time to prepare a common
response to the U.S.-Soviet pledge made at Geneva last week to negotiate
controls on nuclear missiles and space-based weapons.
A diplomat in Moscow said that was improbab.
Questioned in Moscow about what prompted the cancellation, a Soviet
Foreign Ministry official said, "There is no specific reason... It was just
agreed among everyone to postpone it."
Bomb damages U.S. army base
BRUSSELS, Belgium-A car bomb exploded less than a mile from
NATO headquarters yesterday, shattering windows and wrecking the
facade of a U.S. Army social center, which officials said also housed offices
of a Pentagon security agency.
The concussion from the blast blew out all the windows on the facade of the
three-story building housing Army NATO Support Activities. The bomb
"damaged the entrance, some administrative offices, the snack bar and the
theater inside the building," Taylor said. He estimated damage at about
An extreme leftist group, the Cellules Communistes Combattantes
Fighting Communist Cells, which has said it was behind other recent bomb
attacks against NATO-related targets, claimed responsibility for the bom-
bing and called its target a "base."
The explosion was the eighth bomb attack in four months in Belgium for
which the Cellules Communistes Combattantes have claimed responsibility.
Earlier targets included the offices of Western defense contractors, a con-
servative party study center, the regional office of Belgian Prime Minister
Wilfried Martens' Christian Democratic party in Ghant and a NATO tran-
smission tower.
Volcker wants $50 billion in
cuts to lower interest rates
WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, giving a boost to
efforts by Senate Republicans to trim deficits, said a $50 billion reduction in
red ink next year with "follow-through" in the future would probably lead to
lower interest rates.
"If you're going to have a convincing program, you're going to have to
start in the area of $50 billion... with some follow-through," Volcker said.
Asked to specify how big a drop in interest rates would result from enac-
tment of a program, he said, "I'm not going to project a level on interest
rates. Lower than they would otherwise be."
The nation's central banker made his comments as Senate Republicans
continued their efforts to draft a plan to cut deficits from roughly $200 billion
to $100 billion or less over the next three years.
Citibank and Chase Manhattan Bank yesterday led a reduction in the
prime lending rate to 11 percent from 10 3/4 percent, the lowest in 16 mon-
ths. The lower rate was expected to spread throughout the industry.
State aids ice storm victims
LANSING-Gov. James Blanchard yesterday issued a state disaster
declaration making low-interest loans available to residents of 13 counties
where homes were damaged in recent ice storms.
The ice storm-described as the worst of its kind in five years-hit lower
Midhigan on New Year's Day, leaving more than 431,000 homes and
businesses without power and causing an estimated $50 million in damage.
"By issuing a declaration of disaster, funds that are normally reserved for
home improvements will now be made available to many of those
Loans will be provided for non-insured damage to owner-occupied struc-
tures through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
The loans will be available to residents of Allegan, Barry, Berrien,
Calhoun, Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lapeer,
Livingston, Oakland, and Van Buren counties.




(Continued from Page1)
THIS QUESTION, several sex exper-
ts said, presents an either-or situation
and does not establish any frequency.
"I seriously doubt that 72 percent of
all women would be happy without sex,
which is somehow what this con-
cludes," said Dr. Toni Grant, a
nationally syndicated radio
psychologist based in Los Angeles.
However, Grant added in a telephone
interview that she is not surprised by

Miss Lander's results, which indicate
the need "for closeness, tenderness and
touching is far greater than the need for
any explicit sexuality....There's less of
an urgency to female sexuality than
male sexuality."
OTHERS, however, said interpreting
the results could be harmful to sexual
It may "give men the permission to
say 'Why do I have to work so hard to

please her?" Westheimer said.
And Petersen said the findings are
misleading. "Indeed, women are in-
terested in sex and they have sexual
desires," he said.
He also criticized Landers, saying
that for years she has "separated love
and sex."
"I'm wondering if she's on the verge
of saying, 'Nice girls don't like sex.'
That's a throwback to the '50s," he said.
"I hope she's not talking in that way."


Three Floors of Almost

-I 1111 1I1IIIL

1st Floor

Insignia clothing and gift items "
cards e Calendars " Soft luggage
Office supplies * School supplies
Animals * Candy * Refrigerator
Cap & gown

" Paper "
" Stuffed
rentals *

m - I Ipmgm.qmI . I mI mImI.ImI I

. 1

2nd Floor
Computers * Calculators Telephones "
Art supplies " Drafting tables " Mechanical
drawing instruments " Lamps " Film " Photo
processing " Picture frames " Professional
texts " Professional reference manuals "
Computer books " Software " Medical sup-
plies o Lab coats

Retail sales
fall, govt.
(Continued from Page 1)
banks cut their prime interest rate a
quarter point to 10.5 percent and the
stock market continued on an upward
roll that started last week.
The prime rate is now at its lowest
level in 17 months and the stock market
the highest since November.
At the White House, presidential
spokesman Larry Speakes said: "The
economic record in industrial produc-
tion andrretail sales for 1984 is an in-
dication that continued economic
growth is in store for the coming year.
Coupled with declining interest rates,
this speaks well for the American
MICHAEL EVANS, president of the
Washington forecasting firm Evans
Economics, concurred with Wescott
that the December retail sales figure
was better than it might look at first
"This is more bullish than I thought we
were going to get," said Evans. "The
economy should move right along until
interest rates start going up again,
probably about the middle of the year."
Commerce Secretary Malcolm
Balrige noted that retail sales rose at
an annual rate of 10.5 percent during
the last three months of the year, but he
ackowledged that pace might not be
"CONTINUED growth in incomes in-
dicates another good year ahead for
retail business, but gains will be slower
than in 1984," said Balridge.
Noting that auto sales are a major
component of the overall retail sales
index tracked by the Commerce Depar-
tment, Evans pointed out that auto in-
dustry figures showed increased sales
in December, not a decline, and
suggested a reporting lag skewed the
Commerce figures.
"You have a 2.5 percent increase sin-
ce october not counting autos and that
is not a bad increase," said Evans.
ALSO possibly contributing to the
less-than-robust December figure was
the 2 percent spurt in November that
analysts attributed to early Christmas
buying. They cautioned at the time that
the early buying could cut into the
December figure.
Daling down for winter?
Keep warm in our good old-
fashinned rpd flannole

Brazil elects civilian leader
Brasilia, Brazil - Congressmen yesterday elected opposition candidate
Tancredo Neves as Brazil's first civilian president in 21 years, marking an
end to a military regime unable to cope with a huge foreign debt.
Congressmen voting in a 686-man electoral college gave the opposition
lawyer an absolute majority of 480 votes to 180 for businessman Paulp Maluf.
"It's the first time that Brazilian history is being written by the people and
not by the elites," said opposition leader Ulisses Guimaraes, who formally
proposed Neves.
The new government will face a world record foreign debt of $100 billion,
an annual inflation rate of more than 220 percent and pressure from lower
paid workers whose purchasing power has been cut in half in 20 years.


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Vol. XCV-No.87
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class -postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I

3rd Floor
Graduate course books " Undergraduate
course books * Travel books " Foreign lan-
guage books " Reference books * Classical
records " Backpacks


Editor in Chief...................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors .............. CHERYL BAACKE
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NEWS STAFF: Laura Bischoff, Dov Cohen, Stephanie
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Jackson. Vibeke Laroi, Carrie Levine, Jerry Markon,
Eric Mattson, Molly Melby, Tracey Miller, Kery Mur-
akami, Arona Pearlstein, Lisa Powers, Charles Sewell,
Stacey Shonk, Dan Swanson, Allison Zousmer.
Magazine Editor................JOSEPH KRAUS
Associate Magazine Editors .....PAULA DOHRING
Arts Editors.................FANNIE WEINSTEIN
Associate Arts Editors............ BYRON L. BULL

Sports Editor...................MIKE McGRAW
Associate Sports Editors ...........JEFF BERGIDA
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha. Andy Arvidson, Mark
Borowsky, Emily Bridghamn, Debbie deFrances, Joe
Devyak, Joe Ewing, Chris Gerbasi, Jim Gindin, Skip
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greco, Seth Grossman, Mary Ann Hogan, Mark Stobbs,
Dawn Willacker.


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